
Prema Sai Baba

Sathya Sai Baba says that He is the second of
a triple incarnation. The first was Shirdi Sai Baba and the third
will be Prema Sai Baba. Below, we give the information that is known
about Prema Sai Baba, with references to the sources.
The first mention of Prema Sai by Sathya Sai
Baba appears to be in the discourse
Shiva Shakthi, 6 July 1963, In a conversation between
Shakthi, and Bharadwaja after
Bharadwaja performed a ritual, Shiva said that
they would take human form and be born in the
Bharadwaja lineage, thrice: Shiva alone as Shirdi Sai Baba, Shiva
and Shakthi together at Puttaparthy as Sathya Sai Baba, and Shakthi
alone as Prema Sai, later.
More information about Prema Sai
We have heard often that Prema Sai will be born
eight years after the passing of Sathya Sai Baba, which will take place
when Sathya Sai Baba is 96. We do not have a reference for this
information. In "The Sai Trinity", by Dr. S.P. Ruhela (Taring
paperbacks, Vikas Pubishing House Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 1997), the author
states that Sathya Sai Baba has been disclosing small amounts of
information to close devotees from time to time and states that Sai Baba
has predicted that Prema Sai will be born in Karnataka about 8 years
after He leaves this body.
Howard Murphet, in his book Sai Baba:
Invitation to Glory
(Chapter 4), says that
Finally, Sathya Sai states, there will be
Prema Sai who, one year after the passing of the Sathya Sai form,
will be born in Karnataka (the old Mysore State), at a place between
Bangalore and the city of Mysore.
On page 16 of the book Living Divinity
author Shakuntala Balu writes,
Sri Sathya Sai Baba has said that there will
be one more Sai Avatara called Prema Sai. The third Sai will
be born in Gunaparthi, a village in the Mandya district of
Karnataka. Thus, Sri Sathya Sai Baba refers not only to his past,
but also to the future form he will assume as Prema Sai.
In Sathya Sai Baba, The Embodiment of Love,
by Peggy Mason and Ron Laing, the authors write about a discussion they
had about Prema Sai.
We wondered if the next descent as Prema Sai,
to come very quickly after the present form is vacated at the age of
ninety six, would be female.
Baba replied, "No, male, in Mysore --
Karnataka." (Since 1972, the state of Mysore is called Karnataka.)
In Glimpses of the Divine: Working with the
Teachings of Sai Baba" (1993), author Birgitte Rodriguez writes
In a more private talk to students in recent
years, Baba told them that the father of His next incarnation, as
Prema Sai, had been born in the southern Indian state of Karnataka.
He also said
that the body
of Prema Sai was in the process of being formed.
The missions of the
triple incarnations
In Spirit and the Mind, by Sam Sandweiss,
the author recounts an extended interview given by Sathya Sai Baba to
the Senior Editor, Mr. R.K. Karanjia, of Blitz new magazine in September
Question: Why had this task to be divided into
three separate incarnations of the Shirdi, Sathya, and Prema Baba?
Baba: They are not separate. I have already
mentioned the complete oneness of the three in the final objective
of the mission. ... Their tasks and powers requisite to them differ
according to the time, the situation, and the environment. But they
belong to, and derive from, the same divine body (dharma swarup).
The previous Avatar, Shirdi Baba, laid the
base for secular integration and gave mankind the message of duty as
work. The mission of the present Avatar is to make everybody realize
that the same God or divinity resides in everyone. People should
respect, love, and help each other irrespective of color or creed.
Thus, all work can become a way of worship. Finally, Prema Sai, the
third Avathar, will promote the evnagel news that not only does God
reside in everybody, but everybody is God. That will be the final
wisdom that will enable every man and woman to go to God.
The three Avathars carry the triple message of
work, worship, and wisdom.
Hislop's changing ring
In John Hislop's My Baba and I, page
55-56, Hislop writes about Swami materializing a ring for Hislop with
Prema Sai on it. The image of Prema Sai on the ring actually changed its
position over the years. Hislop writes,
The stone was a cameo of Prema Sai, the loving
Lord of Creation, destined to appear on Earth a few years after the
death of the Sathya Sai Body. It was a brownish stone, highly
glazed, sculptured in profile, the bridge and length of the nose
visible with a suggestion of the arch of the left eye. It was a
noble head with shoulder-length hair, moustache, and beard; the head
resting on, or emerging from, a lotus flower. His countenance was
tranquil, peaceful, majestic.
Baba said, "He is only now in the process of
birth, so I cannot show more of him. This is the first time he is
shown to the world."
Wherever I go, devotees ask to see the ring.
... In a year or so, those devotees who had seen the ring sometime
earlier said something surprising on seeing it again. They said, "It
is turning. The whole nose can be seen now."
My reply was always, in truth, that I could
see no change. But they said, "You see it every day and do not
... One day, [in 1980], at a devotee meeting,
I was showing the ring, and I looked at it carefully. It struck me,
"It is different! It is changing!.
Now the entire nose is there and visible,
whereas at first the entire nose was not visible -- or better to say
the nose merged into the edge of the stone and did not appear to be
fully visible. But now there is a space between the nose and the
edge of the stone. Moreover, a portion of the left eye can be seen
and also a portion of the left cheek.

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