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Sai news

Sai Ram dear brothers and sisters
After a
few days spent here in Prasanthi you can feel the love so intensively from
our beloved Swami. Even when we came into the Ashram we could feel the
love energy very much indeed.
There are some big groups from the USA, South Australia, Canada, Indonesia
and Japan. They get special seats in the temple, so they are very
fortunate. They have so much discipline and Swami has invited the group
from South Australia to sing with Him inside the holy temple. We can all learn
from the discipline they are showing to us all. Smaller groups must sit as
usual together with everyone else. But no matter were we are sitting we
can all feel His Divine presence in our hearts.
By discipline
I mean - so big groups, it must be difficult to meet on time and chanting
prayers before going to the temple. They are all smiling and sit very
still in the temple. No one talks among them. I can feel their
determination and faith in Swami. It is magnificent. We are doing the same
but we are only a small group of five people, so it is easier to keep the
discipline, but 50/100 persons? Anyways, It is great.
It is now
difficult to give letters directly to Swami. Only very few are fortunate.
Most of the devotees give their letters to the professional courier, who
delivers the letters to Swami. So if you have letters to Him, send them
directly to Him in Puttaparthi. Then you are sure that He will receive
The Ashram
offers many divine lectures and I have already enjoyed the talks of Anil
Kumar Kama Raju and Mr. Pr. Meyers. They are both highly recommended to
listen to. You all know Mr. Anil Kumar of course. He has written to new
books called: SATYOPANISAD Volume I and II. It is questions and answers
from students etc. to Swami and His replies. The lectures were about the
heart connection with Swami.
Swami is
driving around in a car and it is not easy to talk to Him except from your
heart. He will listen to you when you do that. Everything is about listen
within now. He stops the car immediately if He wants too and talk a little
with a devotee. Not many get interviews.
If the ladies are fortunate to get 1. line they will sit down in 3. row.
So it is not easy to sit in front any longer. But Swami is His wonderful
Self. You all know He has problems with His hip, but as He so often say -
I am not the body. He will be cured in time before He leaves this body of
Sathya Sai Baba. When I find the text where Swami has talked about His
coming in the future & for us to look out and see with our own eyes; so, I
will write it to you as soon as possible.
My son was fortunate to get a wonderful smile from Swami at his very first
Darshan ever with Swami. Swami told him inside - finally you came. My son
(13 years of age) was so happy you can imagine.
The darshan
takes about 10 minutes and we all then sits quietly enjoying the bliss
within. Many things have changes the last 3 years. The discipline is
lacking. People are not turning of the light at nine o'clock as Swami has
said we shall do and people talks a lot in the temple. But there are also
many who really respects the rules inside the Ashram.
Well it isn't allowed to take pictures inside the Ashram, but I will take
some for our SBOI group around the Ashram and also from a English Medium
School called Sri Sai Krupa, which is just outside Puttaparthi and they
teach their children Baba's teaching too. When ever you might come here
they need paper, pencils and food.
When Swami
appears it is like a sun turning on its full glorious light and even when
He is not present one just sit down enjoying the heavenly bliss that He
pours out from His heart towards us all. You can feel Him so much inside.
Sometimes He drives out into the village and then returns back to darshan.
We love it every one of us. He smiles. Just to see that smile it gives so
much love inside.
There is also a new
film/DVD that has been released, but you may already know that. It is
called The Lord in the Mountains - Kodai and it is wonderful.
Well that is all for now. I hope to write to the SBOI group soon again and
hopefully I have news about the coming future and what Swami plans to do
from 2007 -2012 and the last nine years of His life too.... But I want to
have the source or reference.
Letter From Puttaparthi -2

May God
always bless you all.
Sai Love from Puttaparthi
Mrs. Heidi Elisabeth Hansen
Submitted to SBOI by Heidi
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Ashrams Info.
Sai news