Spiritual and Cultural renaissance mooted by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
through His dedicated selfless Mission, holy in essence and holistic in
approach, has been promoting individual and societal transformation. Where
primitive age old customs and traditions are no longer getting due
attention and are engaged in a hard-fought battle for survival, Prasanthi
Nilayam very often witnesses festivities celebrated in the very presence
of the Promoter of Cultural and Spiritual Renaissance of the modern age,
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
Moon connotes
the mind and on a perfect moon day mind is believed to be regaling in cool
and calm composure. When the moon’s perfection coincides with the Sun’s
transition heralding the advent of the month of Ashada based on the
vernacular calendar, it marks the arrival of Guru Purnima, with a silent
reminder to man of the salient need to pay respect and obeisance to
Teacher or Guru.
It was 29th July 2007, the moon was at its perfect round spreading cool
over the minds that were agitated by the world and the worldly. Prasanthi
Nilayam, the Abode of The Teacher of all Teachers was basking in the glory
of yet another bout of events and festivities, started with the three day
Ashadi celebrations followed by three day Sri Sathya Sai World Youth
Conference to culminate with the Guru Purnima celebrations, wherein
thousands of devotees from all over the world were privileged to pay
obeisance to the God walking on Two Feet.
Regaled Prasanthi and the thousands thronged to have a glimpse of the Lord
when the Lord clad in yellow robe came out in open with a beaming smile in
His custom-made Lamborghini golf cart. Pageantry of the festivity was very
much on the fore when Bhagawan was taken in a procession led by Sathya
Geeta , the new calf-elephant, caparisoned befitting the occasion,
followed by boys holding decorative parasols, bhajan groups followed by a
group of boys chanting Vedam. The fully packed Sai Kulwant Hall, decorated
with flowers and buntings for the occasion was reverberating with a blend
of heavenly sounds, Nadaswaram and Panchavadyam along with full throated
bhajans and vedam chantings. Blessing the capacity crowd in the Sai
Kulwant Hall, Bhagawan moved in the vehicle for an entire round before
occupying His seat on the dais.
Before the commencement of the day’s further proceedings Sathya Geeta, the
new pet-elephant was brought to Bhagawan, Who fondly caressed and fed the
little one, a rare sight to behold. All conquering motherly love of the
Teacher of all Teachers was on display on a day dedicated to the highest
spiritual preceptor. Devotion suffused with assertion was the highlight of
a scintillating Carnatic Music presentation by the Malladi Brothers, Sri
Rama Prasad and Ravi Kumar. Bhagawan sat through the entire forty minute
session during which they sung some compositions on Bhagawan’s Avatarhood
and Mission followed by the famous Pancharatna Kriti of Saint Thyagaraja,
Endaro Mahanubhavulu Andariki Vandanamul, a gem of a rare composition,
describing the greatness of the devotees through the ages, paying tribute
and salutations to the great men living in all ages.

Prasadam was distributed to all those assembled and Arathi was offered to
Bhagawan before He retired to Yajur Mandiram.
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July 29, 2007
Prasanthi Nilayam: -"Bhagawan was welcomed into the Sai Kulwant
Hall this Gurupoornima morning with a colourful procession led by Swami's
new elephant. Bhagawan, resplendent in a yellow robe....
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