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Darshan update-
Eswaramma Day 6th May
Brindavan Ashram. Bangalore

issued - 4 Easwaramma & Sai Baba WallPapers
Also read :
Easwaramma divine mother:
Humble tribute
to the life of Easwaramma
6th May 2006 - Eswaramma Day : Sairam dear SBOI members of our
SAI family
today the 6th of may the day when our dear swamis revered mother left this
world ,is celebrated as ESWARAMMA day and we in Bangalore are fortunate to
be part of this celebrations at Brindavan in the divine presence of SWAMI.
the weather here is very hot......... the gates of the ashram are open at 6
am and my my the line of devotees is already huge.............. inside the
ashram we get into the token lines ,the ladies side we can see those who
have got in rush to get a good seat.......... at around 7am we are allowed
into Sai Ramesh hall. somehow SWAMI makes good arrangements for all his
devotees as I get a fairly good seat. while the hall is getting full very
.there are devotees from all parts of India and all around the globe.....
excitement is writ large on all the minds of those present .....
.When will Swami come?
will he give a discourse?
will he come down from the stage as he used to earlier?
these thoughts fill our minds.... sevadal are hurriedly arranging chairs
outside to make more room...
the stage pillars are decorated with beautiful flowers and pictures of
Swamis parents are kept on the stage on the left side in full standing pose
decorated with beautiful roses... the vibrations are terrific ..........all
are eagerly waiting for the programme to begin.
the time is 8 am and we hear the music of Nadaswaram [a kind of South Indian
music] playing followed by the stage lights coming on
......... chanting of OM>>>OM>>>>OM>>>>> begins followed by
invocation of lord GANESH ...........Gowrinandan Gajanana Girijanandana he
Nandana............ Swami has arrived behind the stage with the Naadaswaram
band still playing........... SWAMI enters the stage walking escorted by a
very tall student, till the railing ,stands for about a minute and sits down
on his sofa.......
the bhajans continue......... sung by Balvikas students since ESWARAMMA was
very fond of children today is also celebrated as balvikas day and we can
see all children dressed in their best white occupying the special front
places reserved especially for them today
all age groups boys are there mostly 4.....8 years boys...... meanwhile
Swami is engrossed in the bhajans tapping his hand on his thighs and
blessing us all in between.......... the hall is packed to the
brim............. lots of VIPs are also present on the stage....Swami enjoys
the bhajans and in between is briefed about the arrangements for the days
programme......... at around 9:15 am swami stands up and AARTI is
taken......... meanwhile the students bring huge containers of prasadam on
stage which is blessed by Swami and first given to those on stage by Swami
himself and then swami signals to distribute the LADDOO prasadam to all
present in the hall...after Aarti swami signals to come down and again there
is excitement in the hall SWAMI comes down in his chair on the right gents
side lift and goes through the front row only blessing the small children in
front....and goes out through the ladies side and blesses some devotees in
the portico outside the ladies side for about 10 minutes .... meanwhile
there is an announcement that today evening there will be a play by balvikas
students of Bangalore after the evening darshan and bhajans.... i manage to
get prasad and as i open it and take a piece i hope you too can feel the
taste of this divine prasadam ...
the atmosphere here is terrific and looking forward to the next
darshan............ there is an aura of celebrations engulfing all around
the ashram..and today we got an extended stay for darshan by
SWAMI.................... ..............SAIRAM
Eswaramma day evening: Swami came by 4.10 p.m after the twenty minute speech
by student Sanjay mahalingama, Bhagawan started his discourse at 4.40 p.m.
Swami concluded His discourse at 5.30 p.m. Bhagawan explained that how he
fulfilled His mothers desires like He built schools hospitals etc. In His
discourse Swami also touched the subject of new technology and how Indian
Government is encouraging the cell phone technology and how youth of today
are misusing their time and energy thru this medium or facility. After the
evening Aarthi there was a cultural programme at sai Krishna kalyana
mantapam the drama was 'BHAKTA SUDHAMA' the programme went on till 7.15 p.m
By -
© source - SBOI
7th May, Sai Baba darshan
update: "Sairam to all today its a Sunday and a holiday, here in
Whitefield-BANGALORE. we arrive for darshan of swami the time is 6 am the
gates are open and we enter the ashram. The festive look is still there
inside the ashram.There are small colourful triangle flags strung all along
the portico,...
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