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Novemebr 2006 |
Ladies day Divine Discourse |
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Excerpts from Ladies day Discourses
By Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Discourses of Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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sourced from the official Sai baba Org.
"Ladies day"
[Released 19th Nov.]
Photographs Ladies day:
Excerpts from Bhagawan’s
“Today women, because they are educated, compete with men to take up
jobs. There is nothing wrong in going for a job. However, they must take
care of their home needs before taking up a job. When wife and husband
go to offices, who will look after their children at home? As the mother
is not at home to guide them properly, the children go astray. If both
the parents go out for jobs, they may be able to satisfy their desire
for money, but there is every possibility of their children getting
spoiled, as there will be nobody at home to discipline them. Whatever
moral values you have learnt, you have to teach your children. Whatever
you have studied will have value only when you care for your children's
progress. Education is meant to bring out the innate potential of an
This day is being observed
as Ladies Day. What does it mean? You think that this day is meant to do
some sacred acts, listen to Swami's discourse, etc. It is not merely
that. You should spend time in a sacred manner. What you learn today
should be an ideal for your lifetime. Develop self-confidence. Under any
circumstances uphold your self-respect….
This day is very sacred. Griham Ammayi, the mother of this body, used to
speak to all with love. She could never withstand the suffering of
others. She would come upstairs and plead with Me, saying, "Swami, they
are in a sorrowful state. Please call them and talk to them." Her heart
was filled with compassion. That is why her fame has spread so much. In
order to attain a good name, you have to utter sacred words and help
others. Whenever Mother Easwaramma would come to Me with such a plea, I
used to pretend to be angry and chide her, saying, "Why are you coming
here with recommendations? I don't want to listen to them". But she
would persist. She would continue to plead, "Swami, please take pity on
them. They are in dire need of Your help. Please talk to them once." It
pleased Me to see her compassionate and kind-hearted nature. Hrith +
Daya = Hridaya meaning, that which is filled with compassion is Hridaya
(heart). But, today man does not possess such a compassionate heart. He
utters harsh words and thereby is put to disrepute. One should talk
softly and sweetly. Never hurt others' feelings with harsh words”.
- Divine Discourse: November 19, 2002
"This day of 19th November is celebrated as Ladies Day in order to delve
into the sacred qualities of women and disseminate them. Women are the
repositories of Truth and Culture. Though earth is one, the plants vary
depending on the seeds sown. The womb of mother symbolizes Mother Earth.
As is the seed of thought sown in it, so is the fruit it yields. You
cannot expect mangoes by sowing a neem seed. So, the mother should be
filled with good thoughts, good words and good deeds. Only then can her
children be virtuous.
Today we find many children with bad character and bad behavior. The
reason for this can be attributed to the bad thoughts of their mothers.
Aryamba was a woman of virtues and noble character. She spent all her
time in the contemplation of God and undertaking noble deeds. As a
result, Jagadguru Sankaracharya was born in her sacred womb. Noble souls
like Vivekananda and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa could attain exalted
positions in their lives only due to the sacred feelings of their
This land of Bharath has given birth to many noble women like Savitri,
who brought her husband back to life; Chandramati, who extinguished wild
fire with the power of truth; Sita, who proved her chastity by coming
out of blazing fire unscathed; and Damayanthi, who reduced an
evil-minded hunter to ashes with the power of her chastity. It is
because of such women of character that Bharat (India) has attained the
reputation of being the land of plenty and prosperity. It is the teacher
of all nations”.
- Divine Discourse: November 19, 2000
"What we have to safeguard and protect today are Truth and Righteousness
and not the nation. When Truth and Righteousness are protected, they
will protect the nation. Hence, righteousness should be fostered in the
home. A home is no trivial place. The home is the abode of Dharma which
protects and safeguards the country. The home is the beacon which
illumines the world and sustains it. Women should realize that,
irrespective of their education or position, their foremost obligation
is to protect the home.
Wherever women are honored there is prosperity and happiness. Women
should never be slighted or treated with disrespect. A home in which the
housewife sheds tears will be bereft of all prosperity. This is the
ancient conception of the role of women in the home”.
- Divine Discourse: November 19, 1996
Source: sssbpt.org
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