
Lame hand
"Naa Cheyi Baaga ayyindi"
Supernatural Acts Of God-Sai Baba
When I was working, unofficially as sub Editor of Telugu Sanathana
Sarathi, I came across a lady who had an experience - a miracle - to
narrate. However, as per the then practice, such miracles were not to be
mentioned in the Sanathana Sarathi. However, a friend of mine, Sri Krishna
Mohan Raju, who heard of this miracle, investigated the same personally
and wrote an article, published in his monthly magazine - Sri Vani, in
Telugu. Here is the narrative, in brief: -
Janapati Lakshmi, a resident of Piduguralla village of Guntur district of
Andhra Pradesh was married at an early age of 12, but due to some high
fever, her left hand became paralyzed, weak and twisted. Due to this
handicap, her husband did not take her at all. God, however, had bestowed
her with a melodious voice and she used to sing Annamayya Kirtans and
Bhajans to eke out her livelihood, supporting her mother as well. Even to
tie her own sari was a difficult task for her. Because of this handicap
she was nick named as "Kunti Lakshmi" or "Lame Lakshmi" in the nearby
As per some well-meaning people, they advised her to get the defect set
right in Vellore and she set about collecting funds for her journey and
surgery. When this was accomplished, she set about for the journey,
escorted by her music teacher. When they reached Vijayawada, by bus, all
of a sudden, after seeing the bus for Puttaparthi, she changed her plans
and requested her guide and teacher to travel to Puttaparthi first and
then proceed to Vellore after having Swami's Darshan. Accordingly when
they reached Puttaparthi, at the bus stand itself, they learnt that
Swarni was at Brindavan. As per advice of some local residents, they went
to Brindavan to have Swami's Darshan. By a stroke of luck (or is it
Swami's Grace!) she was seated in the second row, behind a lady who was
awaiting Swami.s blessings on her birthday. When Swami came near the
lady, Lakshmi touched the Lotus Feet with her right hand and then wanted
her left hand also to touch the Lotus Feet. With great trepidation she
extended her left hand and touched His Feet and lo and behold! Her left
hand became perfectly all right and straight. Joyously she cried out in
Telugu "Naa Cheyi Baaga ayyindi" meaning, my hand has become alright.
Swami smiled and graciously went off but other ladies nearby asked her to
keep quiet, as she was shedding tears of joy and repeating the sentence -
my hand has become alright. This was on 12th April 1990- after paralysis
of seventeen years.
Thereafter, abandoning her plan to visit Vellore, she returned to
Puttaparthi. narrated her experience to a few here and returned to her
village. All people of the Piduguralla village who came to know of the
miracle were exhilarated and happy to note that "Kunti Lakshmi" or "Lame
Lakshmi" had her hand perfectly restored. In one voice, they proclaimed
that only God could do such miracles and Sai Baba was God. This episode is
a thing of joy to (heists and a puzzle to atheists and rationalists but to
the people of that village Sai Baba is God.
sourced: SAI SPANDAN - Journal of SSSIHMS Prasanthi Gram - Third Issue