
How To Offer Food to
It is
helpful if one has an altar already set up somewhere in your home,
apartment or dorm. On this altar should be either a sacred image or a
picture of God in any of His sacred forms. In addition, you can include
images of your guru, saints, or other gods or godess on your altar - Durga,
Ganesha, Sarasvati, etc. Images of God, however, should be the central
focal-point of any altar used for meditation. If you don’t have an altar,
then placing a simple image of God somewhere special will do.
When the food is ready, take a sampling of each preparation, along with a
glass or cup of water, and place them all on a special plate that is used
only for offering food to God. This plate must never be used for any other
purpose than offering food in Prasada Meditation. Place the plate of food
before the sacred image. Offer a little incense to God. Then, in a
meditative and devotional state of mind, sit with eyes closed in
meditation and recite several sacred mantras. And request the Lord to
accept your offering. After you have offered the food in this way, the
food that you have cooked is now sanctified and considered to be prasada,
food transformed into the grace of God. By partaking in such food, we show
our devotion to God, and thus make spiritual advancement. The food on the
the plate should be re-merged into the food in the pots. Having thanked
the Lord for accepting your offering, the prasada can now be eaten. The
food should also be eaten with meditative awareness. While eating the
prasada, please always be conscious and aware that you are partaking in
the special grace of God. Eat with reverence, and enjoy!
copyright 2004