Just imagine how Swami would write His profile...
About Me: PremaSwaroopa, Embodiment of Love.
Sathya Bodhaka, Teacher of Truth
Relationship status: related with entire universe
Birth: I am Param-atma, No birth - No death
Age: Infinite
Here on earth for: Establishment of Dharma -
Fostering all mankind, leading all who stray away from the divine
Language: The language of heart
Children: All humans, animals and plants are My
children. Including the non-living things.
Ethnicity: Cosmic
Religion: Love All Serve All
Smoking: I remove the smoke covering your
vision, the smoke of illusion
Drinking: I am thirsty for your love & faith
Home: Omnipresent - My abode is in the
hearts of all devotees - Physically in my present form at
Prasanthi Nilayam.
Desire : My only desire is to make you desireless
Sports: Creation, Sustenance and Annihilation of
Activities: transformation of human heart through
my teachings : Sathya, Dharma, Prema, Shanthi and Ahimsa
Books: I am the WORD. I smooth the progress
of spiritual knowledge & wisdom in mankind through written
Music: I enjoy and love all the melodies in
all the languages that springs from a pure & devotional heart. I
am a Bhavapriya and not Bahyapriya. A few of the composers
who stole My heart: Tyagaraja, Annamacharya, Ramadasu, Meera
Favourite TV Shows: TeleVision is Tele-Visham*
Movies: I'm the writer & director of the movie
titled "Universe" Presently I am acting the
divine role of 'Avatar - Divinity in human form'
Cuisines: Bliss is My Food
Email: truelove@yourheart.com
Country: Universe is My mansion
Hot line: Prayer
Photo ID: 
Submitted to
SBOI-Group by Vamsi