
Supernatural Acts Of God-Sai Baba
The story of the construction of the Mandir building at Prasanthi Nilayam
is a chain of miracles wrought by Bhagawan's grace. The most astounding
was the transport of the huge girders for the central prayer hall from the
railway station at Penukonda sixteen miles away. Girders of 40 feet length
had come from Trichinopoly (now Tiruchirapalli) to Penukonda by train. The
road from Penukonda to Bukkapattanam was a district board road with a
sandy stream at the seventh mile and it passed through a few villages with
delicately built houses(!) flanking the narrow road on either side with a
few acutely angled curves. There was a track of three miles, from
Bukkapatanam to Puttaparthi with a few dilapidated culverts and low-level
causeways and a broad expanse of the sand of the river Chitravathi. Then
there was the task of hoisting the heavy girders on the twenty-foot high
walls. Therefore, the engineers gave up all hope of transporting the
girders from Penukonda to Puttaparthi and placed before Baba some
alternative proposals for roofing the prayer hall. But Baba did not
One fine morning, the Road Transport Officer of Anantapur district, who
was a devotee of Baba, woke up to find a surprise in front of his house.
It was a huge crane from the Tungabhadra Dam site that had stopped there
and refused to move forward. It had struck work! The driver was grappling
with the engine in vain. He could not make it move. He sought the help of
the Road Transport Officer who thought that the crane was Baba sent(!) for
transporting the girders from Penukonda to Puttaparthi. It was agreed that
the crane would transport the girders if it were repaired. The R.T.O.
hurried to Puttaparthi and prayed to Baba, who materialised some vibhuti
(sacred ash) and gave it to him. This vibhuti was smeared on the engine
and the driver was asked to start it and lo! the crane started moving. The
surprised driver went happily to Penukonda railway station, lifted the
girders with the giant arms of the crane and started towards Puttaparthi.
The sight of this giant carrying the girders was a great surprise for the
villagers who greeted it by lining up on the roadsides. The crane somehow
passed over the culverts, negotiated hairpin bends, lurched over the
slushes and puffed its way up the Karnatanagapalli hill! It did not move
further, may be on seeing the broad sheet of sand of the Chitravathi
River! Baba himself went to the crane, sat with the driver and handled the
steering wheel. Thrilled by the touch of the Lord, the crane moved happily
to the work spot and unloaded the girders