
Supernatural Acts Of God-Sai Baba
Experience of Dr. Baronowski
Dr. Frank Baronowski, a Professor in Arizona State University in America, is an
expert in this field. He not only photographs aura but is blessed with the rare
gift of being able to see the aura directly with his eyes.
In 1979, he came to India to make a study of aura of holy men in the country.
Inevitably, his travels brought him to Baba, who was then in Bangalore. At the
time Baronowski reached Whitefield, a course arranged by Baba for school
teachers was in progress. Baronowski heard about this and was naturally keen to
speak in the conference, sharing his numerous experiences.
The Professor's first glimpse of Sai Baba was during the early morning Darshan.
Baronowski was stunned by what he saw - Baba's aura was simply out of this
world. He saw it again and again - saw how this extra-ordinary aura enveloped
one and all, believers and non-believers alike, those who were directly looking
at Him and those whose attention was wandering. Later, Baronowski was given the
opportunity to speak during the conference proceedings, in the immediate
presence of Bhagavan Baba.
Here is an extract of what he saw in his own words:
I have always been able to see the human aura, that is, the energy pattern which
surrounds a person. The auras around average people extend as much as three to
five feet. Auras are composed of every imaginable colour and these colours
change as a person's emotional, physical and mental states change.
In general,
- the colour blue is evident in a person' s aura, it is an indication of deep
- green is a healing color;
- yellow indicates high intelligence; and
- red means anger or frustration.
- The colour pink, which is rarely seen, typifies a person capable of self-less
I have met over a hundred holy men in India. Too many of these holy men are
involved in their own personal egos. Their auras show mostly concern for
themselves and their institutions. So, the auras are only about 25 cm. broad or
perhaps 50 cm. I am not a devotee of Sai Baba. I have come here as a scientist,
to see this man Sai Baba.
I saw Him on Sunday, on the balcony giving Darshan to devotees below. The aura
that Baba projected was not that of a man. The white was more than twice the
size of any man's, the blue was practically limitless, and there were gold and
silver bands beyond even those, far beyond this building, right up to the
There is no scientific explanation for this phenomenon
A Extracted from