Mrs. Geeta Mohanram
from Washington, DC, USA

This is the
transcription of the talk given by Mrs. Geeta Mohanram during a
Sai Retreat at Tower Bridge, UK. Mrs. Geeta Ram comes
from a family which has been associated with Swami for the last
four generations. She is the daughter of Dr. Padmanabhan, an
ardent devotee and a familiar figure in 'Brindavan', Swami's
ashram in Bangalore. Her great grandfather, Mr. Seshagiri Rao,
came to Swami in 1943 and was the temple priest of Prashanthi
Nilayam for many years. Having come to Swami at a very tender
age, Mrs. Geeta Ram's life is full of wonderful Sai experiences
and amazing anecdotes which are both interesting and
illuminating. Currently, she lives in Washington, DC.
My salutations at the Lotus
Feet of our ever present Swami, and Sai Ram to all of you. Sai
I see that the theme for this
retreat is “All is One’, and I was reflecting about it, in that I
have come from India to United States and from there to U.K; and
you enter a Sai Regional Retreat and you immediately feel one with
everybody in the hall; only because our Beloved Swami binds us all
together with His Love!
So, thank you for having me here.
It’s late in the evening; so I hope I will be able to bring a
little bit of Swami to you today. Someone just read out a
beautiful story at the beginning of her talk about the Master and
the three people who visited in the form of the woman and the
child. Our Master is known to do things like that.
No Need For An Invitation
As she was reading that I was
thinking about a strange experience that happened to me in 1970.
My mother, for the first time was to visit London, UK as Swami had
asked her to come and speak in Mr. Sitaram’s house (who was one of
the oldest devotees who started the first Sai Center ’s here in
U.K). Swami had asked her to come and visit them in their house,
because this was one of the first center’s that was opened outside
of India.
My mother had never traveled
outside of India. She was coming by herself for the first time and
Swami, with all of His love had written a letter to the
Sitarams first telling them that He would be sending my
mother. He had even written in that letter what she ate and
she was a vegetarian; and a very picky vegetarian at that!
And when we went to
Puttaparthi just before my mother was leaving - I was a young
girl in school - Swami had asked us in for an interview
because my mother was leaving. And in that interview, He was
telling my mother: “You don’t worry; I
have written to Mr. and Mrs. Sitaram, they will be at the
airport at Heathrow to pick you up.”
As we were leaving the
interview room, He even asked my mother about money - at that
time foreign exchange was quite difficult to come by in India
- and He even gave my mother 500 pounds to bring with her to
UK, if she wanted to do shopping!
But fun aside, in that
particular interview, there was a lady in the interview room,
and as Swami was speaking to all of us, (there were several
people in the interview room) she kept speaking up every time
Swami paused, and she would say “Swami you must come to our
town. We are doing a lot of seva, service in our town.”
And at that time, you must
understand of course, that the Sai Organization was still
young - it was still sort of getting a format - and Swami had
chosen several people in different areas to lead the
organization in their places. |
So, every time Swami paused she
would say: “Swami, you must come.” The first time she said that
Swami ignored her; second time, ignored her; third time, I was
beginning to get a little nervous because you know that when Swami
is ignoring you twice when you say something you are better off
being quiet. I knew that there was a lesson that was coming our
way in the form of this poor woman who was going to be the
scapegoat of the evening. So the third time, when Swami was still
speaking about something, she said it again: “Swami, you must come
to our town.” So Swami looked at her and said: “But I
have! I have come to your city!” Now this poor woman, she
still would not keep quiet and said: “No Swami, You have not come
to our city.”
Swami changed the topic, and
suddenly looked at her and said: “How is the service going on in
your town?” And immediately she was very happy because she was the
service coordinator in her city. She said: “Swami, the service is
going on so wonderfully well; you know when we started off, there
used to be about five or ten families who used to go out and do
seva.” Swami had at that time said: “Everyday, when you’re doing
seva, put aside a handful rice or flour that you are using for
your family; collect it over a period of time, and then pool all
the rice. The Sai devotees together, cook a dish and then
distribute it to the poor people.” And the idea behind putting
aside one handful every day was - to remember the people who
didn’t have anything to eat at every meal that you cooked for your
So the lady said: “Swami, when we
started off there were ten families who were putting aside the
rice. Now we have a hundred people and we have about 25 kilos of
rice that we get together. And we are feeding a lot of people.
Swami, the seva is going wonderfully well!” And this is asking for
trouble if you know Swami! Because it is not for us to tell Him
how wonderfully well we are doing seva, it is for Him to tell us
how well we are doing. Swami said: “Oh! Very happy! Very happy!"
"Chaala Santosham!” in Telegu. Now, this lady was beside
herself with joy! She was the seva coordinator; she was all ready
to go back and tell everybody how wonderful it was.
suddenly out of the blue, Swami said: “What kind of rice do
you use for cooking?” I immediately nudged my mother
because I was sensing that a lesson was coming - and they come
in the form of a smile in the beginning! She said: “Swami,
very good rice! We use very good rice!”
Swami said: “No, I am not asking about the other people, I am
asking about you! What kind of rice do you keep aside for the
seva activity?” She said: “Good rice.” Swami said: “Oh really!
Good rice?” She said: “Yes Swami, very good rice!” and
in the middle, she kept saying: “But Swami, you must come to
our city to see the seva!”
Swami said: “Very
good! Very good! Ah! I know, five rupees rice for the family,
two rupees rice for the Narayana seva, for the service, for
the poor feeding.” So the lady says: “No, no Swami!”
Swami said: “Yes, Yes! You don’t believe me? Five rupees rice
for your house, two rupees rice for the poor.” Obviously the
five rupees rice the quality is better, the two rupees rice is
not properly cleaned; not a good quality. She said: “No Swami,
good rice Swami.”
And Swami’s whole
smiling face changed! To this day even as I narrate this
incident to you, I can go back in time to 1970 and see His
face changed! He said: “You don’t believe me? Wait! I will
show you. Did you not give the beggar who came to your house
who said: ‘Mother give me rice?’ a whole sack full of rice
that you had bundled in a red cloth that you had kept aside
for Narayana seva? Did you not give it to that beggar two
years ago? You don’t believe me? Wait!” And He walks into the
inner room, to His bedroom and comes out holding the red sack
which was given to the beggar two years back filled with the
two rupees rice! “Did you not give this to Me? I have been to
your city!” |
You can imagine the silence, the
utter silence in that room and the embarrassment of that lady! She
was embarrassed. She had tears in her eyes. But believe me, the
ten people in that interview room that day would never dare to go
out and ever do seva in a way that would not please Swami! Because
it was such a moving experience. Swami does come, as the Master
did in any Form at any time!
This is the wonderful Swami I have
seen since I was a small child. He has been my Mother, He has been
my Father, He has been my Teacher, a very good Friend, and He has
been a Wonderful, Loving Master too.
To give you a little bit about the
background that we were talking about earlier. My grandfather came
to Swami in 1943. He came in a very strange way - he didn’t want
to come - they dragged him along. My aunts had seen Swami 6 months
before that in the year 1942, and they had seen a young Swami who
was just sixteen years old at that time. They had been so moved by
His singing, and His message, that they had gone back home and
Swami had told them to come back for the Dussehra, Navaratri
celebration - the ten day celebration that happens in the month of
October. So they wanted my grandfather to take them along to
Puttaparthi because in those days, the journey to Puttaparthi was
so difficult!
‘Highlights’ Of The
Journey To Puttaparthi…Those Days
I am sure you have all read in
books about the horrendous journey to Puttaparthi. It is only a
hundred miles from Bangalore where my family lives - all the
members of my family live in Bangalore. It was only a
hundred miles, but it would take us more than a day and a half to
get to Puttaparthi! We would leave Bangalore around two
o’clock in the afternoon, and reach a town - a small village in
Andhra Pradesh - called Pennukonda around two o’clock in the
night. And the train would stop there and we would get out. And at
two o’clock in the night, there was nothing there - just a granite
block which was the station - and we would just sit on that stone.
I remember all of my childhood,
having spent many, many hours in this place in Penukonda. We just
took out our sheets from our little bags, and we just spread it on
the stone and just laid down and dozed off till about six in the
morning, and around six o’clock or so, some of the elders would
run around and try to get some milk from the near by shop keepers
to give milk to all the children in the group.
And nobody would sell
milk to us because we were going to Puttaparthi and nobody in
Penukonda believed in Swami (who was 16 -17 yrs at that time).
Nobody had Faith in Him. And they said here’s a crazy boy who
says He is God and you’re all coming from the city and making
it worse! So they would actually stone these people and say:
“Go back in the next train, don’t go!” And these people
(devotees) would just sit there saying: “Sai Ram, Sai Ram.”
Once in a while some poor
villager will feel sorry for the children and sell a little
bit of milk. And the children would be given milk, and around
7 o’ clock in the morning, we would all be put into a little cart and taken to
another place called Bukkapatnam - that was the next village -
and you got out there. And then, once you got out there, there
were two choices; either you could walk to the River
Chitravathi and wade through the water to cross the river and
get to Puttaparthi- the old Mandir) - or you could get into a
bullock cart.
And the bullock cart guy would
take us across the river, if he felt like it.
Sometimes he would take you up to the river and say “I am not
going anywhere, everybody get off!” because the river would be
in spate; it’s not the same Chitravathi as you see
now; there would actually be water there! Especially in the
month of October, there would be a lot of rain, the river
would be flowing quite rapidly and then you had to get off! |
Puttaparthi in 1940s - 50s |
Sometimes, he would say:
“I’ll take you across but only the children and the luggage.” So
all the adults had to wade through the river and the poor ladies
would all be screaming and yelling trying to cross the river
wearing saris, and they would all be scared as nobody knew
And the children, I cannot
believe our elders did this to us! Now that I think back, they
would put us in this bullock cart - with the luggage - put all of
us in it! I remember my cousins and all of us, we would all sit in
the bullock cart and the bullocks would be made to go into the
river. And you know what happens when the bullocks go into the
river, they start swimming! So the cart floated behind these
bullocks; and this hill that we had to come down - there would be
a whole bunch of people standing on the hill - and the first
victim group would be the bullock carts.
Everybody would be screaming: “Sai
Ram! Sai Ram!” And these guys with the bullock carts would be
making some really strange noises! And we would say: “Why are you
scaring us with these screaming?” They would say: “We are not
scaring you; we are trying to scare the bullocks into swimming!”
So they would scream and yell and these bullocks would swim faster
and faster, and we would be in the cart with the entire luggage,
going up and down in the water.
One load got off, he would come
back; and then the second group of people, so you can imagine the
heart attack the second group was having after having watched the
first group from the hill! We would all be dumped in again!
In the meantime, on the way back
these guys in the bullock cart would eat all the food! There was
nothing available in Puttaparthi! Those of you, who have gone to
Puttaparthi now, believe me; you are all very, very lucky! There’s
the Italian restaurant, there’s the Pizza Hut, there’s everything!
When we went to Puttaparthi, there was nothing there! There was
not even a store! If you forgot one thing to bring from Bangalore,
you had to go back on the bullock cart, back to Bukapatanam to buy
it. So believe me, we packed everything quite well.
So, this would be our journey. We
would have left the previous day, at two o’clock in the afternoon,
and this is the following morning at 11 or 12 o’clock when you’re
going through the river, going on the bullock cart, and arriving
there in Prashanti Nilayam soaked to your skin!
But on the other side of
the bank was our Beloved Lord, waiting to help us out of the
bullock carts! “Come on! You must be really tired! All the ladies
are wet. Come in!”
And there were no rooms. No
Prashanti Nilayam, nothing! They had to go to the old mandir;
there would be just three rooms there; Swami’s room, my
grandfather’s room and one extra room. So we all went into that
room to change. By the time we came out, the food was
ready! Swami would have had the village ladies cook the food, and
He would make sure that all the children were fed, all the adults
were fed. And then this is about three o'clock in the afternoon;
He would say: “Ah!! Now that everybody’s hunger has been taken
care of, sit down and tell me what happened in Bangalore ? How did
you all get going? How long are you going to stay?”
Grandfather and the
Sixteen-Year-Old Sai
So this was our trip to
Puttaparthi. And on one of these trips, my grandfather (I haven’t
forgotten that I had started the story with my grandfather) was
asked to go with the ladies; because they couldn’t go by
themselves without a male escort on these journeys that were so
difficult. And he was an orthodox Brahmin gentleman in
those days when things like that mattered. He said; “I am not
coming to see some sixteen year old! He is not even a Brahmin! He
has never gone to school! He doesn’t know Sanskrit! I am not
coming!” So the ladies pestered him, they said: “No, you
don’t have to come. You just escort us all the way to Puttaparthi
because we want to see Him again. He has asked us to come.”
In that village of
Puttaparthi, there was a relative of
ours who lived there,
who was a priest of the temple, so he said: “Alright! I will
accompany you all but I am not coming to see this young boy!
Do you think I am crazy to come and see a sixteen year old,
uneducated, non-Brahmin, illiterate person and believe that He
is some kind of important person? You people are all crazy!
I am not coming to see Him. I
believe in my Lord Shiva that I worship everyday. I will drop
you off all there and go to my relative's house and spend my
time there and that’s about it!” So they finally convinced
They were happy to have a
gentleman to go with them. And they did this whole trip of the
bullock cart, and the train, and the bus, and being stoned in
Pennakonda and everything else! He was scolding them as the
time went by - as he saw what the journey was like - and
finally, they arrived in the old mandir. If any of you have
been to Puttaparthi and have not been to the old mandir,
please do so, it has changed a lot now but I think the stone
where Swami used to sit is still there.
They arrived there around
five-thirty in the evening, and Swami in those days, used to
sit on that stone and there was no bhajans as we have it; no
devotional singing the way we do it these days. They used to
just sing long songs one after the other, one person would
sing a song and a second person would sing a second song, and
Swami would sing the third one, but Swami would join in the
bhajan too! |
At that time in the evening while
the bhajan was going on, these four people - my grandfather, and
my two aunts – arrived, and as they entered the compound of the
old Pattam Mandaram, the old mandir; there was Swami,
sitting on the rock. And here comes the gentleman who is
supposed to be helping these two ladies - this is my grandfather,
Sheshagiri Rao. He takes one look at Swami that he had vowed not
to - because he was going to go away - he takes one look at Him;
two seconds, and bang! He has fainted on the floor.
So you can imagine these two
aunts! He was supposed to be protecting them and here he is on the
floor in a dead faint! Swami gets up from the middle of the bhajan
and says: “Don’t worry, don’t worry!” He gets up, and helps them
carry this 58 year old man into Swami’s room and puts him on His
bed. Swami says “Don’t worry; he is going to be like this for two
days. You people go and attend the bhajan.”
So these poor ladies, this is the
second time they’re seeing Swami; they have a father who has
fainted away, and they are sitting and trying to sing bhajans!
Talk about concentration! And there is Swami, happily sitting on
the rock continuing with the bhajan. As the bhajans are done, they
say: “What has happened to our father?” Swami said: “Don’t worry,
he’ll tell you when he wakes up. But he is alright, I’ll look
after him.”
So, for one and a half days, Swami
looks after this old man - 58 years old, puts water in his mouth
every two hours, materializes vibhuti, puts it on his
head every two hours. This goes on for two days and these poor
women, they don’t know if he is going to recover or not.
Two days later he gets up
and he is a completely changed man! He said: “You ladies, you two
daughters of mine, you can go back to Bangalore, but I am not
coming back.” They said: “You said you were not going to come
here! What do you mean you are not coming back with us?” He says:
“No, when I walked in into that compound, and I saw the young boy
sitting on the rock, in His face, I had the vision of Lord Shiva.
In His head, I saw the moon, and on His forehead, I saw the third
eye! This is the Lord Shiva that I have been worshipping for the
past fifty years. And now that I have seen Him, why would I leave
Him? I am not coming back.”
So he resigned his job from
Puttaparthi and he never came back. He would visit Bangalore; he
would visit us with Swami - when Swami came to Bangalore - and he
lived there till 1965, until he passed away.
We are all trying to get closer,
and nearer, and dearer to Swami. But it is a lot of work. It is a
wonderful thing to hear all these stories, but then it is not just
listening to the stories; fortunately or unfortunately, we have to
practice what He teaches us. From that place where my grandfather
said: “He is not even a Brahmin.” Where “I” am more important than
somebody else, had to change into “We”, and then it had to change
into “Us”. We had to grow from a narrow “I”, my family to our
family, relatives, and friends and then all the Sai devotees
included. It has taken a long time to grow.
So he stayed there and because of
him, my father came into Swami’s fold at the young age of 21; and
I was very, very fortunate therefore to be born into this family.
So it wasn’t too difficult really. In fact, I admire all of you,
who have come later to Swami; because it is more difficult when
you are a grown up. When you are an adult, when the world has
already entered your system; to come and accept and see and
believe; it’s much more difficult. And especially for those who
have come from a different culture; it’s even more difficult and I
really recognize that and I didn’t really realize that until Swami
asked me in 1988 to go away to U.S.A.
'Pack Your Bags'
My husband and I were in Bangalore - my
husband was taking care of the Sai Center there, I was a Bal
Vikas teacher there, my children were born there. We were both
very involved in the Sai activities in Bangalore and in
Swami’s physical presence all the time and we had no desire to
leave Him and go so far away. And then suddenly out of the
blue one day, He told us: “Pack your bags, time to go!” And we
didn’t want to go! We cried, I threw a tantrum - I have been a
bad problematic child for Him; but He has been very kind to me
like mothers are usually for difficult children - and I didn’t
want to go. He said: “No, you have to go!”
He gave me a very
beautiful talk that day when I had to leave. He said: “You
know, you have had so many experiences here near Me, do you
think that was for free?” Nothing is free in this world
unfortunately. He said: “You have to go; and when you go -
you’ve seen only the little Swami, the five foot three inch
Swami - but when you leave me and go away to the United
States, you will see a Cosmic Swami!”
And I really have! Only
because I have come to all these retreats and I have seen all
these Sai devotees and I ask them: “How did you hear about
Swami?” And they tell me all these wonderful stories and I
say: “My goodness! There was I in Bangalore, running to him
with my littlest problems; and here people come to Him without
seeing Him, without having ever spoken to Him, without having
ever had a single interview! How does He do this? It’s just
that His Love radiates to each one of us when it is our time
to come to Him. |
So, I came to United States and
over the years, I have really understood what He meant when He
said: “You’ve just seen a little Swami here, and you go and you
will see a Cosmic Swami there!”
God And Dog
And as the pervious speaker was
talking about the dog, I was reminded of another incident. There’s
a beautiful letter that Swami has written to my cousin who lived
in the town of Mysore, which is about eighty miles from Bangalore.
At that time, the mother had
gone to Puttaparthi for one of the functions and left all the children
by themselves. The oldest one being sixteen or seventeen and
the little children were younger. And they had gone there
telling them they will be back in two days. They had gone away
and the children were there alone. And when the mother went to
Puttaparthi, Swami asked her to stay on for the birthday
celebration which was almost a month away! So the mother said:
“Swami, I have left all the children and come away, I cannot
stay for one month in Puttaparthi!”
said: “Why are you worried about them? I am there with them.”
She said: “No Swami, the children are so young; they will be
worried about me and if I am not there, they won’t be able to
manage going to the school - the oldest one is going to
college.” Swami said: “Don’t worry, I will write a letter to
them.” And Swami wrote a beautiful letter to my cousin - which
he still has!
He wrote: “Are you
really worried that your physical mother is away from you when
your Cosmic Mother; the Mother who has given birth to this
whole Universe is with you?” That is the question He asks:
“Are you worried that I am not there with you? I am always
there with you!”
And He quotes a number
of incidents in the letter of their daily routine! He says:
“Haven’t you all done this yesterday? Didn’t you all do this
day before yesterday? Didn’t you pour extra oil into the lamp
while lighting it in the pooja room day before yesterday?” He
writes all these incidents in the letter and then He says at
the end: “But if you’re still worried, don’t worry, the dog
that you have in your house in the morning he is D-O-G, DOG;
and in the night he is G-O-D, GOD! He will look after you!”
Lots of incidences today that
Swami has taken me back in time. So this is the wonderful Swami
that I have experienced throughout my childhood where He has
assured and re-assured us that He is always there with us and I am
sure that He’ll have plenty to say to me the next time I see Him,
that I walked in 15 minutes late for the bhajan - the bhajan had
already started when I came - I am sorry Swami that I came in
High Drama At High Tea
I remember General Cariappa who was the First
General of the Indian Army after we gained independence. Swami
used to be very fond of General Cariappa. He was a very tall
man - tall of course for us Indians - he was about 6’ 3” or 6’
4”! And he would look down at Swami whenever Swami spoke to
him, and Swami would always have to look up. So being a very
well mannered person General Cariappa would kneel down and
come down to Swami’s height, so that Swami wouldn’t have to
look up at him!
One day, Swami was coming to my parents’ house
for dinner and General Cariappa said: “Swami, You must come to
high tea to our house on the way to Dr. Padnamban’s house.”
Dr. Padmanaban is my father. So Swami said: “Surely! I will
come. What time is high tea?” So General Cariappa, in all our
presence said: “Swami, exactly at five o clock, not one minute
before, not one minute after.” So Swami said: “Oh! Okay!” |
General Cariappa
My father, who used to drive Swami
around at that time, was deputed to take Swami to General
Cariappa’s house and from General Cariappa’s house he was to take
Swami to our house for dinner. And my father is terrible at
finding any place. You take him to the nearest place which is two
minutes away and he will still manage to get lost! So my father
was having a complete nervous breakdown at the thought of having
to drive Swami from Brindavan to General Cariappa’s house and
then, to our house. Brindavan to our house was not a problem; he
knew the way because he has done that a million times, but he was
really worried to take the deviation to General Cariappa’s house.
So he said: “I am going to do a trial run on the previous day; I
will go to Brindavan and from Brindavan to General Cariappa’s
house and then to our house; so I know the way correctly.”
In the meantime, Swami
told my father: “Make sure you are here on time because we have to
be at high tea - not one minute before, not one minute after five
o’clock.” My father was even more petrified!
So I was the lucky eight year old,
and I always went wherever Swami went; my father used to drive -
when my brother was a little bit older he was sixteen or
seventeen, my brother used to drive Swami’s car - but I always
tagged along. I was lucky to go in that car wherever Swami went
till I was about 13-14 years old. Swami told me in Brindavan too
that “Make sure you are ready and you’re in the car and not making
anybody wait.”
So the previous evening my
father and I go to
Brindavan, we drive to Carriappa’s house, and drive back and
everything is absolutely timed so that we are not late. The
following day, we arrive in Brindavan. Swami gets into the car
and asks him: “Do you know the way Padmanaban?”- Because Swami
knows my father - “Yes Swami, I have the directions, we have
done a trial run yesterday, and I know the way.”
“Very good!” He says and gets
into the car. My father starts off from Bangalore and drives
and he knows the road so well; he is there ten minutes early!
So Swami of course, who never wears a watch, says: “Padmanab,
you have come ten minutes early! Remember, he said not a
minute before or after?’ Then He says: “Go around the block a
couple of times so that we are there exactly at five.”
Oh! You should have seen my
father’s face! He went around the block - but he didn’t know
how to come back! Because that was not a part of the trial
round! So he goes around and of course the ego doesn’t let you
say: “Swami I am lost!” How do you say that to Swami? Father
looks at me and says: “Did you make sure that you looked at
all the cross-roads?" And you know in Bangalore at that time
there were no street signs, no road names, nothing. And I am
like nine years old!
He says: “Did you look at all
the street names? Where did I turn?” And he is asking me all
this in whispers - because Swami is sitting in the back seat -
And I don’t know where he went! |
Swami bends down and says:
“Don’t worry, I know the way.” So Swami very sweetly directs my
father and we come back exactly one minute before. And at five
o’clock we are at the door-step of General Carriapa’s house.
And we walk in and General
Cariappa, who is very well mannered, says: “Come in Swami!” And
then Swami turns and looks at me - and I was a little girl - and
He whispers: “You are not allowed at the tea-table; just sit in
the veranda”. Because I was gate crashing you see, only Swami and
my father are invited and I was part of this whole car routine.
“You sit in the veranda; I’ll make sure they will send you a
So here I am, a little girl
sitting in the veranda, eating my biscuit with Swami sitting
inside for about half an hour; and then General Cariappa comes out
and we all get into the car. And I was thinking, as I walked in:
“Swami, what would you say I am walking in the third bhajan when
the bhajan has started!
That is Swami, who is punctual! He
is here. If you told Him you are starting at eight thirty, believe
me, exactly at eight thirty He would have sat on that chair and it
is ten minutes to ten and I dare not exceed my time again. I
didn’t come prepared for these talks and I will tell you a little
story about that then we will stop.
Speak Or Retreat
In 1996, out of the blue, the U.S
Retreat in my region asked me to speak because the vice-president
of the Region was a member from our center in South Defesta;
Washington D.C. He said: “Geeta, you keep telling us all these
stories whenever we come to your house for dinner, why don’t you
speak at the Retreat, and share all your stories with our
friends?’ I said: “No, I don’t know if Swami would approve or not
and I don’t have His permission to speak.” He said: “No! How can
you say that? This is Swami’s work, you should do it!” I said:
“Swami’s work or not, I am not sure if He would want me to talk
about my interactions with Him!”
But he kept on saying: “No, you
have to speak, you have to speak!” And I was very nervous! I have
spoken at EHV training meets and it’s very easy because they give
you a topic and say: “You speak on this topic.” And you prepare
and you read from the Sathya Sai Speaks; I don’t know but I am
sure all of you in the U.K are very well versed in reading the
Sathya Sai Speaks. But in my center, I can tell you in Washington;
the only books that are absolutely new for the past ten years are
the Sathya Sai Speaks. The pages are so beautiful and the books
are so well maintained!
But when I was given a topic, I
would refer and the best thing that has come out in the past few
years is the index and when you want to talk about non-violence;
you look for non-violence in the Sathya Sai Speaks number 7, page
number 42. And you read up that part of Swami’s discourse and
prepare it. Those talks are easy. And I have done that many times!
But I had never spoken
about my personal experiences. Because, when you speak about
Swami in that personal fashion, you have to carry a great
responsibility on your shoulders. So I said I am not going to
do it. He said: “No, you have to do it!” I said: “Okay, I will
see, Swami is in Bangalore, I will see if my father will ask
Him.” My father has spent 60 years serving Swami, and his one
rule in the past has been: “I never ask Swami anything
personal for myself or my family!” That has been his rule.
I didn’t know how to tell my
father: “Can you ask Swami if I can speak at the retreat?” I
kept thinking how can I ask my father to ask Swami because he
is with Him all the time; and I came up with a loop-hole. We
all like loop-holes right? So I thought: “It’s not really a
personal matter, it is a Sathya Sai Organization matter. They
are asking me to speak at the retreat. Ah! That’s good.” So I
called him on a Thursday afternoon; I was going to say can you
please ask Swami on my behalf, because they are pestering me.
As soon as I call my father,
he picks up the phone. He had just come home from Brindavan
having spent all day with Swami. He said: “Oh I am so glad you
called. I have something to tell you. I said: “Forget what you
have to tell me. I have something important to tell you.” He
said: “No, no, this is something that Swami said.” I said:
“Oh! What did Swami say?” So he said: “In the
afternoon Swami took me for a drive in the car and He asked:
‘How is Geeta?’ I said: ‘She is fine.’ He said: ‘Tell her to
go and speak if anyone asks her.’
My father didn’t know
what Swami meant. “What Swami?” He said: “Tell her it’s okay
to do Swami’s work, what is the confusion to do Swami’s work.
There should be no confusion in doing Swami’s work.”
My father is a very strict man. He
said: “Have you not been doing Swami’s work?” I said: “I have been
doing everything at the center! Okay, here’s what they have been
asking me to do: they have been asking me to speak at the Retreat.
I want you to ask Swami is it okay to speak at the Retreat.” My
father said: “You want me to ask Swami for you? No!”
I told him: “Please can you ask
because it’s an organizational thing?” And I told him about my
loophole strategy and it still didn’t work. He said: “Look, Swami
already said there should be no confusion to do Swami’s work. So
go and do it if they have asked you to do it!” I said: “But,
you’re not getting it! Tell Swami that at the Retreat really
important people like Dr. Hislop and Dr. Goldstein have spoken
there. I can’t go and speak! There will be a thousand people who
are going to be at the Retreat! At our Retreats in the mid
Atlantic region 900 to 1000 people attend the Retreat! I cannot
speak at this Retreat. It’s a huge crowd and all these important
people have spoken there. Will you explain to
Swami that this Retreat is big?”
My father said: “I am not
going to go and tell Swami: Swami, the Retreat is big and You
don’t understand it.'” I said: “Well, can you do something?” My
father said: “I am not going to do anything, you call me again
over the weekend, and if Swami wants to say anything, by that time
He would have!”
I wait for two or three days
and in the meantime Uncle Singh has been calling me everyday: “Have
you decided?” I said: “No! No! No!” Finally I call on Saturday
night and my father said: “Swami said for you to go and
speak.” I asked: “But, what did He say?” He said: “He took me
for a drive again and asked: “What? Is your daughter still
confused? What’s the confusion now?”
I am always confused, Swami
knows that. My father told Swami: “She is very nervous because
there’s going to be a thousand people there and all the
important people have spoken.” Swami said: “Ask her to go and
speak.” So, I did that - in ’96 for the first time. Then, when
I go to India in ‘97; He asked: “Did you speak at the
Retreat?” I said: “Yes Swami. I spoke at the Retreat. It’s
over right? I don’t have to speak again?” |
Swami looked at me and
said: “Oh! Is it you that is speaking?” I said: “Swami I don’t
want to speak again”. He said: “You think you are the one that is
speaking? What are you afraid of? You are just the tape recorder.
When I turn you on; speak; when I shut you off; quiet!”
So that is how I started to speak.
And it’s time to be quiet now.
Sai Ram!
Also read more
"Value the home and