Swami's Leelas at Sai Sruti Temple in Harrow,
Middlesex, UK
A photo selection 5

Swami's signed message in Vibhuit on the chair on 22.05.2002, the 14th
Anniversary at Sai Sruti.

2 Jars of Vibhuti materialised at Sai Sruti in 2005.

Photos of Food consumed by Swami at Sai Sruti in May 2004.

Light blue Vibhuti materialised by Swami at Sai Sruti in 2005.

Pink Vibhuti materialised by Swami at Sai Sruti in 2004....the colour matches
with the out-fits on the Deities!

An ultrasound photo of a baby inside a mother's womb that was saved by
Swami....Swami's photo appears inside!

Light blue Vibhuti materialised by Swami at Sai Sruti in 2005.

A Muslim american visitor took this photograph in 1992. The word Allah is seen
in the Vibhuti in the lower left hand side of the photo.

These containers were filled up with Vibhuti on His 66th Birhtday....
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