Swami's Leelas at Sai Sruti Temple in Harrow,
Middlesex, UK
A photo selection.

Temple photo taken in 2005 by late Shree Bhanubhai R Patel, a Devotee who
helped at the temple for many years.
Photo taken in 2005 by late Shree Bhanubhai R Patel, a Devotee who helped at
the temple for many years.

Jalarambapa, Shirdi Saibaba, Sathya Saibaba covered in Vibhuti.

Vibhuti miracles on Baba's chair materialised during 1990 at Sai Sruti.
Currently preserved under glass.

Vibhuti miracles on Baba's chair. Full view of the chair preserved under glass
at Sai Sruti.

Vibhuti miracles on Baba's chair in 1990 preserved at Sai Sruti.

Vibhuti materialised by Baba on his second chair in the form of 9 coins
representing nine types of Devotion. This was materialised on 22nd of May
2006, the 18th Anniversary of Sai Sruti Temple. You may know that Shirdi Sai
gave 9 coins to Laxmibai before he left his body in appreciation of her

Kaamdhenu Photo with Vibhuti at Sai Sruti.

Shree Shanker & Parvatiji with Grey Vibhuti.
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