It was Kahlil Gibran who said, “You give but little when
you give of your possessions. It is when you give yourself that you
truly give.” Bhagavan, the ever compassionate Lord, truly gave Himself
completely to His devotees in this sacred month of November, as expected
huge masses thronged Prashanti Nilayam to witness the 81st Advent Year
of the Avatar. The birthday festivities began with the Global Akhanda
Bhajans starting on November 11th. This was followed by the Rathotsavam
and the Ladies Day Celebrations. The 25th Convocation of the Sri Sathya
Sai Institute of Higher Learning witnessed a wonderful celebration, with
the President of India as the Chief Guest. And devotees who had gathered
on November 23 were rewarded with a double bonanza - the Darshan of the
Lord in His sparkling white robe in the morning and a resplendent yellow
robe in the evening of the birthday. Let us now go back to the beginning
of the month.
November 11 and 12, 2006:
Global Akhanda Bhajans
It was more than six decades ago, in the year 1940, when the Lord
conveyed His first message to mankind through the medium of a bhajan:
“Manasa Bhajare Gurucharanam …” In fact, this bhajan was the seed that
has today grown into a gigantic Sai movement. Singing Bhajans with full
devotion is the simplest way of remembering God; and numerous are the
instances where the devotees of the Lord have enjoyed His proximity
through their soulful renderings.
It was December 18, 1994 that Bhagavan said in His
"...During community singing, divine vibrations emerge sanctifying the
whole atmosphere. The same result cannot be expected when one sings
alone. Community singing promotes unity, which leads to purity and
divinity. Today there is no unity, purity or divinity. What mankind
needs today is unity based on the spiritual oneness of humanity..."
Swami lighting the lamp to commence the Global Akhanda Bhajan
Let us take a moment and ponder on the positive effect
that would result if people across the globe join together in singing
His name. It was in this spirit of spreading divine vibrations, that
Bhagavan started the Global Akanda Bhajans by lighting the lamp in the
Bhajan Hall at 6 P.M. on the 11th of November. Sai Organizations in
every nation started the Akhanda Bhajans at 6.00 P.M. at their local
time. In the evening, Bhagavan sat for more than an hour enjoying the
bhajans and encouraging the students to sing with greater enthusiasm.
Later in the evening and throughout the night many students, youth from
various places in India and overseas devotees sang their choicest
bhajans electrifying the atmosphere with spiritual vibrations and their
devotional fervour.
The next morning Bhagavan blessed the students by
listening to the bhajans for half an hour and out of His compassion,
before He left, He instructed that apart from the usual bhajan singers
others should also be given a chance to lead the bhajans, so that all
are blessed with the priceless opportunity to be a part of the sacred
event. In the evening Bhagavan again sat for more than an hour listening
intently to the devotees’ devotional offerings and exactly at 6 P.M. lit
the camphor and marked the end of the twenty-four hour bhajans session.
After the aarthi, all the devotees received the Prasadam – Tamarind rice
and laddu (sweet) and returned carrying the blissful memories and
sublime vibrations with them.
Bhagawan receiving Aarthi at the end of bhajan
Primary School children partaking Prasadam with glee
November 16, 2006: Distribution of
Bicycles by Anantapur Campus
On this morning, as part of Bhagavan’s 81st Birthday
Celebrations, the Anantapur Campus of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of
Higher Learning, made a humble offering of their love and devotion to
Bhagavan, in the form of bicycles for eighty-one deserving
girl-students. These girls were selected – irrespective of caste or
religion - from various educational institutions in Anantapur - such as
the Government Girls’ High School, the Guild of Service School, the PVKK
College, the Sri Sathya Sai Junior College, etc.
An underprivileged student receives a bicycle
Most of the girls belong to the 8th and 9th Standard
with some of them being in 11th, and a couple of them in 12th Standard
too. Many of these girls hailed from severely challenged economic
backgrounds, yet had the ardent desire to come up in life.
Therefore, they walked long distances to their schools
and back everyday. The gift of these bicycles by Bhagavan meant the end
of their daily drudgery of trudging such long distances. Some of the
girls hailed from villages 8 to 15 kms. from Anantapur town - places
like Kattakindapalli (which is 8 kms. from Anantapur), Narpala (10
kms.), Lingampalli (13 kms.) Bukkarayasamudrum (15 kms.) and Kothapalli
(also 15 kms. from Anantapur).
On this eventful morning they came one by one, bowed
down to Bhagavan, placed a rose at His Divine Lotus Feet, and then
walked past the dais wheeling away the bicycles given to them. Bhagavan
graciously acknowledged their pranams and blessed them all. One of the
girls, Kum. Aswini from Ambedkar Nagar, studying in the 8th Standard of
the Govt. Girls’ High School was physically challenged and used to be
carried by her classmates from one class to the other. A wheelchair
awarded to her was a divine boon.
Distributing wheelchair to a handicapped girl
The enthralling Brass Band from the Anantapur Campus
After the distribution of the bicycles was over, the
Brass Band of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Anantapur
Campus, played a few tunes that captivated the audience. The morning
function was over by 9.30 am after which Bhagavan returned to the
Interview Room. This was followed by Bhajans in the Mandir. Bhagavan
took arati at around 10 am, and returned to the Yajur Mandir marking the
conclusion of the morning program.
November 18, 2006: Rathotsavam and
Inauguration of Sai Geeta’s New Residence
Sai Geeta receives blessings on Rathotsavam Day
The yearly Rathotsavam day marks the occasion when idols
of deities are taken in a procession in the village, so that the village
folk have an opportunity to have a closer look of their Gods and offer
worship. This morning Bhagavan came for Darshan at 7.30 am. The
procession with bedecked Sai Gita, Bhagavan's pet elephant, was waiting
at the front gate of the Sai Kulwant Hall. As Swami's car reached her,
He paused and fed her with apples from the car. It was a sight to savour
for all, but especially touching for the small children who were able to
witness this.
After those few minutes with Sai Geeta, Swami continued
His Darshan round. Swami's car came to the Verandah and He alighted,
went to the stage area and sat there for ten minutes listening to the
Vedic chants and the Panchavadyam by the students, along with the
village band.
Later He went inside the Bhajan Hall where the
palanquins with the Rama-Lakshmana-Sita-Hanuman and Krishna idols were
kept ready decorated with flowers. Dressed in orange dhotis the Vedam
group boys chanted the sacred hymns in the Bhajan Hall. The priest
brought the ceremonial thread to be blessed by Bhagavan and then adorned
Sita devi with it, and then waved camphor in front of the palanquins.
Puja before the procession
A surprise visit beyond the Gopuram gate
This marked the beginning of the procession, with the
Vedam group leading the palanquins carried by specially trained
Sevadals from Hyderabad, followed by the Bhajan group. The devotees
gathered in Sai Kulwant Hall were in for a pleasant surprise when Swami
followed the idols right up to the Gopuram gate, granting Darshan to
all. The procession went to the Pedda Venkappa Raju Kalyanamantapam
which was the former Bhajan Mandir. Led by the Naadaswaram, Vedam and
Bhajan groups, the procession paused every twenty feet where many
devotees who had gathered came with their offerings of coconuts and
flowers. Bhagavan returned to the interview room till the procession
returned a few minutes after nine o'clock. The Bhajan group members
started singing once the Rama statue was reinstalled in the Bhajan Hall.
Bhagavan came in soon after, sat for a few Bhajans, accepted Arati and
then returned to His residence at 9.45.
The Lord arrives at the new home of Sai Geeta
Sai Geeta relishes every moment with the Lord
But the morning program did not end there. At 10:45 A.M.
Bhagavan gave more joy to His devotees as He went to inaugurate the new
residence for Sai Geeta which is located next to the Sri Sathya Sai
Space Theatre (Planetarium). The Planetarium grounds were beautifully
decorated with buntings and flower arrangements. Bhagavan alighted right
next to Sai Gita who was expectantly standing at the entrance of her new
building. After feeding her, Swami went into the building and stayed
there for some time, while some people connected with the construction
presented Him with bouquets. A priest made puja and broke a coconut in
front of Sai Gita. Bhagavan blessed clothes and food prasadam to be
distributed to the workers involved in the constructions who were
sitting close by and also sent watches to be distributed to them. Sai
Gita then entered her new abode, and Swami fed her again with apples and
sugarcane. Bhagavan finally left at 11.10 A.M accepting Arati and
blessing some ladies who were seated near the entrance.
The young Russian devotee receives His blessings
Precious moments after their performance
The evening programme commenced at 3:45pm when Swami
arrived at the tastefully decorated Sai Kulwant Hall. Much to the joy of
the devotees gathered there, He took centre stage and was keenly
observing and occasionally even chanting vedam. At 4:10 He asked for the
evening program to begin and was greeted by our Sai brothers and sisters
from Russia with their traditional folk musical presentation. They used
a rare traditional harp, called a psaltery, for the programme, which
featured an eleven-year old treble along with other singers, an
accordion and guitars. Bhagavan enjoyed the programme including the
boy's rendering of the catchy "Kalinka". The wonderful performance
lasted a blissful forty minutes, following which Swami blessed the whole
performing group with photographs. The intimate interaction between
Swami and the group was a treat for the eyes. Bhagavan then asked the
bhajan boys to start bhajans. After fifty minutes of enchanting bhajans
Swami signaled for aarathi and then proceeded to His residence.
November 19, 2006: Ladies Day
This day is much anticipated by the lady devotees every
year in memory of Mother Easwaramma, who stands as a crest jewel of
womanhood. On this landmark day, the Sai Kulwant Hall bedecked with
flowers of every shade appeared verily heaven on earth. Swami entered
the Sai Kulwant Hall at 8:00 a.m. led by the girls of the bagpipe band
of the Sri Sathya Sai Primary school, amidst vedam chanting by the
senior girl students. As Bhagavan entered the Hall, the strains of the
song "E Malik Tere Bande Hum" filled the air. Bhagavan commenced the
morning’s programme by lighting the ceremonial lamp. Children dressed in
different traditional costumes and carrying flags of different countries
representing women throughout the world, paid homage to Bhagavan by
placing flower bouquets in front of Him.
The Bagpipers with Baba
Mrs. Vasumati shares her experiences.
The first item of the morning was a bagpipe musical
performance by the primary school band. This was followed by a ten
minute choir medley by Sai Youth of the UK. There were two speeches, one
in Telugu and the other in English, by Mrs. Vasumathi Bhaskar Rao and
Dr. Ronne Marantz respectively. Mrs. Vasumathi, a Mahila Seva dal
convenor from Andhra Pradesh, spoke about her experiences of seva
working shoulder to shoulder with Mother Easwaramma.
A sweet blessing on that tender morning
Dr. Ronne is a member of the international Sri Sathya
Sai Education Committee and Principal, Scarsdale Public Schools, New
York. She spoke of how her interactions with Swami and His EHV programme
helped her implement value education in her school. It was nearing 9
o’clock as the speeches concluded; Bhagavan then received the Mangala
Aarthi and retired to His room.
The celebrations continued in the afternoon when Swami
came for Darshan at 3:10 p.m. Lamps were lit in ordered rows in front of
Swami’s chair which received His appreciative looks.
Bhagavan came to the verandha at 3.20, and a small girl
from the Primary school dressed for their dance programme later in the
evening went up to Him and gave Him a card. Bhagavan responded by giving
her a chain! At 3:30 p.m., Bhagavan delighted the lady devotees by
signalling for silk sarees to be distributed.
Little did anyone expect that He would personally gift
those to about four hundred ladies! Out of His immeasurable love, our
Lord deigned to do so, even though it took a whole forty-five minutes to
distribute, grant Padanamaskar to each lady and speak a few words to
each one of them. Their beaming faces said it all. After the elderly
lady devotees, it was now the turn of the little flowers of the Primary
School. After the saree distribution He proceeded to the centre of the
veranda, indicating the Primary School children to begin their dance.
Sai on a saree distribution spree
A scintillating performance by the Primary School
The primary school girls presented an enchanting dance
programme at 4:30 P.M. In appreciation, Swami came down from the dais
and took photographs with them. When Bhagavan came back, the Priya
sisters went up to Bhagavan for His blessings for their concert. The
scintillating Carnatic vocals of sisters Shanmukhapriya and Haripriya
wafted in the Sai Kulwant Hall for the next hour. Their musical
rendering befitted and complemented the sublime mood of the evening. At
six, Bhagavan asked for Arati and just as the Arati was drawing to a
close, students brought prasadam for Bhagavan's blessings, and after the
distribution was over, He retired to His residence.
November 20, 2006: Annual Day of
Easwaramma Women’s Welfare Trust
A day after Ladies Day, the Eswaramma Women's Welfare
Trust, which was formed by Bhagavan in memory of Mother Easwaramma,
celebrated its annual day. As Bhagavan's car was ushered in the Sai
Kulwant Hall at 3.45 pm, the village percussion troupe began their
homage to the Lord. The function began with bicycle distribution and
Bhagavan moved down from the veranda and sat in the centre of the hall
and watched as bicycles were given to economically disadvantaged girls.
This was followed by the Chakkabhajan dance (a south Indian traditional
dance) by small children from the village. Bhagavan called the smallest
boy from the group and to everyone’s surprise materialised a chain for
Another step towards women’s welfare – gifting bicycles
The little performer receives bountiful blessings
One more village dance followed – this time performed by
the elders. They were dressed in black costumes fringed with peacock
feathers. The dance program ended at 4:40 P.M. after which some of the
village women presented short speeches and songs, expressing their
gratitude to Bhagavan for all that He has done for them. Mrs. Chetana
Raju, the organiser of the function, then announced the distribution of
material for mothers and mothers-to-be in the surrounding villages, a
thousand of whom had gathered in Bhagavan's presence. Bhagavan handed
over the material to representatives from each village. Each “token of
love” comprised of water purifiers and bags containing utensils and toys
for the children. The doctors who were working for mother and child
welfare with the Mobile Hospital were also presented with gifts of grace
by Bhagavan.
The Mobile Hospital is a great service activity started
by Bhagavan wherein doctors travel to far away villages with a fully
equipped bus that has state of the art equipment to perform various
medical tests. The idea for this noble work emerged when Bhagavan asked
what could be done for the sick who are unable to come to the Super
Speciality Hospital on account of severe health problems, acute
financial crisis or other handicaps. The solution Bhagavan gave was very
simple. He said that if they cannot come here then we should go to them.
Thus started the Mobile Hospital that reaches out to the sick and needy
and serves them with timely medical aid.
The next item in line was a video projected on a large
screen in the centre of the hall. But this required the daylight to dim
further. So, Bhagavan instructed His students to present their dance. A
few days ago, Bhagavan had indicated the Institute dance group to be
ready to dance on the 20th, so they were dressed in costumes waiting for
the Divine command. Bhagavan came to the veranda and watched as the boys
danced for the next forty minutes. We were all fortunate to watch the
programme which featured praises to Lord Ganesha followed by a
Yakshagana presenting the Krishna story, a Dashavatara dance and finally
a dance on Bhagavan's glory, after which Swami graciously called up the
boys for a group photo.
Sai students - Creating ethereal magic with rhythmic movements
Performing to perfection the ancient dance form of Yakshagana
Then a video entitled "The One Sri Sathya Sai" began.
Beginning with the story of creation, this twenty minute film traced
Man's fall from his divine origins and his final redemption by Mother
Sai's Love. The video reiterated that God descends so that Man can
ascend and realise his innate true divinity. Bhagavan accepted Arati at
6.20 pm and returned to His residence.
November 22, 2006: The Twenty-fifth
Convocation of the Institute
This year marks the 25th convocation of the Sri Sathya
Sai Institute of Higher Learning and on this grand occasion Bhagavan
gave yet another momentous gift to the students in the form of an
Olympic standard indoor stadium. The Sri Sathya Sai Centre for Sports
was constructed by Larsen and Toubro in a mere 122 days - yet another
miracle from Bhagavan.
An Olympic standard Indoor Stadium for the hallowed Institute
Nadaswaram music filled the Sai Kulwant Hall from around
7:00 A.M. as devotees waited for Bhagavan to appear for morning Darshan.
There was an impressive array of international sportsmen and athletes
who had come to celebrate the inauguration: the national volleyball
teams from India and Sri Lanka: the national basketball teams from India
and Indonesia; and Olympic athletes and gymnasts from Greece and
Bhagavan arrived at 8.20 A.M and sat onstage for half an
hour listening to the Vedic chants. Then He slowly walked towards the
interview room, glancing benignly at all on the way. Bhajans began at
nine with the UK youth group singers alternating with the regular bhajan
The afternoon programme was the inauguration of the Sri
Sathya Sai Centre for Sports, which was followed by the 25th Convocation
of the Deemed University - Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning.
Televisions had been arranged in the Sai Kulwant Hall, the Higher
Secondary School and the Hill View Stadium so that all those who could
not be in the Indoor Stadium could witness the event. The Chief Guest
for the function was the President of India, His Excellency Dr. A.P.J.
Abdul Kalam. Other dignitaries included Governors of the States of
Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka along with the Chief Minister of
The President arrives to the Indoor Stadium with Bhagawan
Dr. Ram Shetty, a long standing devotee addresses the gathering
The President went to the mandir first to have the
Darshan and blessings of Bhagavan. At 3.30 pm, Bhagavan arrived at the
venue accompanied by the President. The Centre for Sports has a domed
building at the entrance, with a tasteful exhibition commemorating
twenty five years of the Sathya Sai University.
The inauguration of this Commemorative building was
performed by the President after which Swami and the President then
climbed into a golf cart and took a small trip around the building and
then entered the stadium. Then they took a full round as a special song
sung by the students specially for Bhagavan’s 81st Birthday was played.
As Swami and the President approached, distinguished
sportsmen and the teams participating in the inaugural functions were
introduced - Cricketer Kapil Dev, Olympic shooter Rajyavardhan Rathod,
badminton whiz Prakash Padukone, the basketball and volleyball teams and
officials. The Institute brass band, as always, played melodious tunes
as the Convocation procession joined the Divine Chancellor.
Bhagavan and the Chief Guest went to the gallery to take
their seats in the special stands above the entrance. The
Vice-Chancellor then spoke a few words about Dr. and Mrs. Ram Setty who
had endowed the indoor stadium. Dr. Ram Setty then expressed his
gratitude to Bhagavan in a short speech.
The Greek gymnasts in action
Sri Kapil Dev, the living legend of Indian Cricket, gave
a brief talk, complementing the world class facility built in just 122
days. The function began with a ten minute video presentation “Life is a
Game” by filmmaker Manishankar. Then the sports events started.
First, there was a short gymnastics display by the Greek
and Swiss athletes who were actually recipients of gold medals at
Olympics. They had been praying to Bhagavan for many years to allow them
to perform in His Presence and that afternoon it was a dream realised
for them. Next, was an international volleyball match, India vs Sri
Lanka - the second match in Sri Lanka's tour of India.
The first match was won by India in Bangalore. The
second match which was played in the Divine Presence lasted forty
minutes and was also won by India in straight sets 25-15, 25-13. The
Indonesian and Indian basketball teams offered their pranaams to
Bhagavan - their match was slotted for later.
A panoramic view of the Convocation ceremony
The 25th Convocation of the Institute began at 5.35
after a short break. The students seated themselves in the centre of the
stadium in their ceremonial robes and hats. Waiting for Bhagavan to
arrive, our most admired President, who is ever enthusiastic to speak to
youth, took a few moments off to interact with the students onstage who
were to start the proceedings with Vedam chanting.
The Institute Brass Band enraptures the audience
The Graduates in attention
The Convocation ceremony formally began when the Divine
Chancellor, in His sweet and blissful voice, declared the Convocation
open. The Vice-Chancellor next thanked the President profusely for his
visit and then enumerated the achievements of the Institute in various
spheres in the last twenty-five years.
Mandolin Srinivas and Shivmani weaving magic in the Indoor Stadium
This was followed by the Chief Guest’s thirty-five
minute Convocation Address. As mentioned by the President, his
convocation address became available on his website five minutes after
he concluded his speech.
Bhagavan then rose to deliver His Benedictory message,
in which He exhorted the students to emulate Tenali Ramakrishna and know
the inner meaning of the letters, words and phrases they use. “The main
root words we must learn are just five: Sathya, Dharma, Shanthi, Prema
and Ahimsa,” Swami said.
After Bhagavan's Discourse, Sri Mandolin U. Srinivas
accompanied by his brother U. Rajesh and the illustrious percussionist
A. Shivamani gave a half hour concert. The function concluded with the
National Anthem at 8.05 P.M. after which Bhagavan returned to His
November 23, 2006: 81st Birthday
The grand day finally arrived – the Birthday of the One
who is beyond Birth and Death. Devotees queued outside the Ganesh Gate
from early morning itself. Thousands of devotees who were not able to
enter the hall packed all the approach roads. The Mandir verandah was
lined with birthday cakes of different sizes and designs.
The entrancing Birthday darshan
At 8.10 A.M. the packed procession began from Bhagavan's
residence - the Anantapur girls' band, the primary school girls'
bagpipes, primary school boys chanting vedam, primary school boys'
recorders and drums, the Institute Brass Band and finally the Vedam
group with Poorna Kumbham.
All these fortunate and eager youngsters were able to
take part in the Lord’s procession, as Bhagavan, dressed in a shining
white robe, seated in the special Lamborghini open vehicle entered the
Hall. Bhagavan took a full round and reached the Mandir verandah where
He was greeted by President Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam.
At 8.30 A.M. Bhagavan sat onstage with the President
beside Him. Swami indicated that the President could address the
gathering. Dr. Kalam greeted everyone on Bhagavan's 81st Birthday, and
presented the Telugu translation of a poem written by him, to be read
out by Prof. Anil Kumar.
The President’s Poem
The President takes the opportunity to offer everyone some
inspirational words
Earth Shining in Glory
Our Milky Way is shining, with
millions and millions of stars.
Our beloved star Sun, along with eight other planets around,
Orbits the Milky Way, finishing one orbit in two hundred and fifty
million years.
Somewhere in the galaxy, echoed a voice in surprise. "See there the
Earth shining in glory: how come it has its light?"
A sweet and soft reply comes:
"It is not the mere light, It is the light of knowledge, It is the
light of service, It is the light of peace,
Specially radiating from Prashanti Nilayam,
When Earth completes its eightieth orbit, carrying a great soul in
its bosom."
Bhagavan stood up at 9 o'clock and began His hour long
Discourse. Bhagavan spoke about the devotion and love of Mother
Eswaramma and Karnam Subbamma. Swami told the students that whatever
they did in life, they should never forget God. He even blessed all
gathered that they would never forget God. Bhagavan concluded His Divine
Discourse with the bhajan - 'Bhajan Bina Sukha Shanti Nahin', He
accepted Aarati and went into the interview room. Later Swami cut cakes
on the verandah and retired to His residence.
The much awaited Birthday message
One of the many cakes that Bhagawan blessed that morning
The Birthday evening program was scheduled at two
locations: first in the Indoor Stadium and later in the Sai Kulwant
hall. Bhagavan arrived at the Sri Sathya Sai Centre for Sports at 4.15
pm, resplendent in a yellow robe. As He entered the stadium, a song
performed by the students filled the air, and all of Swami's students
joined in the chorus as Bhagavan alighted from the car and went towards
the badminton courts which were ready for the first match: a forty
minute doubles exhibition match between India and Indonesia. India
recovered after losing the first set to win the match two sets to one.
Bhagavan watched the matches with keen interest and great delight.
Bhagavan then moved in His chair to the other half of
the stadium which had the basketball court, for the entertaining display
by the Harlem Globetrotters. The Harlem Globetrotters are a band of
highly talented stunt basketball players who tour the world as
ambassadors of goodwill. Till now they have toured across 183 countries.
This evening, the New York Nationals were their opponents in a friendly
demonstration match.
Volleyball match watched by Bhagawan
with keen interest
Entertainment at its best
The proceedings began with the mascot Globie (dressed up
in a costume with a globe of the Earth as a head) endearing the audience
with his antics. He arranged a musical chairs contest with some primary
school boys and made everyone laugh. The Nationals and the Globetrotters
then took over, dancing with the basketball as if it were glued to their
hands. After a few minutes of demonstrations set to music, the game play
began. During timeouts, the players kept up the entertaining mood by
involving some children.
The famous Globetrotters group from the U.S.A.
Mind-boggling stunts enmeshed with mind-tickling fun
First a small girl from the Primary School was chosen
and a Harlem player helped her balance a rotating basketball on her
fingertip and later gifted her a tiny ball. Similarly they picked a
small boy and asked him to shoot the ball into basket - when he came out
with flying colours they gifted him with a Harlem Globetrotters t-shirt.
The players also created humorous interludes, horsing around with a pail
of water which finally landed on the referee! Their programme concluded
after an hour, after which Swami gave Darshan to all the players moving
by them as they lined up.
The Globetrotters with Bhagawan
Parveen Sultana enthralls the audience with her soulful music
Then Bhagavan had group photos taken with them and also
presented them with watches. Bhagavan even materialised two rings, one
for an official and the other for a player. Bhagavan then left for the
Sai Kulwant hall. Arriving at the Mandir at 6.45 pm, Swami asked the
artistes Parveen Sultana and Mandolin Srinivas if they were ready for
their programme. First was Begum Parveen Sultana's forty minute
Hindustani classical vocal concert. Mandolin Srinivas, once again
accompanied by his brother and A. Shivamani, came next. The musical fete
concluded at 8.20 P.M. with Mangala Arati to Bhagavan, bringing the
curtain down on the day - but not the celebrations!
November 24, 2006: The Sai Symphony
Masterful presentations of western classical melodies
The Birthday Celebrations continued on the next day with
the Sai Symphony Orchestra. The programme was presented by 50 musicians
from 22 countries. Just as in the Gurupoornima celebrations, Klaus
Maurer conducted and Paul Erhard introduced each piece. The repertoire
comprised of masterpieces composed by Ludwig van Beethoven, Joaquin
Rodrigo, Mauro Giuliani, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - to mention a few
In symphony with the Lord
The Symphony began with a Ganesha bhajan, and then moved
on to present seven enthralling compositions, including some where the
guitar featured prominently. All the themes reflected gaiety and
celebration. After the hour-long concert Bhagavan asked for prasadam to
be distributed to the participants and then coming down from the
verandha, blessed them with group photographs and a few minutes of
Divine interaction.
November 25, 2006: Drama by Italian Sai
After Bhagavan came for Darshan this evening, He
enquired about "the drama" from Dr. Michael Goldstein, the Prasanthi
Council chairman, which came as an unexpected blessing for the Italian
They immediately rushed to get dressed and make the sets
ready in the Sai Kulwant Hall. At 5.15P.M., Bhagavan came out of the
interview room, and five minutes later, the Italian group started the
drama in which some Argentinian devotees also participated. The forty
minute presentation was on Dante's The Divine Comedy, with a
voice-over of the English translation of selected extracts.
Beautifully portraying the inner journey through a blend of
ancient wisdom and Bhagawan’s teachings.
The poet Dante Alighieri wrote about the journey from
hell to heaven, with purgatory being a stage between hell and heaven
where the soul is purified. The topics of the three canticles were
compared to Bhagavan’s teachings so as to highlight the common aspects
between them. The participants did an admirable job of presenting the
abstract themes with expressive gestures. At the end of the programme,
Bhagavan gave some of the members chocolates, and then asked for the
rest of the chocolates to be distributed. As prasadam was being
distributed, Bhagavan retired for the day with Arati.
Thus concluded the wonderful celebrations of Bhagavan’s
81st Birthday. We will be back with stories of other events and
Christmas Celebretions next month. Till then, Sairam.
So till next month, Sai Ram!
- Heart2Heart Team