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Sai News:
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News from 13th Nov.

Sai News:
Prasanthi Nilayam 11th Nov. 2005

Dear devotees, Sai Ram! According to
SBOI group source Today swami came early for morning Darshan, it
was around 7.30 that swami came out for Darshans. At about 8.15 am swami
drove from Sai Kulwant hall to Maha Laxmi temple which he did yesterday
also but today Swami inaugurated the temple formally or ceremonially.
Swami created/materialized something in the temple, but we do not
have precise news about what it is or what Swami materialized. Most
certainly we’ll inform you all once we know a bit more about this subject.
Swami was back to Kulwant hall after the opening of Maha Laxmi temple at
around 8.35 am. He gave interviews and Darshans and left to His abode at
9.45 am.
Evening: In the evening, Swami came for Darshans at 3.30 pm. He gave
interviews, Darshans and left for his abode at 5.35 pm. SH Keshav Rao, AP
congress leader, Geetha Reddy , AP tourism minister etc were granted the
coveted interview.
Sairam we hope you all are downloading the beautiful 80th birthday song
and we recommend that you all play this birthday song at your centers,
groups etc on 80th birthday. Also, share this lovely song with other Sai
devotees who have not heard about this song.
Upcoming event:
Bhajans in few days (12-13 Nov. 2005)
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Humble offering by Madhvi Sai & the Arpanam team at the Divine Lotus
feet of our beloved Swami on His 80th birthday.
This song is part of the new Arpanam 2 Bhajan CD which will be released
very shortly.
This Bhajan can be downloaded
here at www.saibabaofindia.com :
MP3 (high quality sound-
4.73mb (download 56kbps time-6-9 minutes)
right click and save file to your hard-disc.
(average quality sound - 933kb download time:2 minutes-
56kbps ) right click & save target
right click & save target
NEW! Download new
Swami's video (mpeg) - with "new 80th"
birthday song sound recording close up darshan film of Swami.