January 31, 2008 - This evening, the XI class boys
of the Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary school put up their drama, "Bhakt Mira". Swami came
into the Bhajan Hall after His darshan round, and had a ten minute interaction with the students in costumes there. Then He moved
to the stage and the drama got underway. The sets and costumes were eye-catching, and the
acting of the boy who played the role of
Meerabai was also commendable. Bhagawan moved to the interview room twice
during the drama, pausing it for a few minutes each time. At the end of the drama, Swami
Blessed "Meera with a chain and all the other participants with group photographs. He
moved down from the stage to take a group photo in front of the set, too. It was 6.50 when He
accepted Arati and returned to His residence. photos
31st Jan.
Wednesday, January
30, 2008
- This evening, Bhagawan came for darshan at
4.30 pm. Coming to the Bhajan Hall, He enquired about the drama
by the XI class students. Yesterday, the XI had offered a card praying that they be given a
chance to present a drama. Some of the students of the XI class came up to Swami and He interacted with them for a few
minutes before moving down the aisle and out to the verandah. From the verandah, He moved to
the stage area and sat there for a while with the Vedam going on. The Bhajans began at five
past five when Swami returned from the stage. As the Bhajans went on, He accepted letters from
several students in the Bhajan Hall and spoke to them. Arati was at 5.45 pm.
Monday, January 28, 2008
- The Delhi youth presented a musical programme this
evening. Swami came onstage at 5.15 pm and the singing began. The concluding song was "Aana hi
padega.... “ Aana
Hi Padega Baba Delhi Aana Hi Padega” , praying that Bhagawan visit Delhi. After Blessing the participants, Bhajans by
the women members of the group began. Twenty minutes of their Bhajan was followed by twenty
minutes of bhajans with alaps by students, and Arati was offered at around seven o'clock. - click here: drama & dance
photos 27th & 28th Jan. -
Read more details from
Sai students...28th
Jan. 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008 - This evening, the youth group from
Delhi presented their drama. Depicting the various seva activities done by the youth like
arranging for Blood Donation and so on, the 45 minute
presentation got underway with Bhagawan coming onstage after His darshan round at 5.40 pm.
After the drama, Swami asked for clothes to be distributed to them, and then Blessed
them with group photographs. Ten minutes of Bhajans by the youth preceded Arati as Swami left
for His residence just before seven o'clock. Today evening the Sai youth Delhi presented a
colourful Song and drama program in the divine presence of Sri Sathya Sai
Baba. After the program Swami bestowed the performers with clothes. today's evening bhajans were also sung by devotees from New Delhi.
Later, Sai Ma blessed the Prasadam, the prasadam was then distributed to all present inside the
Sai Kulwant hall. After accepting the evening Arati Swami went back to
His residence. photos 27th &
28th Jan.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
- For the last few days there have been no special
programmes in Sai Kulwant Hall. On most days, Bhagawan was coming for darshan as the Bhajans
went on. On a few
occasions, He went on a second round of darshan in His chair in front of the
students' blocks. This evening, Bhagawan accepted Arati at 5.30 from the Bhajan Hall and went
into the interview room. A few minutes later, He emerged and sat outside on the stage,
Blessing the Computer Science and Accounts project reports brought up to Him by the XII class
students. He also Blessed their teacher with a chain. Interacting with the students for a few
minutes, He asked them to sing. The students enthusiastically sang Bhajans for another ten
minutes before Swami accepted Arati once again. He continued to sit onstage talking to the
boys nearby till He left for His residence at 6.30 pm.
Click here to see
Sports meet videos
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
- This evening, Bhagawan came to Sai Kulwant Hall just
before the five o'clock Bhajans commenced. After a brief visit to the interview room, He
emerged on His chair and took a round of the Verandah and the student blocks. He
Blessed a professor of the University with a chain and accepted many letters from students.
After accepting Arati at six o'clock, He went back to His residence, pausing on the way to
interact with some devotees.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
This morning, the Valedictory function of the Annual
Sports and Cultural Meet of the Sri Sathya Sai educational institutions got underway with
Bhagawan arriving in the Sai Kulwant Hall in a procession led by the University Brass Band. He
commenced the proceedings by lighting a lamp and blessing the trophies and shields on display.
Sai Baba 15th Jan 2008 After introductory remarks by the Vice-Chancellor, a
student of the II year post-graduate class of the Prasanthi Nilayam campus gave a brief talk
on the Sports Meet experience. Bhagawan then delivered His Divine Discourse at 8.50 am.
At the end of His Discourse, Swami asked the Wardens and the Principals of the respective
campuses to come onstage and recieve the campus trophies from His hands. He then Blessed the
medals and the captains of all the campuses. The University Brass Band then played a few tunes
before Bhagawan accepted Arati and returned to His residence at 10.15.
click here for Photos
Read more details from 15th Jan.
Sai Darshan - Eye witness account from
Puttaparthi & excerpts from Swami's discourse
Read even more Sainews from Sai students...
Information about Prashanti Nilayam Accommodation

Monday, January 14, 2008
- This morning, Bhagawan came to Sai Kulwant Hall at 10
o'clock as the Bhajans went on, and proceeded to distribute rugs to the elderly devotees
there, moving in His ch air all over the Hall. After distributing a few hundred rugs, Swami
came to the Bhajan Hall were the B hajans were continuing, and took a round of the hall moving
down the aisle. The Bhajans lasted nearly two hours as He accepted Arati past 10.50.
click here for Photos
returning to His residence, Swami stopped near the Primary School students in His car for
nearly 15 minutes. The Anantapur campus students presented a musical programme in the
evening. The songs got underway as Swami came onstage after His darshan round at 5.10 pm. The
audience was treated to an ensemble of semi-classical
and East-West fusion songs for the next forty minutes, after which they began singing Bhajans.
After twenty minutes of Bhajans by the Anantapur students, Bhagawan asked the regular Bhajan
singers of Prasanthi Nilayam and Brindavan to go into the Bhajan Hall and start Bhajans there
with aalaaps. After fifteen minutes of their Bhajans, Bhagawan asked Prof Anil Kumar to
announce that the Valedictory function of the Sports Festival would be held tomorrow. He then
accepted Arati and returned to His residence at 6.40 pm.
January 13, 2008
- This morning, Bhagawan had an announcement made that
the Brindavan students' drama would be presented in the evening.
Swami came to Sai Kulwant Hall at 4.45 pm in the Porte car and after a darshan round, alighted
at the Verandah, calling up the respective Wardens to begin distribution of watches to all the
students of Prasanthi Nilayam and Brindavan. He sat on the Verandah while the distribution
went on, and then
started giving some watches Himself to some of the doctors and others seated nearby. Moving
down the verandah, Swami started giving watches to teachers and other staff members, and kept giving till all of them had come and accepted the
watches from His hands. The drama on Kabirdas then got underway at 5.15 pm.
The story of Kabirdas was presented in an elegant way by the Brindavan students, interspersed
with many songs and dohas which reflected Bhagawan's teachings. The sets and costumes were
outstanding. Bhagawan Blessed the student who played the role of Kabir with a ring and a
chain. Bhagawan returned to His residence at 6.45 pm after Arati.
click here for Photos 12th - 13th
Saturday, January 12, 2008
- Last evening, Bhagawan had an announcement made in the stadium that the drama by the
Prasanthi Nilayam campus students would be this evening at 5 pm. The students were earlier given a date of 15th January, so this
announcement was a surprise. The set-making and costumes students pulled yet another
all-nighter and continued preparations till the drama got underway in the evening. Bhagawan arrived at 5 pm in His chair and directly went and sat near the bronze lion next to the Lotus
gate of Sai Kulwant Hall. The drama stage faced North as per Swami's instructions. The cast
had not yet arrived from the Hostel with their makeup! The teachers and authorities prayed to
Bhagawan to excuse the delay, and finally the drama got underway at 5.20 pm.
The drama "Ramayana Ratnahara Veeranjaneya" depicted various scenes in the Ramayana where
Hanuman shines as an example for all mankind. The hour long presentation included stanzas of
poems in Telugu, songs and dances, and soul-stirring dialogues. Bhagawan was very pleased with
the presentation and Blessed the script-writer, a II year MSc. student, with a chain. He then
Blessed all the participants with group photographs scene by scene, including the hard-working
set and costume group, before accepting Arati at 6.50 pm and returning to His residence.
. click here for Photos 12th Jan.
Friday, January 11, 2008
was the colourful Sports Meet function for which Swami's students were practising for the last
few weeks. You can read an illustrated
account of last
year's function in last year's Prasanthi Diary. This year, Bhagawan arrived at the Vidyagiri
stadium in His white Saab convertible resplendent in a yellow robe at 7.45 am. Motorcycle
escorts and marching bands of
the students welcomed their Chancellor to the dais and the marchpast began at 8 o'clock. When
all the students
had marched into the ground, the flag-hoisting, oath and torch-lighting ceremonies were a
prelude to the display events by the different campuses. The Anantapur Womens' Campus of the
University and the Brindavan undergraduates
presented in the morning, the Primary School and
the Prasanthi Nilayam Campus performed in the evening.
Click Here for Sports day11th Jan. Photos
Anantapur display began at 8.45 with graceful group dancing followed by a Far-Eastern group
item with parasols and hand-fans. A sports medley followed, presenting hockey, tennis and
movements in formation. Motorbike stunts was the next item, including
criss-crosses, various poses on bikes, a breath-taking ramp-jump over 20 girls and a human
pyramid of 38 girls on 9 bikes. The Anantapur students concluded their half-hour presentation
forming the words "We Love U" in a group formation as their concluding song was played.
The Brindavan students then began with an equestrian show-jumping demonstration. A marching
band presentation brought up a display of rolling in steel hoops and an aerobics exhibition.
Timber-drill was the next item, with planks of wood being used in imaginative ways to aid
acrobatic feats. The Celestial Rhythms then spelt out "We Love You" in a grid of students
suspended by a crane nearly 80 feet above the ground. As the Brindavan presentation concluded,
Bhagawan accepted Arati onstage and returned to the Mandir at 10 o'clock while an announcement
was made about the afternoon presentations. Swami graciously granted group photographs for the
Band groups of Anantapur and Prasanthi Nilayam and also the motorcycle escorts before He went
into Yajur Mandir.
Click Here for Sports day Photos
Bhagawan arrived at 3.25 pm in the afternoon in a maroon robe riding in His Mercedes sports
convertible. As He reached the stage, tiny tots from the Primary School brought up bouquets to
Him and began the afternoon's presentation. The hour-long Primary School presentation was a
joyful riot of colour as usual, beginning with a "Ganesa" group dance by small boys. A
classical mass-dance, hand-fans and flowers formations, gymnastics, mass flower-dance, dance
by small girls with white wings and Mexican poncho dance followed in quick succession.
Children dressed as deer, tigers, bunnies and monkeys performed various gymnastic feats on
mats, ropes and poles. Their elder brothers and sisters may do motobike stunts, but the
bicycle stunts by the Primary School boys were just as eye-catching. Unicycle stunts, even a
basketball match played on unicycles, and then a rainbow dance led to their final dance
balancing items on their heads, paying tribute to Bhagawan, the Light of Lights.
Click Here for Sports day Photos
The students of the Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School and the Prasanthi Nilayam campus of
Sri Sathya Sai University began their hour-long performance at 4.30 pm with a striking mass item
with classical dancers in the foreground and patterns made from colourful foldable discs
forming a context for Krishna's beautiful Leelas - "Adharam Madhuram...". Gymnasts on moving
trucks then presented balancing feats with giant flags fifty feet high. Gymnastic feats
including jumps over vehicles and acrobatics on moving trucks led to a breathtaking display on
ropes including a spectacular spin on a rope suspended more than 20 feet above the ground. The
rope structure was also used as a trapeze stage, as roller-bladers scintillated on the ground
below, ending their dramatic show with a series of jumps over a van. A precision gun drill was
followed by a karate display which featured breaking tiles and pots and also mass nan-chak and
stick displays. As the Prasanthi Nilayam campus came together for their final song, Bhagawan
expressed how pleased He was at His students' performance and profusely Blessed them before
leaving for His residence.
Thursday, January 10, 2008 - This morning, Bhagawan arrived at
the Sai Kulwant Hall as the Bhajans went on, and made rounds of the verandah and the Hall in
His chair before leaving for the Vidyagiri Stadium. There, He watched the practice sessions of
the students till nearly 10.45 while Arati was offered at the Mandir after 10.15. In the
evening, once again Bhagawan moved about in His chair during Bhajans before driving out, this
time to the College Auditorium to watch the drama rehearsal by the Prasanthi Nilayam students.
Arati was offered at the Mandir at 6 pm and announcement was made about the Sports Meet
programme tomorrow in the Vidyagiri stadium. Bhagawan returned to His residence after the
drama rehearsal at half-past six.
read more details of New Year from Sai students...
Click Here for Sports day Photos

Wednesday, January 9,
-Yesterday and the day
before, Swami went in the mornings to the Vidyagiri stadium to watch the practice sessions by
the students for the Annual Sports and Cultural meet on
January 11th. Today He went in the evening at around 4.30 pm making an anti-clockwise round of
Sai Kulwant Hall in the car before exiting through the Gopuram Gate. Returning at 5.45 pm to
the Mandir, He accepted Arati from the car itself and returned to His residence after another
anti-clockwise round of Sai Kulwant Hall.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
- Sai Youth from Maharashtra presented a drama on Chhatrapati Shivaji this
evening in the Sai Kulwant Hall. Swami finished His darshan round in the car and arrived
onstage after speaking for a few minutes to the Warden of the Brindavan campus of the Sri
Sathya Sai University. The forty-five minute drama began at 5.30 pm and presented Shivaji as
an ideal youth leader, depictin his love of Mother, Motherland and cultural values. Swami came
down from the stage to grant group photos for the participants while prasadam was distributed
before moving to the interview room. A few minutes later, He came out of the interview room,
accepted Arati onstage and Blessed one of the participants with a chain before returning to
His residence. click here for photos
Saturday, January 5, 2008
-This evening had three programmes, presented by the North Eastern region of the
United States, the Mahila youth wing of Maharashtra and Goa, and singers from Mumbai
respectively. Swami came onstage just before five o'clock and started by Blessing some of the
US devotees. Their musical presentation on Unity of Faiths got underway in five minutes. After
listening to them for twenty minutes, Bhagawan asked for the next programme to commence.
Meerabai's story was narrated in songs by the Maharashtra youth for half an hour. Bhagawan
went into the interview room and returned, asking them to sing one more song. Sri Raviraj
Nasery and party then presented a couple of songs before Bhagawan accepted Arati ten minutes
past six.
Friday, January 4, 2008
-This evening, the Sai Youth from Maharashtra and Goa presented a programme of
songs and dances. Bhagawan came onstage at 4.45 pm after His darshan round in the car, and the
group songs got underway. Next was a dance by tribal folk from Gadchiroli District. Various
types of Aratis from Goa wound up the day's programmes, with the Bhajan "Ham Sab Milakar
Mangal Gayein" leading to ten minutes of Bhajans and then Arati to Bhagawan at six o'clock.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
morning, the Sai Students were seated in the centre of Sai Kulwant Hall. Bhagawan came after
the Bhajans began and asked for chocolates and oranges to be distributed to the alumni while
He sat onstage. In the evening also, Bhagawan arrived after the Bhajans had begun. He went
around the Bhajan Hall and the Sai Kulwant Hall, accepting letters from many alumni and
interacting with a few of them. He retired to His residence after accepting Arati at six
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
- The Sai Students, alumni of the colleges at Prasanthi Nilayam and Brindavan,
ushered in the New Year at Prasanthi Nilayam as they have been doing for the last few years.
The Sai
Kulwant Hall was full of devotees, and was tastefully decorated with flowers. Bhagawan came to
Sai Kulwant Hall in His chair at 8.45 am in a procession led by the Sai Students chanting
Vedam, with tradiami came
onstage, the Vedam continued for a few minutes, the University Brass Band played a few pieces,
then Prof. G. Venkataraman was asked to speak. He welcomed the alumni and described them as
the hope for a troubled world. Sri A. V. Gokak, the current Vice-Chancellor was the next to
speak. His talk also
centred around the transformational work done by the Sai Students.
As the speeches concluded at 10.10, Bhagawan asked the students to commence their music
programme. After a few songs, the alumni presented a song taught to them by Swami for Ugadi in
1985. It was already nearing eleven o'clock, so Bhagawan accepted Arati and returned to His
In the afternoon, Bhagawan arrived in His car at 4.45 pm. Coming onstage after a round of the
Hall, He first called up the Bhangra dance group of the Sai Students and had their ten minute
performance. The Orchestra prepared by the alumni was the next item, performing from the
centre of the Hall with loudspeakers facing Bhagawan who was seated onstage. Short speeches
followed, recollecting the golden years they had spent with their Lord. Swami then asked for
the microphone and prepared to get up to speak, but listening to the pleas of the Sai
Students, He remained seated and spoke for an hour.
New year 2008 Discourse
& photos
read more details of New Year from Sai students...
Bhagawan's message was on the principle of Reaction, Reflection and Resound. He reminded us
that the world will appear bad if our vision is bad, not otherwise. He noted that the coming
year, 2008, is to have an ample share of conflicts, splinter groups and parties. He exhorted
the Sai Students to be ideal role-models wherever they went and concluded with "Hari Bhajan
Bina...", accepting Arati soon after.
Christmas videos
updated: Christmas discourse- Swami
materializing a necklace - Choir
and more click here
Monday, December 31,2007
- This
evening, Bhagawan came to Sai Kulwant Hall as the Bhajans went on, and made a round of the
verandah after His darshan round in the car. He moved through the Bhajan Hall entering from
the rear door, and made a round of the ladies' side in His chair. Then He sat onstage as the
Bhajans continued, accepting Arati there itself at six o'clock. Yesterday, Bhagawan came as
the bhajans went on at 5.30 pm, and instead of going into the Bhajan Hall, sat onstage for
twenty minutes before accepting Arati there itself. He returned to His residence at around 6
pm. On Saturday, the Union Civil Aviation Minister had come for Darshan.
SBOI webmaster wishes all our visitor a Happy New Year.
December 28, 2007
Yesterday was the 100th birthday of Mr. Gopal Rao, former chairman of Andhra Bank and a resident of the Ashram for many decades.
Bhagawan Blessed him yesterday, and today arranged for a felicitation ceremony. Swami came in the
evening at around 5.20 pm, moving onstage after a brief interaction with some devotees
on the verandah. Mr. Gopal Rao was also brought onstage by his son. Prof G. Venkataraman spoke for twenty-five minutes, then Mr. Gopal Rao
spoke, seated on his wheelchair, for half an hour, about how he came to Bhagawan and how
Swami instructed him to do seva in the canteen. Mr. Chakravarthy, Secretary of the
Central Trust, garlanded Mr. Gopal Rao. Swami Blessed him and interacted with him while
prasadam was distributed. Swami returned to His residence after accepting Arati at 6.35
Photos: 27th & 28thDec 2007
read more details of 26th - 28th Dec. from Sai students...
December 27, 2007
- This evening, devotees from Southern California and Hawaii
presented a
short play and a programme of songs. Bhagawan came onstage at
5.15 pm after His darshan round the the programme commenced shortly thereafter. SSE
children presented the first fifteen minute play, "Boy Jesus", with traditional carols sung by the group forming most of
the sound-track. Bhagawan Blessed one of the participants with a chain. The song
programme then began, with songs like Ronan Keating's "Hello Again" and Josh Groban's
"You raise me up" rendered very well and with great feeling by the devotees. Bhagawan went into the interview room
during the last song of their performance and came out with clothes for the singers and
chocolates shaped like gold coins for the children. After distributing the coins and the clothes, He accepted Arati and
retired for the day. inside the Sai Kulwant Hall.
Dec. 26th: In the morning, while the Bhajans went on, Swami went to the Vidyagiri stadium
where the students were practising the Marchpast for the Sports and Cultural Meet in
January. He returned to the Mandir moving through the Primary School and later accepted

This evening, Bhagawan came onstage and interacted with Mr. John Behner, then asked
Prof. Veerabhadraiah the college Telugu professor to speak on Jesus Christ. The
professor spoke in Telugu for fifteen minutes till 5.20 pm. Then Bhagawan stood up to
Bhagawan declared that there is peace
everywhere, and only the restlessness inside is reflected outside on our vision. He
reminded us that our real name is "Aham Brahmasmi" and not the names "kept" by parents.
To illustrate how everything happens by Divine Will, He materialised a chain and hung it
on the mic, and later, at the end of His Discourse, called up a student and put it
around his neck. Swami narrated the story of Jesus and commented on the need for Faith
with Love. Bhagawan made all the devotees joyful by saying "All of you are in Me; I am
yours, you are Mine".
After Bhagawan's 75 minute Discourse, there was a bhajan as prasadam was distributed,
then He accepted Arati and left for His residence.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007 - Christmas morning celebrations commenced in Sai Kulwant Hall with Bhagawan arriving at 8.20 am. After He came onst age, the Primary School violins performed for a
few minutes, followed by a ten minute performance by the University brass band. Carols
and other Christmas songs by the students was the concluding item of the morning. Santa
Clauses appeared on the scene during the "Jingle Bells" renderings by both the Primary
violins and the students' carols. Swami accepted Arati at 9.45 am after prasadam was
Click here for updated: Photos &
detailed Report of Christmas from
23rd - 26thth Dec. In the evening, Bhagawan arrived at 5.10 pm and the programme of talks began at 5.20
after He came onstage. Mr. John Behner of Latin America introduced the four speakers of
the day - Ms. Inez from Argentina, Mr. Sumeet Tappoo from Fiji, Ms. Poppy Hillcoate from Australia and Dr. Michael Congleton from the USA. The first two
Youth speakers spoke of
the transformation Sai has brought in their lives. Ms. Hillcoate spoke of the joy she
experienced in past Christmases at Prasanthi Nilayam, and Mr. Congleton spoke of the joy
derived from selfless service. After the four speakers, Bhajans commenced. Bhagawan
accepted Arati after a Bhajan and returned to His residence at 6.30 pm.
Monday, December 24, 2007 -
This morning, Swami came to Sai Kulwant hall as
the Bhajans went
on at 9.45, accepted Arati after a couple of Bhajans, then went on a
drive before
returning to His residence. Christmas eve was celebrated in the afternoon session with
the traditional singing of Christmas songs by children and devotees from overseas. The
Kulwant Hall was beautifully decorated with seasonal decorations. Bhagawan arrived at
Sai Kulwant Hall at 4.40, and came onstage after His darshan round in the car. The
children's choir performed first for half
an hour, the overseas choir with 600
ladies and 300 gents began at 5.20 pm. Bhagawan blessed the conductors of both choirs
before each performance. Bhajans by the overseas devotees went on as prasadam was distributed
to the choir singers. One of the ladies who played the
cello was Blessed by Swami with a chain. After twenty minutes of Bhajans, Swami accepted
Arati offered by the overseas devotees and returned to His abode.
: Click here for pictures & more
details of Christmas Eve 24th Dec.
Sunday, December 23, 2007 - Bhagawan had asked for a drama presentation by the students incorporating the
story of Shravan Kumar from the Ramayana. This evening, the students got ready with the drama and were seated inside the Bhajan Hall with costumes. Swami arrived
just after five o'clock
and came to the Bhajan Hall after His darshan round in the
He interacted with the students in costumes, asking about many of the main characters
like Rama, Sita, Shravan Kumar, Lava, Kusa and so on. After ten minutes of interaction,
Bhagawan moved to the stage area. But He asked for a change in the presentation. Instead
of the students facing the Mandir with Swami seated onstage, He asked them to face the
devotees in Sai Kulwant Hall so that all of them could see the drama. Swami moved down
from the stage and sat among the students in the middle of the Hall. The forty-five minute presentation had dances, songs and
touching dialogues. The stories of Shavan
Kumar, Sabari and Guha the boatman were highlighted. Sai Rama appreciated the narration
of Sri Ramachandra's devotees and stood up to grant the participants group photographs.
Then He again interacted for fifteen minutes with the participants while wafers were
distributed to them, and then accepted Arati at 6.30 pm.
Click here for23rd Dec. Photos
Saturday, December 22, 2007
This evening, Bhagawan arrived in Sai Kulwant Hall at 4.45, and came into the Bhajan
hall after His darshan round in the car. There, He interacted for a few minutes with the
students and teachers seated in the front, moved down the aisle and back, then went
outside and sat onstage as the Vedam went on. Prof. Veerabhadraiah, the Telugu professor
at Prasanthi Nilayam campus, was asked to speak. He spoke in Telugu for half an hour,
narrating many thrilling experiences. Prasadam was distributed as Bhajans were sung for
fifteen minutes. Swami accepted Arati at six o'clock before returning to His residence.
Christmas decoration & lights are up in Prasanthi
Mandir. The Sai Kulwant hall is shining bright & reflecting the mood of holiday season.
Devotees from all parts of the world and from many Indian
states are here to celebrate auspicious day with beloved Sai Baba.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
This evening, the youth from Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh
had the chance to present their
programme in front of Bhagawan. Their programme got underway at 5.45 pm, after
Bhagawan came onstage and Blessed the various cards and bouquets
offered by the youth. A drama "Manava Seva is Madhava Seva" was the first item. The
story of a golden plate appearing at Kasi with the injunction that it belongs to the
dearest devotee of the Lord was presented, with the dearest devotee turning out to be a
Sai Youth engaged in selfless social service. The drama concluded with a group
song on Seva. Sri Gautam Kale, a Sai Youth from Indore and
a disciple of Pandit Jasraj, presented some songs after the drama. Bhagawan asked for
Bhajans to be sung after around 20 minutes of songs. Prasadam was distributed and Swami
Blessed the singer and the drama participants who came up to Him one by one, before
accepting Arati at 6.55 pm.
Photos: program by Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh
Wednesday, December 19, 2007 -
Yesterday, Bhagawan came to Sai Kulwant Hall at around 5.30 pm as the bhajans went on,
and after an anti-clockwise round of the Hall, went out for a drive. He returned after
6.15, came to the Bhajan Hall,
accepted Arati and returned to His residence.
This morning, Bhagawan went for a
drive at around 10.40 and returned to His residence after eleve n o'clock. In the
evening, He came to Sai Kulwant hall just before the five o'clock Bhajans commenced.
After nearly forty-five minutes of Bhajans, Swami came into the Bhajan Hall and saw the
three students dressed for their Burrakatha programme.
He asked for the Arati after a few minutes, then moved to the stage and asked for the
Burrakatha to commence, telling the three performers to stand facing the audience
instead of facing Him. The hour-long Burrakatha on Mother Eswaramma concluded with Swami
accepting Arati once again at seven o'clock.
Monday, December 17, 2007 -
This evening too, Bhagawan had a surprise in store for all. Students were ready with a Burrakatha
programme yesterday and today, but their programme was not being
held since Swami was coming after the five o'clock bhajans began. This evening, Swami
came to Sai Kulwant Hall after the Bhajans began, but did not come to the Bhajan Hall -
instead, He moved around in His chair, sat onstage, and at 5.55 pm, the Bhajans were
asked to stop, and Prof G. Venkataraman was asked to speak. After the Professor's
half-hour extempore speech on how we should live up to Bhagawan's appellations "Embodiments of Love" and
"Embodiments of Divine Atma", Swami asked for the Vedam chanting to commence. Ten
minutes of Vedam concluded with Arati and Swami returned to His residence at half-past
17th Dec.
- More Details & excerpt from Swami's discourse from 15th
Dec. from saistudents...
Saturday, December 15, 2007
- This evening, Bhagawan
Blessed the group from California to present their B hajan programme in His presence. The
group was seated in the centre of Sai Kulwant Hall and began their performance at a
quarter past five when Swami was seated onstage. They sang bhajans in a medley style for
around 45 minutes, and concluded with Arati. But Bhagawan did not move away from the
stage, and instead asked Mr. Bozzani to speak! After
his five minute talk, Swami asked for the mics - He was going to address the gathering!
Bhagawan spoke for nearly 45 minutes, stressing on Divine Love and the need to realise
our own Divinity. He asked us all to continually remember the Divine Name of the Lord,
and concluded with "Bhajan Bina...", accepting Arati once again at seven o'clock before
returning to His residence. Today Prasadam was shared out to all the devotees
sitting inside the Sai Kulwant hall.
photos click here
More Details - 15th Dec. from saistudents..
Thursday, December 13, 2007
- Bhagawan came to Sai Kulwant
Hall both in the morning and the evening today after 45 minutes of Bhajans had elapsed.
Yesterday, Swami went on a second darshan round in His chair as the evening Bhajans went
on, moving through the gents' side and around the students. Among the devotees who came
for Swami's darshan over the last few days at Prasanthi Nilayam were the Vice-Chief of
the Indian Army, the Governor and a minister of the state of Sikkim, and cricketer Rahul
Rahul Dravid
the Indian cricketer
offered a bouquet of flowers to
beloved Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
The musicians from Srikakulam presented a concert this evening. Bhagawan arrived in Sai
Kulwant Hall a few minutes after five o'clock, and the programme got underway when Swami
came onstage after 5.15 pm. Forty-five minutes of light-music and semi-classical vocals
followed, and then the musicians prayed that Swami allow them to present an instrumental
ensemble playing Thyagaraja kritis. Bhagawan Blessed one of the singers and allowed them
to begin the instrumental piece with more than five violins and mridangams, and then
went into the interview room.
From there, He sent clothes for the artistes,
Swami also blessed the lead singer with a Gold ring (above photo).
Around ten minutes later, He came onstage, accepted Arati and left for His residence
after 6.45 pm.
Sunday, December 9, 2007 - Groups of devotees from Srikakulam district of Andhra
Pradesh, Hungary,
and Malaysia are here along with a group from the USA. On Friday evening, Bhagawan gave
an audience to the Russian Ambassador to India. Last
evening, after the Bhajans ended at 6.15 pm, the Srikakulam devotees had a procession
outside the Ashram. This evening, the Srikakulam Balvikas children presented a
featuring many dances.
[Click here to see today's photos]
The 40 minute Telugu drama began shortly after
Swami came onstage at 4.30 pm, an hour after He came to Sai Kulwant Hall. The story of
an idealistic Sai Youth was presented, highlighting the upholding of values in modern
life. Bhagawan Blessed the protagonist even as the last dance was going on, and later
Blessed the group by coming down from the stage and sitting on the Jhoola (swing) they
had prepared for Him. After group photos with the children, Bhagawan asked the
co-ordinator of the group to speak a few words. As he concluded his five minute speech
of gratitude, Swami started giving sarees and safari cloth pieces to the children who
took part in the drama. After 10 minutes of Bhajans by the group, Bhagawan accepted
Arati and returned to His residence at 6 pm.
Download above photo: Sai Baba lotus feet -
wallpaper size 1024x768 & 800x600 -
More Details - 9th Dec. from saistudents..
Thursday, December 6, 2007 - This evening, Bhagawan arrived in Sai Kulwant Hall
just before five o'clock. When the five o'clock Bhajans began, Swami moved in His chair
around the verandah, and near the interview room, entered His car and proceeded to the
Indoor Stadium complex. There, He inaugurated the second phase of the complex - gyms and
a tennis court. From the Stadium, He returned directly to His residence at around 5.45
pm and the Bhajans concluded with Arati.
December 5, 200 - The youth
from Haryana and Punjab who are here on their Parthi Yatra p resented
two dramas in Sai Kulwant Hall this evening. Bhagawan arrived onstage shortly before
five o'clock and the Haryana drama "God is the only Creator" began with a Vedic
invocation. The "Sai Punjab" drama which followed presented the cultural heritage and
history of Punjab. Bhagawan Blessed both the groups with photographs and clothes,
interacting with almost all of the participants. After a couple of Bhajans by the youth,
Bhagawan accepted Arati and returned to His residence at 6.20 pm.
Sai Kulwant Hall centre stage.
Bhagawan arrived onstage after His darshan round and
watched the program. Bhagawan showered
His Love on the group after their programme by going down among them in His chair and
blessing the performers from Punjab
with group photographs, then with clothes,
More Details - 5th Dec. from saistudents..
Monday, December 3, 2007 - This morning Swami came out around 9 40 am and
took a short round (no gents' side) and went in for Bhajan Mandir.
Bhagawan came on the chair itself so it was a nice
darshan. After couple of bhajans Swami took Aarthi and came out. Some guests were
waiting for Him near the door. He started talking to them there itself, for more than
five minutes. We were just waiting to catch another glimpse of Him. He choose to go back
to Yajur Mandir on the chair itself.
Bhagawan took a round of the ladies' side,
stopping at a couple of places to speak to devotees and collect letters. Then He turned
towards the Yajur Mandir. There again He called a lady from overseas, spoke to her and
took her letter. The crowd was on their feet -- ladies and gents. Something happened and
gents side devotees started clapping. There was no apparent reason for the clap. But it
might have been the prayer which translated into the clap and drew the attention of the
Lord. And we saw His chair doing a 180 degree turn. There was loud applause as the Lord
came gliding towards the gents' side. He stopped at a few places to take letters and
also to speak to the groups. It was a full round of darshan.
As we were very few in number at that time, we went and sat towards the students side at
the corner in front of the pillar, carrying the tentative program schedule with us. As
Bhagawan approached our side we showed Him the programme sheet. He gave a very nice
smile of acknowledgment. Click here to read complete
narrative by Brother Abhimanyu Kaul about Bhagawan Blessing the programme for the
January Alumni Meet
Su nday,
December 2, 2007
This evening, the students of Sri Sathya
Sai Vidya Niketan, Bagepalli, got the chance to present a drama in Sai Kulwant Hall,
entitled "Shirdi Nivasa Sai". Bhagawan arrived onstage after His darshan round at 4
o'clock, then went back to the interview room and again returned to the stage at 4.30,
after which the programme commenced. Various episodes in the life of Shirdi Sai were
depicted with dances in the half-hour presentation. Swami Blessed the children with
group photographs and clothes after the drama as the Karnataka devotees sang Bhajans.
click here to see photos from today 2nd
Dec. 2007
November 30, 2007
- Devotees from Karnataka are here in strength for three days on a Parthi
Yatra. Bhagawan went on a drive this morning at
around ten o'clock, beyond the Gokulam and back. In the evening, the Balvikas children
of Karnataka presented a series of folk dances. The forty minute
programme commenced when Swami came onstage after His darshan
round at 5.30 pm. At the end of the dances, Bhagawan Blessed the dozen groups of
children with group photographs, then with prasadam and clothes, too. The Karnataka
devotees sang Bhajans as the prasadam was distributed. Swami accepted Arati at 7 pm and
went into the interview room, emerging after ten minutes to retire for the day.
30th Nov 2007 Photos: Parthi Yatra & Balvikas - Dist Karnataka program
Wednesday, November 28, 2007 - This evening, two speakers
were asked to be ready
before Bhagawan arrived for evening darshan, so
the Bhajans did not begin at five o'clock. After Bhagawan
in His car and completed His darshan round, He asked for the Croatian devotees to come
to the verandah. There, He sent watches for all of them and sat there watching as the watches were distributed, moving
around in His chair and interacting with some of them. After 5.30 pm, Bhagawan went into
the interview room, and the Bhajans commenced in the Bhajan Hall.
25 &
Nov. Photos: Croatian Music
Program, Clothes and Watch Distribution
November 26, 2007
- Bhagawan came to Sai Kulwant Hall as the evening Bhajans went on, at around
5.20 pm. After a round of the Sai Kulwant Hall, Swami also moved around the verandah and
the stage area before moving to the Bhajan Hall. Then, He came out and called some of
the Croatian devotees for interviews. Bhajans continued till Bhagawan accepted Arati at
a quarter past six and returned to His
Sunday, November 25, 2007 - The four hundred strong Croatian group
got a chance to sing in front of Bhagawan this evening. Just before the five o'clock
bhajans were to commence, word was sent for the group to be ready with their songs, so
they took their places in the centre of the Sai Kulwant Hall. Bhagawan
emerged from His residence a few minutes after five o'clock, and when
He reached the dais after His darshan round, the song programme got underway with some
Vedic chants. Bhagawan showered
His Love on the group after their 45 minute programme by going down among them in His
chair and interacting with some of them, asking for sarees to the distributed to the
ladies and safari suit material for the gents. After getting wafers also distributed
among the group, Swami went inside the interview room calling in some devotees. He
emerged at 7 pm to accept Arati and return to His residence.

Download 82nd
Birthday darshan photo 2007 wallpaper- click to enlarge size 1024x768 |
November 23, 2007
Bhagawan's 82nd Birthday
celebrations began just after 9 am with the procession starting from Bhagawan's
residence to Sai Kulwant Hall. The Bands of Primary School girls,
Anantapur girls,
Primary School boys and Prasanthi Nilayam boys led the Vedam chanting students who
preceded Bhagawan who arrived in His chair. After a full round of the packed Sai Kulwant
Hall, Swami came onto the verandah where He Blessed the various Birthday cakes till He
came onstage at 9.35 am. The Malladi brothers sang for Bhagawan accompanied by their
father. After a couple of songs, Prof Anil Kumar was asked to make an announcement. The
anointing ceremony which Bhagawan
discontinued long back was being reinstated. Six distinguished couples
& Mr.R.J.Ratnakar [son of Late Janaki Ramayya garu, the chosen brother of Swami] ,
Mrs & Mr.Justice Bhagwathi, Mrs & Mr.Indulal Shah, Mrs.& Mr. Showrie, (here Swami called
Prof.Anil Kumar and said something and Prof.Anil Kumar announced that Mr.Showrie is only
99 years old), 85 years old Mrs & Mr.Marga bandu )
were called up to the dais one by one and anointed Bhagawan's hair with flowers dipped
in scented oil with the accompaniment of Vedic chants. The vocal concert of the Malladi
brothers continued after the anointing. Bhagawan accepted Arati and returned to His
residence along with the four bands at 11 am.
< Click on the birthday photo
collage left to see large size
82nd Birthday Evening: The evening programme
commenced with Bhagawan arriving in His chair into Sai Kulwant Hall to the accompaniment
of Vedam chanting and Panchavadyam. After His darshan round, Swami came onstage and
asked the Malladi brothers to sing again. Their hour-long Carnatic concert commenced at
5.45 pm. At the end of their concert, Bhagawan Blessed their father with a chain. Next
was the turn of Sri Hariharan to sing. He sang some ghazals and some Carnatic songs too.
Bhagawan Blessed him with a ring after an hour of singing, then asked him to sing a last
song. Concluding with the Bhajan "Janani Maa", Sri Hariharan's concert was followed by
Arati. Bhagawan took group photos with both the groups of singers as Arati went on and
returned to His residence after 8 o'clock.
November 22, 2007
This morning, Bhagawan came to the
Sai Kulwant Hall as the Bhajans
went on, after 9.30 am. After sitting in the Bhajan Hall for nearly half an
hour, He accepted Arati and returned to His residence. At 1.45 pm, Bhagawan
once again came to the Sai Kulwant Hall in His chair to check out the preparations made for
the Sri
arrangements, Swami returned to His residence and emerged later for the convocation.
The Convocation procession was led by the University Brass band into the Sai Kulwant
Hall at 3.30 pm. Bhagawan
was resplendent in a white robe for the occasion. Sharing the stage with Bhagawan and
the University governing body members and deans was Justice Bhagawati, former
Chief Justice of India. The
Vice-Chancellor delivered his welcome address, Bhagawan stood to say "I declare the
Convocation open", and the graduands of the year were administered the Convocation Oath. The
gold medal winners and PhD recipients came up to Bhagawan to receive His benediction and their
Bhagawan stood up to deliver His
Convocation Address at 4.15 pm. Swami exhorted
the youth to never hate anyone, to greet even those who are considered as enemies, to win over
enmity with Love. Bhagawan concluded by saying that the way the students can make Him happy is
by making their parents happy. The National Anthem concluded the Convocation. Before leaving
the dais, Swami spoke a few words about Sri Bhagawati's faith and love for Bhagawan, and also
made him speak a few words into His own microphone. The Convocation procession then moved out
of the Hall and Bhagawan returned to His residence at 5.30 pm.
The drama presented by the students of the Sai University was the
concluding item of the day. Bhagawan arrived onstage at the Poornachandra auditorium by 5.45,
and in ten minutes' time the drama was underway there. Bhagawan was very pleased with the
hour-long drama which had several songs and a dance sequence,
which depicted the transformation of hearts through grama seva, Bhagawan's Hospitals and Radio
Sai Global Harmony. Coming onstage in His chair after the performance, Swami Blessed the
participants with a group photograph before accepting Arati and retiring for the day.
Sri Sathya Sai University's 26th
Wednesday, November 21, 2007 - This morning, Bhagawan showered
abundant grace on the ladies.
Arriving at Sai Kulwant
Hall a few minutes after the Bhajans began at 9 o'clock, Swami started distributing sarees,
moving around the ladies' side in His chair. And the distribution went on for nearly an hour!
At the end, Bhagawan moved to the Bhajan Hall, sat there for a couple of Bhajans, accepted
Arati and returned to His residence. Later, at 11 o'clock, Swami arrived at the Poornachandra
auditorium to watch the final dress rehearsal of the convocation drama to be staged tomorrow.
It was 12.45 when Bhagawan returned to His residence.
A vocal concert by Sri T M Krishna was the programme of the evening. Swami came onstage after
His darshan round in the chair, sat there for ten minutes listening to the Vedam chanting, and
moved to the interview room via the Eastern side of the stage. He emerged a few minutes later
and came onstage once again, and the programme commenced at five minutes to five. As the
concert went on, Swami moved to the interview room. The singer noticed Bhagawan's absence and
started singing Carnatic songs with lyrics like "When will we have the darshan of the Lord of
Chidambaram", "Mother, will you not listen to my call and talk to me?" and so on. Swami
returned onstage, called up the singer and his accompanists and
a lot of Love them. He gave rings to three of them, gave them shawls, gave them prasadam, took
photographs with them, talking to them for more than ten minutes before accepting Arati. He
then called up some of the student singers and introduced them, then asked them to sing! The
students sang three songs and a bhajan as instructed by Swami, then again came onstage for
more interaction, after
which Swami returned to His
residence at 7.15 pm. Prof. Anil Kumar made an announcement about the 26th convocation
ceremony of the Sai University to be held tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
-This morning, Sai Kulwant Hall witnessed the inauguration of the
two day Workshop on Parenting organised by the Education wing of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva
Organisation. Swami came onstage and lit the ceremonial lamp at 9.30 am. A vedic invocation and three short
speeches followed, by ladies who spearhead the Balvikas and Parenting initiatives of the Sai
Organisation. At 10 o'clock, the speeches concluded, Bhagawan asked for Bhajans to begin in
the Sai Kulwant Hall itself, and He accepted Arati after twenty minutes. During the Arati,
Bhagawan Blessed the speakers of the day with sarees. The evening programme was a music
concert by renowned vocalist Sri Pankaj Udhas and party. Bhagawan came to Sai Kulwant Hall at
5.30 pm, and after a round
of the Hall in the chair, came onstage and the concert commenced. The ninety minute concert concluded with
a spirited instrumental piece after Bhagawan Blessed the artistes with shawls. Swami accepted
Arati at 7.10, but instead of directly going to His residence, made a second slow round of the
accepting many letters and then moved through the ladies to reach His residence at 7.30 pm.
Photos: Nov. 20, 2007 Music concert by renowned vocalist Sri Pankaj Udhas -

Monday, November 19, 2007 -
This day is celebrated as Ladies' day at Prasanthi Nilayam every year,
all the programmes and daily activities being carried out by ladies. The Suprabhatam was
chanted by Smt. P. Susheela, the early morning Veda Parayanam was by the Anantapur women
students. Bhagawan arrived in Sai Kulwant Hall in His chair a few minutes after 9
preceded by the Primary School and Anantapur bands. When Swami reached the centre of the Hall,
He stopped there and asked for the "Go daan" ceremony to begin. 150 cows were being gifted to
deserving families from nearby villages. The cows came up to where Swami was seated, the
recipients also came up to Him, received His Blessings and moved out of the gate. Twenty
minutes later, the function concluded, Swami arrived onstage and asked for the Bhajans by the
lady singers of Sundaram to begin.
After 40 minutes of Bhajans, Bhagawan accepted Arati and returned to His residence. On His way,
at the Mandir verandah, He Blessed the giant cake made for the occasion topped with Goddess
The stage was decorated with pillars of mirrors with candles providing illumination. Banners
with flower motifs and cloth buntings lent colour to the Sai Kulwant Hall. The evening
programme of ladies' day got underway with Bhagawan arriving in His car at 4.20 pm with the
two bands preceding Him. Swami asked for the car to stop near the stage and came onstage in
His chair. The proceedings consisted of two talks followed by a vocal concert and a dance by
Primary School students. The first speaker was Dr. (Mrs.) Hyma Reddy from the USA, and the
second was renowned thespian Sowcar Janaki. Smt. Nithyasree Mahadevan sang for Bhagawan for 40
minutes before the young Primary
School girls enthralled the audience with their dance
depicting the story of young Sai. At the end of their dance, Swami had group photos with the
flanked by two "Sai"s who depicted Him in the dance. Blessing everyone with His
Abhayahasta, Bhagawan left for His residence after Arati at 6.35 pm.
Photos of ladies day click here
More updates - 19th Nov. from saistudents...
November 18, 2007 - At
around 9.25 a.m Swami arrived at the Gopuram gate of Prasanthi
Bhagawan blessed the procession of ratham and the devotees participating in the Rathotsavam
(Chariot Festival). After blessing the procession of ratham and the devotees waiting outside,
Swami returned back to Sai Kulwant Hall for morning Bhajans after the morning aarthi Swami
returned to His abode at 10.00 a.m. thus concluding the morning darshan. It was also Sathya
Gita's ( Swami's new pet
elephant) first
Rathotsavam. Rathotsavam procession starts from Sai Kulwant Hall to
the Old Mandir (Kalyana Mantapam) devotees & students carrying the idol of Lord Krishna on a rath (chariot) and the idols of Lord Rama, Lakshmana and Mother Sita on a palanquin - in the
village of Puttaparthi. After worship is
offered to the deities, the idols of Rama, Lakshmana and Sita return to the Mandir.
Photos: Rathoutsavam (Chariot Festival 18th Nov. 2007)
November 14, 2007 -
The convocation drama students had been praying that Swami come and see the rehearsal of the
drama. This evening, Bhagawan came for darshan at 4 pm, and after a round of Sai Kulwant Hall,
proceeded to the college auditorium for the drama rehearsal. Swami was happy with the drama
presentation and noted certain points which needed attention. The Bhajans had begun in the
Mandir when Bhagawan returned at 5.15 pm. After a few moments in the Bhajan Hall, Swami took a
round of the verandah and the stage area, returned to the Bhajan Hall, accepted Arati and
returned to His residence.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007 - This
evening, Bhagawan arrived just after the Bhajans began, and went into t he Bhajan Hall after
His darshan round in the car. At 5.15, He asked for the Bhajans to stop and for Dr. G.
Venkataraman to speak on the significance of Bhajans, standing next to Him. After the
Professor's extempore fifteen minute talk on the importance of Nama smarana, Bhagawan Himself
asked for the mic and started to speak. Swami
stressed that we should not just limit Bhajans to set times, but should remember the Name of
the Lord at all times and at all places. Just as Krishna exhorted Arjuna, "Remember Me and
fight", we should remember the Lord even as we do our day-to-day chores. Let it be any Name,
but remember it at all times. Bhagawan illustrated the elevating nature of Namasmarana by a
story of how a bird goes through higher and higher births on chanting Rama's name. After His
40 minute Discourse, Swami accepted Arati and returned to His residence. Bhagawan’s Discourse in Bhajan Mandir, Prasanthi

Sunday, November 11, 2007 - The
Akhanda Bhajan continued, with many groups singing together throughout the night, with the
mics coming on at 8 am. Bhagawan arrived a few minutes before 10 o'clock and sat in the Bhajan Hall for nearly an hour. He moved through
the Bhajan Hall aisle and also moved through Sai Kulwant Hall in His chair. It was nearly
11.30 when He returned to His residence. In the evening, Swami again went around the Bhajan
Hall and the Sai Kulwant Hall several times.
He sat inside the Bhajan Hall from 5.45 onwards, listening to the
spirited singing, and did not ask for the Arati at 6
o'clock. So the Bhajan "Subramaniam..." was started by the lady singers, and towards the end
of that Bhajan, Swami waved His hand to produce a chain. He called up the lady singer, a
former student, and Blessed her with the chain. Swami asked for the Arati shortly thereafter,
but continued to sit in the Bhajan
Hall as the prasadam of tamarind rice and sweet
rice was served. The Divine Mother watched Her children eat after 'Brahmarpanam' was chanted,
and moved out only after everyone in the Bhajan Hall had been served. Moving to the Sai
Kulwant Hall, Swami watched the prasadam distribution going on there for a while and then
moved to His residence in the chair.
Also read:
more updates - 10th & 11th Nov. from saistudents...
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