Collection of eye witness account /messages/post
from devotees all over the world regarding
"Moon Darshan"
msg board. emails etc.
Send your Moon darshan email -
Eye witness account
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Kindly note: Authenticity of Eye witness account /messages/photos/composite photos
on this page rests solely with their authors/writers/mailer. These experiences, photos
& composite photos are being recorded by SBOI only for viewing & documenting Moon
Darshan sightings.
Scroll down to read the E-mails, photos & composite photos sent to SBOI
Details of Previous
happenings 4th Oct,07
(upddated 1Nov.2007)Moon
darshan - 22nd,23rd,24th,25th,26th,
27th,28th,29th Oct.2007.....
Om Sai Ram dear Sai brothers and sisters!
I am so glad! My mother and I had been blessed with Sai Baba Moon Darshan on 28th October at
9.30 p.m. Mother had seen a splendit young face of our beloved Sai Baba. She called me and I
had seen the face of a young Baba too, however the moon was not fully rounded. A part of the
Lord hair was missing.
Beloved Swami, thank you sincerely for this blessing!
Loving Sai Ram!
Marjeta Hajdinjak and Zorica Milijic, Brezice, Slovenia
satyasaibaba gave dharshan at 7.30 A.M to me and
myfriend on
29th morning at plano city,Dallas,Texaswhile I was
walking and gazing the sky resulted in Dharsan.Iwas
praying for few minutes saying SAIRAM
SAIRAM.Wonderful indeed.Information was given to me
byother sai devotees about others experiencePranam at
seshiah,plano city,Dallas ,Texas.
WE(PRASHANT and MANOJ VERMA) are fortunate and blessed to have darshan of SWAMI who is
omnipresent all over the universe including MOON.We saw the face of BABA JI in moon on
Thurseday, 30th Aug,2007 at night(after 9 pm) before KRISHAN JANMASHASTMI(4th
Sept,2007,Tueseday) FIRST TIME. Since then till today(Friday,2nd nov.,2007) we are looking the
face of swami in moon. We could not yet capture the image of Baba's face because of
unavailability of good resolution camera.
Imagine SWAMI is facing towards front side.Then HE moves slightly down HIS neck and faces
towards left side at an angle of about 60.This left side moved face is fixed and Watching to
us since Thurseday,30th Aug,2007 till today(Friday,2nd nov,2007).The face of swami covering
the whole moon.In the face two eyes are watching us.One MOLE is present below left eye as is
present on baba 's face. one nose and mouth with large lips are appearing.Overall Baba's face
is looking clearly with distinct MOLE(when moon is full) in a normal vision.
D.A.V. College ABOHAR(Punjab)
With the grace of Swami, I was able to witness the Moon Darshan on October 29 morning around
7:15 am from my home in Lilburn, Georgia, USA. It took few minutes for me to focus to see the
outline of clear sight of Swami's face. I was speechless with tears of joy rolling down and
constantly my lips murmured 'Sai Ram'. About 45 minutes, I saw Swami's young face many times
and once Shridi Baba standing pose and twice Swami's present look. Kodi pranams Bhagavan for
the gracious Darshan.
Mrs. Banu Devraj
Sairam to All
My Humble pranams at Thy Divine Lotus Feet of Our Beloved Swami....
Yesterday night (i.e on 28th October,2007 around 8.30 PM,) , I have seen Swami on the moon. It
was my amazing known, expected experience of the latest form of the Lord.
Moon was visible for me like a 3d picture. I hace seen three different moons like 3d... one
the normal moon, next the Swami and next as Shiridi Sai Baba,,,,, The picture was
clear....Look in to the moon, Swami Looks towords left side and the image of swami will on the
top left side with hair, face and shoulders, and later Shiridi Sai in the middle with the face
Thanks swami for giving this wonderful darshan....
Swami's love,
Sairam all
on 23rd October evening at around 9.30 my brother Naren called from Bradford and excitedly
told me to
look into the moon in the dark sky above……..
" Swami is in the moon " he exclaimed……….and so I did - how fortunate I felt as it was my
birthday the next day ie 24th Oct ……..I was like a child, couldn’t contain my excitement as to
what I WAS witnessing ! !
I hurriedly called all our centre members to take dharshan and the we all exchanged our
dharshans at our next Bhajan session on Thursday as part of our Study Circle.
Apke sath sath on Sai Path
Sai Ram!
I and my family had a Dharshan of Swami on the Full Moon day of october 2007, where Swami
appeared with His Hair and Face.Even though blurred but the picture was very evident.Lovely
Sai Ram!
My Family and I also saw Sathya Sai and Shridi Sai in Australia on the 27th Oct at 9pm. A
beautiful blue light surrounding the moon, It was so clear to us here.
What a wonderful darshan for all, thank you Swami thankyou for the darshan.
Mangai Chithravelu
Sairam to all of you
I was in airplane on 23 october at 7 pm from Washington dc to London sitting next to window I
could see clearly swami in the moon. I wish if my camera was with me and took pic of this
miracle. Thanks swami for giving me and all devotee your beautiful Darshan.
jay sairam
Ali Eskandari
Dear all,
this is not a real image, but im sending what i could see and visualise, what we all saw
yesterday looking at the moon. there was no need to imagine a shape or make a guess
the visual on moon was as clear as the image im sending now. HIS hair, eyes, nose and even HIS
smile was very clear.
enjoy! HIS blessings.
yours sincerley,
darpan rane
We are (self, wife and son) fortunate and blessed to have a Darshan of Swami, who is
omnipresent all over, including in MOON. We have hadthis opportunity in Kopar Khairane, Navi
Mumbai, Maharashtra State, ataround 11.45 p.m. on the 26th of October, 2007.
Sundararajan & Family
Sai Devotees in Singapore are blessed to see our Beloved Swami on the moon last night.
Many devotees alerted others to gaze at the Moon to see our Divine Parent reflecting His Glory
on the Moon.
What I witnessed around 9pm was a young Baba blessing us from the Moon.
Jai Sai Ram!
Ananda Perera
Sairam everybody
Iam happy to share with you of the darshan of our
beloved swami in the moon from tuesday onwards i.e
(23/10/07).Since Tuesday me and my family could see
swami everyday in the moon,we are blessed to see our
swami's viswa virat swarup Darshan.Our Beloved swami
granted his darshan to whole Universe-- This clearly
shows his love for his devotees. Thank you swami for
giving us very good Darshan
Sairam to all please check the
(attached) photo u can see
swami in that
Jai Sairam
Since the last two days we in Saudia Arabia have been blessed to receive
Bhagavan's Darshan on the Moon.
It is even more amazing that His image has been changing each day. Thus
this magnificent Darshan has really been a dynamic one. Truly like His
other miracles, this is only reminds us of yet another minor facet of His
immense Vishva Roopam.
May He always keep each one us in the cool light of His Love.
Sai Ram Everyone!
It has been raining heavily and the sky was covered with dark clouds for
so many nights here in Penang, Malaysia. I have been reading emails sent
from all over the world about every one being able to see Swami in the
moon and I have waited in vain, feeling a little disappointed over the
past few days.
In fact, the sky was still heavy with clouds this evening (26/10/07). I
went outside to the balcony at 8.30pm and started praying repeatedly "Om
Sai Ram" for almost half an hour. Swami then showered His magnificent
grace by clearing away the dark clouds and the moon became so bright
(without a single cloud!) by 9.30pm.
My whole family had gathered to watch the moon by then and all of us could
see His image very clearly. I sat outside with my youngest son for two
hours and we were blessed with several images, one of which was young
Sathya Sai.
This has been a truly wonderful magical night!
Love and regards,
Dearest People around the world
At 7.30 Irish time in Skibberreen, Co. Cork Ireland my family and i saw
swami on the moon.I saw him at three different stages of his life. Has a a
very young swami, in his middle years and a clear vision of what his
pysical form looks like at this precise time.It was and will be the most
beautiful vsion we will ever get to see in this life-time. My son of
twelve was the first to see it and he was dumb struck from shock. My other
two children had their first sighting at about the same time at university
in the city of Cork Ireland one and half hours away from me.
The vision of swami remained with us for many hours. I get up this morning
and still feel great emotion from witnessing such a great event.
To all our brothers and sisters out there i wish that it will be possible
for every single one of you to have this experience.
Jai Sai Ram
nelline govender
Just to let u know that a i am a fellow South African residing in
Ireland.At 7.30 last nite my family and i saw swami's face in the moon. It
was the greatest sight we will ever get to see.My son of 12 was in great
shock from seeing bhagwan so clearly.I got to see him in three different
stages of his life and physical form.
Unfortunately we did not get any photo's. We pray that u and our family
and friends back in S.A will get the opportunity to see what we did.
Greatest blessing ever to be got. A vsion i will never ever forget.You can
pass this message onto all.
Jai Sai Ram
may swami's blessing be with u and all
nelline govender
early 4:30am on October 26, 2007. IF WAS SO CLEAR I TOOK PICTURES!!!! I AM
initally i saw your image,in the right corner, of your "youth" with little
hair. it took lot of efforts to clean this image before i could see your
other 2 images. I feel perplexed how nobody has seen 3 images. AND then i
saw other two images as described by others.
SHOPPING CENTRE when you passed in your car and i was hardly 2 feet away.
i wished and i had it---always.
i/we will always take efforts to be your worthy followers. give me/us
prabhakar and wife suvarna
We had the opportunity of seeing
Swami's image on the moon today at Bahrain.
We are blessed to see the divine avatar's form in such an extraordinary
Sai Ram
We too had Swami's Viswaroopa darsanam in the Moon in Cleveland, Ohio,
USA. It was a very cloudy day and the clouds continued through the evening
too. At about 9PM, my friend called and we all saw Swami's face profile.
Through the clouds we were not too sure if our eyes and mind were playing
games. But then at about 9.30PM the clouds cleared and very clearly we saw
Swami in the moon. We also noticed a small form of Swami in full length
towards the right side of the moon.
In the loving presence of Swami
sai ram, rom rashila shah london,uk.
received a call from susheeljad
from delhi asking us to view the moon on 22nd oct ,and we were lucky to
get the
darshan of satyababa n shirdi baba on the moon. had the
best experence of my life.i informed many of my sai
devotee friends nthey all got the chance to get babas
darshanon the moon.thank u baba and always bless nus n
protect us. love u. sai ram
Sai Ram,
Even my family and I had Swamy's Divine Darshan at
10.00 p.m. on 23.10.2007. In fact I saw two different
images like the first one which almost every one saw
and the other one is half image of Swamy like holding
a robe with his hand during darshan and looking at the
Devendra Pednekar, Divya, Soham, Kanaka
Mulund, Mumbai.
Sai Ram my beloved Sai Family
My self and family also saw sathya sai and Shirdi sai in Scarborough
Toronto in the moon
last night (24.10.2007) at
It was so clear to us here
May Swami be with you all always
Deodat Persaud
Vice President- Corporate Audit & Compliance
I received a call from the
Vice-President of our center in Manhattan (before I heard any of these
other reports) who told me that a very good friend of his had called him
from a beach in St. Martin that evening where about 700 people had been
staring at His face in the moon for about 2 hours.
Sai Ram
Richard Margolin
Sathya Sai Baba Center of Manhattan
(Richard margolin has informed SBOI that the above picture was taken
in Puttaparthi on Oct. 22 by a visiting professor fro
Kindly note: SBOI Photo analyst belive the above picture is a composite photo
Hello Sai Family,
I saw swami in the moon last night. To all of you who have seen it enjoy
your darshan.
The sky was clear in Trinidad & Tobago. Look forward to seeing it again
Sai Ram
We had swami’s Darshan from UK London on 22nd October 2007 at 10pm, I am
soo happy to experience it
We here in pune also saw swami image in the moon. It was a great miracle
we all witnessed.Thankyou Swami.
Rekha Shinde
Sai Ram,
We are so blessed and fortunate to witness the glorious face of our divine
mother sai in the moon at night around 9 pm on 23rd October 2007.
our pair of eyes is not sufficient to bear the divine view in its
we planned to take arthi to our beloved swami on the full moon day to
celebrate this holy day which we never forgets in our life.
Bharathi Rajasekaran
I'm from Trinidad and saw baba in Moon
indra mohansingh
It is very truth, I just saw Swami´s
image on the moon. It was cloudy
and raining with a very cold wethear in Mexico City, but tonight, we
have a splendorous full moon, and Seami in it. WHAT A WONDERFUL
David Urbina R
My husband & I had the wonderful Moon darshan at
Chennai on 23rd in between clouds. We waited for the
clouds to clear and then could see Swami's halo and
face clearly. My husband could in fact see 2 images of
Swami one within the face in standing posture!
Loving Sairams,
very fine moon darshan we saw in prasanthi tonight................
we all are blessed..........
Aravind family,
Dear all,
this is not a real image, but im sending what i could see and visualise,
what we all saw yesterday looking at the moon. there was no need to
imagine a shape or make a guess
the visual on moon was as clear as the image im sending now. HIS hair,
eyes, nose and even HIS smile was very clear.
enjoy! HIS blessings.
yours sincerley,
this is very true. we all saw Swami from Sharjah as well as Abu dhabi and
Dubai too.
Sai is the absolute truth, the one paratma.
darpan rane
Sai Ram To All
Yesterday night at 10PM Sai Ram uncle Nataraj from Riyadh and Sai ram
Bro.Vinod from Al Khobar called me and told to see the Moon,
immediately I went outside and see the moon, its a very beautiful
Shirdi Sai and Sathya Sai darshan thro moon
What else we need in this present birth?
Sai is always with us. HE is there always with us, around us, behind
us, within us
Jai Sai Ram
swamy mahadevan
Moon Darshan
Sairam to All
We in Dubai had the glorious darshan of our lord .The Beautiful Crown of
hair and the face .We could see this great sight for a long long time .We
all are blessed
Hands that serve are holier than the lips that pray-Baba
yesterday night one of my father's friend (who is not a Sai devotee)
called on us at 10pm asking us to go immediately to look at the moon
and what we saw was a great MIRACLE --there in the moon was Swami's
face --the whole hairs, face, neck clearly visible---it was not our
imagination --it was real ---today 24-10-07 we have made it conform
from devotees from other parts of our state Orissa---also from other
sates in India
jai Sairam
Sairam brothers & sisters,
I reside in Kuwait. I & my family got the Darshan of Swami in the moon
yesterday night at 11:00 pm Kuwait time. I felt really blessed.
Anand R.
Today's evening i.e. on 23rd oct, at about 10:00pm we got the darshan
which angels wish to have in heaven. Today many parts of India including
ours at Raipur we have seen a very clear picture of Swami. I didn't
believe in my eyes. The darshan for all in sky. We had very clearly saw
swami's face his hair and shoulders in moon as some unique formation.
Thank you swami. Thank you for the darshan.
with pranams at
divine feet,
sisir akkiraju
I too saw swamy in the moon yesterday mid night at 2' o clock
madhuri reddy
om Sairam
last night with the grace of swami we saw both Shirdi baba and swami
on moon .It was a divine experience. I understand we will be able to
see it till poornima.
Sai ram to all may Sai bless we all
ashok kc
I saw him last night. Very bright and
lovely. I was shaking afterwards and I don't know why. Maybe because I was
so overwhelmed. Its truly a blessing and miracle to witness.
Om Sai Ram
indra mohansingh
Sairam to all
Many devotees in Mumbai could see Baba's face outline clearly in Moon just
now. While some could get clearer features, I could see only the outline.
Some from Gujarat and Vizag in India also confirm having seen it. If
anyone is reading this mail just now can attempt to see.
Dear all
Om sai ram
yes! myself along with my friends saw baba on moon on 22nd night (around
11PM) & 23rd night also . It was indeed a blissful experience.
Feel lucky to have his divine darshan.
sai ram
Even we were fortunate to have Swami’s darshan on the moon from Dubai. One
of the Sai devotee received a message from India around 9 PM and
immediately he informed us. We too were fortunate enough to receive the
message and have Swami’s darshan on the moon. What more Leelas Swami is
going to come up with which we are going to witness in the near future He
will only know.
Yes, we witnessed that in the clear sky yesterday,
23rd october 2007, Tuesday at San Francisco,
California. It was very clear and even other people
could feel that there was a face that they could see
in the moon and it was really a great cosmic leela of
-------------------------------------Sai Ram !
By the Abundant Grace of Swami, we had darshan of Swami in Moon today
(24.10.2007 from 8 to 9 p.m.).
We could not have darshan yesterday (23.10.2007). We prayed Swami to give
us darshan today & casually went out to see the moon.
And there is Swami answering our prayers & giving us darshan. This is the
beginning of the Golden Age.
Regards to all in the Sai Family,
Baba is on the moon
again.Very clear here in Scotland.Look out of
your windows and get his blessings.8.30 p.m
Dear Embodyments of
It's amazing! there is no limits for His Divine power!
He is so megnanimous to garce His Darshan on the moon tonight by 10.44 pm
Who ever craves from their heart with pure love for His Darshan, will be
delighted for sure!
Baba Bliss is always with us!
K.Ram narayanan (U.A.E)
I saw the face of
Sathyasai Baba on the face of the moon very clearly
He is full of bliss and radiates love
Hope u too can see it if you manage to read this now
otherwise maybe tomorrow too if in Moscow we are able to see the moon we
watch Him
For more updates
visit: SBOI-Group

Details of Previous happenings below.
4 October, 2007 – The Vishwa Rupa Darshan Day
came out for darshan at 5:05 pm in the evening of October 4. The bhajans had begun and Swami
went straight into the bhajan hall at the end of His darshan rounds. Swami sat for the
bhajans till about 5:35 pm. He appeared to be very radiant, yet had an emotional air about
Him. Every bhajan seemed to touch Him and as He sat, He kept looking all around. It was as
if He wanted His gaze to fall on everyone present in the hall. As the bhajans were going on,
Swami called the secretary of the Central Trust, Sri Chakravarthi, and spoke to him. The
bhajan group dimmed the volume of singing and accompaniment as the conversation turned out
to be a long drawn one. The conversation lasted for one whole bhajan. Then Swami smiled and
continued looking at everyone. At 5:35 pm, Swami went into the interview room. He came out
at about 6:00 pm and immediately asked for Aarthi. However, during the Aarthi, Swami came
into the bhajan hall. He sat till the final Loka Samastha was sung. Then, calling
Prof. Anil Kumar, He had the following announcement made.
"Today is a very auspicious day. From this moment on till 7:00pm, in the
direction of the airport, one can have the Vishwa Viraata Swaroopa Darshan. It can be seen
by people - irrespective of their nationality, colour, caste."
A wide array of emotions passed over people's faces as they heard the announcement. Swami
seemed to be the only non-confused soul in the whole assembly. A rare wave of chatter and
excited talk broke out in the bhajan hall and Swami left with a satisfied and loving look.
The whole of Parthi and the neighbouring villages too seemed to get galvanised. All roads
seemed to be leading towards the airport. The auto rickshaw stand emptied in no time and
taxis were all full. All vehicles - motor and non-motor- headed towards the airport and
well, only one who was at the scene knows the euphoric impact it had on all. Parthi must
never have seen such a motorcade in its brief yet vibrant history.
To add to this, at about 6:30 pm, Swami's Porte too headed towards the airport. The ashram
wore a deserted look as all its inhabitants moved towards the airport. The main road was
clogged with vehicles and it resembled a one way. No vehicle seemed to be headed towards
Parthi and all faced the South-Westerly direction towards the airport. Parking space was a
problem, but the devotees went in the vehicles as far as they could. Then jettisoning the
vehicles, they proceeded on foot to the precincts of the airport. Swami's car was parked in
the centre of the runway just opposite the terminal building.
car was naturally the focus of people's attention and the locus of the mammoth crowd. In a
matter of 20 minutes, more than 10,000 people had assembled in the airport. It was
completely dark and the only lights were from the tail lamps and head lights of Swami's
Porte. Of course there were occasional flashes from cameras and the small screen lights of
mobile phones. Chants of Sai Gayathri rented the air almost everywhere. Near the car, it
gave way to frenzied shouts of "Bolo Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba Ki... Jai." Swami sat in
the car just staring ahead. He seemed to be waiting for something. People were in a
devotional fervour and if the runway could be replaced by a river, the scene would have
reflected the Maha Kumbh Mela.
All of a
sudden, Swami's car that was dark, lit up as the interior lights were switched on. There was
a mighty applause and everyone’s faces too seem to be lit up by virtue of the light being
put on in the car. The crowd was now on its feet and the security cordon around Swami's car
was now almost non-existent. People were so charged and they wanted to catch just a glimpse
of their beloved Lord. There were discussions of requesting Swami to return to the Mandir as
the crowd was becoming uncontrollable. But then Swami did something that was so natural of
Him. He asked for the door to be opened and He seemed to be too keen to get out of the car
and be amidst His devotees. The door opened and the chair started to move.
But then
there was a sudden onrush of devotees. In the darkness of the early night, the whole scene
appeared like the "
Kanyakumari-pearl necklace" episode - only that it was now waves of devotees trying to offer
their garland of Love, Devotion and Gratitude. The crowds were literally surging and people
near the car requested Swami to return into the car. There were repeated pleas to the
devotees to be calm and seated but they seemed to hear none of it. A kind of mob mentality
set in and indiscipline was in display too. Swami still wanted to get out of the car and be
in the midst of devotees. But the raging waves of devotees seemed to make that move
physically impossible. They were almost squeezed flat on the sides of the car and it was
physically impossible for Swami even to come out. For once it seemed that God was proposing
which man was disposing!
Uncontrollable joy at a mere
The car now
started and waded its way amidst the crowd and parked in another spot. Somehow, Swami wanted
to be on the tarmac in the airport and it was purely His will that the car was still there.
Such a scene had never been seen and even today it was not being seen (!), for along with
the devotees, darkness enveloped the whole airport runway. The chants grew louder and now
people did not know what was happening.
Swami was the only
calm figure in the entire assembly. He got the car parked at a little distance away from the
runway and then the same story was enacted. Swami wanted to come out of the car but it was
physically impossible with the crowds swarming around the car. Meanwhile, the whole of
Prashanti Nilayam was literally empty. It was reminiscent of how the gopikas would rush to
Krishna, leaving their houses unlocked, forgetting whatever they were doing. Swami for the
third time got the car parked at another spot. Again the same story – He was not able to
come out.
From a
distance, even in the darkness, the scene was awe inspiring, to say the least. There were at
least 12,000 people and the vast assembly brought to the mind images of the vedic chant "Sahasra
Purusha". In a way, though Swami was not being "allowed" to do what He wanted to by the
crowds - the crowds themselves seemed to symbolise the cosmic form. Often Swami says that
when it is said that the Lord has a thousand eyes and ears, He is not a funny looking being.
It is
symbolic of Him pervading every being in the Universe. From a distance, this aspect became
very clear. Moreover, the media picked up on some wild rumours which had no substantiation.
The beauty of Swami's actions is that everyone benefits out of it. Whatever be anybody's
motive, His motive is only the welfare and happiness around. He has not caused pain to one
little thing in His whole life and led every moment of it for others. He does not care for
the "taints" and "extolling" that the world may shower on Him. The Truth needs no
verification nor does it change, whether a majority accepts it or rejects it.
The massive nightly
congregation in the airport...
...seemed to resemble a
Vishwaroopa in itself
At about
7:45 pm, Swami's car started to head out of the airport. But the roads were all blocked.
Even Swami needed half an hour to travel the 8 kilometres to the Mandir. He reached Yajur
mandir only at 8:30 pm and retired only by 10:00 pm.
Whoever may say anything, in matters of spirituality, it is only the experience of the heart
that counts. And it is faith alone that leads to the experience.
Once man told God, "Why don't you reveal yourself to the world? Everyone can benefit."
replied, "I would love to do so. But tell me how should I do that?"
Man: "Why don't you do a miracle? A miracle that will stun everyone?"
God: "What sort of miracle do you suggest that I do?"
Man: "Hmm....well let me see. Why don't you turn the whole ocean red?"
God: "My dear! That will not work."
Man: "Why do you say that?"
God: "Because sometime back, someone asked me to make it blue. But today, you have
scientific explanations for its blue colour!"
God then went on to tell him, "If you don't have faith, every experience seems co-
incidental. But with faith, every breath, every heartbeat, every moment becomes a divine
The feelings in everyone who witnessed the divine drama were profound and sublime. The
experience, well, can be put off as coincidental and "nothing much", or it can be considered
the fruition of the wait of lifetimes. Swami is Truth and Love.
Om Sairam dearest Sai Family
was lot of suspense, drama and lot of commotion in Puttaparthi this
Thursday evening. To give a brief account of what had happened and to
remove all the contradicting views in various TV channels, all started
around 5:25 when Prof.Anil Kumar announced, with consent of Swami, that
there would Viswa Virat Swaroop darshan this evening around 6pm to 7pm..
Apparently, to what I understood, Swami would be seen in the sky (in the
moon) in between this time, in His cosmic form…
Recently I have seen a video of experiences of some old time devotees
where in Swami has showed His form on the banks of Chitravathi river, in
the sky. Today it was announced that the rare darshan would be seen in the
airport area.. The news spread in no time to the whole puttaparthi and in
no time, thanks to the mobile revolution in India, the news spread to all
corners of the world. Every one had a different name for the very very
special darshan.. At one stage, the phone lines were very very hard to get
through, as all the phones were busy discussing this issue..
It all started with a small gathering near the airport around 5:45 and
slowly the crowd increased..The crowd were anxious, and many patients who
came for treatment in the super hospital also joined the crowd and to
intensify the anxiousness, Swami Himself drove to the airport.. Then
started the real show.. Atleast 100 vehicles followed Swami and the crowd
were in thousands, and only a bunch of police men to control.
Usually for large gatherings, there are special police teams brought to
Parthi, but this being a very very rare occasion and a sudden one. Before
Swami could come to the airport, thousands were already gathered in the
airport. The people from my village (which is just on the other side of
the airport) and surrounding villages, got into the airport by crossing
over the fencing…All were standing in the run way before Swami’s arrival..
As the main gates were opened to let Swami’s car in, there was a huge gush
of devotees. The police had no idea as what to do and they almost gave
up.. It was getting dark by then and Swami slowly got down from His car
and hardly stayed out for some minutes. .Seeing the devotees’ anxiety
Swami had to get into His car again and no one had any idea as what was
happening and where and how Swami would be seen in the sky…
Swami had to stay in His car for more close to one hour, thanks to the
anxious devotees. It was 6:45pm by then, a very rare occasion for Swami to
stay in the airport premises, overcrowded by devotees during this part of
the day…. The crowd which was around 10,000 or so now doubled, thus making
the situation more tense and worse…All the devotees surrounded around His
car, chanting Sai Gayatri, some where singing bhajans, some chanting
mantras looking at the sky and looking at Swami..Some (chatter box)
devotees started saying, Swami will be seen in the east direction, some
said no in the west.. another fellow said, Swami will be seen like in a
Imax theater, in the sky.. one devotee went a little further and said,
Swami will now give discourse from the car and the whole thing will be
reflected on the sky…There were all kind of speculations and some were
weird enough to be brushed aside… There was no one to announce as what was
going on or what is going to happen next.
By now all the roads were blocked. Cars, motor cycles and vans were parked
right in the middle of the road. Now the big question was how will Swami’s
car go out.. Another 2 cars were brought..The police tried to give an
impression that Swami was in a particular car and divert the attention of
the crowd to let Swami go to ashram peacefully.. Even that plan didn’t
work out..
After waiting for an hour, around 7:40 Swami’s car slowly turned turned
towards the ashram and it took close to 2 hours for Swami to reach
Puttaparthi thus pulling the curtains down for a very interesting and
action packed evening…..and crowd who had come from distant places,
returned back after a tension packed 2 hours… But all were in smiles for a
beautiful car darshan…
Probably Swami postponed His yet another Leela to some other fine
evening……We all are waiting for that evening Swami…
Reporting from Kali Yuga’s Mathura
Satish Naik…… (member
October 4th, 2007
This evening, Swami came out for darshan at 5:05 pm. The bhajans had begun
and Swami went straight into the bhajan hall at the end of His darshan
rounds. Swami sat for the bhajans till about 5:35 pm. He appeared to be
very radiant, yet had an emotional air about Him. Every bhajan seemed to
touch Him and as HE sat, He kept looking all around. It was as if He
wanted His gaze to fall on everyone present in the hall. As the bhajans
were going on, Swami called the secretary of the Central Trust,
Sri.Chakravarthi, and spoke to him. The bhajan group dimmed the volume of
singing and accompaniment as the conversation turned out to be a long
drawn one. The conversation lasted for one whole bhajan. Then Swami smiled
and continued looking at everyone. At 5:35pm, Swami went into the
interview room. He came out at about 6:00pm and immediately asked for
Aarthi. However, during the Aarthi, Swami came into the bhajan hall. He
sat till the Loka Samastha was sung. Then, calling Prof.Anil Kumar, He had
the following announcement made.
"Today is a very auspicious day. From this moment on till 7:00pm, in the
direction of the airport, one can have the Vishwa Viraata Swaroopa
Darshan. It can be seen by people - irrespective of their
A wide array of emotions passed over people's faces as they heard the
announcement. Swami seemed to be the only non-confused soul in the whole
assembly. A rare wave of chatter and excited talk broke out in the bhajan
hall and Swami just left with a satisfied and loving look. The whole of
Parthi and the neighbouring villages too seemed to get galvanised. All
roads seemed to be leading towards the airport. The auto rikshaw stand
emptied in no time and taxis were all full. All vehicles - motor and non
motor- headed towards the airport and well, the scene must have been seen
to feel the impact. Parthi must never have seen such a motorcade in its
brief yet vibrant history.
To add to this, at about 6:30 pm, Swami's Porte too headed towards the
airport. Parthi wore a deserted look as all its inhabitants moved towards
the airport. The main road was clogged with vehicles and it resembled a
one way. No vehicle seemed to be headed towards Parthi and all faced the
South-Westerly direction towards the airport. Parking space was a problem,
but the devotees went in the vehicles as far as they could carry them.
Then jettisoning the vehicles, they proceeded on foot to the hallowed
precincts of the airport. Swami's car was parked in the centre of the
runway just opposite the terminal building.
Swami's car was naturally the focus of people's attention and the locus of
the mammoth crowd. In a matter of 20 minutes, more than 10,000 people had
assembled in the airport. It was completely dark and the only lights were
from the tail lamps and head lights of Swami's Porte. Of course there were
occasional flashes from cameras and the small screen lights of mobile
phones. Chants of Sai Gayathri rented the air almost everywhere. Near the
car, it gave way to frenzied shouts of "Bolo Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai
BabaKi... Jai ". Swami sat in the car just staring ahead. He seemed to be
waiting for something. The people were in a devotional fervour and if the
runway could be relpaced by a river, the scene would have reflected the
Maha Kumbh Mela.
All of a sudden, Swami's car that was dark, lit up as the interior lights
were switched on. There was a mighty applause and peoples faces too seem
to be lit up by virtue of the light being put on in the car. The crowd was
now on its feet and the security cordon around Swami's car was now almost
non existent. People were so charged and they wanted to just glimpse at
their beloved Lord. There were discussions of requesting Swami to return
to the mandir as the crowd was becoming uncontrollable. But then Swami did
something that was so natural of Him. He asked for the door be opened and
He wanted to go out and be amidst His devotees. The door opened and the
chair started to move. But then there was a sudden onrush of devotees. In
the darkness of the early night, the whole scene appeared like the "Kanyakumari-
pearlnecklace" episode - only that it was now waves of devotees trying to
offer the garland of Love, Devotion and Gratitude. The crowds were
literally surging and people near the car requested Swami to go back into
the car. There were repeated pleas to the devotees to be calm and seated
but they seemed to hear none of it. A kind of mob mentality set in and
indiscipline seemed to set in. Swami was still wanting to get out of the
car and be in their midst. But the raging waves of devotees seemed to make
that move physically impossible. They were almost squeezed flat on the
sides of the car and it was physically impossible for Swami even to come
out. For once it seemed that God was proposing which man was disposing!
The car now started up and waded its way amidst the crowd and parked in
another spot. Somehow, swami wanted to be on the tarmac in the airport and
it was purely His will that the car was still there. Such a scene would
never have been seen and even today it was not being seen for along with
the devotees, even darkness enveloped the whole airport runway. The chants
grew louder and now people did not know what was happening. Swami was the
only calm figure in the entire assembly. He got the car parked at a little
distance away from the runway and then the same story was enacted. Swami
wanted to come out of the car but it was physically impossible with the
crowds swarming around the car. Meanwhile, the whole of Prashanti Nilayam
was literally empty. It was reminiscent of how the gopikas would rush to
Krishna, leaving their houses unlocked, forgetting whatever they were
doing. Swami for the third time got the car parked at another spot. Again
the same story - not able to come out.
From a distance, even in the darkness, the scene was awe inspiring to say
the least. The vast assembly brought to the mind images of the vedic chant
"Sahasra Shirsha Purusha". In a way, though Swami was not being "allowed"
to do what He wanted to by the crowds, the crowds themselves seemed to
symbolise the cosmic form. Often Swami says that when it is said that the
Lord has a thousand eyes and ears, He is not a funny looking being. It is
symbolic of Him pervading every being in the Universe. From a distance,
this aspect became very clear. Moreover, the spice hungry media picked up
on the heavy rumours which were actually non-existent. Many channels
rivalled each other and revelled in trying to cook up the hottest gossip
and gain mileage out of the spiritual phenomenon. The beauty of Swami's
actions is that everyone benefits out of it. Whatever be anybody's motive,
His motive is only the welfare and happiness around. He has not caused
pain to one little thing in His whole life and led every moment of it for
others. He does not care for the "taints" and "extolling" that the world
may shower on Him. The Truth needs no verification nor does it change just
because a majority refuse to accept it.
At about 7:45 pm, Swami's car started to head out of the airport. But the
roads were all blocked. Even Swami needed half an hour to travel the 8
kilometres to the mandir. He reached into Yajur mandir only at 8:30 pm and
retired only by 10:00 pm.
Whoever may say anything, in matters of spirituality, it is only the
experience of the heart that counts. And it is FAITH alone that leads to
the experience. Once man told God,"Why don't you reveal yourself to the
world? Everyone can benefit."
God replied,"I would love to do so. But tell me how should I do that?"
"Why don't you do a miracle? A miracle that will stun everyone?"
"What sort of miracle do you suggest that I do?"
"Hmm....well let me see. Why don't you turn the whole ocean red?"
"My dear! That will not work."
"Why do you say that?"
"Because sometime back, someone asked me to make it blue. But today, you
have scientific explanations for its blue colour!"
God then went on to tell him,"If you don't have faith, every experience
seems co incidental. But with faith, every breath, every heartbeat, every
moment becomes an experience."
The feelings in everyone who witnessed the divine drama were profound yet
sublime. The experience, well, can be put off as co incidental and
"nothing much" or it can be considered the fruition of the wait of
lifetimes. Swami is Truth and Love.
SaiRam Sai Family....
"Swami Vishwa Roopa Darshan" This was a Highlight topic all around and
spread very fast on this Thursday’s dusk
As far as i heard it was declared that Swami would be giving "Vishwa Roopa"
darshan (a divine glow would be visible on the moon) today 4th Oct in
between 6 to 7 P.M IST and every body to gathered in Sai AIRPORT,
This was also shown as News Flash in Local Telugu news channel named "TV9"
and according to that update, nearly around 50,000 devotees in and around
hamlets of Puttaparthy have all gathered in Airport to have this rare
Darshan of our beloved lord
Swami also arrived to the Airport and due to unpredicted count of people
there was heavy traffic jam as well according to the sources It was a very
cloudy and sources from TV have updated that Swami had to cancel this
event and left to Mandir
Official updates from eyewitnesses and Sai brothers and sisters from
Parthi are awaited....
Not sure when again Swami would intent to do such a miracle
Jai Sai Ram
Sai Murali (member
Thursday, October 4,
2007 - Swami inside the moon: today Prof. Anil Kumar announced that Swami
will show His VISHWA roop DARSHAN in the moon . The crowd of people were
gathered from the Ashram gate up to the Sri Sathya Sai Airport (venue of
the event). Swami drove up to the airport amidst the crowd of people. Also
few Indian TV channels have aired this news today evening.
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