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Shirdi Sai Baba Experiences
Few more experiences are shared below.

Baba's Blessing On My Family
Anonymous Devotee from New Zealand says: I am devotee of Baba since 3 years. I already experience lots of Baba's Leela during this time in my life. I have promised Baba that I will share my experiences at your blog. I could not write all but only few I am going to share. Please do not show my name and email address. Thanks for sharing and please correct any mistakes. I am not good at English. Please share this experience because I promised to Baba and also always read your blog.

First experience:

In June 2011, I had driving test and my husband always said me that I could not pass because I am not driving well. Before one time, I got failed. I was very scared. Whenever I get problem, I read experiences on this site. You believe or not when I opened and read experiences, I read about lady passed driving test. I believe this was Baba's indication to me that definitely I will pass. I went to test. I did couple of mistakes and thought I won’t get my license. I have faith in Baba and continue with my test. After test, when instructor told I passed. I can't believe even-though I did mistakes. That is Baba’s Leela only.

Second experience:

In November 2011, we went to one of my friends birthday party and after coming home my husband realized he lost his bracelet which was very expensive. I was really shocked and prayed Baba that “mehanat ki kamai hai” (It was from my hard earned income). Baba, please we should found that. I rang restaurant lady and said please look it. She said that she could not find. I requested her to look around. Believe it or not, she found near chair and I told her my husband is already on the way. My husband could not believe when he got. This is all Baba's Leela only.

Third experience:

In November 2011, I was having Labor pain from long time. I was continuously chanting Baba’s name in my heart. I said loudly Baba how long I will get pain, please help me. With Baba's grace, within 5 minutes, I delivered baby. I could not believe because doctor said it will take another 30 minutes to deliver baby. See Baba doesn't want to give pain to our devotees and look after very well.

Thanks Baba. I have couple more experience, which I will share next time.

You are doing very wonderful job with sharing experience. Devotees like me, are really getting answers from other experience that how Baba helps His Bhakats.

Baba Helps With All Household Problems

Sai Brother Vinay Ji from USA says: Dear Hetal Ji, thank you so much for providing a wonderful blog to share all the experiences of Sai devotees. It is like reading a continuation of the original Shri Sai Satcharitra book. Please don't disclose my e-mail ID.

At our house, we had some problem with the main water pipe coming into our house. Water had been even gushing out into the yard, and we didn't have any water for our home. This was unusual as our house is not very old (7 years old), and didn't expect that something like this could happen. Finally, we called some repairman to fix the pipe and he said it would be about $450 to fix the pipe. We knew it needed to be fixed and told him to fix it. Even though it was a large expense, I knew we would get the money somehow for it. We prayed to Baba to help us find the money to repair the water pipe for our house.

A few days later, I got my paycheck and was surprised to find that I had an extra $450 in my paycheck. In the paycheck, it said that some tax was not deducted this pay period. But I knew that Baba had provided this extra money in the exact amount needed to help us fix the water pipe for our home. Baba is always listening to what we say and think. We should not worry that Baba won't understand, because He is our father and friend and will always be with us and hearing all of our joys and sorrows.

Shirdi Sai Baba Is Always Listening To Our Prayers

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I would like to thank the blog for providing such a good opportunity to share our experiences. This would make others read and know about SHIRDI SAI BABA and His powerful deeds towards His devotees. Please don’t show my name or my mail id, thank you.

This is one story to tell that SAI BABA listens to everything and fulfills them. I had to collect my original documents from a particular college, as I wanted to apply in other college. I wanted the transfer certificate of my previous college only. But they had told I have to talk to principle. Then I felt bad and prayed to SAI BABA God. I knew God is always with us. Then on the way to receive my documents, I saw SHIRDI SAI BABA Idol and got positive feelings and positive vibes. After that they gave me all the documents without any queries and problems and gave my transfer certificate of my previous college only. Trust SHIRDI SAI BABA, as God always is with us and listens to whatever we tell and blesses us. OM SHRI SHIRDI SAI BABA.

Submitted to SBOI-Group by Hetal Patil Rawat