The study of the birth chart of Sri Sathya Sai Baba...

Sai Baba's 500-year old horoscope
Astrological Birth Chart of SAI BABA
The first evidence is that of the ancient Jyotish Shastra
enumerating the principles of astrology. The position of the ascendant
in the lagna, the nakshatras and other major planets or
constellations at the nativity time of the subject is supposed to be
very crucial and significant in determining the life and character of
the subject. The study of the birth chart of Sri Sathya Sai Baba reveals
the nature and quality of his divine descent. Born in Akshaya
Kartik when as many as four powerful planets were staying in conjunction
in the ascendant. The combination of Sun, Saturn, Venus and Mercury
indicated beyond any shadow of doubt the advent of a Maha Purush,
a great being or an avatar was born as the very quintessence of
Light and Love in order to herald a golden era for humanity. The advent
of the Sai Avatar had been prophesied thousands of years ago in
the Upanishads as also in Bhrigu Samhita, Nadi documents
scribbled on palm leaves by ancient sages and seers and in
Satcharitragrantham, the repository of ancient wisdom. These
priceless records describe the divine attributes of Sai Baba whose
principal task is dharma paripalan, paropkar and bhakta
samrakshan. He has laghima, anima and mahimas, the
power to shower grace and splendour. He is omnipresent, omniscient and
omnipotent. It is also predicted that his powers would increase tenfold
at the time of pralaya, calamity and dissolution. He will show
himself at many places as column of light and perform many divine
manifestations like keeping an airplane airborne without petrol.
Finally, it is mentioned that he will unfurl a dharma dhwaza
after the completion of his avataric mission at Whitefield,
Bangalore. It is difficult for us to disbelieve all these predictions.
From the recorded evidence of so many miraculous manifestations of the
omnipresence and omniscience of Baba and his Christ-like power of
resurrecting the dead, multiplying the quantity of food etc., one is
inclined to believe in the divine advent of Sai Baba.
However, the greatest achievement of Sai Baba is to turn people
Godward and plant in the human hearts the seed of faith and impregnate
those hearts with the elixir of pure, selfless love and thus bring about
the transformation of hearts.
Another strong evidence of Baba's divinity comes from an entirely
different source, Frank Varoneshky, a professor at the University of
Arizona, U.S.A., who has earned the distinction of being an undisputed
expert in the study of the halo or aura that surrounds the faces of
individuals. He has the privilege of studying the aura on the faces of
eminent individuals in all walks of life. According to him, the
attendant aura speaks volumes about the character and personality of the
subject. Whereas the aura round the faces of ordinary mortals is, more
or less, nondescript, null and void, the aura encircling the face of a
superhuman person or an avatar is expansive and its lustre
extends up to the sky which is limitless. Professor Varoneshky was
bewildered and enthralled to see the aura round the face of Sai Baba.
According to him, it was a white and pink aura of the colour of love.
This aura became golden like sun and turned into blue colour, which is
the colour of love when the Majans were being sung. Professor
Varoneshky suggests that this aura signified the boundless energy of
love and he has no hesitation in saying that aura wise Bhagwan Sri
Sathya Sai was God, the diamond like brilliance of his eyes expressing
the unfathomable depth of his love.
The personal experiences of many a devotee richly substantiate this
aspect of Sai Baba, the dramatic operative principle of his divinity
manifested as a Ray from the Supreme. The present author himself
experienced the surge of waves and waves of unearthly light emanating
from the eyes of Sri Sathya Sai Baba on that fateful day of summer,
1973 as he stood face to face with Baba in an attic room by the side
of the interview room. It was not only ecstasy, but also sublimity that
filled the vessel of his being. The author still recapitulates that
moment of epiphany, akin to the intersection time when one is very near
illumination and experiences the process of being burnt out.
An American devotee Jack Scher records his intimate experience of his
first encounter with Sai Baba in images of poetry. He says:
One personal leela was my discovery that during bhajans I
could close my eyes and suddenly the whole scene I had been watching
turned into beautiful shades of intense rose, pink, mauve and orange. At
first I thought it was an after image but the scene kept changing. The
audience would fade and I'd see huge palaces with gigantic walls and
turrets. When Baba came outside, I could close my eyes and the whole
scene would turn into a soft and yet vivid pink. He lit the sky with his
presence. We are aware that in some of the materializations, specially
photographs and cards, there is the imprint of three words : T.P.S.
-Howard Murphet records in one of his books, Sai Baba: Avatara.
Baba answered his query and explained the fact that T.P.S. was his trade
mark. It meant Tara Parthi Sai. We can conjecture that it also might
mean Tara Patri Sai and Tara Prema Sai. The direct apocalyptic
experience of Pauline Kirby is strange and unique as she visualizes the
descent of a star on the Good Friday day of 1977 that transformed
her life and left an indelible imprint on her mind. That is how she
describes the descending of the Holy Spirit from the Sky as Sri Sathya
Sai Baba:
After spending a very lovely evening in attunement ... with God and
Nature, I retired to my room. It just so happened that this particular
room had a skylight so I could look up and gaze at the star-lit sky
... I looked up at the skylight; and suddenly a star started coming
down from the heavens. It streaked across the sky getting brighter and
brighter and continued right on through the window, entering directly
into my room. It was awesome. I was utterly stunned and amazed ...
Almost instantaneously my room shone with a very strong light.
Everything seemed so clear and beautiful. It was totally overpowering.
I was in a complete state of awe and wonderment. I remember saying,
'Is this happening to me? Is this a dream? Am I asleep but I was
totally awake and my mind was perfectly clear. Yes, it was really
happening ... The star then began to flash various streams of light,
and all these flashed before my eyes, I heard a very loving voice
giving me clear directions about my life. The messages were very
simple, and there was no doubt in my mind that this was guidance from
above ... The voice also told me to become a vegetarian, become
celibate, and begin to worship God. Later when I came to Sai Baba, I
realized that these were his exact teachings ... The star stayed with
me for quite some time. The flashes of light and the voice all
happened in a very synchronized pattern, like an orchestra playing a
symphony around the cosmic dance of life ... yes, I realized there is
really a God, and he is directing every move of my life ... Sometime
during the star's presence, I remember feeling very afraid, and
immediately the image of climbing up and downstairs came into my mind.
To me, go down meant to descend into darkness and the unknown, while
to go up meant to follow the light and to know what the real Truth is.
I now realize how similar this insight was to Asatoma prayer of
Sai devotees: Lead me from the unreal to the real; lead me from
darkness to light; lead me from death to immortality. Even then, Baba
was imparting one of his essential teachings. Soon I started reading
about Sathya Sai Baba and the very first book, Vision of the
Divine, disclosed Swami's trademark, T.P.S. It means Tara (Star),
Puttaparthi in the form of Sathya. Then I realized it was he who had
come as that wonderful star; it was he who had descended into my world
on Good Friday night; it was he who hadcompletely changed my life.
Thus, it is clear from the vivid and authentic experience of Pauline
Kirby that she, like William Wordsworth, had the intimations of
immortality on the night of Good Friday, which transformed her life and
brought her into the orbit of Sri Sathya Sai Baba and nearly made her an
apostle of Christ. She may not be Paul, but her name has the implicit
suggestion of its derivation from the name of the great apostle. The
star symbol is extremely relevant in this context. It encloses within it
the power, majesty and brilliance of that perpetual star which God is.
It may also be noted that the account of Pauline Kirby, describing
the descent of the Holy Spirit, is essentially poetic. Verily it is
through poetic perception and imagination that such a tenuous experience
as the vision of the divine can be grasped and communicated. In this
connection, one is tempted to quote the poem of Professor V.K. Gokak a
noted Karmad and Indian English poet in which he envisions Sai Baba as
'a lawn of blue light'.
Baba is a lawn of blue light
With a May flower on top of his hair
And a golden lily on his cranium.
He is the healer of a world in pain,
The blue-throated God
That drinks the poison of its suffering
To make it happy and whole.
Sai Baba's 500-year old horoscope
Astrological Birth Chart of SAI BABA