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2006 Sports day
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day news from Prashanthi Nilayam. ..."

The Annual Sports and Cultural Meet of Sri Sathya Sai
Educational institutions is a much sought after event every year.
Devotees and parents of wards throng Prasanthi Nilayam days ahead of
this gala
festivity, as it is called in Prasanthi parlance – The Annual Sports and
Cultural Festival. To the many festivals that dot the Prasanthi
calendar, the sports and cultural festival has added significance since
it is performed by the students of Sri Sathya Sai Educational
Institutions of Prasanthi Nilayam, Brindavan and Anantapur Campuses
under the divine guidance of Revered Chancellor, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai
Baba. Like the bygone years, this year too, the event had all the
richness of quality, colour, exuberance, enthusiasm, valour, courage,
balance and skill.
Being the 25th year of the Institute’s
formation, the students and staff extended a warm welcome to everyone
present in the Hill View stadium. Bhagawan arrived in the stadium in a
sparkling yellow robe
8.00 a.m. “The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here”,
was the announcement made in the Public Address system. Truly, with
Bhagawan in our midst, there cannot be a happier moment. Crimson
caparisoned Sai Geeta, Bhagawan’s dear elephant led the procession
followed by the escort team comprising students in motor bikes entered
the stadium as the band troupe of the Anantapur campus played sonorous
notes. Midway through the stadium, the Prasanthi Nilayam campus brass
band stirred up a lively note when the contingent of Lion dancers
welcomed Bhagawan. Bhagawan was received in the dais by the wardens and
principals of the three campuses. At 8.10 a.m., Bhagawan lighted the
ceremonial lamp to mark the commencement of the proceedings. Then tiny
tots from the Primary school came to the dais to offer their obeisance
to Bhagawan.
The march past parade commenced with students from
Sri Sathya Sai Primary School in their regal
attire marching sprightly to the beats of the brass band of Prasanthi
Nilayam campus. They were followed by the girls section of Sri Sathya
Sai Primary School. It was then the turn of students from the Anantapur
campus of the Institute, followed by students from Sri Sathya Sai Junior
college, Anantapur. Marching contingents from Sri Sathya Sai Higher
Secondary School, Prasanthi Nilayam, Brindavan campus of the Institute,
Prasanthi Nilayam campus, Sri Sathya Sai Mirpuri College of Music and
Postgraduate students’ squad from
Nilayam campus of the Institute followed suit. Finally ringing up the
rear of the parade was the award winning squad from the Prasanthi
Nilayam and Brindavan campus of the Institute. A special squad of the
Institute brought the Institute flag to be hoisted by the Revered
Chancellor, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. The Institute captain then
read out the oath which was repeated by all the students. A part of it
is reproduced for the benefit of readers. “We, the children of Sai will
take part in the Sports Meet in true spirit of sportsmanship, respecting
and abiding by the rules which govern them for the glory of sport,
nation and our beloved Mother Sai.”
Bhagawan lighted the torch and released pigeons and
balloons to mark the happy occasion. A song which ran as follows was
played in the background: “Flame of truth, flame of joy, flame of peace
…” as students in pairs carried the torch to the mascot of this year’s
sports meet, Peacock which lit the sports meet urn at the Hanuman
Education is about building men of character. The
students of Sai are in the society, for the society, but not of the
society. With these words, an impressive display of items was presented
by the students of Prasanthi Nilayam. A revolving tower with the words,
Purity, Patience and Perseverance was displayed
in the background which formed the theme of their presentation. Huge
figures on stilts representing diverse sections of society added colour
to the occasion. A medley of dance and martial arts followed. The
Prasanthi Lions displayed their grit and determination with daredevilry
coupled with aesthetic flavour. Lion dance, which is famous in China and
the Far East was displayed with dexterity by the students. What takes
months to learn was mastered by these students in a few days. Dancing to
the lively beats, the Prasanthi Lions offered their obeisance to
Bhagawan. Then a breathtaking feat of pillar crossover, as it is called
in Chinese parlance was achieved with perfection.
Activity is the only passport to happiness. What
followed was symmetric movement on poles. The focus of attention then
shifted to two giant wheels each weighing two tonnes each. The
performing students saluted Bhagawan from atop the wheel. Feats like
hanging with their head downwards, headstand, Padmasana and Chakrasana
were performed from the giant wheels with adroitness. Bend the body,
mend the mind and end the senses. A scintillating display of acrobatics
like snooping nosedive, acrobatics on rings, on cartwheels and jumping
over fire was displayed by the students. Playing drums with ease and
exchanging drums without missing a beat was the next performance.
Huge flags were swayed in the background. When the
going gets tough, only the tough gets going .
Students climbed smooth slippery logs of wood and performed various
Asanas. Calling themselves Delta Force Warriors, these indomitable
warriors made rhythmic movements. The next performance was display of
Yogasanas with Siva Tandava dance in the background. A delightful mix of
items followed – shooting balloons in the air, balancing on moving
wheels, dunking of basketball in the basket with hurdles at every step
and forming pyramids was displayed in the performing area.
At the end of the performance, the staff of Prasanthi
Nilayam campus marched to the performing area carrying flags while
students carried beautiful portraits and sets used during the
performance. They converged to pay their heartfelt obeisance to Bhagawan.
The last programme of the morning session was
presented by the students of Anantapur campus of the Institute. The
theme of their presentation was Unity of Religions. “Religions are many
but goal is one. Clothes are many, but yarn is one. Jewels are many, but
gold is one. Cows are many, but milk is one. Beings are many, but breath
is one. Stars are many, but sky is one. Castes are many, but humanity is
one.” “Let us all move together, let us all grow together, Let us all
stay united and grow in intelligence together Let us live together with
friendship and harmony.” A lively performance of gymnastics followed.
Acrobats performing gymnastics on top of jeeps like Sarvangasana, lotus
formation, students perched on the sides of a pole performing chakrasana
while a student made a
flying fish appearance on the top of the pole, cartwheel, headstand,
Christmas tree formation, Dhanur Asana, revolving on stick, were some of
the feats performed with dexterity, skill and balance by the students of
Anantapur campus. Truly, the students should be having nerves of steel
and muscles of iron to perform these feats. Of course, their love for
Bhagawan and His grace of Bhagawan has made such stupendous feats
possible. The next item was flag march with flags of various hues. The
last item of their performance was a dance coupled with rhythmic
movements on hoops. Students strapped huge beautiful butterflies on
their bodies and performed an undulating dance. Unity leads to purity
and purity to divinity was their motto. All the students assembled to
pay their obeisance to Bhagawan. Thus, ended a memorable morning
In the evening, Bhagawan arrived in the stadium at
4.00 p.m. The Primary School students gave a unique welcome to Bhagawan.
As Bhagawan’s car was nearing the stage, a few students clinging one on
another walked ahead of the car giving an appearance of contortionists.
After Bhagawan reached the dais, tiny tots offered bouquets to Him. The
first item of their performance was a dance by primary school girls
welcoming Bhagawan with the song, “Prasanthi Vasa Swagatam, Puttaparthi
Pureesa Swagatam, Swagatam, Suswagatam.” Suddenly hordes of Vanara army
came out of shells and swarmed the performing area with
in their hands. They performed a lively dance and opened scrolls of
Bhagawan’s picture signifying they have Bhagawan in their heart of
hearts. The climax was the entry of Rama and Lakshmana amidst the Vanara
The students displayed wonderful show of skill and
balance through their gymnastic performance. Christening themselves Sai
Wheels, three students catching each other rolled on the ground giving
the appearance of a wheel. They also offered Pranams to Bhagawan by
admirably balancing one on another. There was a virtual riot of colours
when students in their yellow dress with lamps in front of them
performed a dance. Then the students performed a lively dance in their
dazzling silver and blue
dresses. A group of roller skaters performed heroic stunts on skates
like jumping one over the other, crossing obstacles on skates. Their
performance left the audience in amazement at their skill and
perfection. The Primary School students too like their seniors did
wonderful feats on the slippery poles. They made beautiful formations,
precariously balancing themselves on stomach on top of the pole,
balancing head downwards and sliding in the same direction. The feat of
balancing on the pole with legs and holding a flag won repeated plaudits
from the audience. The next item was a dance by tiny tots in their
sparkling yellow dress with large flowers strapped on their bodies.
The items kept coming one after another like a
cascade. Dexterous balancing on ropes was the next item. Hanging with
head downwards, Shavasana on ropes from a great height, somersaulting on
were some of the feats performed by the students. And what not, a human
hoop was formed and boys started jumping through the hoop. The last item
was a dance by Primary School girls dressed as angels and in dresses
representing clouds. Their breathtaking performance ended with final
formation of all the students offering obeisance to Bhagawan. A touching
song was played in the background: “We all have come to sing. We love
you dear Sai. Having found such loving God, we have only to rise and
As the Primary School students were leaving the
performing area, the students of Sri Sathya Sai Deenajanoddharana
Pathakam were getting ready with their performance. This particular
project was taken over by Bhagawan as He is the refuge of the forlorn.
Bhagawan has given them food, raiment and shelter and also deposited 1
lakh rupees for each boy. They are educated with the latest technology
including training in computers. Their performance was christened
Chadarang – a form of warfare where transformation is achieved without
elimination, the enemy is subdued without killing.
A war ensues between black soldiers on one hand whose
only goal is annihilation and are the symbol
of egoism and white soldiers. Discrimination is better than valour.
Forgive and forget is the watchword. At the end, the white king forgives
the black king and there is peace. A song “Love is God, love is life,
love is everything is played in the background. Then one of the inmates
of the Ashram narrates their deplorable condition before coming under
the loving care of Bhagawan. Bhagawan has taken them in His fold and has
given them food, raiment and shelter. He also gave instances how some
inmates were cured of Tuberculosis and Cancer completely. They are able
to read, write and sing Bhajans. To top it all, he said that an inmate
is even going to join B.Sc (Information Technology).
last group to perform for the day was from the Brindavan campus of the
Institute. Strength and valour, beauty and grace – these were the
hallmarks of their programme. The first item was Dragon dance. Tone the
body to realise the goal of life. The dragon’s pursuit of the pearl
symbolises the humanity’s untiring pursuit of perfection in life. The
dance requires team work, agility and strength of arms. Swirling the
dragon throughout the performing area, they performed the dance with
aplomb, winning time and again applause from the audience.
The next performance was a medley of different types
of martial arts like Kalaripaitu, Karate, Kettukadi (stick fight) and
fight with mace. Kalaripaitu is the martial art from the State of Kerala.
Efficient swordsmanship is the pinnacle of Kalaripaitu. The artiste
requires agility and strength for this martial art. According to legend
this martial art was brought by Parasurama to earth.
The martial art began with Pranams to God. The
students displayed various Katas in Karate gracefully. Karate helps in
eliminating weakness
indecisiveness in the mind. Then there was a display of stick fight,
Urmi fight with flashing steel and fight with mace. The main emphasis of
this performance was how the mind and body reacts in unison
instinctively to face the opponent. A wonderful display of blindfolded
wielding of Nunchaku followed. The agility of the performers was a sight
to watch. The key to success in martial arts is reading the mind of the
opponent was the announcement. The last item of their performance was
display of sheer human raw power. They jumped through rings, crossed
hurdles of a few boys, breaking pots with lethal power and consummate
ease and to crown it all smashing blazing tiles with hand. The
performance ended with the final formation and offer of obeisance to
Bhagawan by the Brindavan campus students. Arati was offered to Bhagawan
at 6.30 p.m. and then Bhagawan left for His abode from the Stadium.
Thus, ended a memorable, outstanding and remarkable
Sports and Cultural Meet in Prasanthi Nilayam.
Jai Sai Ram |