Photos & report: Sri Sathya Sai Third World Youth Conference July 26-28, 2007
29th July:
CLOSING CEREMONY OF YOUTH CONFERENCE excerpts from Swami's discourse sent
by a devotee
Offering humble pranams at
the lotus feet of our most beloved Bhagwan,
Dear members of our Sai Family, the much awaited Sri Sathya Sai World
Youth Conference was inaugurated amidst cheers, prayers and tears (of joy)
in the immediate presence of our beloved Lord. At least 5000 delegates are
here for the youth conference flown to Puttaparthi from 86 different
countries. The whole youth took a procession in the
streets of Puttaparthi early morning chanting mantras, singing bhajans and
many of them had tears in their eyes, hearful smiles and the atmosphere
was just blissful.
while the streets of Puttaprthi were full with people
on either side of the road, eagerly looking at the youth, the blessed ones
were excited for the kind of response they were having from the co-devotes
this feeling itself says how hopeful are the elders on the youth. they are
the torch bearers of tomorrow's world. As Jawaharlal Nehru, the first
prime minister of India rightly "today's children are tomorrows citizens,
by becoming mere citizens is not a big thing, but to become true citizens,
beloved children of our Mother Sai is our ultimate goal. The
youth are so excited and thrilled for theopportunity they are having. they
are the chosen ones out of the millions all over the world .they have come
here after much hardship, they are completely immersed in the Ananda
Saagar(ocean of happiness) filling strength and courage to swim the
Samsara Sagara(ocean of life).
I was speaking to one sai sister from SA and she was saying, there is so
much change ever since she has become part of this Conference. She says,
all the worldly comforts, bad company, so called night life is just waste
of time and energy. With Swami its never too late. He gives ample amount
of time for us to change. Swami arrived for this morning darshan around
8am as two bands played music. The youth who were outside in the
procession got back to Kulwanth hall at 8:40 and in a few minutes
Swami emerged from the interview room with His most beautiful smile, like
a mother proud of her children looked at all the youth gathered.
As Swami got at the center of the dias, Dr.Goldstein, the International
president of Sri Sathya Sai Organisation, gave a fantastic talk
highlighting the importance of conducting this youth conference especially
during this time when the whole world is disturbed. Where peace is broken
into pieces. He was of the opinion that time has come for the youth to
carry forward the stupendous activities taken up by Sai Organisations all
over the world. He urged the youth to come forward to lend their helping
hand to uplift the world which in turn will uplift one's own
individual spiritual growth. After a 20 minute thought provoking talk Dr.
Goldstein after taking Swami's blessings, introduced another speaker from
UK, a very active member of the Sai Organisation in UK.
He also spoke on the importance of youth taking over the charge. He
shared some intimate moments with Swami and the way Swami changed his
life. After the talk, he went to Swami to take His blessings. Swami
lovingly patted him and He stretched His hand around the neck of the man,
as if to see if he has any chain around his neck. In the very next second,
Swami's hand made two circles and during the third circle came a
beautiful, gold chain and as all of us joined our hands, Swami slipped the
chain around his neck.It was 9:45 by then. On normal days, bhajans would
be finished. Dr.Goldstien and others were
seen discussing with Swami probably about the next programme. I was
thinking, what next Swami? Its inaugural function of Youth Conference, and
it would be so nice if you could speak or some time and there came Swami's
mike. Swami slowly rose from His throne...As
Prof.Anil got closer to Swami, Sweet nectarine voice, "Prema Swarupulara
emerged from our sweet Swami...Sathyambu nandunde Sarvambu Shristinche(the
whole universe is born out of Sathya (truth)
Sathyambu nanadanage Sarva Shristi(Every thing merges in Truth)
Sathya mahima leni stalamedi kanukonna sudda satva midiye choodarayya There is no place where there is no truth.. The world is truth. You are verily embodiment of truth.
Realise this truth and you will be happy. Man today has learnt a lot. he
is acquiring many degrees. He is also acquiring common sense which is the
size of a mighty mountain, but he is unable to give up discrimination. If
you don't give up discrimination, then all that you have is waste of time. Be alike to every one.Showing the hand kerchief, Swami
continued, This is a cloth. what was it before, thread, where from the
thread came from cotton. so it was cotton, then thread and now cloth. in
the same way you are not one.. you are three. The one others think you
are,the one you think you are and the one YOU REALLY ARE.realise this
truth and lead your life.Give up body attachment. Its the root cause for
all the disturbance. You are not the body. You say this is my head, my
mind, my leg, my hand.. every time my.. my..my.. when you say MY LEG. you
are saying the truth that you are not the leg. The name given to this body
is Sathya Sai Baba. I'm not Sathya Sai Baba, its a mere name given to this
body by parents. So don't identity your self with your body. Its like a
dress. So long as you are in this body you can claim this. When you leave
this body, its set fire on the pire. then what happens to you..Its just
your body which will be burnt and not you.U always say I.. I.. I.. Strike
a horizontal line to this I and it will become Cross (+). The I is gone..
Develop love for your fellow beings. Now a days man is running behind
Dabbu.. dabbu (money). what for is this money? How much money does one
need? Nothing will come with you after you leave this body..The easiest
thing which can be attained in this world is God. Just send your love to
Him and He will give what ever you need. People show no interest towards
God, rather run behind worldly comforts.It was 10:15 by then, almost 30
minutes since Swami was delivering HIs divine discourse. He
continued, Its getting late now. I don't want to continue further and give
you trouble ( there was a big NO from the audience). You all assemble here
at 4pm and I will tell you the easiest way to reach God, in a very simple
manner. So saying Swami sat on His throne and later Prof.Anil Kumar
took over the mike to make an announcement. He said, there is a Volley
Ball match between Sri Lanka and India this afternoon at 4pm. The evening
programme will continue as usual. Swami will go and come back after
blessing the players. As the prasadam was
distributed Arathi was given to Swami
As Swami promised to visit the Indoor stadium at 4pm all the roads
of Puttaparthi were jam packed with people on either side. All the
delegates of the conference reached the newly built Indoor stadium by 3pm.
There were very few devotees and volunteers in Kulwanth hall.
headed towards the indoor stadium around 4:15.It was 5pm and Swami was
still in the stadium. It was 5:30 and all were expecting Swami any moment.
The match
was going on in full swing, had a nail biting finish and at the
end India won the match. Just 10 minutes before Swami came out, I came out
to the street. Stood at my favourite spot, Late Sai Geetha's house. The
little elephant (many call her Sai Lakshmi, yet not sure if Swami
gave any name to her). (2 photos attached) Junior Sai
Geetha was playing
in the planetarium compound. The tiny tot, who is around 5 feet tall, like
a small child was running here and there, totally ignoring the
surroundings and happenings. As Swami's car
was about to come out from the stadium, Mr. Pedda Reddy, took Junior Sai
Geetha out side. It was an emotional moment for me as I always used to
stand by Sai Geetha
when every Swami came out for Darshans. This time, Sai Geetha(Jr), was
standing right next to me, as Mr. P edda Reddy was holding the rope around
her neck, I hold her left ear, it was a very different experience,
standing by an elephant, who again was just as tall as me. I was wondering
how she will respond to Swami when the car gets closer. Above all the
crowd, security was just uncontrollable. Swami's car got closer and
closer, Pedda Reddy took the Jr closer to the road. I was holding her ears
tight, the little soul,
was totally unaware of what was happening, Swami's
car got more closer and the driver almost stopped the car by her side and
Swami bend a bit forward looked at her with a beautiful smile and the Sai Geetha Jr, gave a thumping reply by raising her trunk,
and devotees watching this divine romance screamed
out of joy.. Later she was taken in and I continued my JOG WITH THE
DIVINE..Every time I run with Swami, He gives the same soothing look,
sweet smile and watching the crowds smile, throw flowers, call out for
Swami loudly, just made me cry from the bottom of my heart, thanked Swami
from the bottom of my heart for letting me see Him so close and for all
His love and affection He showers on we, devotees.
It was 6pm by then and after running with the car till the Ganesh Gate, I
went into the ashram to catch yet another glimpse of Him from Kulwanth
Hall. the hall was empty by then. There were only few sevadals. As I
curiously looked at Swami's car as where it will head to, the car slowly
drove towards Swami's residence. Probably the prayers of the players was
so intense that Swami had to extend His stay in the
stadium.... With prayers and thanks giving for a beautiful day, I left the
ashram hoping for a more fruitful day tomorrow.
Satish Naik from Parthi (Member