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Sivarathri celebrations in 2006
Released -16th march
Streaming video only
Excerpts from the Sivarathri celebrations in
2006,[26-27 February] Sivarathri, including parts of the divine
discourses, vedic chanting, bhajans, and the
emergence of a lingam.:
click here -
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Sai Darshan account 15th March - HOLI special:
It was a colourful holy in Prasanthi Nilayam.. even though there
were no colours sprayed on others like it happens all over India.
read more with Holi photos
P O T E N T E V I D E N C E : W H O is Sai Baba?
"...One day in late November, 1998, the priests were performing a
special pada puja (foot worship) ceremony to the Venkateshwara idol,
when suddenly the idol’s feet were transformed before their eyes
into the feet of a living man. Looking up, they beheld, in place of
the Venkateshwara idol, the living form of Sathya Sai Baba. “If you
want full darshan,” He told them, “come to Whitefield next week!”
Baba then disappeared, leaving Venkateshwara in His more
life saving miracle :
SBOI Post: ..."Though the weather was bad we decided to leave. we
were listening to Babas song and covered an hours journey, suddenly
our car skidded more
Bulletin: Detailed official
Sai Darshan news 9th-15th March.
..."Today, the devotees from Bihar and Jharkhand were blessed by
Bhagawan to celebrate the festival of Holi in His Divine Presence.
The Sai Kulwant Hall wore a festive look with banners carrying some
of Swami's pithy sayings, and the ceiling of the central part of the
Hall was decorated with brightly coloured reflective more
Darshan news 14th March:
"Swami really surprised the devotees by coming bit earlier (2:45
p.m.) than His usual darshan time, Kulwant hall was half empty" more
Darshan news 13th March:
Swami blessed us all with His darshan, both, in the morning and
evening. today morning Swami came at around 7 .20 a.m. in the
evening Swami came
at 3:30 p.m more
Darshan news 11th March:
Evening : Swami came at 3:55 more
Darshan news 9th & 10th March -
Yesterday evening (9th march) Swami came at 4:00 p.m. A programme
presented by senior boy students traditionally called
BurraKatha roughly translated it means traditional way of telling
life History of an more
Darshan news 7th & 8th March - Sai Darshan: This morning, Bhagawan
did not come for darshan. But in the evening, He came out of
Poornachandra by 3 o'clock,....
read more
Darshan news 5th March:
Today morning
5th March, 2006 Swami came at 8:45 and took a full round of Sai
Kulwant hall, as usual Swami, got down near....
read more
Today morning, before returning to His current
residence. Swami went inside His new residence (newly
constructed Sai abode, right opposite the current residence) & then
went back to His old more
Darshan news 3rd & 4th March:
Yesterday [3rd march] Swami came and sat on His chair inside the
mandir while bhajans were in progress.
4th March
Today Swami came
little before & started talking to boy students. He also took some
letters from students sitting there. .... these days Swami has become
“punctual” :-) Morning (approximately) 7:40 a.m. Evening at 3:30.p.m. source:saibabaofindia Group
1st March darshan news: morning- 1st march - Swami came out to
bless us with darshan at 8:15 a.m. He took a full round of Kulwant
Hall a... Evening
Swami's Arathi is going on at the moment while this news goes
online, time is 5:30 p.m. Swami came at 3.15 p.m. took full round
and went inside the interview room. source
saibabaofindia Group
28th Feb. darshan news: morning-Beloved Bhagawan Shri Sathya
Sai Baba made His appearance in the Kulwant Hall at 7:30. blessing
all present with brief darshan. Evening:
Evening Bhajan is going on at this moment while this SBOI darshan
news goes online time is 5.10 p.m. up until now Swami has not (yet)
arrived... source
saibabaofindia Group
Feb - Sai darshan news materialization of a Shiva Lingam:
materialized a Shiva Lingam this morning at 8.20 a.m.
.... The
Lingam came out from Swami's mouth. Apparently, Lingam looked milky
white in color from distance while it was coming out of Swami's
mouth. However it changed its hue instantaneously to
more source- SBOI
Lingobhavam 27th Feb:
darshan news of 27th from SBOI member:
... Swamy
continued drinking water….. 1 glass.. 2 glass..4.. 5… Now His body
started to look bit uncomfortable.. All of us assembled there
thought “Oh No… Swamy.. Not again… Please help your self”Sometimes
He raised slightly from the chair… and sat… He bent His head… By now
all the fans were pointed to Swamy… His hair dancing… reminding the
Cosmic dance of Shiva…. Swamy called a professor and said something…
He ran back to the bhajan singers… suddenly the bhajan stopped… and
OM NAMAH SHIVAYA.. mantra was chanted. All of us joined them… The
atmosphere in the Kulwanth hall was raising pressures… All of us
were sweating as If the Lingam were coming from our stomach….. We
could see the pain to Swamy’s body…
more source-
SBOI-group post
Desktop - wallpaper "materialized Lingam - 2006"
this digitally mastered desktop background and experience the
- size: 800 x 6001024 x 768
Source: This is a
personal work and not affiliated to the official Sai Baba Organisation.
Our content is up to date and
always proper since Online source of our web content is primarily official Sai
Baba org. sites: -
"language is an impediment in dealing
with Me. All languages have a place in
the concourse of men ...but I speak and
listen to the language of the soul." -
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