Gayatri Mantra
Universal Explaintion
55 Questions & Answers about Gayatri
Sai Suurya Gayatri
Prayers (sanskrit)
Food Prayers
How to offer
Food to God
Prayers written By Baba
Swami singing the Gayatri
mantra (137K)
twice, nine times,
with background music
(mp3 files)
Manthra The
Yanthra The
The Three Sai Manthras
On 24 December 1977, in
Thrayee Brindaavan, the Sai (Eeshvara) Gaayathree was revealed by Swami to Ghandikota Subrahmanya
Shaastri, doyen of Vedhik learning, culture, and practice.
Years later, on 22 September 1997 the Sai Suurya
Gaayathree was revealed to Ghandikota V. Subba Rao, Ghandikota Subrahmanya Shaastri's son, when
Sathya Sai Baba was riding the Golden Chariot. (Click on either picture to see a larger version of
On 15 February 1999 the Sai Hiranyagarbha Gaayathree was
revealed to Ghandikota V. Subba Rao, during Mahaashivaraathree. The last line of the Sai
Hiranyagarbha Gaayathree was actually first said by Sathya Sai Baba, as Subba Rao was struggling to
complete the Gaayathree. |
It was Sathya Sai Baba Himself who coined the term
"Saithree" for these three Sai Gaayathrees. The three Sai Gaayathrees, with translations, are
presented below.
Sai (Eeshvara) Gaayathree
Subba Rao chanting it |
Saayeeshvaraaya vidhmahe
Sathya-dhevaaya dheemahi
Thannah-Sarvah prachodayaath |
We know this Sai as supreme divinity incarnate.
We meditate on this God of Truth.
May this Almighty All-in-all Personality lead us on
the path of total liberation. |
Sai Suurya Gaayathree
Subba Rao chanting it |
Shree Bhaaskaraaya vidhmahe
Saayi-dheyvaaya dheemahi
Thannah-Suurya prachodayaath |
We know this Self-shining Entity.
We meditate on this divinity as Sai Suurya.
May this divine Light enlighten us on the path
of liberation. |
Sai Hiranyagarbha Gaayathree
Subba Rao chanting it |
Premaathmanaaya vidhmahe
Hiranyagarbhaaya dheemahi
Thannah-Sathyah prachodayaath |
We know this embodiment of divine Love, Sathya Sai.
We meditate on this Golden-wombed divine personality.
May the Truth Incarnate, Shree Sathya Sai, inspire
us on the path of liberation. |
Ghandikota V. Subba Rao has written a little booklet titled "Saithree:
Manthra, Yanthra, Thanthra", which discusses these Gaayathrees. The booklet
is available in the Prashaanthi Books & Publications Trust in Prashaanthi
Nilayam. The booklet explains these manthras and their use in detail. For
example, the booklet tells us that:
Sai Eeshvaraaya Gaayathree serves as a bridge to the divine cosmic
life Principle of Eeshvara. It is related to the deepest Super consciousness
in us all. The best time to chant this Gaayathree is 4AM to 10AM.
Sai Suurya Gaayathree relates to the body level in cosmic form
--Suurya is the Sun God. It is related to consciousness in the outer world.
The best time to chant this Gaayathree is 10AM to 4PM.
Sai Hiranyagarbha Gaayathree enables us to link with the divine
cosmic Mind, Hiranyagarbha (Golden-wombed Divinity). It is related to the
subconscious-psychosomatic conscience. The best time to chant this Gaayathree
is 4PM to 10PM.
The Sai
Yanthra, or Sai Chakra
A yanthra, or chakra, is a geometrical diagram used like an icon in
meditation or worship of a deity. It is a potentised diagrammatic inscription
of letters/words pertaining to that deity. The Sri Sai Yanthras shown below
were created by Ghandikota V. Subba Rao. They are actually the same yanthra
but in different languages: Sanskrit using the roman alphabet, Sanskrit,
and Thelegu. Click on a small photo to see a larger version of it --each
is about 320KB.
Sanskrit in roman letters
In his booklet "Saithree", Subba Rao explains that this yanthra came
to him at early dawn on Monday, 11 October 1999, and that Sathya Sai Baba
blessed it three times that same afternoon, after discussing its contents
with Subba Rao. We draw a few details from that booklet, but you will get
much more out of the booklet itself. This explanation deals with the yanthra
that contains Sanskrit in roman letters.
The mode of worship of internalizing this Sai Chakra, or Sai Yanthra,
and firmly installing it within you is called the
0. General structure. Divine yanthras are generally enclosed
by a square, which is called the Apex Spiritual City; it constitutes the
universal stage where the play of the individual, collective, and cosmic
forces are at work.
The dot at the centre is the nondual, monistic, five-lettered (in Sanskrit)
holy formula for deep contemplation, SAI SHIVOHAM (I AM THIS SUPREME UNIVERSAL
FORCE, SHIVA SAI). It is enclosed by a triangle, whose sides represent
Truth, Goodness, and divine Beauty. These three spiritual illuminating
impulses radiate outward and sanctify the whole Sai spiritual field, or
Sai Mandala. This Sai Spiritual Terrain between the inner triangle and
outer perimeter of the square has three circles, within which are the three
Sai Gaayathrees. Note also that there are nine enclosures, each containing
Sai principles. We now explain these, from the outer to the inner.
1. Seven-fold mission. Closely following the sides of the perimeter,
the square, are the seven-fold missions or purposes of the Sai Avathaar
(e.g. Aakarchanaaya Sarva Janaanaam in the upper left). These are (1) drawing
all people by His magnetic power of universal love, (2) weeding out wicked
qualities by His loving kindness, compassion, and grace, (3) reforming
the inactive and ignorant and lazy, (4) rechanneling the energies of the
selfishly active and passionate people, (5) elevating the good and noble
to ever higher levels of spiritual consciousness, (6) Bestowing direction
vision of the Lord on true devotees, and (7) manifesting by His own example
the principles of selfless, loving, egoless service to the needy.
2. Swami as the universal embodiment of all religions. This concept
is symbolized by the symbols of seven different religions. Clockwise, starting
at the upper right, we have: (1) Zoroastrian flaming fireplace, (2)
the Jewish menorah (with seven candles), (3) the Buddhist wheel, (4), the
Jain outstretched hand bearing the word ahimsa (nonviolence), (5) the Christian
cross, (6) the Islamic crescent and moon, (7) the Sikh double-edged sword
surrounded by a wheel held up by a sword on each side. At the top is the
Omkaar, or Pranava, standing for both the immanent and transcendental aspects
of the Supreme Spirit --this is why it lies partly outside and partly inside
the chakra. This is the symbol of the Sanaathana Dharma, the Ancient Eternal
Universal Religion, in which all other religions are "sourced".
3. Seven steps to liberation. Between the religious symbols and
the first circular space are the seven steps to liberation (e.g. Sath Sankalpam
near the Sikh symbol at about 11 o'clock). These are: (1) good resolution,
(2) good company and character, (3) good deeds, (4) living a spiritual
life, (5) living in close proximity to Divinity, (6) experiencing divine
nature and bliss, (7), becoming one with the Divine.
Sai Suurya Gaayathree. The Sai Suurya Gaayathree is in the first
circular space.
4. Seven miraculous powers of Sathya Sai Baba. The seven miraculous
powers are just within the outer circle (e.g. Vishva janeena dhivya aakarshana
shakthi at the top center). The powers are (1) magnetic miracle of universal
love, (2) materialisation miracles, (3) medical miracles, (4) metaphysical
miracles of teachings, preachings, and reachings, (5) miracles of public
service (e.g. free medical services), (6) miracles of micro and macro management,
(7) man-making miracles --reforming and transforming vast numbers of people
for spiritual progress and welfare.
5. Seven divinities with their respective powers. These seven
divinities and their powers are above the seven petals, closely following
the inner perimeter of the first circle (e.g. Gaanaapathyam at about 11
o'clock). They are (1) power of intellect, (2) power of right action, (3)
power of nondual, unifying knowledge, (4) power of universal divine love,
(5) power of beneficial creative activity, (6) power of vital sacrifice,
(7) power of supreme Aathma, or Self.
6. Seven-fold moral disciplines. These disciplines are written
just under and perpendicular to the powers in number 6 (e.g. Dhamam is
under Gaanaapathyam). They are (1) control of outer senses, (2) kindness
and compassion, (3) mastery of inner senses, (4) giving, sharing, caring,
serving, (5), righteous altruistic service to the needy, (6) courage with
self-confidence, (7) contemplation and meditation.
Sai Hiranyagarbha Gaayathree. The Sai Hiranyagarbha Gaayathree
is inscribed in the second (middle) circle.
7. Seven-fold stages of self awareness and realization. These
stages are just inside the second (middle) circle (e.g. Aathma Vichaarana
at about 11 o'clock). These stages are (1) self awareness through self
inquiry, (2) developing self confidence, (3) acquiring wisdom of the Self,
(4) living in self surrender, (5) gaining self-satisfaction, (6) selfless
self-sacrifice, (7) reaching the state of bliss in self realization.
8. Seven-fold paths to Braahmik consciousness. These paths are
inscribed on the petals between the middle and inner circle (e.g. Sathyavathi
at 12 o'clock). These are (1) the quest for truth, (2) contemplation of
the Divine in its partial manifestations in nature (e.g. the five elements),
(3) contemplation of the Divine through symbols, idols, pictures, etc.,
(4) devotional self surrender, (5) acquisition of knowledge of God, nature,
and man, (6) experience of unit in diversity and contemplation of "Thou
are That (Thatvamasi) ", (7) experience of the truth of "I am Brahman (Ahambrahmaasmi)".
Sai (Eeshvara) Gaayathree. The Sai (Eeshvara) Gaayathree is inscribed
in the third (inner) circle.
9. Seven-fold Sai values and principles. These values and principles
are inscribed in the petals within the inner circle (e.g. sathya at 12
o'clock). These are (1) truth, (2) righteousness, (3) peace, (4) divine
love, (5) nonviolence, (6) service through sacrifice, (7) bliss.
Three principles of truth, goodness, beauty. These principles
are on the three sides of the inner triangle (e.g. Sathyam).
The nondual formula "I am Sai Shiva (Sai Shivoham)". This aphorism
appears inside the inner triangle. Unbroken contemplation of this aphorism
will result in liberation.
Sai Thanthra
A thanthra is a mode of worship, a spiritual technique, a ritual or
method for spiritual progress, a manual of worship.
In his booklet, Subba Rao explains the Shree Sai Tanthra, which consists
of the principles or methodology of Sai worship. Basically, he says, Sai
Thanthra is the proper use of the body, senses, mind, intellect, heart,
and ego complex. He says in summary that
the Sai Thanthra consists of (1) Steady contemplation of the
truths contained in the Sai Chakra, particularly the three Sai Gaayathrees;
(2) continued performance, with devotion, of one's duties and obligations
and of selfless service to the needy; and (3) living a life filled with
love, service, and bliss, in constant integrated awareness of the all pervasive
supreme Reality.
He describes a seven-fold schema for Sai contemplation and worship (puuja)
of the truths contained in the Sai Yanthra. Particularly important in this
worship are the three Sai Gaayathrees. Here are is an outline of these
seven steps:
1. Body-related transformation. Namaskaar --offer salutations
by joining both hands (and prostrating, if you wish) before the altar of
the Sai Chakra. To be repeated three times, while repeating the verse given
below to seek Swami's grace.
2. Senses-related transformation. Aavaahana (invocation). invoke
or install the Sai Chakra or Yanthra in the heart by a gesture of turning
the palms inward toward the heart area. Mr. Subba Rao gives a verse (see
below) to be repeated while doing this. To be repeated three times.
3. Mind-related transformation. Dhyaana (meditation). Meditate
in the heart in silence, with even breathing, while dwelling on the meaning
of a verse (see below).
4. Intellect-related transformation. Chant the Sai Suurya Gaayathree
seven times; perform abhisheka while doing this --sprinkle drops of water
on altar of the Sai Chakra.
5. Inner-conscience transformation. Chant the Sai Hiranyagarbha
Gaayathree seven times; while doing this, place flowers on the altar of
the Sai Chakra.
6. Ego-complex transformation. Chant the Saayeeshvara Gaayathree,
while placing fruit as an offering before the the Sai Chakra.
7. Total unitive transformation. Contemplate on the meaning of
Sai Shivoham (I am Sai Shiva); then do aarathi --wave camphor light in
a clockwise direction three times in front of the altar of the Sai Chakra.
Verse for step 1.
Dhakshine Hastha Chaalana Vibhuuthim
Vaame Bhaktha Lekha Lasath Karam
Aayuraarogya Dhaathaaram
Sai Dhanvanthareem Upaasmahe
Purport: We contemplate on Shree Sathya Sai, who holds in His left hand
a big bunch of letters collected from devotees seeking His divine grace
to cure their illnesses of body, mind, intellect, and ego; and, at the
same time, creates vibhuuthi (sacred ash) merely by waving His empty right
palm and distributes it to the needy and suffering. May this Sai Dhanvanthari
(divine doctor of doctors) bestow on us health and longevity.
Verse for step 2.
Yo Dhevassathya Saayinah
Buddhim Dharmaadhi Gocharaam
Prerayeth Thasya Yattejah
Thadhvarenyam Upaasmahe
Purport: Let the effulgent energy of Shree Sathya Sai, which pervades
my heart as pure consciousness, inspire, guide, and actually direct my
senses to perform dhaarmik or altruistic service activities with selfless
love. We meditate on this self-effulgent divine Personality.
Verse for step 3.
Sarvaruupa Dharam Shaantham
Sarva Naama Dharam Shivam
Sath Chith Aanandham Advaitham
Sathyam Sivam Sundharam
Purport: This Shiva Sai bears all names. He is the very form of peace.
He is the embodiment of the nondual principle of Being, Awareness, Bliss.
He is the Shiva Shakthi characterised by truth, goodness, and blissful