Prashanthi Bulletin |
July 18, 2006

This morning also, the
Sai Youth from Australia were called by Swami and had the
chance to sit in the Bhajan Hall during Bhajans. In the
evening, Swami sent word from inside the interview room,
asking the Music College students to present a programme.
Within 10 minutes, they were ready with vocalists, mridangam,
sitar etc! At 3.50 pm, Swami went outside and sat onstage and
the programme began. They called their presentation "Rama
Namamritam". The "Nama Ramayana" made famous by M. S.
Subbalakshmi was a much appreciated piece. After 45 minutes of
vocals, it was the turn of the Sitar player to enthrall the
audience with scintillating music. Bhagawan appreciated his
playing and materialized a chain for him. Then the student
continued his performance by playing several bhajans on the
sitar. It was five o'clock, and Bhagawan asked for regular
vocal bhajans to commence. So, the Bhajans were held in the
Sai Kulwant Hall itself, and all had the opportunity to see
the Lord and sing His glory. At 5.30, Swami took Arati and
proceeded to His residence.
July 17, 2006
The DMACS conference was coming to a close, and also several
groups of devotees from the USA, Australia and so on were
waiting for a chance to present programmes in Swami's
presence. Bhagawan chose to call the Australian Sai Youth, led
by one of the old students of the Institute, for Bhajans
inside the Bhajan Mandir. Some of the evening Bhajans were
sung by the Australian youth, and some by the usual Mandir
Bhajan singers from among Swami's students.
July 15, 2006
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Sri
Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning is hosting an
International Conference entitled NexGen IT for SAI - Next
Generation Information Technologies for Societal Advancement
and Integration - from the 15th to the 17th of this month. The
conference is being held in college Auditorium of Prasanthi
Nilayam campus of the Institute. As part of the evening
session of the conference, Swami's students presented a drama
entitled "From I to We to He". The presentation began at 3.40
pm, expanding on Swami's quotation of Man being a limb of
Society, Society being a limb of Nature and Nature being a
limb of God. We have to proceed from the level of caring about
Vyashti or Individual to Samashti or Society, then to Srishti
or Creation/Nature and finally to Parameshti or Divinity. In
the context of a modern biotechnology firm, these concepts
were brought out with all the ethical dilemmas facing modern
man. Bhagawan had gone to His residence half-way through the
drama, and returned near the end to bless the participants.
Bhajans were at 5 pm as usual.
July 13, 2006
This evening, once again preparations for a cultural programme
were made, but Swami did not come onstage till 4.30 pm. Then,
He went and sat in the Bhajan Hall and conversed a bit with
some of the students seated there. The international chairman
of the Sai Organisations, Dr. Goldstein, prayed to Bhagawan
that a programme by the Canadian children was ready, and Swami
said with a smile, "Start it!". So, the programme started at
4.40 pm, and after the preliminary announcement, when the
voices of the participating children were heard, Bhagawan got
up with a smile and walked to the stage to see the
presentation. The students, teachers, parents and trustees of
the Sathya Sai School in Toronto, Canada, presented "The power
of One" with participants declaring themselves to be "petals
in the growing garland of Love" as the theme. The story is
based in the future, with a student of the Sai School in
Toronto, who is a loving grandmother and a famous
humanitarian, being interviewed on a talk show by a TV
channel. The talk show hosts play for the audience a tape of a
programme presented by the Sai School at Prasanthi Nilayam in
July 2006! The fifty minute programme concluded on a joyous
note with Swami interacting with the participants.
July 12, 2006
This evening, it was the turn of the Balvikas children from
Indonesia to present a programme in front of Bhagawan. The
centre white marble area was cleared for the drama after Swami
arrived and spoke to Dr. Goldstein and others. The programme
commenced at 4.15 after Swami went and sat onstage. The
musical offering was entitled "Be a star in God's Heaven" and
was based on the life of Prince Dhruva. Dhruva exemplified the
practice of the five Ds as taught by Bhagawan - Duty,
Devotion, Discipline, Discrimination and Determination. The
presentation was narrated by a grandfather telling his
grandchild how Dhruva became a star in the firmament. The
children concluded their half-hour presentation with a
multi-lingual song to Swami.
Read the previous issues of Prashanthi Bulletin -
Source: radiosai.org