June 29 , 2007
- Today morning
came at 9.00 a.m. morning
Aarthi after the bhajans was
offered to Swami at 9.30 a.m. In the evening Bhagawan came at 3.45 p.m. Today Swami drove out to the boys hostel, after
His brief visit Swami drove to the Samadhi of
Sai Geeta. Swami came back to the Prasanthi
mandir after His drive outside the ashram complex but drove out
once again after the evening Bhajans.

June 28 , 2007
- After arriving early on His chair
in the afterenoon at
around 3.00 p.m. Swami went inside the interview room.
After spending a little while in the interview room,
He again came out in His chair and blessed the devotees with one more
darshan. Bhagawan looked radiant and smilingly showered
His grace on everyone. Actuality, Swami went in and out of the interview
room thrice, bestowing blissful experience to all with His extra wonderful
darshans . While taking darshan round on His chair Swami also took many letters from devotees
sitting in the rows. Swami also inspected the painting work
(Krishna Arjuna Gita scene) in progress at the rear end of the Bhajan
Hall. Also, prasadam was distributed to all today. The rain god showered
his grace rendering the evening darshan a pleasant touch.
Bhajans were as usual Swami accepted the evening aarthi
at 5.30. p.m.
June 27 , 2007
-Today morning
came at 9.10 a.m. morning
Aarthi after the bhajans was
offered to Swami at 9.40 a.m. In the evening Bhagawan came at 3.45 p.m. after His
darshan round on car Swami
(Prasanthi Bulletin)
Bhagawan came on a second verandah round in
His chair, and like yesterday, He went and
sat onstage for a few minutes. There, He Blessed a "Birthday boy", and
asked for sweet prasadam to be distributed to all before returning to the
interview room. at around 5.00 p.m. the evening Bhajans started,
after half hours melodious bhajan session Swami accepted the customary
evening Aarthi at 5.35. p.m. thus concluding today's darshan.
June 26 , 2007
- Today morning Swami didn't come for the morning
darshan. In the evening at 3.45 p.m. Swami came on His mobile chair from
His residence instead of His regular car, bestowing His
grace on one and all and also spent sometime on the stage. Swami called in three diffrent 'groups' for interview today
evening, in the last batch He also called Dr. Michael Goldstein for a
personal interview. Bhajans
started at 5.00 p.m. Swami accepted the evening aarthi
at 5.30. p.m. -
(Prasanthi Bulletin)The
last two days have been joyful for the devotees, Swami having gone around
the entire Sai Kulwant Hall several times in His chair. Yesterday,
Swami came at 9.30 in the morning and retired at 10 after Arati. In the
evening, He came in the chair at 4.30 pm and had a full darshan round for fifteen minutes. After spending
a little while in the interview room, He again came out in the chair for a
second round. This evening also, He gave the car the go-by for evening
darshan. The rear
section of the Bhajan Hall with the Krishna Arjuna Gita scene is being
re-painted, Swami went up to it to inspect the work in progress. After a
minute or two in the interview room, He again came out in the chair, took
a slow round of the verandah and entering the Bhajan hall through the rear
door, went up the aisle and back to the interview room
June 25 , 2007
-Today morning
came at 9.35 a.m. morning
Aarthi after the bhajans was
offered to Swami at 10.00 a.m. Swami retired back to His abode at 10.10 a.m.
Also, today morning the Andhra Pradesh youth convention commenced at Grama
Seva shed at around 10.30 a.m. State president Mr. Anjanya Garu addressed
the gathering assembled there. In the evening after the darshan round Swami alig
hted from His car and took a small
round on the verandah. Bhajans were as usual Swami accepted the evening aarthi
at 5.30. p.m.
June 24 , 2007
- Morning darshan at 8.45 was made more special
by Bhagawan's arrival in His chair instead of the car. In the evening, the
students of the Sai University presented dances from Punjab - a Bhangra
extravaganza with plenty of colour, rhythm and enthusiasm. After the half
hour programme, Bhagawan spent another half hour till the five o'clock
bhajans interacting with the students and their dance-teachers, and
Blessed one of the latter with a chain.
June 22 , 2007
- Today morning
came at 8.30 a.m. Swami took a darshan round
on His car & went directly to the interview room after sometime Swami came
out, walking with the assistance
of 2 boys
accompanying Baba. Swami walked to the Bhjan mandir
and sat on the chair listening to the morning Bhajans. In the evening Swami came at 4.00 p.m. like morning in the
evening too Swami walked to the Bhajan mandir from the interview room. After
coming back from Bhajan mandir, Swami walked towards the mandir portico &
sat on His chair placed at verandah. Yesterday
June 21 , 2007
- Swami came both in the
morning & evening: 9.05 a.m. - Aarthi 9.30 a.m. & 3.50 p.m. - Aarthi 5.30
June 20 , 2007
Photos: Deenajanodhaarana Patakam Students Programme
- Today's morning darshan was bit late
came at 9.05 a.m. Swami took a darshan round
on His car. After the bhajans
Swami accepted the morning aarthi
at 9.45. In the evening Bhagawan came at 3.45 p.m. after His
darshan round on car Swami went inside the interview room, at around
4.30 p.m. Swami came out to watch the evening program:
"Foundation Day Celebrations"
Deenajanodhaarana Patakam
Students Programme : The Deena Janodharana Pathakam or
the welfare programme for destitute mothers and children marks its
anniversary on this day, and the boys of the Pathakam were ready with a
presentation in front of Bhagawan in Sai Kulwant Hall. The children
dressed in costumes were waiting in the Bhajan Hall when Swami came for
darshan. After an hour, Swami asked for their programme to commence and
came onstage at 4.40 pm. The multilingual presentation consisted of short
speeches, a dance, and a presentation by "poets" ancient and modern, with
a humourous touch. Bhagawan granted them group photos after their
presentation, and then gifted each one with clothes. He then came into the
Bhajan Hall for a short Bhajan session, during which He personally handed
over to their mentor the stitching charges for the clothes given to the
June 19 , 2007
- Today morning
came at 8.20 a.m. and took a darshan round
on His car. Bhajans were as
usual Swami accepted the morning aarthi
at 9.30.
Bhagawan has been occasionally granting darshan
in His mobile chair.
Fortunately, today evening at 3.45 p.m. Swami came on His mobile chair from
His residence instead of His regular car, bestowing pure
ananda (bliss) to all present. The Union Home
Minister had come with his family for an audience with Swami, and after
darshan they were called in for an interview. Bhagawan went into the
Bhajan Hall just before 4.45 pm, and started the Bhajans early. Over the
last few days, Swami has been going around often in His chair around the
verandah and down the aisle in the Bhajan Hall and occasionally among the
devotees too.
June 18 , 2007
Beautiful Darshans
" Its been a fantastic 10 days or so
that Swami is giving very nice darshans reminding those days when He was
walking.. Almost every day, especially in the evenings Swami first comes
in the car and after a 30 minute gap He comes in wheel chair, with a
beautiful smile, more loving and is not missing to take any letters...."
June 18 , 2007
- Today morning
came at 8.10 a.m. and took a darshan round
on His car. Bhajans were as
usual Swami accepted the morning aarthi
at 9.30. p.m. In the evening Bhagawan came at 3.50 p.m. after His
darshan round on car Swami went inside the interview room, at around
4.30 p.m. Swami came out of the interview room on His
Mobile chair He went around in the chair for yet another round of
Sai Kulwant Hall, stopping and speaking to devotees. Bhajans
started at 5.00 p.m. Swami accepted the evening aarthi
at 5.30. p.m.
June 17 , 2007
- Today morning
came at 8.50 a.m. after His darshan round
on car Swami went inside the interview room and remained
their til 9.50 a.m. after coming out Swami entered the Bhajan mandir, at 10.00 a.m. Swami received the customary morning
aarthi. In the evening Bhagawan Baba
came at 4.00 p.m. for His darshan
round. Also, today evening at 4.30 p.m. the college boys performed a
play for Baba. Bhajans were as usual Swami accepted the evening aarthi
at 5.30. p.m. Sairam & wish you all a blissful weekend full of Joy. -
Prasanthi Bulletin:
The students were ready with a presentation at
Sai Kulwant Hall this evening - "Kavi Sammelan" or congregation of poets.
Students from various parts of India dressed in traditional costumes were
presenting poems on Bhagawan in their respective mother-tongues. The
students in costume were waiting in the Bhajan Hall for Swami to arrive.
Bhagawan came to the Bhajan Hall after darshan and enquired about the
poets, the languages they were presenting and so on. He asked for chairs
to be placed for the "Kavi"s and asked them to take their places. Prof
Anil Kumar was asked to make the introductory remarks and the program got
underway at 4.15 pm.
The students presented the poems well, and Bhagawan was pleased with their
performance. He called up one of them, who had presented a poem in Tamil,
and Blessed him with a ring. After the programme, Swami asked to Bhajans
to commence in the Sai Kulwant Hall and mango prasadam was distributed to
all as Swami granted group photos to the programme participants.
June 16 , 2007
- Today morning Swami did not come for darshan. Whenever Swami do not come out to give
His morning darshan His evening darshan is "quested for", one longs to see
His divine form. Swami fulfilled the longing desire of His devotees by
coming out at 3.00 p.m. and bestowing blissful evening
darshan to all. Bhajans were as usual Swami accepted the evening aarthi
at 5.30. p.m.
June 15 , 2007
- Today morning
came at 8.30 a.m. bhajans
were as usual at 9.00 a.m. & Aarati
to Bhagawan
was offered at 9.30 am.
In the evening Bhagawan
came at 3.30 p.m. Swami took a darshan
round in His car and went inside the interview room. Bhajans were as usual, Arati was offered to Swami
at 5.30 p.m.
June 14 , 2007
- Today morning
came at 8.05 a.m. Swami took a darshan
round in His car. The
bhajans were as usual at 9.00 a.m. & Aarati to Bhagawan
was offered at 9.30 am. In the evening Bhagawan
came at 3.50 p.m. Swami took a darshan
round in His car and went inside the interview room, at around 4.15 p.m.
Swami came out on His chair and granted an extra darshan before the
evening Bhajans. Bhajans were as usual Arati was offered to Swami
at 5.30 p.m.
June 13 , 2007
- Today morning
came at 8.50 a.m. after His darshan
round. Swami called in
Indulal Shah and his family
for an interview, Swami was inside the interview room til 9.50 a.m.
Swami received the customary morning aarthi at 9.55 a.m.
Bhagawan has been occasionally granting darshan
in His chair instead of coming in His car, and today in the evening , He
came from His residence without the car. Everybody enjoyed a clear darshan
of Swami without the car windows blocking the view of our beloved Sai. Bhagawan sat in the Bhajan Hall as usual for the
Bhajans and returned to His residence after Aarathi.
June 12 , 2007
- Today morning
came at 8.30 a.m. after His darshan round
of Kulwant hall. Swami called in the
Governor of Andhra Pradesh Rameshwar Thakur for a personal interview.
After the morning bhajan session Swami received aarthi at 9.30 a.m.
This evening, once again, Bhagawan came for darshan in the
chair instead of the car. As He moved slowly around the Sai Kulwant Hall,
many devotees had the opportunity to speak to Him
and give their letters. The Governor of Andhra Pradesh came for an
audience with Bhagawan, and arrived at the Mandir while Swami was giving
darshan. Later, Bhagawan made a round
of the verandah before the Bhajans, sat in the Bhajan Hall as usual for
the Bhajans and returned to His residence after Aarati.
June 11 , 2007
- Today morning Swami did not come for darshan. It was 4.45 p.m.
when Bhagawan
came for evening darshan. On
His darshan round Swami accepted number of letters
from devotees sitting in the darshan rows. Bhajans were as usual
Arati was offered at 5.30 pm and Bhagawan returned to His residence, Yajur Mandir.
June 10 , 2007
- On this auspicious Sunday morning
came at 8.00 a.m. Swami took a full darshan round
of Kulwant hall. After
alighting from His car Swami went
inside the interview room. The morning bhajan session
commenced at 9.00 a.m. At 9.30 a.m. Swami received aarthi thus concluding
today's morning darshan. In the evening boys from Music college presented
a vocal musical programme for Swami, the one hour music
program began right after Swami's evening darshan round.
Starting with "Sri Mahaganapathim Bhajeham", they sang Carnatic classical
and semi-classical songs for an hour till 4.40 pm. Bhagawan then proceeded
to the interview room and Bhajans were as usual at five o'clock at the
Bhajan Hall.
June 9 , 2007
- In the morning
came at 9.10 a.m. after His usual darshan
round Swami went directly
inside the bhajan hall after the morning bhajan session Swami received
aarthi at 9.30 a.m. The afternoon/evening darshan today
was far more than usual or expected since after taking His usual darshan
round Swami came back again in His car and took a second round of darshan.
Devotees were more than happy to enjoy their Lord's second darshan. But Swami had
another surprise for His devotees after the second car darshan,
Swami took a third round of darshan and this time on His mobile chair.
Everyone had a hearty and wondrous darshan of Swami's beautiful form;
provided abundant spiritual
nourishment & joy thru His amazing darshan this evening. The evening
bhajan ended at 5.30 p.m. followed by aarthi to
Summer Showers In
Puttaparthi June-07

June 8 , 2007
- Our dear lord Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
entered the Kulwant hall at 9.00 a.m. and After a
'round' of darshan Swami's car drove out. At 9.20 a.m. Bhagawan's car came back & entered in the hall thru Gopuram
gate. After the Bhajans Swami received aarthi at 9.30 a.m. In the evening Bhagawan came out for darshan at 4.00 p.m. Swami went inside the interview room
& after 25 minutes Swami came out from the interview room and asked
for His chair to be taken towards the boys side after making the boys
joyous with His close up darshan. Swami turned towards the ladies side bestowing wonderful darshan towards
the ladies darshan rows also. After
the benevolent darshan on His chair Swami went inside the Bhajan mandir after
enjoying the bhajans Swami asked for the Arati at 5.30 after receiving
aarthi Swami left for His abode thus concluding the
auspicious evening darshan. - Also read :
June 7 , 2007 , Thursday
- The Prasanthi Nilayam campus (pic
left) of the Sai University wore a festive air
with buntings and floral decorations - Bhagawan was coming to address the staff and
students on the first Thursday of the Academic year after a gap of more
than 20 years. The Rain-god also did not want to miss out, and showered
Parthi with bountiful rain from early in the morning. Bhagawan arrived at the College auditorium at
8.50 am. The college students and the higher secondary school boys had
been singing bhajans there from 8.15. Swami was welcomed onstage with the
traditional Poornakumbham and Vedam while the song "Deva Namo Deva" filled
the air.
The Vice-Chancellor Sri.
A. V. Gokak welcomed Bhagawan and introduced the speaker of the morning,
Sri Rangarajan of the School of Business Management, Accounting and
Finance. After his short speech where he elaborated on the Sai
University's unique fortune, the VC prayed for Bhagawan's Divine Discourse. Bhagawan began His Divine Message at 9.15 am on
the theme of Educare. He noted that Educare deals with the eternal values
of Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Non-violence, while worldly
education is associated with the six ev
il traits Desire, Anger, Greed,
Infatuation, Pride and Jealousy. He exorted the students never to forget
the knowledge of the Self while excelling in worldly pursuits. Bhagawan stood and spoke for nearly an hour, and
then continued after sitting down. He recollected how Sai Geeta had
come to Him as a 10-day old baby and how He had fed her
with His own hands. The bond of Love between the Lord and His elephant, "Vatsalya" as Swami said, touched everyone. Bhagawan concluded by sa
ying that she would be reborn soon and would come to Him again.
All the students sang the song "Madhura Mohana" after which Swami asked
for the Arati. Laddoo prasadam was distributed as Swami left for Yajur Mandir at 10.30.
(Wallpaper Download: Sai Gita reminiscence[Sai Baba's pet
elephant- Sai Geetha])
In the evening, after darshan in the car at 4.10, Swami came into the Bhajan Hall at 4.45. After
Blesssing some of the Music College students who were to join the faculty
as trainees, He started tossing laddoos brought as prasadam to several of
the students and teachers near Him. Not content with that, He asked for
His chair to be taken down the aisle, and tossed laddoos to several ladies
on the way. Coming out of the Bhajan Hall via the rear door, He continued
down the verandah and took a round of the students, coming back to the
Bhajan Hall just after Bhajans began at five o'clock.
June 6 , 2007
- Swami has been gracious to come for darshan in mobile chair. Yesterday evening, today morning and today evening Swami came from Yajur Mandiram in chair and everyone had Wonderful
Darshan. Even Though Bhagawan did not take a full round in the Kulwant hall. everyone had Wonderful Darshan. Swami also went near all the Students and took
letters from most of them and Blessed all the Birthday Boys. Swami also blessed all the New Boys also...
Tomorrow the 7th ,Thursday is a great day for everyone in the Prasanthi
Nilayam Campus of the
Institute as Swami is visiting the Prasanthi Nilayam College campus tomorrow. Swami announced this after the Bhajans were over
today, Swami is visiting the Campus at 8.00 A.M, This has
lead to great Excitement among all the boys and the staff, Swami
also permitted the Higher secondary school
boys to come to the college tomorrow. Decoration work is in full swing in
the campus For Swami's Visit. A GREAT DAY AHEAD TOMORROW FOR THE
June 4 , 2007
- Today morning also Swami did not come for darshan. In
the evening Bhagawan came out at 3.45 p.m. Swami took a full darshan
round of Kulwant hall in His car. Swami also received few
letters from the darshan rows. At around 4.15 p.m. seasonal mangoes were
distributed in Sai Kulwant hall. At 4.55 p.m. Swami came out of the interview and went around
the verandah in His chair, blessing & giving padanamaskar to devotees
sitting there. Swami again went inside the interview room this
time He also called in few students inside the interview room. The evening
Bhajans started as usual at 5.00 p.m. at around 5.15 Swami came out of the interview room and went
inside the Bhajan hall after listening to few bhajans, Swami signaled for the
aarthi. Thus concluding the bhajans & evening darshan.
June 3 , 2007
- Today morning Swami did not come for darshan. In
the evening Bhagawan came out at 4.30 p.m. Swami amply compensated for
His 'absence' (morning darshan) by sitting outside on the veranda thus bestowing extended
& blissful darshan to all. The college boys performed a skit
for Swami "The Power Of namasmarana" followed by bhajan, Swami
accepted the evening aarthi at 5.45. p.m.
June 2 , 2007
- In the morning
came out of His abode at 8.10 a.m. The morning
Bhajans started at 9.00 a.m. aarthi was offered to Bhagawan at 9.30 a.m. In the evening Bhagawan came out at 3.45 p.m. Swami in His
car didn't took the full round of Kulwant hall after passing the
ladies darshan rows Swami's car took the right turn towards the mandir
After alighting from His parked car near
the interview room Swami went directly inside His room. After a small
waiting period Swami came out of the interview room.
Bhagawan sitting on His mobile chair (Throne)
took a darshan round from the boys side and then towards the Gents side &
from there Swami went to the ladies side thus making all devotees present
inside the Kulwant hall extremely happy with
His open (i.e. without car) & close up darshan today.
After listening to the evening Bhajans Swami received the
aarthi at 5.35 p.m. and retired back to
Yajur Mandir. -
June 1 , 2007 -
Today morning Swami came at 8.00 a.m. At around 8.10 a.m.
Bhagawan drove outside to the Sai
Geetha's samadhi i.e. her burial place.
After His arrival there Swami supervised the ongoing Narayana Seva
activity at Sai Geetha's Samadhi
( pic right). Swami came back to
Prasanthi Nilayam at 9 a.m. for the morning Bhajans.
At 9.35 Swami received the
customary morning aarthi. In the evening
came at 4. 10 p.m.
took a full darshan round of Kulwant hall & after His
darshan round Swami went inside the
interview room. After some time Swami came back again on the
verandah also mangoes were distributed
this evening on Bhagawan's
direction. Evening aarthi was offered to Bhagawan at 5.30 after the evening bhajans.
2 Heart June issue: selected articles.
Courtesy radiosai:
Glimpses of
Kodaikanal 2007
Prashanthi Diary
[May 18th
To May 22nd 07]
He is my swami part - II
My Sai -
The Source, Sweetness and Sustenance of My life
The bliss of His
Sathya Sai School in Toronto
Thursday, May 31 , 2007
-The last few days have been calm at Prasanthi Nilayam, with
darshan and bhajan following a quiet pattern. This morning,
Swami sat for about
five minutes on the verandah after His darshan round in the car at eight
o'clock, while one of the senior devotees showed Him an album / brochure.
Last evening, Bhagawan went around the verandah
in His chair, Blessing the people on the way.
Over the last weekend, Swami had asked the senior students in the Music
College and the Bhajan group to do some
repairs and maintenance work on the musical instruments at the Music
College (see pic - right) before t
he new students arrived on the 1st of June, and He went
to the Music College to check out their work. The other day, mangoes were
distributed to all just before evening bhajans. The students come to the
end of their summer vacation and begin their classes tomorrow.
May 30 , 2007
Swami did not come for the morning
darshan. In the evening Swami came at appx. 4.00 p.m. Swami
took a darshan round & recived few letters on His way up to the veranda.
After alighting from His car Swami remained on the veranda for
quite sometime giving an extensive darshan & blessings.
May 29 , 2007
- In the morning Swami came at 7.45 a.m. Bhagawan took a full round of Kulwant hall,, Swami
also took some letters from the fortunate
devotees. After the darshan round
Swami's car pulled up near interview room where Swami
got down. This morning Dr. Gita Reddy Garu & family Chavan were
called in for interview by Swami . In the evening Swami came at 4. 00 p.m. Swami
called in few boys students inside the interview
room also Mr. Vinay & his wife were called in for a personal
interview ( Mr. Vinay, the chosen instrument for the
Ati Rudra Maha Yajna arrangements who led the dynamic team of Sai Youth
Karnataka. click on pic - right )
After listening to the evening Bhajans Swami received the
aarthi at 5.35 p.m. and retired back to
Yajur Mandir.
May 28 , 2007
- Swami did not come for the morning
darshan. In the evening Swami came at the time of evening
bhajans after listening to the evening Bhajans Swami received the
aarthi at 5.35 p.m. and retired back to Yajur Mandir.
May 26 , 2007
Sai Geetha's burial Photos: click to see all the pictures:
Sai Geetha's burial & last rights
Today morning Swami came at 8.00 a.m.
took a full
round of Kulwant hall in His car. Anticipate, that gents darshan rows were
very glad to have Swami's car pass by them since Swami has skipped the
gents side quite a few times this month. Swami also accepted few letters
from the devotees. The morning Bhajans started at the usual time i.e.
9.a.m. Swami received the aarthi at 9.30 a.m. In the evening Bhagawan
arrived at 3.45 p.m. on His car for darshan. Swami's car drove slowly thru the Sai
Kulwant hall, blessing devotees with His mild yet powerful spiritual
glance. After the darshan round Sri Sathya Sai Baba came out
of His car near the mandir
veranda and went directly to the interview room. After listening to the
evening Bhajans Swami received the
aarthi at 5.35 p.m. and retired back to Yajur Mandir.
May 25 , 2007
- Today Swami came while the initiating Ganesha Bhajan
commenced (9.02 a.m.) after the Bhajans Swami was given the
customary aarthi. In the evening Bhagawan
arrived at 4
p.m. on His car for
darshan. Swami received few
letters from t
he devotees after His round Swami went inside
the interview room. After the
evening Bhajan Swami received the aarthi and retired back to
His abode, Yajur Mandir. A detailed official report of Buddha poornima
is online now also over 30 more pictures of Buddha poornima have been released.
Click here to read the report and enjoy 30 new
May 24 , 2007
Swami did not come for the morning
darshan. In the evening Swami came on His mobile chair at 4.15
p.m. after passing the ladies side Swami went directly towards the
vernada and went inside the interview room. At around 4.40
p.m. Swami came out on the veranda again
but only for few
minutes and went back inside the mandir. The Bhajans started at 5. 00p.m.
at 5.30 Swami was offered Aarthi. Here In
Puttaparthi the name of Sai Geeta is on every ones lips.
Sai Geetha an
elephant belongin
g to the
animal kingdom was a perfect example for us humans. People always talk of
great devotees who have been with Swami for a long time. But there is one
devotee who enjoyed the Lord's proximity for more than four decades!
It was SAI GEETHA click to read : excerpt from Swami's discourse on the
The elephant
symbol . -
Read: Latest Prasanthi Bulletin: 20th May - 24th May at SBOI
group URL
May 23 ,
2007Also read
Eye witness account of:SAI GEETHA'S "FUNERAl"
May 23 , 2007
- Today evening Swami came for darshan at
4.50 p.m. after the Bhajans Swami was offered Aarthi, Swami retired back
to His abode at 5.40 p.m. Morning:
Swami visited Sai Geetha today
morning at approximately 7.00 a.m. Swami was with her for quite some time.
Swami again visited her at around 11.15 a.m. Also, Swami created Vibhuti and rubbed it on her trunk, Swami was
rather 'emotional' today, one could clearly witness tears of love in
Swami's eyes. Swami called her name twice Geetha... Geetha... . Bhagawan spent nearly 15 minutes with His beloved
pet Elephant Sai Geetha.
It seems her Samadhi would be at her usual place i.e. h
er newly constructed home . Yesterday night a
pit was dug
under her new home. ( Pic right) A crane lifted the body of Sai Geetha
placing her into the pit at around 11.50 a.m. Swami also sent Sai Geetha's
ornaments, the ornaments were placed beside her body inside the pit.
After garlanding his favourite companion for many years the caretaker
and Mahout Pedda Reddy Garu ( Pic left) also rubbed the sacred & holy powders of turmeric, kum kum
& sindoor. He also put lots of different fruits into the
pit. The last rights of Sai Geetha continued until 12.20 p.m. We'll
all miss her... Also read: "Sai Gita, her destiny is to be a human
May 22, 2007
- Swami's beloved pet Sai Geetha merged at His lotus feet at around 6
pm (local time) on 22nd May, 2007 read all the details, click
here. Swami didn't come for morning
darshan in the evening Swami came at 4.50 p.m. after Swami's
the choir gave a superb performance
giving joy to everyone. At 5.20 The Buddhist Gomadika (Yajna) commenced
after the Yajna( 6.00p.m.) Aarthi was offered to Swami thus concluding
-Buddha poornima celebrations
at Prasanthi Nilayam.

May 21, 2007
- Buddha Poornima
Photos ( 21st May) Today morning Swami came at 9.00 a.m. the
celebration of Buddha poornima
startedwith procession
of Japanese drummers & Bal Vikas children from Hong Kong from
Swami's abode,
with simultaneous dance by Japanese youth. The Buddhist
monks chanted the sacred slokas in the presence of
Swami. Swami inaugurated the Buddha poornima celebration by lighting the lamp The bhajans (by host
countries etc.) started at 9.45 a.m. Swami was
offered aarthi at 10.20 a.m. Abhishekam of
Lord Buddha was also performed today. In the evening
Swami came at 4.10 p.m.
The main
evening cultural program was performed by Japanese bal Vikas children
& Youth group. The p
erforming Balvikas children were very happy to get a
photo opportunity with Swami. The Bhajans started at 5.45 & at 6. p.m Swami was offered Aarthi . The Buddha Poornima program continues
morning. Hong Kong ladies Choir may
perform in the divine presence. In the evening there may be a Symposium on
Swami's three Mahavakyas: Sathyam, Ekam, Premam ( Truth, Unity & love)
& talks by Buddhist scholars & distinguished speakers. detailed report &
Also read: Swami's concern for others
- Swami has returned to Prasanthi Nilayam
from Kodaikanal this year. He usually returns to
May 19, 2007
- Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba did not
come for morning darshan.
In the evening Bhagawan came at 5.00 p.m. which is the
usual auspicating time for the evening Bhajans here at Prasanthi
Nilayam<. After the bhajans aarthi was offered to Swami at 5.45
p.m. thus concluding todays much
awaited darshan. The Buddha poornima festival
arrangements are in full swing here at Prasanthi Nilayam. Many
devotees=-1> from Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Sri Lanka &
many Buddhist countries, also Indian devotees with Buddhist roots come
here to celebrate Buddha
poornima in the divine presence of the living Buddha -
Our Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
Festivities here at Prasanthi
Nilayam begins on 21st may 07 & the program is concluded on the following morning. (tentative)
May 18, 2007
'back' to Puttaparthi - Bhagawan's
plane landed at Sri Sathya Sai Airport - Puttaparthi at appx. 3.30 p.m.
Swami was welcomed by citizens of Puttaparthi & Ashram residents with loving cheers &
flowers. Devotees lined on the both side of the main
road waived at Swami's car, the crowd of devotees could be seen from the
airport gate to the Prasanthi Nilayam's Ganesha gate.
Swami's car drove thru many colorful decorated rangoli
on the road made with love by devotees. At 4.00 p.m. Swami's car arrived inside the Prasanthi Mandir amid the sacred sounds of Veda
chantings by
the students & welcome Swagatam song. Swami took
Aarthi at 4.05 p.m. After that Swami went inside the Interview room only
after 5 minutes Swami was back on the centre veranda of Kulwant hall, after giving 10 more minutes of
divine darshan Swami went back to His abode -Yajur Mandir. The evening Bhajans started at 5.00
p.m. All eyes were fixed at the entrance door of Yajur mandir perhaps with
a question 'will Swami come again & bless us with
His divine darshan once more? May be He will stay inside? PLEASE SWAMI
COME' Swami the divine mother so
compassionate listened to everyone's silent prayer.
Suddenly the seva dal on duty near Swami's gate got more attentive and
with their eyes fixed towards Swami's entrance door! That surely is an
indication that Swami is on His way... consequently
everyone craned their neck to catch the glimpse of orange robe. What a
wonderful sight of Bhagawan looking beautiful and radiant!
Swami came on His Mobile Chair without the car so everyone
could really enjoy His darshan without any glass windows of car
obstructing their view of His divine form. Swami went
straight to the Bhajan mandir and enjoyed few bhajnas
after the evening Bhajans Swami was offered the customary Aarthi at 5.30
after the Aarthi ceremony Swami went back to His abode thus concluding
today's' "welcome back to
Puttaparthi" Darshan. Click here to read more details THE 'RETURN' OF THE LORD
with Photos
May 18, 2007 Morning
- Kodaikanal - Today morning Bhagawan left (Sai Sruthi - His summer
residence) Kodaikanal at 7.50 a.m. According to the information
received Swami will be stopping over in Palani for breakfast. Palani is, the timeless centre of Murugan
devotion click on the link to read more about The Legend or Sthala Purana
of Palani. The next stop over of Swami is going to be Coimbatore
that is in the afternoon, Swami is expected to have
His lunch here. The Flight Dep. time from here is 2.15 p.m. the flight
time is approximately 1 hour from here, accordingly arrival in Puttaparthi is expected to be
at 3.15 p.m. .
May 17,
2007 - Today's morning darshan was quite an event for the devotees
at Sai
Sruthi. Swami
came at 8.30 a.m. & after the regular darshan round
Swami called the
boys (students) and lovingly
asked them
to serve "breakfast prasadam" to every devotee present
for the
morning darshan. The boys served the Sweet rice &
the yellow rice (tamrind rice) also sweets were served to the fortunate
devotees. Swami accepted the Aarthi at 9.40 a.m. thus concluding todays
morning darshan. In the evening Bhagawan came at 4.30 p.m. after the
darshan/ bhajans Swami was offered Aarthi at 5.00 p.m. Many in Puttaparthi are anitcipating Swami's arrival tommorow 18th May
May 16,
2007 - The latest (tentative)
information regarding Swami's travel is that Bhagawan may travel back to
puttaparthy on the 18th May 2007 via Coimbatore
since there may be an inauguration ceremony of
a temple/guest house/hospital at Coimbatore .
After the inauguration ceremony Bhagawan may fly from Coimbatore
at 2.15 p.m. and reach Puttaparthi at 3.30 p.m.
May 15,
2007 - One of the main attraction of Kodaikanal pilgrimage
is that one can enjoy the close up darshan of Bhagawan; today
morning was a 'wish come true'
day for many devotees from far &
near since they were blessed with
Avatars close up darshan. Swami also accepted few letters from devotees. Today Bhagawan came at 9.30 a.m. in the
morning, Aarthi was offered to Swami at 10.20 am. In
Evening (darshan)
Bhagawan came at appx. 5.00.p.m. also in the evening Swami accepted many
letters, the evening Aarathi after the Bhajans was
offered at 5.30 p.m. - SBOI
May 13, 2007 - Both yesterday & today Swami drove out for a sight seeing trip of Hill top area of
Kodaikanal with students and few others. The morning
Darshan lasted only 20 minutes between 9.10 a.m. - 9.30 a.m. ( Aarthi). In
the evening Swami came at 5.10
Aarthi to Swami was offered after the bhajans at 5.40 p.m. Also read an email sent to us by Sairajsai Brooklyn,
New York "Credit Card Miracle-Sai Never Fails His
May 10 -11, 2007
- From last two days Swami has been giving darshan from
balcony of Sai Sruthi as a
result no close up darshans! Yesterday morning Swami came at 9.30 and
accepted the customary aarthi at 10. 00 a.m. In the evening Swami came at
4.30 p.m. Evening Aarthi to Swami was offered after the bhajans at 5.20
p.m. A Sai devotee Shriraam Krishnamurthy has sent us a MP3 of All India
Radio News Broadcast " President Kalam is heard spreading
Swamy's message in the Euro parliament on his recent
visit, which was received with thunderous applause. The message can be
heard by forwarding at 5:55 minutes on the counter of the mp3 file. click here to
listen or download
right click & save
May 9, 2007 - Today morning
Bhagawan came out at 9.a.m Swami gave His darshan to devotees from Sai
Sruthi's main Balcony only. In the evening Bhagawan came at 5.00 p.m Swami
went through balcony directly to the Bhajan hall. The evening aarthi was
offered to Bhagavan at around 5.20 p.m in the hall. According to the
latest “Kodaikanal buzz” the new date of Swami’s travel to Whitefield may
be 16th May 2007. Also do not miss to read detailed report of Easwaramma Day & see more
Pictures of Swami inside the hall & Narayana seva. .. "Bhagawan
most graciously granted His Divine Discourse. He began by saying that one
without control of mind is no man at all. He then materialized a gold
necklace with a pendent of Goddess Lakshmi, which He gave to a lady
devotee from Canada...." Read more
Below are some new Pics
posted by SBOI-Group member V.Srinivasan of Swami from Madurai
where Swami directed Sri Srinivasan Chettiar to put the
Saligramam garland in the neck of the wonderful idol of Shirdi sai,
installed in Ananda Nilayam, Madurai.
May 7, 2007 -
morning Darshan was more like an "afternoon" Darshan since Swami came out
at 11.15 a.m. after 15 minutes of Darshan
Bhagawan received the aarthi. In the evening Swami came
out 5.00 p.m.
May 6, 2007 - Today is
Easwaramma Day; the auspicious program of today’s morning started at 8.00
and lasted until 11.am. Huge crowd around 17 thousand people from local
and faraway places had gathered for Swami’s Darshan. No invitations were
sent to anyone! But Love for Sai Baba & nearness to the Avatar’s
physical form is persuasive, perhaps an eternal desire of humans. Many
devotees were up quite early anticipating a close up darshan of Swami also
Bhagawan didn’t disappoint anyone! Actually, Swami
remained out in the open for quite long thereby
fulfilling the desire of His devotees for an extensive Darshan. Apart from
the customary Bhajans the main attractions of today’s program was Narayana
seva supervised directly by Bhagawan Himself. A vast gathering of
appx. 5 thousand people
(Narayana’s) were served with delicious food fulfilling their Heart, Soul
& body. Bhagwan was present at this service for more than 1 hour. Only
after the Narayana seva Swami took the morning Aarthi.
In the evening
Swami came out at 4 .00 p.m. The Kodaikanal Balvikas children auspicated
the evening program, after that Prof. Anil Kumar gave a brilliant speech.
The best moment of Easwaramma Day was when Swami decided to bless us with
a divine discourse. Swami delivered an inspiring discourse which lasted
nearly 45 minutes. The evening program ended with offering of Aarthi to
In Puttaparthi also the Easwaramma Day was
celebrated with Narayana seva & special Bhajan assembly. Around
700-800 people were given food at the Divine mother Easwaramma’s
Samadhi site.

Photos: Easwaramma Day celebrations at
the Sai International Center, New
May 5, 2007 - Today Morning the
Bhajans at Sai Sruthi started at 8.45 a.m. after an half hour i.e.
9.15 a.m. Swami came out looking magnificent, after giving a brief darshan
and collecting letters Swami received the Aarthi at appx 9.45 a.m. In the
evening Swami came at 4.30p.m. - Aarthi 5.p.m.
May 4, 2007 - Swami came out to bless us with His darshan at 9.30 a.m. After an hour of divine darshan Swami was
offered Aarthi at 10.20 a.m. Today also Swami took many letters from the
devotees from
darshan lines. The evening Darshan lasted only half
hour i.e. 5.00 - 5.30 p.m.
Yesterday Swami drove out for a sight seeing trip with the boys at a place called
Pillar Rocks situated 7 km from Kodai - Pillar Rock is three granite formations over 120 m high,
stand shoulder to shoulder, providing a beautiful view. It has a mini
garden with lovely flowers. The Pillar rock is full of caves and chasms, a
delight for the adventure seeker. There are over 100 dolmens
and other megalithic
remains that has been discovered in the Palani hills, all datable to around the 2nd century AD. (Click on the pic right to enlarge)
It seems that Easwaramma Day (Divine
Mother) will be
solemnized at Kodai itself. There
are indications of a huge Narayana seva (The act of providing food to the poor & the
needy) & Swami is going to
personally attend this Narayana seva on
Easwaramma - day i.e. 6th May
May 3 , 2007 - Lucky devotees at Sai Sruthi were
blessed with Swami's Darshan at 8.30 a.m. Not only Swami gave His darshan
but also collected many letters from devotees. Morning Aarthi was offered
to Swami at 9.15 a.m. In the evening Swami came out to bless us with His darshan at
4.00 p.m. A Sai student who had recently finished his Ph d. gave a
beautiful speech in the presence of Avatar, the speech lasted for almost
15 minutes. The evening Aarthi was offered to Bhagavan at appx 5.00
p.m. -
address in Kodaikanal:
Kodaikanal -
SBOI - Kodaikanal travel Info- Resource - Archive
Bhagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Sai Sruthi
Lake Road
Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu,
604101 - INDIA
May 2, 2007 - Today Morning Bhagawan came out at
08.00 a.m. Swami took few letters from the devotees on the eve of
Baisakhi Poornima. At 9.00 a.m. Swami
accepted the Aarthi. In the evening Swami came out at 4.30. p.m. Mr Popat of UK and three Sai
students delivered dedicated speeches in the divine presence. The
customary Aarthi to Bhagawan was offered at 5.45 p.m thus concluding this
auspicious day. There are "rumours" that Swami may come back to Puttaparthi in the second
week of May.
May 1, 2007 - Today morning
Bhagawan did not come for darshan, though many devotees waited to see His
divine form until 11.00 a.m. In the evening Swami came out at 3.20. p.m.
Also, two speakers delivered spritual talks followed by Bhajan, at 4.45
p.m. Bhagawan took Aarathi.
Photos, Darshan, etc.
Our thanks to : SBOI Group - sairadio.org - sssbpt.org. -
puttparthilive.com & all devotees
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