Posted on April 7, 2011 at 11:55 p.m. (IST)
By Prof. G. Venkataraman
Loving Sai Ram and greetings from Prashanti
Nilayam. By now you must have seen the
latest bulletin(7th April 2011) issued by
Dr. Safaya.
Official Statement about Swami’s
Issued on April 7, 2011 at 05:00
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
continues to be on ventilatory
support for respiration. His
kidney funtion is being
supported by CRRT.
There is some positive sign of
recovery in the funtions of the
His vital parameters are nearly
normal and satisfactory.
He continues to be on treatment
in the Intensive Care facility
of the hospital where visitors
are not allowed.
The panel of doctors treating
Baba are satisfied with the
response he is continuing to
show to the medical management
given to him.
Signed by,
Dr. A. N. Safaya
Director, SSSIHMS-PG.
As usual, I went to the Hospital this
evening, to talk to a few people, including
those attending on Swami, and what I heard
confirms the official bulletin. Things are
under control, and Swami is getting better.
I should take the opportunity to mention
that we have received numerous mails from
all over the world, and there is no one who
is not relieved; equally true is the fact
that everyone was happy to see video clips
of Swami, giving devotees valuable advice on
many things. Of these, I call particular
attention to two points made most
emphatically by Bhagawan.
The first is that no one has any business to
spread rumours and that to do so is in fact
a sin. While the Media do so unabashedly,
the sad fact is that many devotees take
Media reports to be nothing but the truth
and unwittingly add to the spread of
There are some who are of the
opinion that we should simply ignore the
Media. Indeed, that is what we normally do.
But then, there are situations when we
cannot simply ignore rumour mongering
especially when it creates an unsettling
situation, seriously impacting law and
Puttaparthi is still a rural area where
people’s emotions are easily swayed, and one
cannot blame the people for that. The
important point is that rural though the
area is, everyone here is glued to the TV,
and cell phones are quite common. Thus, when
they get wrong and at times slanted
information, things can get hot. For the
last several days, a fleet of TV OB vans
with satellite dishes have been parked in
front of the Hospital, with reporters ready
to catch anyone passing that way and create
Once such slanted news spreads, people
elsewhere pick it up, and in their anxiety
start making phone calls to this place from
all over. That in turn generates an
undesirable build-up of tension, to which at
least devotees need not contribute. One
would say, that is what is expected of
devotees, but alas, pigs do not fly. Which
is why we not only had to make a special
appeal but also play a clip wherein Swami
Himself strongly disapproves of spreading
unsubstantiated rumours.
Once again I would like to mention, that
normally when negative reports about Swami
have been spread, we have always been
measured in our response. But this time, it
is all about Swami’s health and
hospitalisation which are non-trivial
matters and under the circumstances,
clearly, we had to play a somewhat different
role. At the same time, any objective
examination of our reports, write-ups and
broadcasts would reveal that our emphasis,
as always, has been on what Swami has said,
and the spiritual overtones of the totally
new situation we are currently passing
Having said all that, let me now come to
what we wish to present today from our video
archives. Basically, they are clips from a
Discourse that Swami gave in 2003 in
I shall let you see the clips without
interruption but would, as a preamble, like
to make the following remarks:
Firstly, this Discourse was given on
July 5, 2003, on the occasion of
what was called the Doctor’s Day.
If you recall what I said in my
previous musing, that was the year when
Swami suffered a major fracture in the leg,
which required a surgical procedure to
implant steel support in the fractured
region. Later, shortly before He returned to
Prashanti for Guru Poornima, Swami wanted to
publicly honour the doctors as well as all
the others who attended on Him. Swami is
always extremely particular to show
appreciation for even the smallest service
rendered to Him. That is the first take home
lesson for us.
Here is the transcript of the
above Video:
After the surgery, I was able to
walk within a short span of
three days. This was possible
because I have no trace of body
attachment. I see all of you
with Atmic consciousness and
hence I am blissful. I teach
everyone, "My dear! Don't fall a
prey to body attachment;
develop Atmic consciousness and
lead a blissful life". Your
Aananda (bliss) is My
aahaara (food) and
aarogya (health).
Today, we are celebrating
Doctors' Day. This is the day
when doctors rededicate
themselves to the alleviation of
suffering of patients. There are
a few doctors who discharge
their duties with a spirit of
sacrifice, keeping the welfare
of patients as their sole
Dr. Sundaresh took great pains
to ensure the well-being of
Swami. He was monitoring Swami's
progress every moment. I was
telling him repeatedly, "Sundaresh,
I am all right, do not worry”.
But he would not be satisfied
and would enquire about My
welfare every now and then to
see if I had pain in any part of
the body.
Dr. Hemanth Murthy (ophthalmic
surgeon) pleaded with Me to
undergo an eye operation as well,
along with the hip surgery. The
damaged retina, which was
removed from My eye, was as dark
as charcoal. Since then I am
able to see clearly with both My
eyes. With such doctors around,
any surgery can be performed
successfully. Eye surgeons like
Dr. Hemanth Murthy and
orthopaedic surgeons like Dr.
Sundaresh are few in number in
this world. Such doctors today
should be given all
encouragement and support.
- Extracts from Divine Discourse
delivered on July 05, 2003.
Next He makes a categorical assertion of the
fact that this fracture was not an
occurrence where He was suffering for the
sake of someone else. Yes, He has done that
many a time; but at times, His body goes
through medical conditions like all human
bodies do sometime or the other. It may
sound pretty strange to us but from Swami’s
revelations, apparently such things do
happen even in the case of the Avatar.
Here is the transcript of the
above Video:
For the past one month, you
could not see Swami. What is the
reason for this? It is because
of the indisposition of this
body. I have neither taken upon
Myself the illness of anybody
nor has it emerged from this
body. Today, I am revealing the
truth to you.
Man worries about his health all
the time.
The body is made up of five
And is bound to perish sooner or
But the Indweller has neither
birth nor death,
He has no attachment whatsoever.
Truly speaking, the Indweller is
verily God Himself,
Who is in the form of the
(Telugu Poem)
By falling a prey to body
consciousness and forgetting
divine consciousness man many a
times becomes a victim of many
Physical afflictions are
temporary just like passing
clouds which come and go. This
is natural for any human body
which is bound by action, but
these have to be overcome
Life is a Challenge, Meet It;
Life is Love, Enjoy It;
Life is a Game, Play It.
You have to play the game of
life in the right spirit. I have
been doing the same. I have
absolutely no pain.
- Extracts from Divine Discourse
delivered on July 05, 2003.
Why did the avatar undergo so
much suffering? And what should
we do in such circumstances?
Swami gave very clear to these
on that occasion.
Here is the
transcript of the
above Video:
I underwent
all this suffering
only to demonstrate
that one should not
be attached to the
body. Instead, one
should develop
divine consciousness.
I am not this body.
Body consciousness
leads to untold
suffering. In order
to enjoy happiness
and peace one has to
get rid of body
attachment. What is
this body?
This body is a den
of dirt and prone to
It is subject to
change from time to
It cannot cross the
ocean of Samsara.
It is nothing but a
structure of bones.
O mind, do not be
under the delusion
that body is
Instead, take refuge
at the Divine Lotus
(Telugu Poem)
The first step on
the spiritual path
is to contain body
Dehabhimana (body
consciousness) will
disappear once you
Consciousness). You
are subjected to
misery and suffering
because you are
immersed in body
consciousness. I
have no pains since
I have no body
I take
delight in your
love. Your prayers
are responsible for
My speedy recovery.
In all the corners
of the world
devotees have been
praying intensely.
Through prayer you
can achieve the
Embodiments of Love!
Gradually give up
body attachment.
Develop Atmic
Atma alone is
true and eternal. Atma
is our life.
Everything else is a
passing cloud.
- Extracts from
Divine Discourse
delivered on July
05, 2003.
Now here is something we need to
pay close attention to. Please
watch this carefully and read
the transcript below:
Here is the
transcript of the
above Video:
I was all smiles
when I was being
taken to hospital.
Many doctors
surrounded Me there.
They were anxious. I
told them not to
worry. "This body is
not Mine. It is
yours. You can do
whatever you deem
fit to this body. I
have no pain
whatsoever," I
assured them. I
returned after three
hours. Again I was
full of smiles. A
true spiritual
aspirant is one who
difficulties with a
positive frame of
mind. Do not be too
concerned about the
suffering of the
body. In fact, for a
human body suffering
is quite natural.
One has to
face suffering
drawing strength
from the Atma.
- Extracts from
Divine Discourse
delivered on July
05, 2003.
The last remark I would like to
make is that as always, Swami
steers every Discourse to a key
point. Almost invariably,
Swami’s Discourses revolve
around one of the following
major topics, they being: 1)
Bhakti or devotion, 2) Prema or
Pure Love, 3) Seva or service,
and 4) the Atma, the
spirit. In this case, it was the
fourth topic that was the main
These days, life has become so
busy for most that increasingly
we are finding less and less
time for Swami’s precious
teachings. The test we all are
now going through calls upon us
to take some time off, and pay
careful attention to what Swami
is telling us. Let us not forget
that above all, God comes in
human form to teach humans how
to rise to the level of God.
That lesson is in fact a
precious Divine Gift that we are
privileged to receive. Let us,
in all humility and love, take
this opportunity to revisit
those gems and redeem ourselves.
I am sure that would please
Swami more than anything else.
Tell me which teacher would not
be happy if His student takes
seriously what has been taught?
Think about it. Jai Sai Ram.
Previous update By Prof. G. Venkataraman -
source: radiosai.org
Bulletin released at 5.30.pm. April 8,2011: "...
The panel of doctors treating Him are
satisfied with the progress Baba has made so
more |
16 minute long Video Update on Swami's
health recorded at the hospital
Posted on April 6, 2011 |
musings concerning
Swami's health By Prof. G.
7th April- with Video clips of Swami's
Discoursel |
Updates April 2011:

Sai Baba Health News in the
Local media/
How Bhagwan suffered for a devotee's sake?
"...In the December of 1970, Bhagawan
travelled to Panaji, the capital city of Goa
stopping en route in the town of Dharwar
Read more |

The intense prayers of the devotees are My
- Sri
Sathya Sai Baba |

To bring transparency and accuracy in the
information of health condition of Satya Sai
Baba, the Chief Minister has directed the
Principal Secretary of Health, Mr P V Ramesh
to go to Puttaparthi. |
Sai Ram,
lunes - 4 de abril a las 19:00 hs :
El último boletín médico no es alentador,
pero hay que tener fe. Baba le dijo a
alguien en un sueño hace aproximadamente 3
semanas que se va por 5 días y no se
preocupe. |
SBOI Group:
Update from Puttaparthi:
31st March
Official update on Swami’s health
Media: March Sathya Sai’s
condition improving... |
Media - March:
Sai Baba was
rushed to the hospital... |
48 hours in the
hospital, Swami's health is making
improvement... |
పుట్టపర్తి సత్య సాయిబాబుకు అస్వస్థత,
సూపర్ స్పెషాలిటీ ఆస్పత్రిలో చేరిక |
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, cuyo 85°
cumpleaños se celebró el pasado mes de
noviembre, fue hospitalizado... |
Original 4th April. copy of the Hospital bulletin
signed and stamped
by the
hospital Dr.