Highlights of Swami's Ugadi Discourse and pictures of Ugadi
Year 2006 |
More Sai Baba
photographs of Ugadi celebrations 2006
His discourse, Swami talked about the Pandavas and the lessons to be learnt
from their lives. Bhagavan related how Arjuna shot a fish with his arrow and
so fulfilled the test put forward by the King to win the hand of Draupadi.
Then He said,
“They (the Pandavas) were staying at the house
of a poor Brahmin. They saw Kunti inside with the door bolted and said,
“Mother we have brought a valuable fruit with us”. She replied “Such a
valuable fruit should be shared by all of you.”
Children should follow strictly the command of the Mother. They went
inside, prostrated at her feet and promised to follow her wish. Thus since
that time Draupadi was known as Panchali – the wife of five people.
But how can worldly minds accept this? It is the duty of children to
follow their mother irrespective of others’ opinions. Thus people understood
the significance and reconciled themselves to this course".
picture-"Yajur Nivas" - " Yajur Mandiram" is the name of Swami's new residence ]
Swami also talked about anger, a disease that all of us suffer from. He said
is necessary for man but you should not express anger on an unnecessary
matter but only when it is needed. For anger can be very destructive
causing one to lose wealth, the affection of one’s near and dear ones and
it can even ruin one’s entire life. One should always love children and
never be angry
with them."
Along the same lines, the Lord also lovingly gave guidelines for a Dharmic
life. He said,
should we hate? Should we hate the one we dislike, the one who harms us,
or our enemy – No! We should hate those who interfere with us on the path
of Sathya, Dharma, Shanti
and Prema. We should
like those who encourage us on this path.
Has God given good and bad? No, He has not given these. Each one conducts
himself in his life and God is the Witness. He does not give grief and
pleasure - these are the results of our actions. If we speak sweetly we will
have a sweet reply. If we speak harshly so will be the reply. As is the action
so is the reaction. Reaction, reflection and resound are the result of our own
actions, like a mirror. Whatever we speak comes back to us. Reflection means
that our inner thoughts will express themselves outwardly. Therefore it is
necessary to find out the good and bad in all actions. If one finds an action
is bad it should be given up immediately. If we are determined to follow this
we will be successful in life. Good and bad are based on inner feelings and
they are mixed. It is not possible to separate them. The moment good comes the
bad disappears. Therefore you do not have to
the bad separately.
you have completed one academic year and are now going on vacation.
Tomorrow you will be going through the newspapers reading the numbers to
find your name there.
You will never find your number if you want to
find it. Instead you should enquire within: ‘Have I written well? If so, I
am bound to pass.’ If you have not written well, then the number is not
important. The number does not matter – you should be ‘number one man in
this world’!
should always remain peaceful. Let people accuse you but remain at peace.
You should think, 'Only the tongue is scolding me; I am separate you are
separate.' If you go on taking insults you will lose your balance."
Source: Radio Sai - graphics SBOI |