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Sai Ram dear brothers and sisters
We live in God..... It is so true.... so wonderful.... with these words I
would like to start today’s letter. One must always remember the true
essence of the avowal “We live in God…”
Dear devotees, if you find any error etc, please forgive me. There are
many of you who might have heard from actual sources about the following
statement, if yes, then please send in your input, this may help me to
compile the complete words & statements of Swami. This is my humble
request to one and all.
Yesterday afternoon the Japanese group performed before Swami a play and
in the end they sang beautiful bhajans in Japanese. It was a lovely
experience for us devotees as spectators sitting in the Sai Kulwant hall
to watch and listen to Japanese groups’ excellent performance. Many
Japanese devotees overwhelmed with emotions and love were shedding the
tears of love after the programs conclusion. Swami also gave prasad to
The promised statements.
About 1 and a half year ago Swami had given two interviews to different
devotees on this subject. A Sai devotee friend of mine has talked to one
of the lucky devotee who was actually present in the interview room. Baba
told them that at present the golden “level”... golden light is parallel
with our world. In 2007 the Golden Light will take over and by year 2012
it will be all-embracing. Peace will rule the Earth. The lucky few can
already experience it by seeing Swami in others and more will follow very
soon. In His last nine years as Sathya Sai Baba He will be the King of the
whole world and we will be able to see Him everywhere at the same time.
Swami once said: I am the example to follow and now you are my example to
be followed. By transformation of heart, it is my devotees that make the
world a better place, to be.
Very soon , I’ll post some more Spiritual inputs from Puttaparthi.
May God always be with you and bless you all
With Sai Love from Puttaparthi
Mrs. Heidi Elisabeth Hansen
read: previous letter from
Submitted to SBOI-
Group by Heidi
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