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Tamil New Year
Excerpts from the Divine
Greetings to all the Tamil Brothers and
Sisters, where ever you are, on the occasion of Tamil New year day.
Puttaparthi is packed with a mixture devotees from Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
Tamil New year was celebrated in the immediate presence of our beloved
Lord, with utmost devotion and faith. There were bundle of plays, talks
and ofcourse a short and sweet (tamilnadu centric) discourse by Swami.
This morning Swami came out around 8am to give His divine darshan to the
thousands waiting in the Kulwant hall. The hall was beautifully decorated
to mark the occasion and a separate band from Tamilnadu played various
devotional numbers while the students chanted Veda to welcome the Veda
The present Judge of Madras High court gave a brilliant talk.
He remembered the day when Swami attended the function of madras citizens
charter where 4 chief ministers and other union ministers gathered on a
stage during the recent Ati Rudra Yagna conducted in Janurary this year…
to thank Swami for the SaiGanga Project.
The speaker remembered the quote by Karunanidhi “many people asked me you
don’t believe in God yet why I attended the function organized to
felicitate Bhagwant Sri Sathya Sai Baba.. I said, its not important if I
accept God or not.. its important if God accept me or not”.
Swami always wants His devotees to be happy and blissful . The speaker
shared another incident which happened some years ago.
With Swami money doesn’t bear any significance. There was one programme
conducted for about 5 days. During that programme Swami on the concluding
day gave a discourse and in the discourse He said, You have been here for
the past 5 days to participate in this programme setting aside your
family, near and dear ones. You have come to Mother’s place. God’s place
is your mother’s place. All of you who come here can stay for any number
of days. It came to My notice that there was a fee of rupees 125 collected
towards registration fees and other expenses. Will any body pay money to
come to one’s mother’s place? No. I ask the organizers to refund the money
collected as registration fees immediately before the devotees leave for
their respective places.
The speaker also appreciated the free service done by Swami. He was of the
view that in all of Swami’s institutions you won’t find any finance
department. Both the super specialty hospitals you won’t find the Billing
department.. Where as in any other hospital the first department you come
across is the billing department!!
The speaker asked the parents to be more cautious of making their children
into mobile ATM machines dreaming of hefty salaries and overseas jobs....
Let children become good citizens and only after that good doctors and
Swami also wants us to become good human beings.
Later another devotee (don’t remember his name) came on the dais after
speaking with Swami for about 5 mins said, brought to the notice of Swami
about Sathya Murthy sagar on the border of Andhra pradesh and Tamil nadu
states,which runs about 29 kilometers and is in a bad shape. He said, the
water in Sathya murthy sagar which is about 29 kilometers water doesn’t
flow fluently. Thus there is wastage of water. We pray to you Swami please
help us to repair this distance so that there is less wastage of water and
let it reach the deserving.
It was 8:55 am by then. Swami slowly rose from His chair..Holding the
railings He looked towards East Prasanthi and we all thought He would walk
and go the bhajan hall but to all our surprise and happiness, He asked the
boys to bring the mike. He preferred to stand holding the railings(like He
did on Ugadi day) and gave a short and sweet discourse.
As mentioned before, the discourse was Madras centric and He left no stone
unturned in praising Chennai and its citizens.
Excerpts from the Divine discourse
Embodiments of love
Like the previous speakers said, I have given water for drinking, for
cultivation to the city of Chennai... It will cost another 30 crores
rupees to repair the 29 kilometer Sathya Murthy Sagar, while the
government sanctioned only 1 crore rupees... Karunanidhi (the chief
minister of Tamil Nadu) said Bhagwan you do this. Karunanidhi also
accepted only You can do it.(there was loud applauds when Swami made the
following Statement). I will repair the remaining 29 kilometers. You don’t
have to depend on any one. God will take care of your needs. ITS MY DUTY….
Very soon Madras will have abundant water. Tomorrow and day after tomorrow
I will send engineers to assess the situtation in Sathya Murthy Sagar.
Sathya Murthy sagar has very low water supply. (keeping His hand close to
His heart, Swami declared ) Sathya Sai will supply water to Sathya Murthy
sagar. Tell Karunandi that Bhagwan has accepted to repair the Sathya
Murthy Sagar canal.
Madras is the real capital of India. Not Delhi. No government nor
institution did this task of completiting such huge water project and only
SAI can do such a huge task .Water is not one’s property. Its God’s
property. God created five elements and water is one among them… Now a
days people are fighting among themselves for water.
This year is named as Sarvajit. What does that mean. Victory all over. In
every action, be it business, agriculture, education. There will be lot of
development in all fields.
Always think of God. This will protect you in all walks of life. Why fear
when I am here. Its my Duty to take care of you. This is a sacred year. Be
happy, blissfull with out quarrels.
Later Swami made it very clear how close Chennai is to His heart…
Chenna patnam is very close to my heart. I love Chenna patnam.. Where is
Chennai and where is Puttaparthi….Who else will have that love. Nobody
asked me to supply drinking water.I personally went there and felt the
pain… That’s the love I share with Chenna patnam. Lead a truthful life,
blissfull life and a healthy life.I bless you all… so saying Swami took
His thorne after concluding His 20 mins discourse….and thus ended another
new year…. And with new hopes and aspirations and ofcourse with renewed
blessings from our most beloved Sai Ma….
With humble pranams at the lotus feet of our beloved Lord
Satish Naik