ill-informed people jump to conclusions that as the treatment given is
totally free (the patient is not asked money for anything even for food),
the treatment in this Hospital must be substandard. The fact is though
that the Hospital is counted among the best in Bangalore, the “Silicon
Valley” of India and it has many firsts to its credit as far as patient
care and medical infrastructure is concerned. Baba often says, “Since it
is free, it should be the best.” And best it is, no doubt, equipped with
the most modern medical equipment available in the field of Cardiology and
Neuro Sciences. Just to give a few instances -
The Stealth Neuro
Navigation System (for image guided surgery), the latest
technology in precision neuro surgery which borrows its concept
from the Global Positioning System technology used to map
geographical dimensions using satellites, arrived at the Hospital
just a few months after its inauguration and is being used by the
Neuro Surgery team of the Hospital.
Many would not know that the Hospital is the
first in Asia and second in the world to have such a sophisticated
facility. This facility makes the surgery safe, especially in
cases where the tumour is close to the speech or other critical
areas of the brain. “This makes the procedure less invasive and
the skull won’t be cut beyond what is required,” says, Dr. A S
Hegde, the Head of Neuro Surgery Department of the Hospital.
Similarly, the
Neuro-interventional catheterization lab (or in short Neuro Cath
Lab), with its biplane feature, allows for imaging in two planes
simultaneously and ensures that the contrast dose to the patient
is kept to a minimum. Only a few select Hospitals in India have
- Coming to Radiology, the
1.5 Tesla GE Signa Horizon Lxi MRI system used for MRI scans is at the
forefront of medical imaging technology and is one of the few
available in India. This helps in efficient diagnosis and faster cure
as it is a crucial aid in diagnostic radiology and allows high
resolution images with a shorter exam time.
The GE Signa 1.5 tesla machine: One
of the few in India
Volume Zoom Multidetector
Multislice CAT scanner
- Again, the CT scanner
which is a Volume Zoom Multidetector Multislice CAT scanner represents
a new generation in Computerized Tomography (CT) technology and is the
first such installation in South India. Its amazing speed and
resolution allow for highly accurate imaging, particularly of vascular
structures, and the cardiology department has performed some very high
quality CT angiograms (visualization of blood vessels). Likewise, the
dual-headed SPECT Gamma camera present in the Hospital is the latest
technology in the field of Nuclear Medicine, which is equipped to
detect functional abnormalities in heart and in the brain
Moving on to the Laboratory, the
Biochemistry department has a Beckman Coulter cx9 ALX clinical
system which can perform the tasks of 7 to 8 testing machines
and can analyze 900 bio-chemical tests per hour! This speed
enables doctors can diagnose the patients better and quicker.
Similarly, the blood bank of the
Hospital operates a Blood Componenting system which separates
the various components of blood like plasma, platelets and red
cells under sterile conditions and then stores them at specific
temperatures for use during operations - a practice performed
only in premier Hospitals.
Beckman Coulter cx9 ALX - 900 lab
tests per hour!
Only those components that are of
therapeutic value to the patient are transfused. As a result of
this the blood bank makes optimum utilization of the blood
donated. For example, in the period of 10 months (Jan-Oct 2003)
the blood bank collected 3,141 units of blood but they were able
to prepare many more components, namely 4,714. One will be
surprised to know that this blood bank receives 98% of its stock
through donations which perhaps happens in no other hospital in
Bangalore, or maybe even in India.
Ably assisting
all this sophisticated equipments is a robust IT (Information
Technology) system and network.
With a 1 Gbps fiber optic cable which networks the entire
Hospital and the ancillary buildings, the network has the
potential to enable doctors to access the vital signs of the
patients even from the their home. There are close to 10 servers
and 80 client computers connected to the network.
Hospital Management Information System, MEDICOM, comprising of
over 60 modules, not only enables easy patient tracking,
fast access of the patient information, from anywhere in the
Hospital, but also enables some of the medical equipment to
‘talk’ with the computers thereby allowing the doctors to order
tests, see results, etc. online.
In fact, comparing the IT
deployment in the Hospital with other hospitals in Bangalore, the
Times of India, India’s largest English daily, said,
"Times of India" praises
IT Deployment
“According to an independent healthcare consultant firm, 75% of the
tech deployment in the city’s healthcare sector is focused on
administrative activities, including billing and patient management.
There is no emphasis on customer relationship and systems
integration…the study found the highest tech deployment in
Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences.” There are
good reasons for this assessment by the consulting firm and here are
a few highlights of how the Hospital has effectively embraced IT in
delivering better patient care.
conventional procedure where CT and MRI images are printed on
films, in this Hospital all the scanned images are
electronically transmitted to the doctor’s desktop PC
immediately upon completion of the scan by the Radiology
department. Not only does this help in speedy and effective
diagnosis, it also reduces consumption of films by 90%, which is
a huge saving!
On the same lines, all the blood
samples are bar-coded and fed directly into the electronic
analysers in the lab. On successful
completion of the ordered tests, the analysers feed the results
directly into the patient management software which displays the
results directly to the requesting doctor/nurse without any
human intervention, and more importantly, without any loss of
time which is so important.
Similarly, a lot can be said
about the indigenously developed sophisticated stores management system
which enables all the sub-stores to maintain a very lean inventory and
also place their indents to the main store electronically; or, the
intuitive software interface designed specially for the doctors which
mimic the usual pre-printed forms which doctors are accustomed to; or,
the speedy electronic collation of all the information relevant for the
discharge summary of the patient and hence a quick discharge report; or
even the reliable and effective patient wait-list management (uniquely
this Hospital has a waiting list for surgeries because of the enormous
number of people it receives everyday).
Dr. Nandita Ghosal, In-Charge of
Blood Bank, says, “The laboratory has become “paperless” as the
results of patient blood profiles and a host of other tests
directly go into the patient information system from the
automated coulter cell counter and other machines and the
information is available for all the doctors to see in any
computer all over the Hospital.”
But that
is not what Dr. Nandita says is unique to the Hospital, “The
sophisticated equipment along with the pleasant ambience here makes
blood donations a pleasant experience for the donors.” The Hospital
donor statistics (98% by volunteer donors) bear testimony to this
word of mouth and with little or no publicity, Sai devotees,
students from various colleges and even corporate executives from in
and around Bangalore most willingly drop in and offer to contribute
their blood. In fact, there are instances when former patients of
the Hospital who are very poor have come forward to offer blood
saying, “We are very poor…this is the
only way we can give something back to this Hospital.”
Of course, the blood bank never accepts blood from former patients,
but those scenes remain ever fresh in the memory of the staff,
inspiring them and giving them a sense of fulfillment. |
A Blood Bank store
What the
Visiting British MPs Said
A little
more than a year ago, when eight British Ministers of Parliament
(MPs) from the Conservative Party visited the Institute on 28th of
September, 2004, the delegation spent close to two hours visiting
the Institute.
went around the outpatient departments, wards, radiology, lab and
blood-bank and finally Mr. Peter Luff, Conservative Party MP and the
Opposition Whip said to the Press reporters,
“This Hospital is a beacon of hope
for the economically weaker sections and it is as good as any
facility in the UK.”
- Mr.
Peter Luff, Conservative Party, MP. |
very appreciative of the architecture of the Hospital, they said,
this Hospital “changes the lives of those who come here.” Indeed,
innumerable are stories of people - be it a patient, a patient-attender
or just a visitor – who have left this Hospital recharged with life
and energy, and reconnected with the inner recesses of their own
being. |
British MPs With Dr. Safaya, the
Changed…Some More Vignettes
Sabeena’s father,
who washes dishes in a restaurant for a living, toils hard to
provide education to his thirteen-year-old, his only daughter.
When she complained of poor health, his agony was unimaginable.
Someone told him of Baba’s Hospital, and the rest is history…Sabeena,
is now in all smiles after a successful closure of hole in her
heart and a Mitral Valve repair. His father’s joy is, in fact,
doubled. His only child has got a new life!
There is
a unique case in the Hospital records pertaining to three members of
a Muslim family—two sisters and one brother—all three suffering from
congenital heart disease.
the plight of the poor father with three out of four children
suffering from a malady that can be cured only by medical
intervention. |
Sabeena with her mother...yet
another life saved
All three of them had
breathing problems and difficulties while walking. The condition was
diagnosed to be Patent Ductus Arteriosus, commonly called PDA. Like any
disease its progress only foretold a limited quality of life for all the
three children. The father was absolutely clueless. He ran from pillar
to post to raise funds for his children. He took them to Mangalore,
about 80 kms away from his town to consult a Cardiologist. It was at
this juncture, that he came to know about Sri Sathya Sai Institute of
Higher Medical Sciences, Bangalore. He brought all his three children to
the Hospital in 2001 for check ups and treatment. All these three
children were operated upon for PDA and now they are all healthy and
happy and of course, very grateful to the Hospital.
“I had never even dreamt of leading a
normal life,” is all Savitha, aged 40, would say with a
choked voice. Savitha could not get married because of her heart
ailment and lives with her younger brother’s family while her
elder brother is mentally retarded.
The successful
operation on her rheumatic heart disease has now opened up for her
a host of opportunities and now she is planning her future and
looking for a job which will to some extent, at least, better
their tragic condition.
"I had never even dreamt..." -
Overwhelming Experience!” – Tina Ambani
Ambani, former actress and wife of corporate czar, Anil Ambani,
wrote in the visitor’s book on 31st July 2004:
“It has been an overwhelming
experience! I am speechless, expressionless. Your devotion to
humanity is unreal - till you see it, experience it. May god give
this vision to more people.”
“I Will Not
Hesitate For Even My Family Members To Get Help Here.” – Dr. Lalit
Dr Lalit Chauhan,
Cardiology Consultant from St Louis, Missouri in the USA says,
five days here was my first visit to this unique institution.
This place combines in the most
comprehensive way professional tertiary care, arranging healthcare
delivery system and a set of uniquely dedicated individuals
working selflessly,” says Dr. Lalit Chauhan, “the
quality of care here is so good and up to the best institutions
that I will not hesitate for even my family members to get help if
they happen to be here and need it. May the reality of this place
be a role model for the rest of the world.”
Transformed Everyday…
Everyday hundreds of such
people find new meaning in their lives, sport a smile which they haven’t
for years and thank God that this Hospital exists. This Hospital
indubitably changes them for ever, for the better. Some begin to live a
fuller life while some begin to rethink about the actual purpose of
So many lives many
Ask Ahmed the bus driver who
after his operation expressed his desire to help transport patients to
the Hospital. Ask Dilip, who refused to go back to his profession as a
butcher after his little Sharira Bhanu was operated here. Ask the
student who returned again and again to physically assist other patients
as they recuperated after surgery. "I know how it feels" was his simple
It is the blend of aesthetic
appeal, functional effectiveness, practical efficiency and spiritual
sublimity, as the Hospital brochure states, which consciously and
subconsciously touches and leaves a mark in the inner recesses of every
one who steps into this hallowed Temple of Healing.
Before the British MPs
left, they penned down in the visitors’ book: “Thank you for giving
us such a fascinating tour of a truly extraordinary Hospital.”
Impressive Healthcare Facility” – Ferid Murad, Nobel Laureate
Murad, Nobel Laureate in Medicine, 1998 from the University of Texas
Medical School at Houston, USA also had similar feelings to express.
After he took a tour of the Hospital and its work, he said on Nov
18th, 2003,
“Thank you
for the tour of your Hospital and clinics. This is a very
beautiful and impressive healthcare facility that promises
free medical care. I congratulate the Hospital and Swami for
such an important mission.”
Ferid Murad, Nobel Laureate, 1998.
in God’s Service” – Dr. Mitchell Krucoff
Mitchell W Krucoff, Professor of Medicine/Cardiology, Interventional
Cardiology, Duke University Medical Centre and Director,
Cardiovascular Laboratories, Durham VA Medical Centre, (both in the
US) visited Baba’s Hospital along with his team of professionals and
this is what he records,
“We literally were
bathed in the healing space created through Baba’s loving vision,
embedded in every detail from the concrete to the gleaming marble
floors, in every person from the staff to the patients and their
families. What we saw was the highest level of technology, with
some equipment even newer than the equipment we use at Duke
Medical centre. But the technology was dwarfed by the context into
which everything in the Hospital dwelled – healthcare in God’s
Among the staff, whether
cleaning or cooking or doing open heart surgery, all work was done in
God’s service. Among the patients and families, many of whom had never
seen a plumbing fixture, much less a digital cardiac catheterization
laboratory, there was no fear, no anxiety, no depression as we commonly
see on rounds in the USA. As we rounded in…every patient and family
member, children and adults, literally beamed at us. They clearly knew
that, physically and spiritually, they were in God’s Hospital.”
This extract truly sums up
the ambience of the Hospital. It is this ambience which is responsible
for the Hospital’s success and which has been ratified by almost
everyone who has seen and been in this ‘Temple of Healing’ including
visiting doctors and experts.
Conversation Between Dr. Nadana Chandran and Dr. Choudhury V
It is
interesting to learn what Dr. Nadana Chandran (Dr. NC), Director of
the Neurosurgical Unit, Canberra Hospital, Australia, who spent 2
1/2 weeks in 2005 serving in the Neurosciences Department, said in
an interview with Dr. Choudhury V (Dr. VC), another distinguished
Cardiac surgeon, from USA.
Dr. NC: I walked into
the ward the other day after we did some major cases and I was
amazed at the state of recovery of the patients; it was far
ahead of what I would normally see. This is no exaggeration.
This is purely something very striking in this place. People
recover that well. I am sure it is all the Grace of Swami.
Dr. Nadana Chandran
course there is the human skill of the people who are working here,
and dedicating themselves to the work here, but there’s something
beyond that, of course.
Dr. VC: The other thing (apart
from ‘divine grace’) which impressed me when I used to actively work
here, was the fact that the patient does not have to pay any money,
everything comes free to him, and when he came in he looked at
himself and everybody else in a different way. How do you view that?
Who Says
There is “No Free Lunch” – Dr. Choudhury
Dr. NC: I come from an
environment where medicine is largely driven by money. And, here you
see for the first time somebody who can walk in and have the most
highly advanced, technologically sophisticated service available
with no worry about any money and I am amazed to see people coming
all the way after 3 days’ travel, from Calcutta and other places to
get the treatment done.
Dr. VC: Till 2001, I used to
practise cardiac surgery in Los Angeles and I used to work for 3
months in Swami’s Hospital. Now the thing that amazed me was
technologically, over here, even simple things like blood
cardioplegia which is a technological advancement, we would do
exactly the same thing in Swami’s Hospital. Our tendency is to
normally associate something free to be cheap. That was my
impression. When I came here I found that the “No free lunch”
concept in totally untrue in this environment. |
"Toddlers' Only" Zone
In The
Out Patient Department

In the recent times,
the Hospital has “reengineered” its processes in the Cardiac Out
Patient department – Indubitably, the most crowded place in the
Hospital everyday mid-morning where on an average at least 220
patients and their attenders, await for various tests, reports
or consultation.
the toddlers, there is a “Toddlers Only” zone where their
mothers can nurse them and they can ‘relax’ and play with
interactive soft toys (which, incidentally have been sent by
Bhagawan Baba Himself recently).
This room has been
done up with colourful wall paper, cartoons and stickers,
entirely by the staff of the department. It is now a hot-favourite
amongst the tiny-tots!
Apart from this,
there are audio-visual systems set up in patient waiting areas
and various films of Bhagawan, His discourses and proceedings
during various festivals in Puttaparthi are being shown. This
medium is also used to screen videos on patient-education,
counseling, preventive medicine, and so on in regional
languages. |
Dr. NC: In
fact, I must confess that we don’t have some of the equipment in the
Theatres here, in many of the Hospitals in Australia. So, it is really
amazing to see this degree of technology available for our patients, who
have to pay nothing at all. It is really very, very rewarding.
Dr. VC:
Ten years ago, I heard from Swami, we should not treat the
patient as a disease, but we should treat the mind, body and the soul.
And, that to me, is the biggest message I got from Swami from here.
Dr. NC:
Yes, and you can feel that when you hear the bhajans and the soothing
music that is piped right through. Sometimes Swami’s discourses are
heard when you’re operating, which is quite different to the environment
where I normally work. Certainly, it is a very spiritually healing
about the ambience and experience of working in the Hospital, the common
refrain of every doctor who has served or is currently serving is -
“This is a totally different place to work. It is very humbling”. Dr.
Hegde, a very distinguished Neuro Surgeon of India who heads the
Department of Neuro Sciences in the Hospital, says,
do what is best for the patient. The economic factors do not influence
the patient management decision….there is none of the all-too-common
feeling of helplessness that poor patients have when they are unable
to afford treatment.
Counseling Department: One-of-a-Kind
the patients step inside the Hospital, they are reassured and
relaxed. They know the Hospital wants nothing from them in return.
Providing comfort and confidence and lending a patient ear to all
their worries and anxieties is another very unique service wing of
the Hospital - the Counseling Department.
department, if not unique in its concept, is surely intuitively
exceptional and one-of-a-kind in its approach and impact. Their
fundamental tenets - “Help Ever, Hurt Never” and “Love All Serve
All” inspired by Baba.
counselors of the Hospital provide the non-medical but equally vital
emotional support to the patients. Describing their work, a
counselor says,
“On admission the patients have different apprehensions as to their
stay in the Hospital – at this point we appraise them of the good
care available, assuring them of the doctor’s expertise and
competence along with free care provided by Bhagawan Baba and they
relax instantly.”
Pani, who underwent neuro surgery for removal of a tumour, says,
nine days stay at the SSSIHMS was a divine holiday. In fact I
never had the feeling that I was a patient. In a surgery it is
fear that haunts you more than the diseases. But here I must admit
that from the time of admission the fear had gone and a subtle
peace of mind transcended on me. The state of mind has to be
experienced to be believed.
Although I have profound faith in God, the moment I entered this
divine medical centre, I began to admire Baba for his selfless
service to mankind, through his philosophy of “Love All Serve
All”. Every person admitted to this Institute, however poor or
rich, is taken care of without any discrimination. The medical
service is supreme. A missionary zeal can be seen in every
individual serving this Institute and this clearly shows the
heartiness of this Divine soul, Sri Sathya Sai Baba who infuses
such dynamism into every person serving here.”
Letter From A Patient To The Counseling Department
Loving letter from
Menaka. I am a 1st Year M.Sc. (Microbiology) student from
Kanchipuram. On 4th June 2005, I was admitted to Sathya Sai
Hospital at Bangalore. Next day morning I was operated
successfully. I am healthy now. Recently I had revisited the
Hospital for a follow-up checkup. Doctors informed that there is
no problem. I am able to lead a normal life.
Regarding the
Hospital: I was well-taken care in the Hospital during
my week long stay. The courtesy, love and words that I enjoyed
there will not be possible even with money elsewhere. Sevadals
conducted themselves gracefully. I did not know any of the
people working in the Hospital as I was completely new, still
they took care of us nicely. So much of care and love is not
possible elsewhere!
Pages would not be
enough if I were to write about the doctors. If not for them,
will I be writing this letter? I see these doctors as a form of
GOD to save the lives of the sick...Doctors were very
humble and believed that all of us are equal in the eyes of
Baba. Baba has given me a rebirth. It is because of Baba I am
alive now!!
This operation would
have cost lakhs of rupees elsewhere, but was done completely
free at this Hospital. I really doubt if I would have recovered
this well even if I were to shell out money.... I would be
grateful for the rest of my life, for my very existence is their
benevolence. I am serving my locality and also meditating as per
your advice. All these make me feel healthy and strong.
Many a thanks for
your service!... I will be in touch regularly through letters.
Yours loving,
V. Maneka
25 November, 2005 |
and Spiritual Healing
The counselors meet
all the in-patients individually, either in the counseling room
or at their bedsides in the wards. They quickly establish a rapport not
only with the patient but also with the immediate family members by
informal interaction and by speaking to them in their own language or
one familiar to them…. Counseling compliments the modern medicine and
surgery process through spiritual healing.
Mind is the seat of all emotions and feelings and Baba says, in
fact, it is the mind which is the root cause of 98% of all ailments.
By generating positive thoughts in the patients, the counselors help
in maintaining good health of the patients in the post-operative
recovery period.
“On the bedside
rounds we see some patients going through great pain and suffering
with all the care given. They are looking for solace and comfort.
A small prayer to the divine here, together with the patient,
releases all pain and tensions – result, the patient falls off to
sleep. This is a divine painkiller and we have experienced this
several times,” say the
counselors who work voluntarily in the Hospital in a spirit of
selfless service because of their love for Baba.
In fact, this pure love for
Baba expressing itself as selfless service and the satisfaction derived
there from is the biggest motivating factor for everyone associated with
the Hospital. It is this ennobling feeling which makes many suppliers of
various items needed by the Hospital offer their products free.
The dockyard worker in
Bangalore may be used to tobacco, hard work and harder words but when it
comes to unloading equipments meant for the Hospital, he takes only half
the payment saying, “This is my small contribution to what Baba is doing
for humanity!” There are many who choose to remain anonymous and
silently contribute their might to the Hospital in whatever way they
can, as for them it is only an offering to their lord.
Volunteers – The Spinal Cord of the Hospital
One of the most committed and caring among these group of selfless
workers are the Sevadals – dedicated teams of volunteers belonging
to various Sathya Sai centres all over from the state of Karnataka,
who come for short periods of one week and lend their eager and
earnest support in the running and upkeep of the Bangalore Hospital.
If the corridors
in the Hospital shine and the walls of the wards and offices
look bright, it is because of the Sevadals. If the gates of
the Hospital are well-guarded round the clock and there is
discipline in the Hospital with the patients being guided to
the right service department at every step - again it is
because these volunteers never mind hard work.
It is the sevadals
who lovingly serve food to every single patient. It is they
who wash and iron patients' clothes in the laundry. It is also
they who escort and help patients and carry their blood
samples to the respective laboratories.
As Dr. Safaya, the
Director of the Hospital, says,
“They are the Hospital’s in-house mailing system - most robust
and trusted.” One cannot imagine the Hospital the
way it is without them even for a single day. They add life,
vigor and ability to every wing of the Hospital.
Sevadals ironing patients' clothes
Can you
ever imagine an IAS officer [senior Government official] rubbing
shoulders with a school teacher and both scrubbing the floors? Or an
Air Marshal of the Indian Air Force doing guard duty at the main
gate? Or for that matter, the executive of a company carrying the
soiled clothes of a patient to the laundry? It happens in Baba’s
Hospital daily.
“Sevadals Change the Quality of Patient Care” – Dr. Geeta Rangan
Expressing how the
Sevadals change the quality of patient care, Dr. Geeta Rangan, who
worked previously in many government and other private hospitals
before joining as the head of the Neurology Department of Baba’s
Hospital, says,
Bhagawan’s Hospital does away with all the weakness in our
different systems of health care. I was pleasantly surprised
to see how the Seva Dal take care of the mundane aspects such
as reception, guidance of the patients, and even paramedical
aspects, without the usual shouting, screaming and exchange of
unpleasantries. Instead, there
is a quiet atmosphere in which to function, where a
troublesome patient can be handed over to a psychological
advice group while one concentrates on the next needy
Testimony of a Sevadal
Quite happily and
with enthusiasm, every Seva Dal accepts his position with a
smile and works anywhere. Mr. Prakash Chittaranjan, a longtime
volunteer, recollecting his first days of service and says,
“The whole
Hospital seemed a crystal maze for me at the beginning, not
knowing where each lab and other departments were within
such a gigantic Hospital complex. But Swami kept telling me
from within that He was there to guide me as ever, through
his loving Hospital staff (Sisters, Doctors and
administrators). I was able to feel the Unity, Purity and
Divinity principle that Swami often talks about, which led
me to interact well and share my love with the patients and
the staff.
Patients from all classes and religions were being treated in this
Hospital lovingly and for free. There were smiles all around from
the patients and their relatives at the time of discharge, for
they were fully charged with Swami's ocean of love.
was a wonderful gift from Bhagawan to me, whose experience I will
ever cherish in my life. As I entered into the last day of Seva, I
was beginning to feel heavy hearted for I was about to be rudely
woken up from the short and sweet dream. A dream that I wished
should never end, deep within my heart. All I wanted to do then
was to thank SAI for providing such a wonderful and spiritually
enlightening experience and for making me be close to him as part
of the overall experience.”
This is
the sublime feeling with which the Sevadals give their energy and
time to the Hospital. They see Baba in everyone. No Seva Dal member
gets tired or complains of hard work. He never aspires for any
fruits for his service. He is a silent worker and never projects
himself. You can not only see but feel the saying ‘Service to Man is
Service to God’ when you see the Sevadals at work. |
Doctor, Nurse and Volunteer Behaved as if They Were My Family” – Dr. Pai,
Former Patient.
Dr. Y V Pai, a retired IAS
officer recalling his hospitalization says,
most striking difference between SSSIHMS and other hospitals is the
quality of people – doctors, paramedics and volunteers. They are not
only skilful practitioners but have a rare quality of affection and
cooperation and yet firmness when called for.
They all seem to be tiny yet significant
fragments of the towering figure – Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
People here make you feel so much at home
that I told my family not to send an attendant. Of
course, my request was not taken seriously. There was no need for
anyone to be with me because every doctor, nurse, ward boy and
volunteer behaved as if they were my family.” |
A patient recovering in ICU
One very unique facet of patient care in this “Home of a Hospital”
is that the volunteers and staff of the Hospital never forget the
poor patients even after they are discharged. Like their own family
member they are always welcomed and are given privilege and priority
for consultation in subsequent visits to the Hospital. But this is
not all.
The Hospital was not
satisfied with this….they wanted to take their care and concern
beyond the walls of the Hospital…to their patient’s town and
village! And thus, about 6 months ago was born the “Sai
Rehabilitation Programme”.
Now poor Ramaiah need
not feel lonely when he returns home after his operation. No more
fears and doubts – “What if things do not go right when I am at
home? Who will guide me? Sai Baba’s Hospital is so far away. Who
will hold my hand now and help me regain my health?”
the Sai Rehabilitation Programme, the patient is always under the
Hospital's umbrella and will be under the care of Sai volunteers who
are present in every corner of India. The programme was planned and
launched as a pilot project in Karnataka State on 17th July 2004 by
the Hospital which has partnered with the Sri Sathya Sai Seva
Organisation (SSSSO) of Karnataka. The programme in Karnataka will
be a working model which eventually will be replicated in all the
other States of India.
programme’s importance and appeal grew within days of its
implementation, because the majority of the patients, who are
illiterate and have poor economic status, need to be educated and
motivated to follow a disciplined rehabilitation routine after a
major surgery or intervention. This discipline is imperative for the
patient to benefit from the free surgery done at the Hospital in the
long term. The Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation’s wide network of
dedicated voluntary men and women has only made this project
possible and effective.
How Is
The Programme Implemented
“As a first step in this project, an orientation workshop was
conducted by the Hospital for more than a hundred district doctors
and other support staff hailing from all over Karnataka,” says Mr.
Umesh Rao, the Programme Director for the Rehabilitation Programme,
“Presentations about the programme content, in depth, were made by
the Hospital staff followed by an interactive session. A detailed
briefing followed on how the body-mind checkup needs to be done
including completing the patient status feedback form as formatted
by the Hospital. The take-home workshop material included
guidelines, medical protocols following discharge, and counseling
guidelines for providing emotional support and fostering
Explaining in detail the
Programme implementation, Mr. Umesh Rao who also works in the
Counseling Department of the Hospital, says,
“The Sai Organisation provides the Hospital
with a list of the district doctors and seva representatives,
who work in tandem as care providers to implement the programme.
The Hospital at the time of discharge directs the patient to
report, thirty days hence, to the appropriate local doctor for
the first check up. Thereafter the local doctor and the district
Seva representative take over the programme implementation.
The patient is asked to return for two more
bi-monthly checks to complete the six-month recuperative
rehabilitation. After every check up, a patient status feedback
is routinely sent to keep the Hospital posted about the
patient’s recuperation.
These periodical checks of the patients are done in the
respective doctor's clinics during their regular consulting
hours. The volunteer doctors also perceive this as a God given
opportunity for rendering Seva in their own clinics!”
There is
much more to this Unique Rehabilitation Project than the two
paragraphs, so we have for you a power point presentation explaining
everything about the project in detail. Please download the
here [6.8 MB] to know more about this unique project.
Officers - The Unsung Heroes
Yes, it
is the loving care of doctors, nurses, ward boys and volunteers
which makes the Hospital what it is - but it is not only them. There
is another group which remains in the backstage just like the
inconspicuous yet crucial group in a great musical extravaganza
working on the sets, on the logistics, the costumes, the lights, the
cameras, etc…whose services are vital and basic for the performance
to click. This hallowed group is the band of Technical Officers, all
former students of Baba’s Institute, who were sent by Baba to
premier healthcare institutions and trained on different operations
of the Hospital before the Hospital actually started.
Former students of Baba's
Institute working as Technical Officers in the hospital...
It is
they who handle all the support services of the Hospital, be it
maintaining the stores, pharmacy and accounts; or, monitoring and
constantly upgrading the IT deployment in the Hospital; or, refining
and simplifying the procedures of the Hospital with optimum patient
welfare as the sole objective; or, assisting the surgeons in the
theatre working as perfusionists; or, managing the crowded
outpatient departments of the Hospital which handle more than 300
patients every morning; or maintaining all the expensive medical
equipment in the Radiology department and other Laboratories as well
as other infrastructure like generators, etc.; or even doubling up
as Public Relation Managers, Administrative Officers, etc. All of
them keep themselves abreast of the latest happenings in their areas
of work and one of them has even contributed a chapter to a text
book on Radiology, a field which he was first acquainted with five
years ago, when he joined the Hospital after his post-graduation.
They are Baba’s Messengers, the chosen Instruments of His grand
Mission. In fact, they are like so many wheels working in clockwork
precision, safeguarding the running of the great Hospital.
motivates these post-graduates to forsake good careers and work in
the Hospital? You ask them and they will say, “It is our love for
Swami and the satisfaction of being a part of His glorious mission.”
They will join the counselors and hundreds of other volunteers and
add, “Love is our tool, sincerity our drug and with empathy we see
the unseen hand of the divine working in the process.” Their
essential love, sincerity and empathy is what makes them stand out
and they experience, as they say, the “unseen hand of the Divine”.
fact, this “unseen Divine hand” is an experience which every
department of the Hospital can vouch for. Ask the surgeons and
they will tell you there were so many cases where they thought
the patient will not be able to cope, actually survived. And it
happened so magnificently! Take the case of Juhi (name changed).
the Neuro specialists saw Juhi, a middle aged woman, brought on
a stretcher to outpatient department, they had little clue as to
what was the source of her chronic back pain which only
increased when she tried to walk. Juhi had experienced hell. She
was turned away from all hospitals she had visited. “Your case
is too complex with very low chances of survival, we are sorry,”
is all they would say. Then somebody told her about Baba’s
Hospital in Bangalore.
When the doctors examined her thoroughly they learnt she had a
very peculiar problem. Her abdominal aorta (blood vessel) had
widened sac-like and was eating into the spinal cord. Doctors
from both the disciplines - Cardiac and Neuro - teamed up to
save this poor lady as the operation was going to be a very
complicated affair.
surgery was done under hypothermia (temperature of blood brought
to levels lower with ice) so that her heart can temporarily be
suspended (transferred to the heart-lung machine) by Cardiac
surgeons while the Neuro surgeons corrected her abdominal aorta
and placed spinal implants to support her spine.
Her post-operative period was not easy,
but when Juhi did leave the hospital, she went out walking!!
When Juhi returned to the hospital after
three months for a follow up, doctors were amazed with the
improvement in her condition. She was totally pain-free! “We are
grateful to Bhagawan for His healing grace,” is all the surgeons
In fact, the construction of the huge gem of
architecture that is the Hospital building which spread over
half a million square feet of area in just sixteen months is in
itself a miracle! Few thought it was possible. Mr. Satish Nayak,
who was the Project Director during its construction stage says,
“Nearly 500 contractors and sub-contractors
gladly bent over backward to fulfill their obligations so that
the project schedule could strictly be maintained….such
commitment, one could clearly see, was possible only because
the Divine Hand was guiding them. It was a case of: ‘Without
God on our side, we are nothing; with God on our side, we are
Shailaja, MD, in charge of the Bio-chemistry lab says, “When
unexpected things happen once, we call it coincidence; when they
happen twice it may be just things falling in place due to our
good luck; when they happen all through the year, you call them
miracles. That is what we in the lab have been experiencing.”
She substantiates this saying how on one occasion when they felt
that a quality-control workshop must be conducted for the lab
technicians in Bangalore, just a few hours later, a doctor from
USA landed there with a CD with exactly the contents on
quality-control they were looking for! Similarly, when they were
not able to programme their sophisticated equipment for a
particular test needed for a patient and even the service
engineers of the company had given up, suddenly it occurred to
them that if they could configure the machine in a particular
way they could get the right result they needed and it worked!
The doctors could put the patient on the right treatment in time
and then thanked Swami.
Acclamation and Recognition from WHO
Thanks to the committed
staff and their devotion to Baba, the quality of the
care being offered at the Hospital has attracted the
attention of many national and international agencies
and personalities.
“According to a World
Health Organisation’s (WHO) Medical Information
Accreditation report, the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of
Higher Medical Sciences at Whitefield in the outskirts
of Bangalore, which specializes in cardiology and
neurology surgeries and treatment, has one
among the lowest rates of mortality, morbidity
environment and hospital acquired infection. The
Hospital has also been recognized by the National
Board of Examination (NBE) to admit PG students in
cardiology and neurology for practical training,”
reported the Bangalore bureau of on the
21st of Jan, 2002, that is, after one year of its
Since 2002, the Hospital
has been recognised by the NBE for other disciplines
too like Cardiac Surgery, Neuro Surgery, Neurology and
even Radiology.
Knowledge Transfer from Distinguished Visiting Doctors
Cardiac Operation
Apart from the sophisticated
equipment and the doctors’ commitment, another aspect
which has contributed amply in maintaining the premium
quality of patient care is the visit of distinguished
doctors from different parts of the world and the
subsequent transfer of knowledge and technologies that
are in vogue in top-of-the line hospitals around the
These experts most willingly
join the team of Hospital doctors for short periods and
“bring us the latest technology from abroad, from their
respective countries and institutions. They teach, they
help… from their point of view they are performing Seva,
free service. This they do without any reimbursement,”
says Dr. Safaya, director of the Hospital. One
representative illustration of the many is the case of
Dr. Sanjay Kumar Prasad.
Dr. Sanjay Kumar
Prasad is Consultant Cardiologist at the Royal
Brompton Hospital in London, which is well known
for the pioneering work done in the field of
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Cardiac MR).
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance
is a revolutionary technology with the potential to
change the way cardiac patients are treated. With
Cardiac MR, screening patients to find out whether they
might need an intervention does not need to be an
invasive procedure anymore.
Dr. Sanjay spent a week with
the Hospital doctors in the summer of 2004 and imparted
knowledge of this exciting new field to the Radiologists
and Cardiologists of the Hospital.
"The benefit to the
patient is that,” says Dr. Sanjay, “it is much less
uncomfortable, there is less risk from the procedure
and it is much safer and at the same time provides
more information than many of the standard procedures
and so greatly helps the doctors manage cardiac
patients. In time, Cardiac MR can become an
out-patient procedure leading to improved throughput,
increased cost savings and reduced morbidity in
patients as compared to an invasive procedure.”
infusion of latest techniques and expertise from
regular visiting doctors along with their missionary
zeal and enthusiasm greatly improves the skill and
knowledge of the Hospital doctors. Many have
received celebrated awards and fellowships and some
regularly publish papers in reputed medical
Dr. A S
Hegde, who heads the Neuro Sciences Department of
the Hospital, is a very distinguished Neuro surgeon
and a recipient of Karnataka Rajyotsava Award in
2003 for "outstanding contributions to the state and
Dr. Hegde on invitation is part of cutting-edge
projects in healthcare, the recent one being the
invitation by CSIR (Council For Scientific and
Industrial Research, India) to be part of the New
Millennium Indian Technology Leadership Initiative (NMITLI),
the largest public-private partnership scheme on
behalf of Govt. of India, to develop high quality
Medical Implants and Development of Gene Chip for
molecular diagnosis of Malignant Brain Tumor.
He is
also part of the six-member committee appointed by
the Government of Karanataka to suggest views on
improving the quality of healthcare services offered
in the 16 government hospitals in and around
Dr. Smruti Ranjan Mohanty of the Cardiac Surgery
Department, for instance, was awarded the Evarts A.
Graham Traveling Fellowship for 2004-05, granted by
the American Association of Thoracic Surgery.
It entitles him to work in the specialized field of
pediatric heart care in the prestigious Charles
Stewart Mott’s Children’s Hospital in Michigan, USA
which is rated “the Best” in the state of Michigan
for child healthcare and fifth in the USA by ‘Child’
magazine. Dr. Mohanty is the third Indian to be
conferred this Fellowship in the last 40 years. A
very rare achievement, indeed!
Dr. Anil Kumar Mulpur, Consultant, Cardiac Surgery
Department, has contributed to two chapters in a
text book on "Techniques in Extracorporeal
Circulation- 4th Edition" published by Arnold
Publishers, U.K. in 2004. He has
co-authored the first chapter of the textbook with
Christopher M Munsch, Consultant Cardiothoracic
Surgeon, Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds, UK and also
the sixteenth chapter with a few consultants working
at the Leeds Hospital, U.K. |
The state government of
Karnataka, the state in which the Hospital is located,
acknowledging the noble mission of the Hospital not only
provided land measuring 52.26 acres in the prime Export
Promotion Industrial Park free to the
Trust for the construction of the Hospital and waived
many taxes during its construction stage, but also even
now offers huge subsidies with respect to electricity
charges. Similarly, the Ministry of Finance, Government
of India, exempts customs duties for imports of
equipments and infrastructure for the Hospital.
infrastructure, the equipment, the expertise of the
doctors along with the government’s support has made
the Hospital exceptional. Add to this, its soothing
ambience and the noble mission of Bhagawan, and the
Hospital becomes a ‘role model’ for the healthcare
Swami with the then Chief
Minister (left) and
Governor of Karnataka in 2003
“It is Not Only a Medical But a Spiritual Contribution” –
Dr. Krishna Kant, Former Vice-President of India.
Dr. Krishna
Kant, former Vice-President of India, after visiting the
Hospital way back in 2001, had said,
“SSSSIHMS is a wonderful
contribution of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. To have a
free and modern Hospital for the poor people of India was
a dream and pledge of our leaders in the freedom struggle.
This is a realisation of (the) dreams (of) Gandhiji and
Jawaharlal Nehru. It reproduces our spiritual heritage.
One feels proud after going round it. This can be (a)
model for all the developing countries as well as the
developed world. The developed world has these facilities
but not free for the poor. May this example be followed by
others. It is not only medical but a spiritual
Yes, since its inception every patient
and every visitor has looked at this Hospital with wonder.
After 6,000 cardiac operations, more than 5,500 neuro
surgeries, 3.5 lakh outpatient consultations and after five
golden years of service, the Hospital is as dedicated and as
committed as ever to serve the poor and the forlorn.
In these five years that have gone by, the Hospital has also
seen many changes, crossed many milestones, overcome many
challenges and been a witness to many eye-opening
revelations and stirring transformations.
“Making a Difference to People Who Had Given Up Hope.” – Dr.
When in
the first six months of its existence, the Hospital
crossed 1,500 surgeries, leading newspapers carried
stories about it. Dr. A N Safaya, the Director, said
at that time,
Institute has also treated 18,012 cardiac
outpatients and 10,722 neuro outpatients. Another
2,000 plus cardiac and over 1,000 patients in the
neuro-sciences were treated as in-patients in the
to the press on the social impact of the Hospital on
that occasion, Dr. Safaya had said, it is
“making a difference to people who had given up
"Indian Express", 26th
July 2002
In April 2004, The Times of India under the title, “Holistic
Healthcare: Hospital Treats 2.5 Lakh Patients” congratulated
the Hospital for the feat and continued to add, “Most of
them belong to the lower income group, and many come in from
Nepal, Sri Lanka, South Africa and even some from European
"Times of India",
29th April, 2004
Who Are the People Most Benefited by the
going by the Hospital statistics, more than
60% of the patients operated upon in this Hospital
earn less than Rs. 1500 (US$ 33) per month and 25%
out of this do not even have a monthly income of Rs.
500 (US$ 11). It is the same statistics
with the 3,50,000 patients seen in the outpatient
department of the Hospital - about 2,50,000 out of
these earn less than Rs. 1500 a month. |
“Since inception in January
2001,” the newspaper article in April 2004 continues,
“doctors here have performed complicated procedures in
cardiac and neuro branches, with state-of-the-art
technology. In commercial terms, the cost of treatment
meted out free is around Rs. 150 crore. Lakhs of
patients depend entirely on the Hospital.” Beautifully,
the article describes the Hospital as the ‘Hospital With
a Heart.”
Baba in His discourse during the inauguration of the
Hospital had said,
“We do not have any
discrimination for caste, creed, religion, and
nationality. We offer free treatment to everybody. We
are determined to offer free treatment, come what may.
Safeguarding the lives of patients is our main
objective. Eschew greed for money; develop love and a
spirit of sacrifice.”
It is this powerful inspiration coming directly from
Bhagawan which has propelled the doctors and the staff of
the Hospital to go any length to make someone’s life better.
Some Complex
Operations…To Save a Labourer, a Small Shop Owner
Mrs. Mohan Das, a labourer, was shattered when her new born
18-day-old baby’s lips turned blue. When the doctor in a
private hospital told her she will need over Rs. 300,000 to
correct her baby’s heart and even that came with a 50% risk
to her life, she just lost all hope and accepted her fate.
It was at this time that she heard of Baba’s Hospital.
The doctors performed on her
baby Arterial Switch Operation considered as one of the
most complicated types in the practice of neonatal
cardiac surgery involving correcting the interchanging
between the aorta and pulmonary artery. Seeing the smile
on her baby’s pink lips, Mrs. Das had no words to
express her gratitude on her way back home. For her, her
little one has received a second life by the grace of
Bhagawan Baba.
Abdul Vahid who owns an
electrical shop in Kotma town of Madhya Pradesh was a
worried man when he learnt that his child, Saniya, has a
very complex congenital defect of the heart—Dextro
Transposition of the Great Arteries, due to which impure
blood is pumped to all parts of the body and the pure
blood is sent to the lungs. Abdul could never have
afforded the complex surgery, costing around Rs. 3 lakhs.
When he heard of Baba’s
Hospital through the local Sai Samithi, it was like a
boon from heaven. In March, 2003, Abdul brought Saniya
to the Hospital. Balloon Atrial Septostomy was performed
as an intermediate step and 6 months later Saniya was
operated for Senning’s. In the surgery lasting over 8
hours, the defect was corrected, and Baby Saniya having
recovered completely is now in the pink of health. For
this free gift of health to his child, Abdul is ever
grateful to the Hospital. |
Cardiac and Neuro Surgeons Come Together to Restore Eyesight
to a Farmer
Similar was the experience of a poor farmer from Coimbatore
in August of 2004 when in a rare display of skills Cardiac
and Neurosurgeons of the Hospital got together to perform
yet another rare and complex procedure, this time to reverse
the sudden onset of blindness in one of the eyes of the
The blindness, the doctors
found out was because of a giant aneurysm (a
balloon-like enlargement of the arteries) in his brain.
The aneurysms can sometimes
grow to enormous sizes and cause significant difficulty
in treating them. In this case too, the aneurysm was so
large that it was compressing the optic nerves and other
vital structures in the brain.
Any excessive manipulation
of the normal brain would cause serious complications,
which could sometimes be fatal. Therefore direct
aneurysm clipping, the normal way out for dealing with
these bulges, was ruled out. It was here that the
specialty of cardiology also came in.
The cross functional team of
surgeons and perfusionists operated on him using a
technique called ‘hypothermia with low flow state’ or
‘cardiac arrest’ which would help the neurosurgeon open
the aneurysm directly, reduce its size and then clip it.
The cardiac surgeons opened
up the heart and diverted the blood to pass through the
heart-lung machine. Simultaneously, the body was cooled
to a very low temperature of 18°C, at which the brain
would survive without oxygen for about 20-30 minutes.
The aneurysm was opened, reduced in size and then
clipped successfully in a marathon surgery lasting over
9 hours.
The farmer, needless to say,
was very grateful to get back his eye sight. |
The New
On-Campus Accommodation
Patient Attendants

Recently, in a move to better the facilities for
the patients, an “on-campus accommodation
facility” for the patient attendants has been
constructed. This was a long-felt need as most of
the patients being very poor, go through untold
suffering to get accommodation.
Salarpuria Group of Companies graciously came
forward to build the “Sai G.D. Salarpuria
Foundation Block” and offer it to Swami. The new
building located just beside the Hospital once
fully operational will be a great boon for the
patients and their attendants.
So far five such complex surgeries have been performed in
the Hospital for complex aneurysms. That success in such
cases requires very high degrees of skill, coordination, and
endurance from the surgeons and other staff is implicit.
All of them and many
more have experienced the "Joy of Life" in the
On similar occasions, the Hospital, as the Times of
India article in 2004 suggests, has indeed done
challenging operations and complicated procedures whenever
required to save a breadwinner of a family, a young mother,
a teenager or a tiny baby.
“He is Sai’s Gift to Our Family” – Thankamani,
Mother of an Infant Patient
The sadness in the eyes of
Thankamani holding her 18 days old baby in her arms said
it all…Her baby was born with a complex heart ailment
referred to as – Transposition of the Great Arteries (TGA)
which involved malfunctioning of the two major vessels
that arise from the heart. Hailing from a family of
labourers, Thankamani could barely provide for her
family, so the surgery for her little one was just an
elusive dream. The child’s condition deteriorated and
she was in a state of panic. It was at this time that
she heard about Baba’s Hospital. Free surgery? It seemed
too good to be true. She rushed to Bangalore,
“An Arterial Switch
Operation (ASO), which belongs to the higher strata
in the risk spectrum in neonatal surgery was done
and two months later,” says Ashwin V, the technical
officer at the outpatient department, “a bubbly
little boy walked into the outpatient department for
a review."
The smile on his lips
and sparkle in his eyes betrayed the painful-looking
scar over his once-defected heart.
The mother speaks excitedly about his first
words and his first steps towards her. Her
little bundle of joy is blue no more she says.
She can send him to school, watch him study,
play and grow as a normal child.
And then with a simple love and gratitude
known only to the very poor, she adds, "We
have given him a name now.
We have decided to call
him 'Sai Prasad'. He is Sai's Prasad, or Sai’s
gift, to our family".
This institution,
literally is a poem in brick and concrete, as
somebody said. It is a poem that began five years
ago and will probably never end. Hundreds of
Thankamanis, Abduls and Mohan Dass’ script new
stirring stanzas every day and the great saga of
divine love continues….drenching the hearts of
millions with pure selfless love. A love that loves
for love's sake alone. |
H2H Connects Two Hearts…
If the readers of
Heart2Heart remember, in the November issue of
H2H, we carried the moving story of a poor
student, Pradeep, from Orissa who was operated
on in this Hospital. (To read it again, go
Pradeep’s father, a farmer, could hardly afford
his education and it was Pradeep’s perseverance
alone that won him a seat for studying MBBS. But
his heart ailment troubled him and made his
plans of becoming a doctor an elusive dream.
Since then….Pradeep came to the Hospital, was
operated upon and was so touched that after the
operation he said,
“I’ve never received so much of love
before. The doctors, the nurses and all staff
are so loving. The doctors, knowing I am doing
my MBBS used to give me text books to read so I
do not get bored. I shall forever remember their
loving and caring treatment. ”
the story does not end there! Reading this
article one Sai devotee from Australia wrote to
us saying that he would like to help Pradeep.
During Baba’s Birthday celebrations, this
gentleman came to our studio and even took the
address of the boy and said, “I will find out
all details about him and see to it that he
becomes a doctor.” We gave the gentlemen all the
information and advice he needed.
was a great feeling for us witnessing two hearts
coming together through Heart2Heart! |
A Shining Star….A Guiding Light – Dr. Krucoff
Dr. Mitchell W
Krucoff from the Duke University Medical Centre, says,
“Like shining stars in the darkest of nights, Baba’s
Hospitals in Puttaparthi and Bangalore not only live the
answer to that question in the free care they deliver
every day, but also as examples of how much God is ready
to teach us about the alleviation of human suffering
through optimal medical care. He has built these
programmes – all we have to do is to open our eyes and
see… the western world of modern medicine, what
blessing it is to have such a guiding light.”
Speaking to
the Hospital staff on one occasion, Baba said,
“The service you are performing is a very exalted and
highly beneficial act. Service to the downtrodden,
sick and miserable people who are in pain and
afflicted with disease is the most precious and
valuable deed.
The work being done here is very sacred work, and
words cannot adequately describe it. So work happily
and spread happiness to more and more patients. Be
happy and make everyone happy.”
others happy – that is the key.
Is it Possible Elsewhere?
Many say it is great that
such wonderful Hospitals set up by Baba exist, but it
cannot be replicated elsewhere. It is just not possible.
To this, Dr. Safaya, the Director of the Hospital, in an
interview with Felix Wust, editor of SWISS MED, said,
“Why not? The Western countries should be able
to do it. I don’t think Westerners are devoid of
sympathy for the people. I don’t think the West
is lacking in the type of people who think that
serving man is serving God.”
With Selfless
Love…Nothing is Impossible
So that is the crux of
the story. If any personality or group can love as
selflessly as Baba, then it is surely possible!
For, there is the desire to do good in every human
heart. It has only to be strengthened, fortified
and practised; and that is the great miracle of
transformation which silently but surely is
happening in the quiet corners of every heart that
has seen Him and experienced His love.
Whether any more such grand
“Temples of Healing” stand steady and strong as beacons
of hope for the poor and the forgotten, each one of us
can surely become a guiding light, a little shining star
helping many others to make their journey from discord
to harmony, from hopelessness to hope and from
depression to delight! And this, we know, is possible
only with love, genuine selfless love!
- Heart2Heart Team