Sai Baba Darshan : Eye witness account sent to
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Sai Baba Darshan : Eye witness account sent to
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Saturday, June 28, 2008: On Saturday morning was the scheduled Pattabhishekam -
the ceremony where Lord Rama is crowned as the ruler of Ayodhya and the Supreme
master of the three worlds. A procession stood ready at the Gopuram gate of the
Mandir. At about 9:00 AM, Bhagawan came on the chair for Darshan, Swami moved very
slowly through the Darshan Lines giving Wonderful Darshan to everyone on this most
holy Day.
After completing Darshan, Swami came and sat on the stage and the the proceedings
began. There were three of the most Beautiful idols of Rama,
Lakshmana and Sita with a huge Anjaneya statue below.
The first part of the programme was the Panchamrutha Abhishekam. All The idols were
bathed in Honey, Ghee,Curd,Sugar,Tender coconut water and lastly Milk. Each and
every item was brought to Swami for His Divine Blessings before they were taken for
Abhishekam to the idolshe idols. And each Abhishekam was followed by a water bath
through specially made silver ladles. Then the camphor and wicks would be lit and an
Aarthi performed to them. The whole hall vibrated with the holy feelings and energy
of the Lord. It was such a thrilling sight to see the idols in all their beauty
being bathed thus. This was followed by the Theerthabhishekam. Water from the
various holy rivers in India were poured over the idols. Swami listened intently to
the names of the various rivers being read out. As each pot was taken to Him for
blessing, He enquired into the names of the rivers. Even Chitravathi water was
present. A beautiful and grand silver plate was held over all the idols. This plate
was perforated and water was poured on it. It must have been a very special
Pattabhishekam for Lord Rama as Sai Rama was presiding over it.
As the ceremonial baths were completed, the priests sought Swami's permission to
curtain and cordon off the area of the sanctum sanctorium as the
Lords had to be "dressed" up for the day's "crowning moment"! Swami agreed with a
smile and a red curtain was drawn around the Lords. As Rama was 'hidden' from the
devotees' view, Swami decided to grant a special darshan. He went through the inner
portico and then went around the students for a darshan round. He took a few letters
and granted many smiles and Abhayahasthas. By the time Swami came on stage, the
idols were almost ready..
The Alankaram ("decoration" will be a simple translation for that word.) to the
idols was on when Swami was requested permission to bring the Pattabhirama idol in
procession. Swami agreed and the procession began. From the Gopuram gate, the idols
arrived in a grand and gay procession. The statues were brought on stage and
installed there. The Vedic chanting had begun and was on in full flow on Swami's
command. As the curtain was drawn, there was a loud applause as everyone marvelled
the grandeur and beauty of the idols.Then the actual Pattabhisheka Mahotsavam began.
There was the Parayanam of the Pattabhishekam Ghattam with the Shadashopachara
pooja.. The various aarthis and the Rajaasheervadam were also performed. Swami kept
smiling so beautifully and then blessed the crowns to be placed on the idols. Swami
looked so radiant as the idols were crowned. He looked the actual emperor and His
wonderful mop of black hair swaying gently in the light breeze that had begun looked
like a Divine crown.
When the entire ceremony was complete, Swami called the two main priests and
simultaneously materialised Gold chains with pendants for them. All the priests then
went one by one to Swami and offered jasmine flowers at His feet. Swami blessed each
one of them and gifted watches to all of them. It was such a beautiful sight to see
Swami's feet loaded with sweet scented jasmine flowers.
Swami then asked for the bhajans to begin. He blessed the Prasadam to be
distributed. As the prasadam was being distributed, He sat for about four bhajans.
Then receiving Aarthi and blessing everyone, He left at about 11:30 am.
In the evening, the Jhoolotsavam had been planned. The idols were placed on a
beautifully adorned and decorated Jhoola. Swami arrived at 4:30 pm in the chair and
He cut through to the interview room after the ladies side. As soon as He arrived on
stage, the priests offered the flowers to be placed on the idols for blessings to
Swami. Then they offered a garland of lotuses at His feet. Another beautiful sight
to see the lotuses form a circumference around the Lotus feet.
With His blessings began the Jhoolotsavam. As the priests gently rocked the swing
and performed poojas, Swami sat watching. Then a there was a wonderful Vocal recital
of Keertanas by Sri.M.G.Venkataraghavan from Bangalore who sang for about 45 minutes
As he sang, Swami went into the interview room for a short while and then returned.
This time, He sat facing the jhoola. After a few more songs, Swami told the students
to sing. The perfect host that He is, He asked the singer, "Can these children sing
one or two songs?" Swami teaches lessons every moment. He is the supreme emperor and
His every word defines Truth as every action of His defines Dharma (Righteousness).
But He follows all the courtesies and respect with everyone.
The first song of the students began with an alaap filled with gamakas. The opening
sequence itself drew appreciative and thunderous applause from the audience. Two
more songs followed. The final song was on Swami's avatarhood in our midst and it
was lapped up by the divine-thirsty audience with a steady and heavy clapping of
As the song concluded, on Swami's command, the bhajan with shlokam alaap-Sree
Raghavam- began. What a sight it was! The students rendering soulful tunes, Swami
swaying and swinging to the tunes and the priests tuning their swing pushing to the
rhythm going on. The smell of incense and dhoop made the atmosphere heavenly.
Swami in the meanwhile blessed prasadam to be distributed to all. He also called the
Kirthan-singing Vidwan and his troupe to the stage and gifted them with silk cloth.
He honoured them by placing it on their shoulders and they redeemed themselves by
falling at His feet! As the bhajans concluded, Swami called one of the students who
incidentally had his birthday also on the same day and asked him,"Where are the holy
grains?" The boy got up and rushing to Swami with a tray that he picked up from a
nearby birthday boy, bent down his head to receive blessings. Swami blessed him and
then pointing to two seva dal boys sitting near a pillar said, "They have no
received the prasadam that has just been distributed. Go give them prasadam." The
boy did as He was told and all - the seva dal boys who were recipients of His love.
Swami remembers everything.
Swami then called two boys on stage and told them, "Sit here. we will have
Ramakatha." Saying thus and blessing them, Swami went into the interview room. It
was 6:45 pm then. Hurried preparations for these two students to render the musical
Ramakatha, which Swami loves so much, were being made. Mikes were brought and the
stage was set. Swami came out soon.. He asked the boys to sit close to Him.
Then, all of a sudden, Swami asked for His mike to be brought! He started with the
famous, "Premaswaroopulara" and the claps that followed were deafening. Swami then
started singing, "Kausalyatmaja Ramacharan". Everyone soon realized that Swami was
leading them in a wonderful bhajan session. Swami then started singing the names of
Lord Rama.
The lines were all composed on the spot and so were the tunes. The bhajan that He
was singing went on for 10- minutes or so. The lines were all about the wonderful
name and form of Rama. As the last part of the bhajan, Swami started to sing "rama
Namame melu, Rama Chintane Chaalu" in the tune of "Kausalyatmaja Rama Charan." Then
he asked the students to pick up from there and gently closed His eyes. The bhajan
tempo picked up and so did the volume and pitch. A thrill ran through one's spine
and the sheer power and glory of united singing was demonstrated subtly by Swami.
The wordings are not so importanat, nor is the bhajan tune. All must follow it and
sing whole heartedly- thats all what Swami wants.
As the bhajan concluded, it was about 7:05 pm and so swami's mike was removed. After
a few minutes, Swami asked for the mike and began to speak.
A Summary of the Divine Discourse is given below:
It is very important that We all sing together. It is much more effective than
individual singing. If a thousand people call out to Rama together, atleast one cry
will surely touch Him.
Kausalya and Dasharatha had a daughter named Shanta. She was married away to a sage
and in fact she was the one who conducted the Putrakameshti Yagna to beget sons for
the 3 queens. When the pudding that emerged was distributed equally among the
queens, Sumitra cried out, "Kausalya is the seniormost queen and her son will have a
right over the throne. Kaikeyi's father has received a promise from Dasharatha that
her son will be made king. Why should I beget children?" In that mood, she went to
the terrace to dry her hair.
Unlike these days,there were no fans then. She was drying it with scented smoke when
an eagle came and carried away the pudding. Lamenting, she told it to the other two
queens who wholeheartedly shared their shares of pudding with her. Thus were born
the four princes. Since birth it was noticed that the twins- Lakshmana and
Shatrughna- were crying all the while.Lakshmana was born of Kausalya's portion of
the pudding and so was not satisfied and happy until he was placed in the cradle
next to Rama. So too, Shatrughna happily suckled his thumb when placed beside
When Ravana arrived to kidnap Sita, Lakshmana had drawn the protective line around
the hut and none could touch her. In the first place, she had desired for the golden
deer when she had given up all the luxuries of the palace. (She did this to teach
all the lesson that when one gives up Rama-God- for the sake of Kama- desire- one is
bound to suffer) Ravana then arrived and acted a nice drama that he was very hungry.
He then kidnapped Sita. He placed her in Ashokavana with demonesses. But there too,
Sarama, Shakini and Daakini took very good care of her. Ravana, though the overlord,
did not have the courage to touch Sita. When he came, Sita threw a blade of grass at
him and said, "You are not even this blade of Grace in front of my husband when it
comes to worth!"
Meanwhile, Rama was given the jewels that Sita had dropped. He told Lakshmana to
identify whether they were Sita's as his eyes were covered in tears. These days,
every husband keeps a list of all the jewelry his wife has. but Rama never did so.
Lakshmana said," Oh brother! I can recognize only the anklets of Mother for I never
saw beyond her feet- the feet I worshipped everyday!" Rama entrusted Hanuman to find
Sita. And who was Hanuman? The eagle that took the pudding from Sumitra dropped it
in the mountains where there was a lady meditating. Who was that lady? (All said
loudly, "Anjani Devi Swami") Yes Swami said :Anjani Devi - not the cine star Anjali
Devi ! And so Hanuman was an integral part of Rama. He went to Lanka with the only
intention of pleasing his Lord. He searched for Sita in the private palaces of
Ravana. There were many females and queens there and many hardly wore dresses. Yet
Hanuman is the perfect Brahmachaari (celibate). He thought only of finding Sita.
Ravana, in his younger days had tried to force a girl into marriage with him. When
he tried dragging her by the hair, she cut off her hair and cursed him,"I am coming
again. Then the number of your people who will be destroyed will equal the hair in
your hand." Thus she was born as Sita - Vaidehi. Vaidehi means the one without body
attachment. She was found by Janaka and was not the daughter of his loins. Vaidehi
was married away to Rama.
The Ramayana is full of secrets and great mysteries and power. Just take the name of
Rama and all will be taken care of. It was Guru Nanak who first started the trend of
singing as groups. All the names of the Lord are the same. God is one. Cows' colours
are many, milk is one. Jewels are many, gold is one. So too, treat everyone alike.
The Atma or soul in you is Rama. All are one, be alike to everyone. The whole world
like the Ramayana is nothing but Rama and Hanuman.( Very significantly many
interpreted this statement as the world is made up only of the Lord and devotee -
nothing else ever exists. Swami was simultaneously speaking of both Dwaitha and
Advaitha) Thats why in the bhajan that the students sang, Rama Lakshmana and Sita
came in one line and the other line was on Hanuman.
Swami then said " Hmmm...Swami has put you all to a lot of strain by speaking so
Having enjoyed every moment of it, everyone vociferously shouted out, "No Swami".
Swami was smiling all the time. He seemed so happy and pleased and that reflected on
every soul.
The priests slowly went up to Swami and requested for a group picture with Him.
Swami beamed a smile and agreed . It was a wonderful Group Photo. Swami then
received Mangala Aarthi and it was 8:00 PM.
Divine end to the Rama Saptaha Yagnam.
Om Sai Ram
Read more eye witness
account from today - Below:
Om Sairam dear Sai Family,
The seven day festival of Ramayana sapthaha Maha Yagnam came to a grand farewell on
the seventh day, saturday 28th June 2008
A day to be remembered by all the Sai Devotees, a cherished memory of beautiful
darshans, vedic chants and not to forget the informative and indepth analysis of the
holy epic Ramayana by learnt scholars..
The whole festival was a big surprise and very few knew about the programme before
hand. Every one thought the first BIG event would bethe World Education conference
scheduled in July..
Being the last day of the Memorable Seven day Yagna, also being a weekend,
Puttaparthi was full to the brim with devotees flown from all the places.. Today was
the Pattabhishekam ceremony (coronation) of Lord Rama. A ceremony which would have
happend about 5000 years agowill be repeated again, in the immediate presence of
LOrd Sai Rama.. Just that feeling was enough for the hearts to jump and for tears to
flow for the kind of great fortune the few thousand odd people who were invited
(divine invitation) to witness the ceremony..
This morning Swami blessed the august gathering with His divine darshan at 9am as
preists were chanting vedas and the students joining them in chorus..
This morning,the programme started with Abhishekam (a ritual of bathing the idols
with water, ghee, curd and so on.. water from all the holy rivers one could think of
were brought for the same.. All the idols, with a beautiful shine,were placed before
the Ganesha on the dias.. Swami was facing towards east Prasanthi to see the
Abhishekam ceremony.. THe priests took plates of fruits, coconut, other puja items
to Swami for His blessings..
Silver containers with the holy water were taken each time to Swami for His
blessings before they were poured on the idols.One of the preists was announcing the
name of the river the water is from and the abhishekam started with holy river of
this Kali Age, Chitravathi. After taking blessings from Swami the priest poured the
same into a plate with holes placed on the top of the idols and the abhishekam
ceremony started..
THe priests later applied kumkum, turmeric and other things to the idols and as the
clock struck 10:30, as the rahu kalam (inauspicious time for today) passed by,
Swami signalled for the palanquin to be brought into Kulwanth hall. The palanquin
with idols of Rama, Sita entered through the big gate across the stage into Kulwanth
hall. The back ground music, the priests coming into the ceremony, made the entire
atmosphere more energetic and spiritually powerful.
The palnquin took a full round towards the gents' lines and reached on the stage.
After 5 minutes, it was all set for the final coronation ceremony to start..
Swami was keenly watching the whole proceedings, guiding the priests.. After
chanting mantras, one of the priest brought the three crowns in a plate for Swami
to bless them. They were in golden colour, bit tiny to fit into the idols.. Swami
blessed them with a smile. and the crowns were slipped on to the idols
Swami then called two young priests close to Him, while speaking to them, the divine
hand made less than 3 circular motions and there came golden chains. The priests,
who were
not expecting this UNEXPECTED manifestation were wonder struck and before they could
come back to normalcy, our wonderful Lord slipped the chains around their necks'as
we all
watched and joined our hands congratulating them for receiving the divine gift,
fresh from the SAI FACTORY...
A real treat to watch, it was just so mesmerising experience.. I tried my best if I
remembered, seeing the coronation ceremony of Lord Rama, but in vain, but for sure,
it is a
grace for all of us to be here, to watch the same ceremony, of the same God, who has
come with a different body and a bit different name in this Kali age, but for the
cause,welfare of the Humanity..
It was getting close to 11 am, and I looked into my pocket to see if I had any
tokens for the SOuth Indian canteen,hoping to break my fast after darshan, ignoring
the fact that
our dear Sai Ma, knows when you are hungry and when to feed.In telugu there is a
proverb, (ADAGANIDEY AMMAINA ANNAM PETTADU) Unless you ask even your own mother will
not serve you food.. but this doesn't hold good to our Sai Ma who is the MOther of
MOthers... Just in a minute I could see big vessels of Rice prasad being taken into
the hall and I could do nothing, but look at Swami and smile...
After the Coronation ceremony came to an end, Swami asked for Bhajans, Raghupate
Raghava Raja Rama, was the bhajan to start with and the devotees from Hyderabad who
are here till tomorrow as part of the youth pilgrimage volunteered to serve the
divine prasad consisting of tamarind rice, jaggery rice and a Rava Laddu.. What a
divine BREAK FAST to
BREAK OUR FAST. Food was served to our hearts content and many took home some food
to share with family members..
It was 11:20 by the time every one finished thier food and our Sai Ma, seated on the
stage watched her children partaking the divine prasad and arathi was given to
Bhagawan and
thus ended a blissfull morning session...
It was 4:30 pm and the packed Kulwanth hall and packed lane way between Kulwanth
hall and East Prasanthi, was eagerly awaiting the arrival of our Beloved Swami.. In
few minutes
Swami emerged from His physical abode and to our happiness, He came in HIs mobile
throne. So blessed to have His darshan so openly and two eyes were not enough to see
our Lord.
It is bit windy these days, and as HE came in His mobile throne, His hair was
dancing reminding the cosmic dance of Shiva, the way He adjusts His hair is also
UNIQUE, seated on the chair majestically, the newly coronated KING, I should say,
EMPEROR OF THE EMPORERS, the only HOPE of this Kali Age entered into Kulwanth hall,
speaking to devotees, accepting letters, smiling at them.. After He came in the
middle of the hall, He took a right turn and went on the dias..
This after noon musical programme by Sri Venkata Raghavan and party commenced. He
rendered many devotional songs on Rama which included most famous number Antha Rama
mayam.. ee jagamantha Ramamayam..
As part of the evening programme, it was JHULA ceremony for the idols and
beautifully decorated idols were kept in the craddle (JHULA) as Swami watched the
ritual as Sri Venkata Raghavan sang the Jhula Song..
It was 5:40pm by then and Swami now asked the students to take up the proceedings
one of the student sang Karya Karana song which was given loud applauds and Swami
also smiled at the student in appreciation..
As bhajans were sung, Prasadam was distributed and it was the scheduled programme
for the last day and knowing Swami we all were expecting something more but again it
was 6:45pm and sounded bit late, but taking all of us by surprise, Swami asked for
His discourse mike to be brought.HOw could He finish off such a memorable one week
without the divine discourse? all the priests, even though they had the fortune to
speak to Swami during the puja, would be eagerly awaiting to hear as what our Lord
thought about them and the rituals they were doing and not to forget we devotees who
were desperate to hear His sweet voice, the student hurried inside to get the
mike..Seated in the chair, Swami started His divine discourse, Embodiments of
Love... It was a very nice week.The organisers conducted the whole puja in a very
good manner. All the preists, who came here, have been very good and did the puja
with utmost devotion.. after speaking these 3 sentences, Swami started to sing
bhajan. When it is Rama's day, one would think Swami would have sung His usual Prema
Mudita or Rama Jayam bhajans but this time it was a double surprise , He sung
Kousalyatmaja Rama Charan.. Prasanthi Niketana
Rama Charan.. Rama Charan Sada Bhajo... HE sang the stanzas three times and the
whole area was reverberating with RAMA NAMA..
Swami then started another bhajan whose lines goes this way..Rama Rama Jaya Sita
Rama, Rama Rama Jaya Raja Rama....
and the third bhajan was also there in the offering and the words were as follows.
Rama naama me prema mayam, Rama roopame prema mayam
Rama me premamayam, Rama me prema mayam
Roopame prema mayam,
nee namame chalu (your name is enough)
Nee chintane chalu (remembering your name is enough)
After the bonus 3 bhajans Swami continued His divine discourse which was centerd on
NAMASMARANA and its benifits..
Keep chanting the name of Rama. Rama is present in everyone as ATMA RAMA.. ATMA is
RAMA..No wealth, no property can give you that bliss like God's name... Sing the
Glory of Rama and you will be away from worries.. Puttuka (birth) oka Chinta (is a
worry), Chavu oka chinta (death is a worry), JEEVITAM OKA CHINTA (life on earth is a
worry ), Yavvanamu oka CHINTHA (young age is a worry) (Vardakyamu oka CHINTA (old
age is worry), to remove all these chintas (worries), Rama Chintana(remembering,
chanting, the Divine name) is the only resort.. What ever problem you have think of
Rama and you will be free from all Worries..
King Dasaratha started singing th glory of Rama. since them Rama's name has been
chanted in this world.Swami reminded all of us to chant HIs glory..
Swami also stressed on Group singing. He said, this will help to know more about
God, make you more devotional and unity amongst your self..
Swami later narrated the incidents from Ramayana and praised Hanuman for His self
less service. He asked all of us to have that kind of self less ness and lead our
life in a
more spiritual way Swami spoke for 45 minutes and it was 7:40pm by the time Arathi
was given to Bhagawan thus ending a beautiful and fruitful day..
The week which was full of information, full of atma gnana, came to an end with a
beautiful divine discourse by our Lord, who was really really happy about the
organisers and
preists who were HAND PICKED by Him to HIs ABODE to show direction and information
to all the so called BUSY generation...
HOW compassionate you are dear Lord...
sent to
Saturday, June 21, 2008 Om sairam dear Sai family, the
atmosphere is serene, the streets filling up, the Kulwanth hall in particular is to
its maximum since last week. this morning after bhajans surprising every one Swami
came for His street darshan..every one
was running behind Swami's car. Swami went up to the petrol station and took a U
turn back to ashram...among many boys who run behind His car, one boy from Nepal
drew His attention. The boy who happens to be my darshan mate also, had applied for
admission in music college but couldn't get admission for reasons best known to
Swami. since then the boy is not leaving a single opportunity to
request Swami to give admission in His temple of music. this boy was running behind
the car and Swami looking at this sweet boy signalled the boy to give the letter. It
was right in the middle of the road that Swami accepted this MOST URGENT letter and
it is second time that He took the boy's letter in a similar fashion. Swami wanted
to tell something but in the mean time the crowd went crazy and the car moved
on..the boy started running behind the car and this time swami showed the letter to
this boy probably saying don't worry i will do the need ful..AFTER NOON DARSHAN:
this afternoon there were 2 ambulances parked in front of Swami's physical
abode...initially i thought is every thing ok at His Abode? Later after taking a
keen look they turned out to be new ambulances kept for His blessings.... sure
enough at around 4.45pm Swami blessed the ambulances and blessed all of us with the
mobile chair darshan which are always blissful and matchless.... from tomorrow 22nd
June to 28 June there will be week long programme on Ramayana and priests from
Karnataka are already here in Parthi for the programme...the news is that there will
be talks by learned scholars on the topic and let us all pray to Swami to give us
the essence of the holy epic....more news tomorrow..with humble pranams at the lotus
feet of our beloved Lord.. submitted by Satish Naik.. Member
Two Tata Winger vans stood parked majestically in front of Yajur Mandir today afternoon. Quick
enquiries revealed that the Sri Sathya Sai general hospital would be blessed by Swami to
receive two fully equipped state of art ambulances. And the two vans parked there were
actually yet another gift of Love and Grace. Swami came out at about 4:45pm . As soon as He
came out, the vans caught His attention. Swami asked about the vehicles and it was promptly
said, "Swami they are Tata Winger vans to serve as the ambulances." He then went closer to
have a better look. The oxygen cylinders and the stretchable and retractable bed looked
elegant and professionally compact in the vans. Where Swami is concerned, the unexpected is
something that has to be expected. Swami enquired about the drivers' place. The front door was
opened and Swami was shown the drivers' seat. He scrutinised it carefully. He seemed fully
satisfied with the new powered twins and blessed them for their "release". As He was moving
towards the car, He saw coconuts on the ground. He told the people and security personnel
there to break them as signs of auspiciousness in front of the van. As they were about to do
so, Swami, with a sweet smile told them, "Wait! I will go for darshan. Then you break the
That statement from Swami was so wonderful in some very specific aspects. For ages Swami has
been breaking coconuts. One of His favourite styles is to hold a coconut each in a hand. using
one as a breaking instrument, the other coconut is easily halved. On other occasions, Swami
throws the coconut to the floor and as it shatters, devotees make a rush to collect the pieces
as holy prasad. Nowadays, Swami often asks people near Him to enjoy the privileged honours of
breaking the coconuts. Many times when this happens and the people throw the coconuts to the
ground, some pieces fly towards the Lord. Swami is amused but thats not the case with many
devotees. Though their Lord is the most powerful, He is also the sweetest and most delicate
for them. The coconut breakers are rewarded with a smile from Swami and glares from the
devotees! And so when Swami, who was just beside the vans, said,"Wait till I go for darshan
and then break it," one could not help but supress a smile.
Swami moved into the Kulwant hall on the chair itself and there was a surge from all sides. A
week long parayanam of the Ramayanam is scheduled to begin tomorrow and devotees had already
started filling in. Added to it, being the "weekend", the devotees numbers get "strengthened".
Swami went about collecting letters and blessing everyone. His progress was slow and gentle.
The bliss on the faces of the devotees showed that by His touch and smiles and Grace, their
"progress" had been made rapid and huge! As Swami moves amongst the devotees in the chair, He
is often covered by the lapping waves of the devotees with hearts flooded with devotion. But
one can easily see Swami reflected so beautifully in the faces of these devotees. You want to
know who Swami is, then just look at the devotees' faces. You will realize that He is an
embodiment of Joy, Peace and Love! He collected letters from all and then moved into the
students' zone. Blessing everyone, He slowly seemed to wade through them. He blessed all the
birthday boys and then went into the interview room. Bhajans began at 5:30 pm and concluded at
around 6:05 pm .
Written by Eswarachandra Vidyasagar - sent to
SBOI-Group |
Om Sairam dear Sai Family,
the second day of Ramayana Saptaham Yagnam was another interesting one. Swami came
at 4pm and blessed us with His divine darshan to the thousand seated in the hall..
After going into interview room for 30 minutes, Swami came on stage.. He called upon
some students, spoke to them and accepted letters from them. Today, unlike
yesterday, there was an introduction about the speaker of
this afternoon. Mr.Srimannarayana murthy from Guntur, a renowned scholar, great
speaker and he had all the superlatives a person of his

caliber has under his belt..Taking blessings from Swami, He started his talk, the
second khandam (chapter) and it was AYODHYA kandam.. Mr. Murthy said, Ayodhya means
that which cannot be won and that is why you wont see any victory in this particular
part of Ramayana. There is failure and just failure every where, starting from King
Dasaratha who loses the game and eventually sends his beloved Son Rama to the
forest. Many people say it was a plot planned by Kaikeyi, to give the kingdom to her
son Bharath, which in reality is not true.. It was all God's plan and the design of
the Rama Avatar which had to undergo that stage otherwise, we wouldn't have known
Ravana, the holy sages wouldn't have performed all the Yagnas and Yagas in the
forests, as the demons were at their best to disturb the sages.. Rama was not at all
unhappy y
about the way he was being sent to the forest.. When the news came that Rama had to
go, being a perfect son and an ideal son, he listened to his father without asking
any question. Sita, who was just married then, asked Rama that she would follow
him.. Rama, even though knew she has to be with Him, pretended to be reluctant...
and Sita, the ideal wife she is, said, I wont follow you, but I will walk before
you, cleaning the path, removing thorns and stones.. The speaker said, it is Sita
who first reached Ravana, and Rama followed her, thus it was because of her that the
world knew about Ravana.. Brother Lakshmana, who was very close to Rama, also
followed Rama to the forest. King Dasaratha, after sending Rama to forest, started
chanting Rama's name and breathed his last breath.. After the king left His body,
the need for a new king arised. the next best choice was Bharath. Mother Kaikeyi
told Bharath, you have got the chance of becoming the king of Ayodhya and your long
desire for the hot seat has become reality.. This erred Bharatha and he very
politely told his mother, Mother, you have given me birth but you didn't understand
your son too well.. NOt even in my wildest dreams I thought of becoming king in the
place of my brother Rama.. After persuasion from likes of sage Vashista and others,
Bharatha became the king bit reluctantly.
The speaker was of the feeling that Ayodhya kanda was designed in such a way that
Rama, protects all the noble souls doing penance in the forest and also to set an
example of PITHRU VAKYA PARIPALANA.. (listening to parents)...
After 45 minutes, the speaker thanked Swami for the golden opportunity he bestowed
on him and for the great fortune..Ater the talk, Swami asked for the bhajans to
start and there was yet another round of Rama bhajans and Arathi was given around
6:25 thus ending the second day of Ramayana Saptaham Yagnam 28th June, will be the
PATTABHISHEKAM, (coronation ceremony) of Lord Rama, holy water from all the holy
rivers in the world is being brought and the abhishekam will be done with same water
in the divine presence of our Sai Rama in the morning session which will mark the
end of Ramayana Saptaham Yagnam....with humble pranams at the lotus feet of our
beloved Lord - submitted to
SBOI-Group |
Om Sairam dear Sai Family,
the second day of Ramayana Saptaham Yagnam was another interesting one.
Swami came at 4pm and blessed us with
His divine darshan to the
thousand seated in the hall.. After
going into interview room for 30
minutes, Swami came on stage.. He
called upon some students, spoke to
them and accepted letters from them..
Today, unlike yesterday, there was an introduction about the speaker of
this afternoon. Mr.Srimannarayana murthy from Guntur, a renowned
scholar, great speaker and he had all
the superlatives a person of his
caliber has under his belt..
Taking blessings from Swami, He started his talk, the second kandam
(chapter) and it was AYODHYA kandam..
Mr.Murthy said, Ayodhya means
that which cannot be won and that is
why you wont see any victory in
this particular part of Ramayana.
There is failure and just failure
every where, starting from King
Dasaratha who loses the game and
eventually sents his beloved Son Rama
to the forest.
Many people say it was a plot planned
by Kaikeyi, to give the kingdom
to her son Bharath, which in reality
is not true.. It was all God's
plan and the design of the Rama
Avatar which had to undergo that stage
other wise, we wouldnt have known
Ravana, the holy sages wouldnt have
performed all the Yagnas and Yagas
inthe forests, as the demons were at their best to disturb the sages..
Rama was not at all unhappy about the
way he was being sent to the forest.. When the news came that Rama had to go, being
a perfect son and an ideal son, he listend to his father without asking any
question. Sita, who was just married then, asked Rama that she would follow him..
Rama, even though knew she has to be
with Him, pretended to be reluctant... and Sita, the ideal wife she is, said, I wont
follow you, but I will walk before you, cleaning the path, removing thorns and
stones.. The speaker said, it is Sita who first reached Ravana,and Rama followed
her, thus it was because of her that the world knew about Ravana..
Brother Lakshmana, who was very close
to Rama, also followed Rama to the forest.
King Dasaratha, after sending Rama to forest, started chanting
Rama'sname and breathed his last
After the king left His body, the
need for a new king arised. the next best choice was Bharath. Mother Kaikeyi told
Bharath, you have got the chance of becoming the king of Ayodhya and your long
desire for the hot seat has become reality.. This erred Bharatha and he very
politely told his mother, Mother, you have given me birth but you didnt understand
your son too well.. NOt even in my wildest dreams I thought of becoming
king in the place of my brother
Rama.. After persuation from likes of sage Vashista and others, Bharatha became the
king bit reluctantly.
The speaker was of the feeling that
Ayodhya kanda was designed in such a way that Rama, protects all the noble souls
doing penance in the forest and also to set an example of PITHRU VAKYA PARIPALANA..
(listening to parents)...
After 45 minutes, the speaker thanked
Swami for the golden opportunity he bestowed on him and for the great fortune..
Ater the talk, Swami asked for the bhajans to start and there was yet another round
of Rama bhajans and Arathi was given around 6:25 thus ending the second day of
Ramayana Saptaham Yagnam 28th June, will be the PATTABHISHEKAM, (coronation
ceremony) of Lord Rama, holy water from all the holy rivers in the world is being
brought and the abhishekam will be done with same water in the divine presence of
our Sai Rama in the morning session which will mark the end of Ramayana Saptaham
with humble pranams at the lotus feet
of our beloved Lord
R.Satish Naik.. - Member