More Photos of
Easwaramma Day Celebrations at Brindavan 2006

Darshan update- 11th May Brindavan Ashram. Bangalore.
" the darshan hall was packed
with devotees since today Begum Praveen Sultana a famous singer of India came to
get blessings from Swami and also presented a treat of Hindustani music
programme in the presence of Lord Shri Sathya Sai Baba..."
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Easwaramma Day is one of the most
important festivals celebrated in Bhagawan's presence every year. It
commemorates the day when the mother of Bhagawan's physical body
attained final merger with the Divine at the end of a glorious earthly
career as the mother of the Divine Universal Mother - Sai. This year
Easwaramma Day was celebrated at Brindavan in a grand manner amidst
programmes by the Bal Vikas children.”On the morning of 6th May,
Bhagawan arrived in Sai Ramesh Krishan Hall as the Bal Vikas children
were singing bhajans. Swami was seated on the dais listening to the
bhajans for close to an hour at the end of which He accepted Arati.
Then, Bhagawan proceeded to inaugurate the Narayana Seva (feeding of
poor people) that was arranged next to the Sai Krishan Kalyana
Mantapam and blessed the hundreds who had gathered there to receive
the Prasadam and clothes.
The afternoon session commenced at 4.05
p.m. with bhajans by the students of Bhagawan's educational
institutions. Bhagawan then blessed Sri Sanjay Mahalingam, a Research
Scholar in the Department of Management, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of
Higher Learning, Prasanthi Nilayam to address the gathering. He began
by quoting a few stanzas from 'Guru Ashtakam' composed by Adi Shankara
that speaks of the ephemeral nature of the material world and the
utter futility of not having one's mind fixed on the lotus feet of
one's spiritual master. For, without this, one can never achieve
lasting peace and bliss that one aspires for. Sri Mahalingam then
quoted from one of Bhagawan's Guru Poornima discourses where He
assured that having reached the lotus feet of the Guru, all one has to
do is to remain silent and to keep at bay such tendencies that take
one away from His lotus feet, and He will look after all their
spiritual and material needs. Elaborating on the meaning of silence,
he said that it is only when one is established in the Self that one
can be truly silent. He further said that what takes one away from the
Guru is the frustration arising from unfulfilled desires, and
therefore it is of paramount importance to keep one's desires in
After the inspiring talk by Sri
Mahalingam, Bhagawan graciously rose up to deliver His Divine
Discourse. He began with a Telugu poem that expresses the fact that
all that one brings with oneself when one enters the world is a
garland, not of flowers or precious gems, but of the consequences of
one's deeds of previous lives. Hence, one should always discriminate
as to what is good and what is bad and make use of the senses in the
right way. Only if the senses are utilized in a sacred manner can one
be called a human. Cultivating Sathya (Truth) and Prema (Love) alone
can aid in the elevation of the human consciousness. Bhagawan then
mentioned that it was Mother Easwaramma's three small wishes that have
now taken the shape of the magnificent super-speciality hospitals, the
mammoth water supply projects and a university that have conferred
immense benefits on millions. Then Swami said that it is the duty of
every child to make his/her mother happy. Swami concluded His
discourse with the Bhajan "Hari Bhajan Bina Sukh Shanti Nahin …"
Later that evening, the Bal Vikas
children of Bangalore presented a drama entitled, “Bhaktha Sudama”
which depicted Sakhya Bhakthi (the form of devotion where one adores
the Lord as one’s dearest friend). Sudama was Krishna’s fellow student
at their Guru Sandipani’s ashram. On one occasion, Sudama greedily
partook a portion of food meant for Krishna while the latter was
asleep. After the completion of their studies, the close friends go
their separate ways, Krishna to ascend the throne of Dwaraka and
Sudama to the life of a Vedic scholar. As a result of the sacrilege
committed by Sudama in giving in to his greed, his life was one filled
with poverty, with the children often having to go hungry. Sudama’s
wife persuades him to approach his old friend Krishna to help him out
of their miserable condition, but he is loathe to misuse his
friendship with Krishna for mere material gains. Finally, when their
situation becomes dire, he decides to pay a visit to Krishna. He has
nothing to offer Krishna except a handful of beaten rice. When he
meets Krishna, He welcomes him with great affection. Lost in the love
showered by Krishna, Sudama forgets the purpose of his visit and does
not mention his woes to Krishna. He remembers this only after he takes
leave of Krishna to return home. But, when he returns, he finds to his
astonishment that where his small hovel once stood, there was a
magnificent mansion where his wife and children were residing in great
luxury attired in the finest of clothes. It is only then that he
understands the boundless love and affection of the Lord who, unasked,
fulfils the needs of those who are devoted to Him.
At the
end of the play, Bhagawan blessed the participants with photographs
and accepted Arati before retiring to His Trayee Brindavan residence.
Jai Sai Ram!

Brindavan Ashram, TRAYEE session 3rd -6th May 2006:
Up close & personal
with Sai "...We then had the Trayee session. As
Swami came in, He commented about the low pitch in which some songs had been
sung. Swami then asked Mr. Sanjay Sahni to speak...."
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