1st July, today’s darshan was quite unusual since Swami took us all
by surprise by coming early at i.e. 7.35 a.m. The outgoing Sevadal
members of Gujarat were also taken by surprise, many rushing to their
allocated special seats in the front. Swami didn’t come to the gents’
side, after getting out of the car Swami went inside the interview room;
today Swami gave interview to some Indian families. At 9.05 a.m. Swami
went inside the Bhajan mandir, after the wonderful morning bhajans & the
usual morning Aarthi at 9.30 Swami went back to His residence.
The students and sevadal on duty distributed vibhuti packets and Swami’s
photo to the out going Gujarat Sevadal.
The evening darshan was even more out of the usual run of things, since
again surprising every one Swami came quite early; in fact, Swami’s car
was inside the Kulwant hall at 2.35 p.m. another atypical thing, that it
was not the usual driver Mr. Padamanathan but Sathyajeet was Swami’s
driver for today. Swami’s car passed the almost vacant ladies side, due
to unanticipated early entrance of Swami, many ladies had not taken
their respective seats, so there was a sudden commotion and rush to
reach Kulwant hall to catch a glimpse of Swami’s car and perhaps himself
thru the car window. After passing the ladies side of Kulwant Hall the
car drove towards the dassaavatara gate and drove outside the ashram
complex. Apparently, Swami paid a visit to check the ongoing work of
indoor stadium near the planetarium complex & Sai Geetha (Sai Baba’s pet
elephant) shed. Swami took two rounds inside on the motor able road of
the complex. After inspecting and giving darshan to the workers there,
Swami drove back towards the ashram at around 2.55p.m.
At 3.p.m. Swami came back inside the Kulwant
hall in His car and drove directly to His abode. But Swami surprised us
again when He came back (again) at 3.45 p.m. this time the ladies had a
wonderful darshan of Swami passing by in His slow moving car, the Gents
once again were bypassed! Swami went directly inside the interview room.
After half hour, Swami walked back from inside the interview room and
went inside the bhajan mandir, for next 15 minutes Swami sat inside and
then suddenly signalled the bhajan boys to start the bhajans, the
evening bhajans started unusually early at 4.25 p.m. and the customary
evening Aarthi of Swami was also offered early at 5.15 p.m. after the
Aarthi Swami drove back to His abode thus concluding an extraordinary
darshan day.
July - 5.a.m. early morning the visiting and permanent resident
devotees start their day with Nagar sankirtan before joining the token
lines, though many prefer to sit only in the token lines. These days the
gent’s token lines are short and everybody is almost “guaranteed” a 1st
line since only 4 rows get filled inside the Kulwant hall.
Today morning Swami came out at 8.20 a.m. after giving a drive by
darshan to the ladies, Swami went directly to the Prasanthi Mandir
veranda and from there inside the interview room; after giving
interviews to the invited devotees, Swami went inside the bhajan mandir
at 9.05 p.m. after the morning bhajan session Swami was given the
morning Aarthi. At 9.35 a.m. Swami drove back to His abode.
Evening: 3 p.m. Swami bypassing the gents came directly towards the dais
and went inside the interview room. At around 3.20 p.m. Swami came out
and stayed for quite sometime (sitting on His mobile chair) on the
mandir portico i.e. near the Golden lions statues. The students were
eagerly waiting for Swami with their decorated trays, cards etc. Swami
called the 1st student and talked to him for quite long time, other
students also presented their trays to Swami and bhagavan tasted the
elaichi (cardamom) or long (cloves) from their trays. Once again Swami
called the 1st student and talked with him and suddenly Swami created a
beautiful gold chain and gave it to him. After few minutes Swami called
this particular student again and this time took the chain back from him
and He put it in students neck, Himself. The student was literally in
tears, apparently the student had some worries on his mind and wanted
Swami to bless, guide & help him. Consequently, Swami talked to the boy
student for quite sometime, cheering and guiding thru His divine love &
care. At around 3.50 p.m. Swami went inside the interview room again, at
around 4.50 p.m. He came back walking and went inside the interview
room, the bhajans started bit early, after the Aarthi Swami left for His

26th June: Thrilling experiences with Bhagavan: An
interesting interview with Prof Anil Kumar
"...I have also seen
Swami materialising the necklace of Ravana with 365 Siva Lingas,
three large Siva Lingas at the centre, down below, where you have
the pendant, one yellow, one green, one blue and all the other 362
Lingas made of gold...." read more

Sacred past - 24:
Controlling the elements |
Submitted Poem : Sai's Name

22nd June- updated report from 20th June:
"...Bhagawan came to the Hall to the chant of Vedic hymns at 3.55
p.m. The programme began with an invocation by the students who
chanted the ‘Narayana Suktam’. At the outset, a boy from the
Institution expressed his gratitude to Bhagawan for providing them
read more
Up close and personal with Sai
Photo serial- Kodai Kanal With Sai 2006 : [Set
Set 02
Set 03
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] [
Set 06
Set 07
Set 08
] [
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Set 10]
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