1st August, 2007: Music Programme by USA Youth and former students
To begin the wonderful blessings for this month,
Swami had agreed for a programme by youth from USA. Many of the
participants of this music programme were former students of the
University. The car was absent when Swami came out for darshan and the
greater proximity was reason for great cheer and excitement among all. He
spoke to a few ladies and collected letters from many of them. As He
passed through the boys in the middle, He took letters from almost
everyone who were pining for this act of grace from their Lord. Then He
went around the gents side and as He neared the birthday boys, He blessed
them also. Finally, having brought so much joy with this unexpected
gesture, Swami went to the dais enjoying the Vedic chants for sometime and
then, He asked for the programme to begin.
Four members went to the stage and handed over a card with beautiful roses
to Swami. After seeking His blessings, the first song began.
The card is presented
to Swami.
To Swami with Love and
What followed next were songs in different
languages - Hindi, Telugu and English. There was a plethora of
instruments: tabla, harmonium, drums, mridangam, electric guitar
etc. and the songs were well distributed between the gents and ladies. In
the middle, there was a dance performance too. Two young adults went up to
Swami and requested whether they could perform a dance and Swami
graciously agreed. They did the traditional Bharatanatyam bow to
Swami and then began the dance. The dance was set to the rhythm of the
famous song "Bho Shambho" and tuned to Raag Revati. The
song possesses the magical capacity to arouse in the listener a great
sense of detachment towards the world and an intense reverence for God.
The two performers danced gracefully yet powerfully and Swami kept
watching them with a mystical smile and great interest.
Bho Shambho Shiva
Shambho Svayambho
Striking the pose of
the Cosmic Dancer!
There is something so
unfathomable about the way we feel and relate to Swami. Whe n we call
out to Him as the mischievous babe of Brindavan, He appears so
tender, innocent, and so full of sweetness. As we sing out the
glories of Lord Shiva and get immersed in them, He resembles the
blue necked Lord and we gape in awe at His magnificent presence. On
singing about Rama, and there He sits as the perfect one, full of
dignity and equipoise. On this occasion as the song on Lord Shiva
progressed, there seemed to be an aura of grandeur about Him.
The dance concluded and Swami called the dancers to Him and they
prostrated at His feet. His hand immediately twirled and there was a
beautiful necklace in His hand. He lovingly put it around a dancer's
neck as the second dancer looked on. One could not help empathising
with the mixed feelings the second dancer might have gone through.
Both had undertaken the same effort and undergone the same pains.
Yet only one seemed to be amply rewarded.
Our dear Swami- the
perfect mirror
As they were slowly and gracefully making their
way back, Swami lovingly called out to the second dancer. He waved His
hand and materialized a ring and there were two sudden bursts - a burst of
applause from the audience and a burst of emotion from the artiste!
Lord Shiva is Bholenath
- easily pleased!
No heartaches - joy
'ringing' on the dancer's face!
Then the songs continued, only now they seemed to
have greater vibrancy and variety. Swami sat through all the songs,
granting a smile, waving His hands and closing His eyes as if in
contemplation. The programme ended and Swami told them to continue with
bhajans. After the bhajans, Swami blessed Prasadam to be given to
all present. He then received Aarthi and left.
4 August: Leipzig Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra
The programme scheduled for August 4 was very
unique in the sense that it was part of a foreign government aided tour.
The performers were from the Leipzig Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra,
Germany. The orchestra was on a musical tour of India and the final
concert before their return to Germany was to be performed before Swami at
Puttaparthi. By 2:30pm itself, the members of the orchestra started
assembling in Kulwant hall and began taking their positions.
At about 3:30 pm Swami came out without the car. He looked at all the
musicians as He passed by them in the centre of the hall. Then completing
His darshan rounds, He came to the stage and sat for the programme. Dr.
Michael Koelher, the director and conductor offered a rose and dedicated
the programme to Swami.
Delight at the close
Darshan opportunity.
Dr.Michael Koelher
dedicates the programme to Swami.
Heard individually, each instrument seems
incomplete and disconnected. But heard along with all the other
instruments, the unity seems to conjure up an enchanting and divine
The strength in Unity is something so
phenomenal yet so subtle that it has to be experienced to be believed.
Take the first few steps for Unity as Swami says and then we will
never feel like dividing on any basis. The orchestra seemed to echo
and resound this Truth and it was so joyful for the ears. The
orchestra thrives only because everyone is united in focusing on the
conductor. Their playing is governed by his hands and facial
expressions and so there is harmony and symphony.
Then the orchestra began. The first piece was
"The Hungarian Dance." It was a lively piece and literally lived up to
its name. Pieces from Brahms and Mozart were played mellifluously. A
special rendition in three parts of a composition of the Indian great
L.Subramanyam was also played. On the whole, the programme brought out
the beauty and harmony that could be achieved through unity and
dedication to great musical works of art. |
Symphony - the beauty
of Unity in action.
To add to the spiritual undercurrent of the
programme, Mr. Paul Erhard, who trains the Institute Brass band, spoke in
between each song explaining its beauty and significance, relating it to
Swami. The whole performance lasted about an hour. All of us were
enraptured and Swami was there smiling and blessing their magnificent
effort. Swami had sarees and white safari pieces to distribute to them as
a token of His Love and Grace. He even came down from the stage and
personally handed over the clothes. Swami was beaming at each participant.
Many of the musicians had come for the first time to see Swami. It was so
sweet to see them looking at the more 'experienced' members as to how to
conduct themselves in Swami's presence. Hesitating bows and slightly
confused handshakes slowly became devotion filled salutes and namaskars.
Swami then posed for a group picture with all the musicians. He insisted
on standing up and it was a beautiful moment to capture the orchestra with
The Orchestrator. Swami then walked back to the stage and when the group
photo was given to Him, He gave it to His conductor who was overjoyed on
receiving it. Swami then took Aarthi and left.
The 'Orchestrator '
with the orchestra.
The narrator, Mr. Paul
Erhard 'holds on to Him'!
7th August – Musical Programme by North
East region, USA
Today Swami
came out at about 3:30pm and went around the darshan hall. Suddenly as
Swami went into the interview room, there was some movement on both the
ladies and gents side. After a little confusion, we came to know Swami had
permitted the devotees from the North East region of USA to sing their
offering of songs. Fifteen minutes later after a quick reorientation of
seating, Swami came out and sat on the ladies’ side of the portico and
immediately asked for the programme to start. They began with a song on
the oneness of Love, followed by "Love is My Form" which had a good
following from the devotees. In the middle of the programme Swami called
the co-ordinator and asked him where his wife was and he pointed to her
seated in the second line of the singing ladies.
Sweet bliss at the
unexpected chance.....
...reflected in the
sweetness of the songs.
The programme
continued with ten more songs in English all conducted by a very
enthusiastic lady orchestrator. She kept smiling at Bhagavan throughout
and Swami would lovingly reciprocate. After 45 minutes, the programme was
complete. Swami sent word for the student singers also to come and be
seated outside. Then He went into the interview room. After 15 minutes, He
came out with trays of sarees, watches and silver chains with medallions!
He descended from the stage, down to where the USA devotees had assembled.
Then He called all the ladies who were part of the music group and handed
sarees to them personally. Many of them took Padanamaskar.
The gift of Sarees.....
....and of the much
sought after Padanamskar.
Then He called all the youngsters and gave them all silver chains!! Some
of them broke down and their emotions over took them.
Watches for the younger
Swami hands over the
watches to each one personally
Then He came
over to the gents’ side and gave watches to all the adult performers and
the youngsters all received silver chains. After He had finished the
distribution, someone from the gents side said, "Thank you Swami."
Instinctively, Swami said, "Why thanks?"
"Swami thank you."
"Why thanks?".....Just
pure Love...
Then they asked Bhagavan whether they could sing
bhajans and after gaining Bhagavan’s agreement we were treated to some
melodious bhajans from the bliss-filled US singers. After a while, Swami
called the students and told them to continue the bhajans and as this was
going on, Swami called the lady conductor. He spoke with her for some time
and materialised Vibhuti, personally packing it in some paper and
giving it to her. After another bhajan, He asked for Aarthi and blessing
everyone, He retired.
9th August – Inauguration of ‘Screening and Research Block’ at
On the morning of August 9, the second Thursday of
the month, there was a buzz at the Super Specialty Hospital in
Puttaparthi. It was agog with activity and everyone seemed to be engrossed
in something or the other. Little wonder when Swami had Himself promised
that He would be there to inaugurate the new Screening and Research block.
At exactly 9 am, Swami arrived at the new block in the Toyota Porte,
accompanied by a motorcycle escort team comprising of the Hospital staff.
As Swami arrived, staff and students in the traditional saffron dress
chanted Vedas with the PoornaKumbham.
The arrival with
motorcycle escorts.
Welcome with the
traditional Poorna Kumbham.
Swami got down from the car looking radiant. Dr.
Safaya, the director, welcomed Him with a rose and took Him to the oil
lamps at the entrance. Here, was a beautifully decorated altar with a
marble statue of Lord Ganesha.
The Director, Dr.Safaya
welcomes Swami.
Swami lights the lamp
to formally inaugurate the building.
Swami lit the two lamps and then slowly moved
towards the main hall. As they were moving in, Swami kept asking Dr.
Safaya about the new building. He pointed to the roof at a few places and
asked about it. As soon as He entered the building, He was taken to the
different rooms for screening. On these short rounds, Swami blessed so
many members of the staff who were beaming with happiness at this
beautiful opportunity. Bhajans were sung and Swami sat in the chair
enjoying it.
Enquiries about the new
Blessing the doctors
and the staff.
However after the Ganesha bhajan, there was
silence as Swami began to speak and interact with those around. Dr. Safaya
and the others showed Swami a card with various details and Swami went
through it in earnest. At this juncture, something humorous took place.
Just before Swami's arrival it had been repeatedly announced that cell
phones must be silenced. As Swami was speaking with Dr. Safaya, his phone
began ringing loudly! The great man, a former director of the All India
Institute of Medical Sciences who has been serving as the Director of
Swami’s Hospital from its inception, was extremely busy till the last
second of Swami’s arrival making arrangements.
Moments before the
"phone music" incident !!
Filling in the
functional details to Swami.
He was taken aback when the ‘phone music’ started
and he quickly brought the culprit out of the pocket and handed it to a
person chanting the Vedas. It was soon silenced. Everyone had smiles, but
the best part is it looked as if Swami had not heard even the slightest
Soon, Swami's attention was diverted to a young
doctor who was up in the front. Swami called him and enquired about him.
This professional had completed his MRCP from London and was eager to
serve in Swami's Hospital at Puttaparthi for more than a year now.
Unfortunately, the MRCP is not recognised by the Medical Council of India
(MCI). And this had been the reason for the young man’s wait. Swami spoke
very reassuringly to him and along with Dr. Safaya, said that something
would be done. The MCI doesn't recognise many of the PG courses in India
itself! When one wins the Lord's support, the whole universe seems to
conspire to help him. A vice president of the MCI also happened to be
there in the gathering. Swami called her and spoke to her as to what could
be done. Swami, the vice president, the young doctor and Dr. Safaya were
in a discussion for a while. It concluded with Swami materialising vibhuti
for the young man and the MCI vice president.
"Who is this young
Swami solves the MRCP-MCI
Some doctors around Swami told him that the
trainees from the hospital were doing very well. Swami said that it was
not enough if they do well. It would be a matter of pride if and only if
they serve the society. Dr. Voleti Choudhary told Swami, "Swami the poor
have been benefited and helped immensely by the hospital." Swami said,
"The poor must be served.” He emphasized it again, “The poor must
be served." Then there were 4-5 students from other colleges who
had been trained in the SSSIHMS at Parthi. They were presented before
Swami. Swami accepted cloves and water from them. He was told that some of
them had won gold medals in Urology. Swami was not so impressed with those
facts. He asked, "Are you going to serve? You need not serve here;
wherever you are, you must serve. Service is important." He blessed all
these young future doctors and exhorted them again that they should serve
the society.
"The poor must be
served. Medals are not important for Swami."
"Whenerever you may be,
render service"
Swami often says that His Life is His Message and
we echo many times, "Swami, our lives are your message." Do we realize the
import of what we say? What it means to make our lives His message? The
passion with which Swami was speaking of service had to be seen to be
believed. For Him, it does not seem to matter what the profession is. The
message is so clear and simple. Anyone can serve and that is what they
must do, especially to the poor. The bhajan rings out, "Deen dukhiyo se
prem karo mera Sai prasanna hoga." Swami was stating just that.
"Forget making me happy. If you want to be happy, serve. Serve till the
breath lasts in you. Serve so that every sinew in your body is tingling
with My Love," He seemed to say. Let us take these first few steps of love
and serve our Lord in everyone around. As He has promised, we would be
able to see Him and speak to Him everywhere and everytime.
Then Swami called Dr. Nilam Desai and asked her as to how things were
going on in her department. He looked at her and with a sweet, loving
smile asked, "Don't you go for daily jogging? No time?" There were smiles
everywhere. One more observation is that whenever Swami cracks a joke, the
way He does it is simply wonderful. It is so sweet and full of Love that
no one is ever offended. He ensures that all laugh along with Him and
nobody feels that someone is laughing at them. Ah! Indeed His Life is His
Message. We must learn from the day to day behaviour of our Lord. Swami
then enquired about all the work going on and she said, "Swami everything
is fine because of you." Swami smiled and placed His hand on her head and
blessed her.
"Go jogging
daily!...How is everything?"
"Swami all is fine
because of you."
The doctors prayed to Swami to speak and He gently
refused. They asked Him again and the discourse table came in His view. He
quickly said a sweet but firm ‘no’. He had different plans and said that
He would go around the hall to grant everyone the joy of His darshan.
There were almost gleeful shouts at this decision! Swami went around
slowly, taking letters and even speaking to some of the people along the
Accepting letters and
giving blessings!!
Swami decides to go
around and bless all assembled.
Then Swami decided to go to the adjacent hall
where people had gathered for a Narayan Seva. Swami entered the
hall and with a touch converted the food to Prasadam. He blessed
all the people there as everyone prayerfully prostrated to Him. As Swami
went to the car, the discipline that had lasted till now broke, as
devotion poured forth.
Entering the adjacent
Swami blessing the
prasadam to be distributed.
A sumptuous meal
Narayana Seva blessed
by Swami
Swami sweetly kept smiling and blessed all as they
tried to catch a glimpse or touch His feet. After a 45 minute stay, Swami
left leaving behind hearts filled with love, joy and inspiration. He was
again escorted by the motorcycle team back to Mandir. Reaching there, He
granted photos to the escort team and filled their cup of joy too to the
All crowd around for a
single glance of His.
The escort back to
10th August - Drama by devotees of Karimnagar
Thousands of devotees
from the district of Karimnagar had arrived in Puttaparthi as part
of their annual pilgrimage. They had filled the Kulwant hall and
awaited Swami’s arrival with great excitement. Swami came at about
3:30pm and slowly gave His sacred Darshan. He alighted from
the car and sat in the portico enjoying the Veda chants for a while.
Then He asked for the programme to begin. The lamp that Swami lit to
mark the beginning of the evening programme was very special. It was
a replica of the Sarva Dharma Stoopa, about a foot in height, made
fully of silver. Swami lit this beautiful lamp and then many elderly
devotees went up to Him and offered roses. Swami blessed all of
The programme was a Telugu skit named, “Chaduvu” (studies). The
storyline was very simple. A headmaster is running a school very
successfully based entirely on Swami’s concept of Educare. Two
parents arrive with their wards.
Swami blesses the
programme and the elders.
While one wants admission for his child so that he
becomes a successful money maker, the other wants to discontinue his son’s
studies in the same school because it was not teaching him the “true”
knowledge (about the world, making money, etc.) Like Prahalada educating
his father, the children speak to their fathers and the nobility of their
thoughts and grandeur of their vision floors them. The headmaster also
quips in with Swami’s teachings and explains the futility of education
becoming a commercial industry.
Swami sat, fully engrossed in the drama,
especially the part where the children convince their fathers. Swami was
very appreciative and seemed deeply touched. The beautiful aspect of the
drama was that when it came to discussing education, it did not
concentrate much on the negative aspects. It only spoke of the golden age
that would be possible if one were to follow the ideals of Rama, Krishna,
Raja Shibi and Harishchandra. The description of the glory of these noble
men made an impression on anyone who could understand Telugu. Everyone
felt at least a tinge of that nobility in their own thoughts and hearts.
"Acharya Devo Bhava"
"Education is not a
commercial industry."
permit a small but very relevant digression at this point. The
Convocation drama put on every year on 22nd of November is very
special because Swami Himself directs the boys doing it. Swami has
never appreciated the concept of the hero, a good man, transforming
the villain. He always wanted the hero to be the perfect man who
transforms and inspires good men to even greater heights – there were
no villains in His dramas. The message is so clear. If you want
goodness and nobility, think, speak and discuss about goodness and
nobility. The grander your thoughts, the grander will be your words
and grander will follow the deeds.
Today, we
discuss and concentrate upon negativity and expect positive outcomes!
What foolishness! Whatever be our motive for discussing what is wrong
in the world or in our lives, it leads only to those kinds of
feelings. Whenever glorious and noble thoughts are discussed or
portrayed, glorious and noble will be the feelings and thoughts evoked
in all present. That's why we see Swami always insisting on idealism
to be portrayed always. We have a part to play in building up the
"atmosphere" around us. Is our contribution negative or is it positive
vibes that we add? |
Returning back to the drama, it concluded with a
transformation of all the actors’ hearts. Everyone agreed that education
is meant for more than just a living. As the final dialogues of the drama
were enacted, Swami called the little boy who had advised his father. He
went up to Swami who created a beautiful gold chain for him. He personally
put it around his neck and patted the boy lovingly on his cheeks.
Swami blesses the ideal
son in the drama.
A gold chain for him
He called all the members who had participated in
the programme and allowed them to take Padanamaskar. He told
them that the drama was very well done. Then they prayed that a music
programme was also ready and Swami told them to put that on too. The songs
began and were sung with great enthusiasm and gusto. As the songs were on,
Swami went into the interview room and arranged for some clothes to be
distributed, personally handing over the white cloth pieces to the men and
sarees to the ladies who had performed songs and qawwalis. All were so
thrilled at this gesture of His. Then He specially called the people
playing the harmonium and tabla and gave them clothes too. He also called
the main actors of the drama and told them to sit close by in the front
and then fulfilling all the participants’ dreams He walked down to pose
for photos. Coming back on the stage, Swami asked for the Prasadam
to be brought and distributed, retiring to the interview room at
about 5:15 pm. Later Swami attended the bhajan hall for bhajans till
5:50pm. Swami then received Aarthi and retired.
Swami calls everyone
and blesses them......
...and poses for a
group photo also.
12th August -
Higher Secondary School Drama:
"Living for each Other''
The afternoon of 12 August, was a real roller
coaster ride for the students of the 12th class of the Higher Secondary
School. The ride had actually started the previous evening, as they sat
with a huge card to seek Swami’s permission for putting up a programme.
Swami saw the card from the car window but did not tell anything to the
boys. The future of the programme thus hung delicately in the balance – an
uncomfortable uncertainty, but an uncertainty that He wants us to love!
So today, when the school boys received news that they should be
ready by 2:30 pm, they were gleeful. But come 2:30 pm, the Mandir
still wore a deserted look. Uncertainty seemed to have raised its
head again. There were hushed talks of a programme by the devotees
from Canada. The optimists and pessimists alike had a field day
promoting their own theories. In the end, there was a sense of happy
resignation. The boys seem to say: We are ready with the drama. Let
Swami do what He wants. That is best.
Living with Swami is a continuous learning – learning for the ‘drama
of life’. Whenever we put our efforts for this ‘drama’ the ups and
downs are so numerous that finally we sit back in happy resignation
and say, “We are ready with our efforts. Let Swami do as He pleases.
That is the best.” Then we realize that we have grown – wiser and
Swami came out for darshan at 3:35 pm. It was a beautiful surprise
when instead of the car, Swami came in the chair-sofa!
Swami presents a
delightful surprise on the day of uncertainties!
There was a wave of applause even before any
programme began. As people rejoiced, Swami seems to appear so much more
beautiful. And unlike the air of superiority cast by the mortal beauties
of the world, Swami’s beauty makes everyone who come in its light more
beautiful and sublime. The glow on His face reflects as a glow on the
faces of all those who see Him. Swami went around and patiently collected
letters from almost anyone who had one to offer. He blessed all the
birthday boys and then moved along the lines of the primary school kids.
As He neared the interview room, He saw that there were school boys seated
in the bhajan hall. He went in and enquired into the details of the
programme and with a smile playing on His lips added the beautiful twist
to the tale of uncertainty when He said, “I will see the drama at 4 o'
At sharp 4:00 pm, Swami came out and immediately asked for the drama to
begin. A huge card had been prepared specially for the occasion. It was
shown to Swami and He blessed it after going through it thoroughly.
The special card
prepared for the occasion.....
....opens up to reveal
all the feelings of the boys.
The drama began with a satirical description of
‘present day man’ and ‘futuristic man’. The two keep arguing, with
‘present day man’ mistaking progress to just running around in circles,
while ‘futuristic man’ thinks that he is progressing every moment when in
reality he is running in the same place. There is then the dramatic entry
of a white ethereal being on the stage. This is ‘The Conscience’ who comes
out of the depths (from where man has buried it) whenever the heart is
touched. It does not prick us as we like to believe; it only expands our
Consciousness to a level where we feel very uncomfortable with our narrow
The "present" man
argues with the "future" man.
"Oh ye cruel humanity."
'Conscience’, while convincing the men of their foolishness powerfully
portrays his lesson with the case of a man who falls down from illness
in a busy street. There is none to help him and he bemoans, “Oh God!
Are you not there? How cruel is humanity!” The scene shifts as ‘The
Conscience’ takes him back in time in his life to periods when he made
other people cry out those very same words. It shows him that the
whole world, nay the Universe, is nothing but Reaction, Reflection and
“Why did you not come before and tell us this?”
“I was there all the while. But you did not call me.”
“Did we call you now? Why did you come on your own?”“You did call me.
Whenever you feel the slightest tinge of Love in your heart,
that is a call to me. Love and Expansiveness is my nature.”
The drama
concluded with ‘The Conscience’ leading all of them to God - Swami in
this case. A qawwali formed the fitting finale to this thought
provoking presentation. As the song concluded, ‘The Conscience’ went
to God to intercede on ‘Man’s’ behalf for a group photo and Swami told
them to be seated. |
"You called me when you
felt Love"
Then there was a wonderful stillness as the boys
sat watching Swami and Swami sat watching them. He called one or two boys
and spoke to them. Then, He asked for the chair to be taken down. As all
the boys crowded around Him, Swami raised His right hand in
Abhayahasta. It was a superb group picture as Swami also sat posing
with His hand in the benedictory pose.
Swami then came on stage for a while and after went
into the interview room. There were bhajans at 5:00 pm after which Swami
received Aarthi. As He was going back, a copy of the group photo was given
to Him and He handed it over to the boy who had come to offer Him a rose.
Then He retired into Yajur Mandir.
14 August – Swami
Attends Institute Students’ Drama Rehearsal
Today was one day when everything moved by instinct and
intuition. It did not move as per anybody's plan - or shall we say it
moved as per His plan! In the bhajan hall arrangements had been made for
Swami to inaugurate an innovative telemedicine launch whereby doctors in
Bangalore and Puttaparthi can treat patients in Chennai and Bengal. The
computer, cameras and the presentation - all awaited His arrival in
prayerful breath. But as mentioned, this day was a day that took many
breaths away!
Swami came out at about
3:40 pm and cut short the darshan rounds when He took a detour after
the ladies side. He went straight into the interview room and then
expressed a desire to see the rehearsal of the drama for the
Independence Day. There was a lot of scurrying among the boys as
they discovered that many of the actors were either in Mandir or in
the hostel. Quick calls were made and messengers dispatched towards
all possible "actor-resting" spots. Swami started to move towards
the auditorium. He was kind in the sense that He first went for a
small drive before entering the Institute premises. Swami knows His
boys the best! As He came to the auditorium entrance, the principal,
vice chancellor and controller for exams were all there to receive
Him. He went into the auditorium and sat in the centre waiting for
the rehearsal to begin. A lot of noise emanated from the backstage
and Swami just sat patiently for about 5 minutes. When there was
some semblance of order, the rehearsal began.
Welcomed by panting and
gasping boys.
The first scene to be depicted was that of Rama
proclaiming His love for the mother and motherland being the greatest: "Janani
Janmabhoomischa Swargaadapi Gaariyasi." Swami was fully absorbed in
the scene. He enquired into the roles of various characters, all of whom
were in white dress! He identified characters based on their dialogues and
for Him it didn't seem to matter that the enactment lacked lights,
costumes, music and settings. He just immediately connected with whatever
was enacted on the stage. He also asked why Hanuman was carrying a small
mace and not a big one. After that, the scene of Shivaji being blessed by
the darshan of the Mother was enacted. It was innovatively done with a
horde of Veda chanting brahmins and drum beating warriors. Once again the
actors were all in whites but their passion carried the scene and it was
as if we were reliving that historic moment when Shivaji picks up the
sword to valiantly defend his motherland.
Janani Janmabhoomischa
Swargaadapi Gariyasi
Shivaji offers worship
to the Mother.
Then was a scene from the life of Bal Gangadhar
Tilak. The "Kesari" newspaper which Tilak had started has been
branded as negative and has been banned by the British regime. But Tilak
celebrates that his paper has finally received its due of attention. Then
was a scene from the life of Netaji Subash Chandra Bose.
Subash Chandra Bose
confronts the racist teacher.
Swami watches - fully
As the 'white' teacher condemns the Indians and
emphasizes the "white man's burden" that has been thrust upon him, Bose
responds with a tight slap. Swami later mentioned that the slap must
resound and all must hear it! The scene of the martyrdom of Lala Lajpat
Rai was also depicted later on. Thus Swami sat watching till about 4:50
pm. After that, blessing all the boys and accepting letters from many of
them, He made His way to the car. Everyone was thrilled at this unexpected
shower of Love and Grace. Swami returned to Mandir and there was the
bhajan session after which Swami left.
Lala Lajpat Rai falls
under the British lathi blows.
The actors who are done
with acting onstage are happy to be off it!!
The final surprise of the day came in the late evening
when it was informed to the students that Swami would prefer a music
presentation over the drama on Independence Day. Living with Swami is a
constant learning experience and the students displayed this remarkably as
they just jettisoned the drama and went about enthusiastically preparing
for a musical evening tomorrow.
15th August Independence Day Celebrations:
Three Eminent Speakers; A Divine Discourse by Bhagavan; Drama by Bengal
Youth "Ab tumhare Hawale watan
Swami arrived for the afternoon session on the
Independence Day of India at about 3:55pm. He went around for the darshan
round scanning the stage that had been set for a drama (Pun intended!). He
first went into the interview room. After a while, the vice chancellor
came out and announced the evening programme. There would be three
speakers – Prof. G. Venkataraman, Sri S.V.Giri and Sri V.Srinivasan.
Their talks would be followed by a music programme and the final event
would be a drama by the Sai Youth from the state of West Bengal. Swami
arrived as the speeches began. The elderly and learned speakers spoke on
the significance of Swaaraajya (rule by the higher Self) and 'In'dependence
(meaning being dependent on the ‘indweller’). They exhorted the important
role the youth had to play in ensuring the arrival of Sai-Rajya in India
and then in the world. Each spoke short and crisp and by 5:00pm the
speeches had concluded.
speaks on Swaaraajya.
SriS.V.Giri exhorts to
the youth to serve the motherland.
As the speakers concluded their speeches, Swami
asked for the singers. The music group was just assembling when Swami
suddenly motioned for His mike and the discourse table. This was a bolt
from the blue (a bolt from The Orange actually!). None had been prepared
for this and even the translator was a little surprised. Quickly grabbing
the most easily accessible pen and a scratch pad he went to Swami. Swami
sat waiting for the discourse table to arrive. The music group was ready
with songs and the Bengal youth were ready with their drama. But are we
ready for Swami's drama when He decides to stage it? The simple Truth of
Swami's dramas is that in them, we are not reduced to mere spectators but
transformed into active participants. How willing we are is entirely up to
The table and mike arrived and Swami rose to speak. And what a discourse
it was! Ganga Pravaaham or the ceaseless flow of the heavenly
Ganges. The translator was converted into a student taking notes as Swami
launched into an effortless yet powerful, gushing flow. He gave free vent
to His words and His 'emotions'. Swami spoke non stop for 25 minutes,
without pause or hesitation. It was spontaneity and absolute free flow.
There was a passion in His voice - a passion that in itself was enough to
shame most of us into a physical and mental silence at the total lack of
Love for our country. It is not a cliche that we say Swami is Perfection.
If anyone had a question, "What is patriotism?” he/she should have seen
Swami thundering. It is a very frank and honest confession that no amount
of explanation or writing will ever do justice to even a fraction of the
feelings and thoughts that Swami aroused as He spoke that evening. Given
below is a brief transcription of the Discourse.
Swami's Independence Day Discourse
One sees the name written over all the speakers here (ie
audio speakers made by the company Bose) - Bose but not a
mention of his name has been made today. People keep saying that
He died in an accident. That is wrong. He never met with any
accident. He was the greatest. He authored a book, "My India" and
that was later translated into English. He was married and his
daughter was Lalita Bose. She in fact came to Parthi and followed
Swami everywhere, whether it was Ooty, Kodaikanal or Madurai. She
always kept Swami's name on her lips and sang bhajans and songs.
She often lamented, "My father was a patriotic Indian. I am so
proud of Bharat; but today the unity has been shattered, there is
no unity among people." Lalita approached her father and sought
permission, "I wish to go to Puttaparthi. My Swami is there." She
came to Parthi and then even to Whitefield.
Bose was very strong and powerful, in body, mind and in spiritual
splendour. He always desired that India must be foremost, pure and
grand. There is none equal to him in wanting the progress of the
nation. Other prominent leaders at that time were actually jealous
of him and they did everything to keep him away. They say that he
died in an accident. At that time he was actually in a steamer.
There still exist such people in Bharat but the pity is that they
all just keep speaking and refrain from action.
Swami risis to speak on
No one acts. Everyone delivers speeches. I
feel a stabbing pain that there is not a single Bose today. Tell me is
there any one? One Bose is enough. Bose truly understood the plight of
India. (At this point Swami was very emotional. One wondered at
Swami's passion. Oh! If we feel that way! Just once at least......)
Swatantra (freedom) as it is called does not
relate to the body or the mind. It is in reality Swaatantra where Swaa
means the Atma or Self. When you follow the Atma, there is nothing else
left to be achieved. There is no use of just rejoicing on this day
without even realizing the meaning of Swaatantra. Bose knew what it
meant. The patriotic fervour that he displayed is worthy of emulation.
Without the patriotic spirit one is more dead than alive. It was only
Bose who fought for Swaatantra. All others had selfish agendas. They
were the ones who divided people. Swaatantra makes you realize that the
country is ONE because ALL ARE ONE. 'Mamaivamsho Jeeva Loke Jeeva Bhoota
Sanatanaha' - that is what Krishna says.
Today people
eat, drink and make merry. There are so many 'rich' people. But
they are unable to give a handful to a beggar. These rich people
are actually living in abject poverty. You keep saying brothers
and sisters, but none keeps that relationship. No one here is as
great as Bose. Bose too had met me. He came up to Bukkapatnam and
was unable to come to Parthi. I went myself to Bukkapatnam. When
He saw me, he held Me and cried, "You are doing so much at such a
young age itself. You are working for the emancipation of mankind
itself." He had so much pure feelings.
The country is as great as one's Mother. It is a land of Kshama
(forbearance). Today all try to earn more and more money. But not
a single one strives to earn Prema.
Swaarajya is related to
Swaa - Atma not swaartha - selfishness.
All those who spoke, spoke only of the
world. None speaks of the Atma. Swaa is mistaken for Swaartha
(selfishness). Swaa is Swaatantra. Love all, Serve all and help
everyone. The Atma is unchangeable. Have Atma Vishwaasam (Self
None of you asked me to speak. It was my
love for Bose that made me speak so. Such people must be born again in
Bharat. Never forget Bose. Even on the speakers his name is there.
Sarojini Naidu (The Nightingale of India) was another great
soul. They are all being forgotten. Such glorious personalities are not
to be forgotten.
As Swami sat down concluding His Discourse, His
voice had become hoarse with what we humans would call as emotion. The
first thing He said to the boy next to Him was, "My voice became hoarse.
Do you think all would have heard what I said?"
Oh Swami! Today we have technology by our side, we feel like saying. The
whole discourse has been recorded and it can be cleaned so that each and
every word is heard clearly. No problem. Everyone would definitely have
heard or will definitely hear whatever you said. Some words may have been
clouded but the message was very clear! In spite of all this, that is
really a question to ponder about - "Do you think all would have heard
what I said?" Have we heard? Have we heard what He has said over the
decades - even when His voice was so sweet and clear?
It was then that Prof. Anil Kumar the translator requested Swami whether
he could speak in English for the benefit of the non-Telugu audience.
Swami gladly consented and he translated it but not before issuing the
disclaimer that no amount of translation could ever match what Swami had
spoken. That was really true and anybody who could understand Telugu would
know why he said so; anyone who didn't understand Telugu too would know
why he said so! For today, one could just feel what Swami was
communicating. The language of the Heart is too easy, powerful and
universal for anyone not to understand.
After that Swami asked the boys to sing. The music group began with a
soulful rendering of Vande Maataram. It sounded so inspiring -
that too after Swami's discourse. Every drop of blood coursing through the
veins of all assembled must have flowed at a lively pace. Swami was quite
emotional and He kept beat for the song. Next there was a patriotic song.
As that song gained momentum, the devotees from Bengal who had gathered
began to wave the Tricolour in rhythm. It was a superb sight - filled with
patriotic fervour and nationalistic feelings. There was another song on
Lord Rama. Wanting to make everyone happy, Swami asked them to conclude
early. The final song was full of swing and enthusiasm. As the song ended,
Swami indicated to the Bengal youth to begin their programme.
The flag waving added
to the patriotic fervour.....
....and to the rhythm
and visual beauty too.
The final presentation of the evening was by the
youth of Bengal - a drama entitled, "Ab tumhare Hawale watan Saathiyo."
or 'We now' surrender to You.' The presentation began with the
Independence Day celebrations where some members of the youth start a
discussion. Suddenly a mysterious being in "fancy dress" arrives.
Announcing himself as Time, he tries to make the youth aware of how the
eternal values have degenerated in the present age.
The motherland with her
illustrious sons.
To his aid come the heroes of Bharat - Swami
Vivekananda, Netaji Subash Chandra Bose, Guruji Rabindranath Tagore and
Mahatma Gandhi. Now there was something that happened so coincidentally to
the 'scientific' mind and so miraculously for the natural mind. As Bose
stepped down to speak, the first statement that issued from his lips was,
"Is there nobody who is selfless enough to live for the Motherland?" As he
mirrored whatever Swami had said about him in the discourse, one could
feel goosebumps tingling the skin. Thereafter, it was seen that Bose
seemed to speak the most. The other glorious leaders spoke only once - at
most twice. Did these youth prepare the drama after Swami's discourse?
That could not be possible for it had been pre-recorded! One had to just
admire the skill and intelligence of The Script Writer for the visual
reinforcement of the audio wisdom that had been received minutes ago!
"Arise, awake and stop
not till the goal is reached." -Vivekananda
"All that the country
needs is people of selflessness." - Bose
"Tread the right path
even if you are alone on it." - Tagore
"They alone are people
of God who serve the rejected and forlorn." - Gandhi
The whole presentation was interspersed with
graceful thematic dances. The messages delivered were mostly in song form
and the dance did great good to the message delivery. The music was so
beautiful and apt to the feelings and emotions that had to be aroused in
each scene. The youth were made aware that only young men and women are
capable of restoring the declining human values and they are made to take
up this responsibility.
"Human Values are the
only way out for redemption."
The dances that lit up
the evening with burts of energy.
"The nation is now in
your hands."
We salute our glorious
"Strive for that and even if the whole world
deserts you, walk the Path alone fearlessly. Arise and awake now and stop
not till the goal is achieved", is the message that is given to them. At
the end, Time succeeds in motivating them and introduces them to the
greatest Hero - our dear Swami. A loud applause rented the hall - so loud
that it drowned all the other sounds. Meanwhile, Swami called the youth
who were acting and created Vibhuti for all of them.
Swami creates Vibhuti
for all actors.
Divine gift of Grace.
Some broke down in front of Swami and He so sweetly
told them, "Ay! Do not cry....don't cry." Swami was also in a state of
supreme happiness. Not that He isn't always, but He does not display
it always. Many times we look to God and hope that all the apparent
reality is just a drama. It looked like Swami today was looking at us
and hoping that this apparent drama is The Reality!
After the drama, Swami called all the actors to sit around His chair
for group photos. They all happily obliged. As they settled around
Him, He rose up and gave the most charming smile. After the photo
session, Swami spoke to all the youth who crowded around Him. They all
seemed to be enveloped in a cloud of joy. Swami also gifted them a
copy of the group photo that had been taken just moments before. It
was 6:30pm when Swami received Aarthi. As He went back into the car
too, He raised His right hand in benediction to all.
The final group picture
with all actors.
18 August: ‘Yoga Mandala' programme
from Vijaywada devotees
Swami came out for darshan at about 3:35 pm on
August 18. Thousands of devotees from Vijaywada had thronged to
Puttaparthi for seeing Him. The programme by the ‘Yoga Mandala’ had been
scheduled. There were pink scarves of these devotees seen everywhere in
the hall. By 4:00 pm Swami came out to the stage and blessed the programme
to begin. The chief co-ordinator, who seemed to be the Guruji for all the
people assembled with Swami being the Sadguru (Supreme Preceptor), went up
to Swami and offered his salutations. A roar of applause went around the
hall when he prostrated to Him. He showed Swami the programme schedule and
offered a rose.
The yoga Mandala guruji
offers pranaams
The dancer offers a
Then two girls went up the stage and offered roses
to mark the beginning of the programme. First there were two songs to
which "koolattam" was performed. One was a bhajan on
Krishna. After these dances, there were group Bharatanatyam dances. This
was followed by a dance welcoming Shirdi Baba in a procession.
"Koolattam" by the
Shirdi Sai in DwarkaMai
with devotees.
The song depicted the scene from Shirdi Baba’s
life wherein the devotees cry out to Baba when He leaves His body to save
a devotee. Finally, Swami Himself asked as to when would the yoga
performers arrive. The dance which incorporated in it many difficult
Asanas (yogic postures) was also performed. The grand finale was in
the form of a human pyramid which offered its salute to Swami.
The grand "Chavadi"
procession depicted.
The devotees cry out
for Sai's return.
Swami blessed all of them. One of the co-ordinators
and a small girl went up the stage and once again offered a rose as a
token of gratitude. Swami waved His hand and materialised a beautiful gold
chain for the little girl and He Himself put it around her neck. Then He
went into the interview room after which there was bhajans.
An offering of
A golden chain for the
little girl.
21 August – Anniversary of the School of
Business Management, Accounting and Finance
The 21st Anniversary of the birth of the School of
Business Management Accounting and Finance (SBMAF) was on August 21, 2007.
As per Swami’s request, the students of the MBA programme displayed their
dedication and Love for Swami as they gave up the drama they had prepared.
Swami wanted two speakers in the afternoon.
The afternoon arrived and the stage had been set. Swami completed His
darshan rounds and went into the bhajan hall. He came out and sat on the
stage. The VC made a few introductory comments on the significance of the
day. The first speaker of the afternoon was the Principal and the dean of
SBMAF, Prof. U.S. Rao. He spoke with gratitude on how Swami had made the
MBA course so special and unique - one of its kind in the world. Swami was
touched with his short but sweet speech. He patted him lovingly on His
head. For Swami, age is no bar at all. If one loves Him like a child, then
He treats him like a child too. He is just Pure Reflection, Resound and
Reaction. Swami also gave him a vibhuti packet to keep.
Discarding the car,
Swami comes in the wheelchair.
Swami blesses the deam
on the Business School - Prof.U.S.Rao
The next speaker was Sri Ameya Deshpandey - a
research scholar of the Sri Sathya Sai University. He spoke wonderfully
well with the maturity of a Sai student who had been deeply touched by
Swami. Structuring his speech on the popular song, "Hain Aankh Vo Jo
Shyam Ka Darshan Kiya Kare", he narrated incidents on what a Sai
Student is - and what Swami makes him/her into. Being a student of Sathya
Sai University is not enough. One must strive to be a Sai Student too! His
mellifluous voice won him Swami's emotional appreciation and the crowd's
enthusiastic one. Liberally sprinkled with experiences from the lives of
Sai students, the speech demonstrated why Swami means everything to His
Sri.Ameya Deshpandey
delivers his musical speech.
Swami blesses Ameya
with an emotional pat on the cheek.
Once a student, forever a student till He makes us
the Master! There may be miles that separate us from Him, but He is always
near and dear - guiding and comforting us. As He says, "You may leave me
and go, but once I have accepted you, I will never give you up. You are
mine forever." No lover in the history of the Cosmos can ever be like the
Lord - so selfless and sacrificing. All the incidents narrated brought out
these facts. At the end of the speech, Swami blessed the speaker
beautifully and slipped a vibhuti packet into his pocket!
The final speaker was Sri Subhash Subramanyam. His speech was another
masterpiece in terms of the sublime feelings that were conveyed. When
Swami's students make public speeches in His presence, there is something
very paradoxical. It is neither meant for the public, nor is it a speech.
Very often, it becomes a private conversation that we are able to hear on
the speakers! As we listen to them express their love for Swami, we are
touched at how Swami has touched their lives. That was the story of
Subhash's speech. As he sang melodiously and conveyed his love and
gratitude to Swami, one could not help becoming a bit emotional and Swami
too was very deeply moved. At the end of his speech, Swami profusely
blessed him and gently dropped a vibhuti packet into his pocket.
Sri.Subash Subramanyam
delivers his talk.
Deja vu as Swami
blesses Subash with the same treatment.
Then Swami was requested to deliver His divine
discourse. Swami said that He was so overwhelmed by what the boys had
spoken that He was unable to speak. He asked for songs to be sung. The
students sang their hearts out for Him which was again a beautiful
experience in itself. After that Swami received Aarthi and left.
22 August – Bhagavan’s Discourse
Swami was so happy with brothers Amey Deshpandey
and Subhash Subramanyam who spoke yesterday, that He called all the
students for morning Darshan to Sai Kulwant Hall and promised that He
would address them. All had assembled by 7:15 am. Swami came out at about
8:00 am without the car, to the delight of everyone.
Close darshan for one
and all .......
| the Porte is
He went around the whole hall collecting letters.
He sat on the stage and told the Vice Chancellor to speak on the reason of
the day's occasion. Sri Anil Gokak, the Vice Chancellor, spoke about the
boys who had made Swami so happy.
Swami instructs the
Vice Chancellor.
The Vice Chancellor
delivers the introductory talk.
Then he continued to speak on the University.
After his speech, Swami called out for the two students. He materialized
gold chains for both of them and put it around their necks. He patted them
on their cheeks and blessed them very lovingly. He spoke to them for a
while too.
A gold chain for
Sri.Ameya Deshpandey....
....and another one for
Sri.Subash Subramanyam.
Then He rose up to address His dear children. It
was such a beautiful sight. Swami was smiling and seemed so excited to
speak. His enthusiasm was just bubbling and bursting forth. His voice
sounded like music to the ears as He began. Given below is a summary -
1) Today is supposed to be a day dedicated
for the management students. But business is something that goes on
everywhere. All the senses in the human body too are constantly carrying
out business.
2) It would be wrong to compare the business done in India with that
done in other foreign countries. It is different scenario here. Never
compare and never stretch out your hand and ask anything of
them. Elsewhere the basis of business is only power and domination.
Only the cost is taken into account. It is of paramount importance to
consider the country and culture too. Culture is to follow the
traditional path that has been laid from times immemorial.
Culture can be inculcated only when there is discrimination.
Without that, culture becomes perverted. Discrimination is the
first step in Self-Realization. Discrimination leads to confidence
and also to self satisfaction.
4) When I was small, a 70 year old communist by name of
Hanumantappa came to me and said, "Swami you write poems so
beautifully. Please write a poem on Communism too." Swami wrote
the poem as a lullaby. (Swami sang out the lullaby. The lullaby
predicted the fall of Hitler at the hands of the red armies.) Sure
enough, the next day itself saw the downfall of Hitler at the
hands of the Russians. Then Hanumantappa held Swami's feet and
said that it was God who spoke, otherwise such a coincidence was
not possible!
"Do not change the Satya Sai Education
5) I had composed songs on the fashion of
those days too. It was funny the way people would keep a French-cut like
beard and moustache. A few hairs in the centre and they would think that
they look handsome. Keeping a ‘moustache’, they would just leave a small
portion in the centre! The same was true even of clothes. The fashion
then was the bell-bottom pants. It would be tight on the top and hang
out wide and loose at the bottom. Then came the age of the parallel
pants. Now finally people have come to senses and they wear normal
6) Today the education system is being changed
constantly and that is not good. From times immemorial, we have been
using earthen pots for keeping food and other materials. In the recent
times there has been a proliferation of plastics. And see what the
result is. Everything is being choked and food kept in plastics turns
into poison. That is what will happen if you try for quick changes from
the traditional ways. So do not try to change the Sathya Sai University
type of education. It will ensure a bright future for all.
7) Help ever and hurt never. You spoil the present by unnecessarily
worrying about the past and the future. Present is the omnipresent.
Right now you have a comfortable living and your mind is also steady. So
be in the present. Even parents of children cannot know the mind. They
too teach only of the past and the future. Less luggage, more comfort,
make travel a pleasure. Don't carry the past in your mind. Present is
the most important. Even in a class, you have to be present. Else they
will mark you absent and you lose out!
8) Today wherever you see, you see
conflict. There is no unity, no purity - only enmity. Enmity was the
cause for Bose leaving India. Utter selfishness caused that. We need
good people like Subhash Chandra Bose. The teachers too are very
good here. They want the students to stay here and work for their
9) Why go abroad? Instead of going there
and earning 10,000 Rs, stay back here and earn 1,000 Rs. That is far
greater. There is nothing great or special in going away. Half of
what you earn, you will have to spend for rent itself! You will be
made to pay for everything - even water. But it is not so here. You
can comfortably eat and drink. Why do you invite trouble by going
abroad? I never went abroad. People may immediately say that I went
to Africa, but that was only for a short time.
10) In the African forests, one could see a herd of elephants. Their
ears are so huge like fans. When they swing them, mosquitoes are
thrown far away! There are also zebras, giraffes. They are so happy
and living harmoniously. They harm you only if you harm them. There
were also 10 lions with the cubs. When Swami fed them fruits, they
accepted them. They wanted more and I told them that I would be back
the next day with more. Yad Bhaavam Tad Bhavati. Animals react as
you treat them. Even snakes don't harm anyone. They just slither
away if you leave them alone.
"Bring a good name for
the Institute."
11) These two boys who spoke and sang so
well made me very happy. Be good boys always. Gold may lose its value
but never goodness. Have the feeling, "I am from a very good
University." Keep the Institute flag flying high. For that keep good
company and have self confidence. Dhruva, Prahalada and Radha succeeded
only because of confidence and good thoughts. Prahalada was thrown from
hilltops, into oceans, trampled by elephants and bitten by snakes. But
Lord Narayana was always there guarding him. One with faith in God will
never have failure in life. Strengthen your faith. Faith will lead to
Love and that Love is the Atma. All you have to do is to trust God. He
will take care.
12) You know your parents. Even if thousands of
people tell you that they are not your parents, you will not be
affected. That must be your faith in God too. These two boys are here
are gold medallists. They always put in a lot of effort.
13) When Ramadas was deep in debt, he told Rama,"I am struggling here. I
made a necklace worth 10,000 varahas (currency in those days) for you.
But you just walk around parading it and I am in trouble.” Later he
repented, "Oh Rama! That was my weakness. I am so sorry that I
criticised you." Rama never deserted him. Two boys appeared out of
nowhere and paid off the debt that hung over his head. By Swami's grace,
all of you will be 100% successful. The confidence of the foreigners is
something to be appreciated. They come here leaving everything and they
adjust to all the difficulties. Remember, wherever you are - in the
forest, on the hill, in the city or in the sea, faith in God will rescue
you. Have that confidence.
14) Students, you are good and like pure gold. Clouds just seem to
appear in between. Don't get carried away by them. All your study is of
any use only if you are steady. Those two boys are so good. Likewise all
of you are good. Their music was melodious and all enjoyed it. They are
virtuous, strong and well behaved. They are valued wherever they go.
Such boys are needed. Such boys must stay with us.
15) Preserve all I said in your mind. There is nothing great about
amassing wealth. You cannot eat money. Money will come and go. Morality
is most important. Bose visited many countries but he never gave up his
patriotism. Do not spoil the national culture.
Hmmm.....Swami must have put you all to a lot
of strain. (“No.. Swami” echoed back everyone very loudly) Be
At the end of the
discourse, Swami asked for songs. The students sang, "Humko Tumse
Pyaar kitna". That song seemed to have such a rich flavour of Love
this day. One could feel the Love in the air and the gratitude in
the hearts. The "bond" of Love is so liberating! Swami called the
two students and gifted them with white cloth pieces and a white
shirt. Then he received aarthi and left at about 9:50 am. He also
agreed that two other students could speak in the evening too!
And so according to the agreement (!), there were two speakers
scheduled for the evening. Swami arrived without the car, increasing
the devotee’s mounting joy. This has been becoming a quite regular
feature these days and everyone seems so happy at the change when
the Porte is de'porte'd! Swami went around collecting letters and
granting close darshan to all. He came onto the stage after a short
visit to the interview room. The first speaker was Lokesh Aswani, a
student of the final year in the MBA programme. He spoke of
experiences with Swami.
"Be Happy"
The second speaker was Prof. Anantaraman. As they
say of great speakers, he did not speak of glorious things; he spoke what
everyone knew in a glorious way! It was such a refreshing speech and it
displayed the man's mastery over the English language. He spoke of Swami's
Water, Educare and hospital projects, but it was in a new light and
everyone appreciated it. At the end of his speech, Swami materialised
vibhuti for him. Then He went into bhajan hall for bhajans after which He
received Aarthi and left.
23 August: A Student and Staff Member Give Speeches
In the
afternoon of August 23 two more speeches were scheduled. Swami completed
His darshan rounds and sat on stage after a brief visit to the interview
room. The Vice-Chancellor introduced the two speakers and invited them
to the dais. The first speaker was Sathyabrata Paul from the final year
MBA class. His speech was a mixture of songs and words! He spoke and
sang out his feelings for Swami. After his speech of 25 minutes, Swami
blessed him with a gold chain and Padanamaskar.
Mr.Satyabrata Paul
gives vent to his feelings
........and Swami
responds with a beautiful chain!!
The second speaker was Sri Rangarajan from the
School of Business Management, Accounting and Finance. He spoke on the
"roar of the lion" - the clarion call of the Avatar as He spends time in
the human frame in the world. He narrated many experiences and instances
where Swami silently and in a very casual manner, either said something,
or did something, which was a resounding wake up call for alert minds -
and would have alerted the minds that were asleep. The straightforward
manner and easy style of his talking made refreshing hearing and the
message was straight from the heart. After his speech, Swami blessed him
with Padanamaskar. Then Swami went into the bhajan hall for bhajans.
Prasadam was distributed after which Swami retired after Aarthi.
Offering his obeisances
to his Lord.
Mr.Sri Rangarajan talks
about the "lion's roar."
24 August: 'Varalakshmi Vratam'; Books and
Publications Trust 6th Anniversary
The 6th anniversary (5 years completion) of the
'new' Book Trust building was on August 23, 2007. Swami promised the
students and staff working that He would visit them the next day (August
24) and bless them. The Varalakshmi Vratam was also scheduled to be held
today. At about 8:20 am Swami came out in the sofa chair. There was an
entire procession leading Him. There were ladies dressed in blue silks
filling up the entire front section of the Kulwant hall.
The procession in front
of Swami.
Swami graces the
Varalakshmi Vratam.
He slowly
moved through the central path and took a detour at the middle of the
marble block and turned towards the stage. On the stage He lit the lamp to
mark the beginning of the Vratham ritual. He sat for about three minutes
and then said, "Come let us go."
The main shrine
tastefully decorated.
Lighting the lamp to
mark the beginning of the ceremony.
Swami then went straight to the Book Trust
building as He had promised. As He got down from the car, the first thing
He asked was, "Where is the lift?" (The Lord had never been to the first
floor of this building before). Swami was taken into the lift and as He
arrived in the first floor, He had a smile dancing on His lips. The Veda
chanting with the Poorna Kumbham began.
Welcomed with the
PoornaKumbham at the Book Trust building.
Salutations of
gratitude as Swami moves towards the entrance.
Swami was taken into the building amidst rows of
the employees who were excited and delighted at the prospects of Swami in
their midst. The table had been kept for Him and in front of it was the
lamp which Swami lit. Then, He asked Mr. Rajan, Convenor of the Books and
Publications Trust, to speak. After his short speech on how everything had
been going on prosperously and perfectly by Swami's grace, he asked Swami
to address all who had gathered. Now, as Swami’s mike was placed on the
table, there was a new translator! Swami permitted Sri Srinivasulu, a
former student of the University working in the Book Trust, to make the
translation. Given below is the entire text of the discourse that lasted
about 30 minutes.
Unbelievably close and
personal with Swami!!
Sri.Rajan convener of
Book Trust delivers the opening address.
"All those students who are working here are
discharging their duties with steadfastness and devotion. It is because
of them that this Book Stall has developed. It is not enough if you
merely bring out books, you should put into practice what is there in
the books. You should understand and assimilate all the teachings that
are contained in the books and practise them. Pustaka (book), Mastaka
(head) should be in harmony.
What the world needs today is service. We
should love everybody. Love All Serve All. This is what we are supposed
to do. Whatever work we may do, we should do it with the feeling that we
are doing the work of God. There is no place in this world where God is
not present. He is all-pervasive. Never doubt that God is here and is
not there. He is everywhere. God is in you, with you, above you, below
you and around you. Whatever work you do, whatever happens is only due
to the Will of God, and not by your own effort. (Showing His
handkerchief) Here you see a cloth. This cloth is woven with a bundle of
threads. The threads are made out of cotton. So, the process is - first
cotton, thread and then, thirdly, cloth. Similarly, you are not one
person but three. The one you think you are, the one others think you
are and the one you really are.
There are
three processes involved in writing a book – the person who
writes, the people who read and the person who prints it. Do not
lay importance on just bringing out books. The books we bring out
should broaden the vision of the people. We should not give room
to narrow-mindedness. The books should help people develop broad
feelings. We should publish books which are essential for
everybody. But money is not important, morality is important.
Money comes and goes, morality comes and grows. We should develop
morality. What is the use of writing and reading books without
putting them into practice? We should be able to practice at least
one principle. There may be many items in the plate, but by merely
repeating the names of those items, will our hunger be satiated.
Take at least one item and eat. In the same manner there are many
books. People are writing about the divinity of Swami in many
But are you putting into practice at least
one principle contained in them? No. What is the use of reading books if
you do not practice? You may listen to ten teachings, but at least one
of them you should be able to practice. Only then will we derive the
necessary strength to carry on our lives.
Our Rajan is putting in lot of efforts to
develop the Book Trust. He is doing much more than what is expected of a
person of his age. Students are also cooperating and working in the
right direction to make it conducive for the smooth functioning of the
organisation. You may take into consideration any workplace, progress is
possible only when there is cooperation. Cooperation should be such that
there should be relationship between heart to heart. We should
understand thoroughly whatever work we are doing in the first instance.
All are one, be alike to everyone. All should work with unity. One may
write the book, another may print it and yet another may bind the book.
But there should be cooperation and unity between all the departments.
Only when all work in unity can we get the desired result. When can you
develop unity? You can develop unity when there is purity. How can you
develop purity? If there are any negative feelings in the mind, purity
is not possible.
First of all, there should be unity. Where
there is unity, there is purity. Where there is purity, divinity will
manifest. So, first of all develop unity and purity. Then you will
attain the grace of divinity. If you want to attain divinity, first of
all you should develop unity and purity. Therefore, I exhort you to
develop unity and work together – persons who are writing and those who
are printing them.
What I see is not the Pustaka (book) that
you print, I see your Mastaka (head). Our Rajan brings so many things to
Me that are printed by the Trust. But I am not satisfied with any of
them. I see the purity of heart of the person who has written the book.
Hence, purify your heart in the first instance. A cooked dish will be
tasty only when the vessel in which it is prepared is clean. Cleanliness
of the vessel is very important. In the same manner, purify your heart.
Any number of changes may take place in the world, but the heart should
not change. Here when I refer to the heart, it does not mean physical
heart. I am referring to the spiritual heart. Spiritual heart means
divinity. Divinity is referred to as Atma. God has no specific form, but
He is all-pervasive. He is in you, with you, below you, above you and
around you. The Atma is present wherever you see.
But when there are passing clouds you will
not be able to visualise the Atma. Moon is always present in the sky,
but you will not be able to see the moon when it is covered by clouds.
You cannot deny the presence of the moon because it is covered by
clouds. If you want to see the moon, you have to wait for some time. You
can see the moon, once the clouds move away. The Veda declares,
Chandrama Manaso Jataha Chaksho Suryo Ajayata (the moon was born out of
the mind and the sun out of the eyes of the Supreme Being). The Atma is
shining like moon in the sky of our heart. But sometimes, it is covered
by the clouds of thoughts and desires. In some seasons, you find thick
clouds. When there are thick clouds, you will not be able to see the
moon. But do not deny the existence of moon just because you are unable
to see. In the same manner, God is present in the heart of everyone. You
are unable to see the Atma because of your thoughts and desires. So, you
should exercise control over your desires. Less luggage more comfort
makes travel a pleasure.
You can experience immense happiness if you
reduce the luggage of your desires. It is because of desires, you are
unable to see the Atma. Therefore, reduce your desires. This is referred
to as Vairagya in Vedanta. What is meant by Vairagya? It is reducing
your desires. You should not have more and more desires. Our body grows
every day. But our life-span decreases day by day. As the body grows,
our life-span also decreases.
Hence, it will be very beneficial to us
if we reduce our desires. You can be always happy and cheerful when
you reduce your desires. You may read any number of books and listen
to many sacred stories, but first and foremost you must reduce your
desires. Only then can you find benefit out of them. Everyone has
desires, but some are necessary and some are not. When we wake up in
the morning what is that we do? We get up from the bed with a lot of
Oh man! You struggle hard in life merely
for the sake of filling your belly. You acquire myriad types of
knowledge from various fields. Examine and enquire for yourself what
great happiness you have achieved by spending all the time from dawn
to dusk in acquiring worldly knowledge and earning wealth while
forgetting God. (Telugu Poem)
Sri. Srinivasulu is
blessed to translate the discourse.
Forgetting God whatever you may do is a mere
waste of time. You should always keep God as your goal. God is not
present in a far off land. He is present everywhere – in you, with you,
below you, above you and around you. Hence, we should never forget God.
People may say anything, you may face any number of difficulties, but
you should never forget God. Only when you have such pure, unsullied and
steady devotion can you be called a true devotee. You cannot call
yourself a devotee if you do not have steadiness of mind. Your devotion
should be steady like an ocean which never reduces in quantity. On the
one hand, the water gets evaporated from the ocean and on the other
hand, rivers merge in it, but still the ocean maintains all its
characteristics. Our heart should be filled with devotion like an ocean.
We should not entertain the waves of desires and malign it. Any number
of waves may arise, but the ocean maintains its pristine state. Hence,
keep your heart always pure, steady and selfless. Our Rajan is putting
in a lot of effort. He is bringing about many changes in the publication
of books. For the 80th Birthday, many good books were brought out.
Never entertain any desires. Whatever you
do, do it as an offering to God. Sarva Karma Bhagavad Preetyartham (do
all actions to please God). That is the sign of true devotion. Do not
give rise to differences like this is my work, that is Swami’s work and
yet another work pertains to public. Think all work is God’s work. One
who writes the book, one who prints and one who reads the book, all are
one. All are one. Never entertain any differences. Only when you do not
have differences, can you develop steady devotion. Your devotion should
always be steady, it should not waver moment to moment. When you have a
wavering mind, everything will keep changing. Do not give scope to a
wavering mind. Desires and thoughts may arise, but we should utilise our
power of discrimination. Is it good or bad? Is it right or wrong? When
your conscience tells something is right, follow it. Always follow your
conscience. It is like a traffic signal. Follow it conscientiously. When
your conscience tells something is right, follow it scrupulously,
irrespective of what others say. Let people say whatever they want, but
we should remain steady in our mind.
Greatness does not lie in bringing out
books, but we should understand the essence contained in the books. We
should bear in mind the essence in the books. Without matter, it cannot
be called a book. Without any subject, you cannot get matter. What type
of subjects should you choose. You should choose those subjects which
are related to the heart. If you do not go by the dictates of the heart,
you will not be successful.
An author
should write good books which are beneficial to one and all. We
should not print unnecessary things. There are many books brought
out in the outside world which give rise to worldly desires. What
is happening to all those books? Nobody is reading them. Whatever
subject that is pleasing to the heart should be the subject matter
of books. They are true and eternal. We should perform actions
without deviating from the path of Sathya (truth) and Dharma
(righteousness). Sathya and Dharma are not different from each
other. Sathyannasti Paro Dharma (There is no Dharma greater than
adherence to truth). Sathya and Dharma are one and the same.
Without Dharma there cannot be Sathya and without Sathya, there
cannot be Dharma. They are interdependent and like mirror images.
We can achieve anything when we have Sathya and Dharma on our
More than the Pustaka,
I see the Mastaka of the author
We should always keep Sathya and Dharma as
our goal. Then we will certainly achieve our goal. Now, I cannot explain
in detail any further due to time constraint. I wanted to tell you
something related to publication of books and nothing else. We should
publish only good books. Good books that are beneficial to one and all.
You have heard Bhagavan’s Discourses, read many books, at least from now
onwards put them into practice."
After the discourse, Swami was taken to a room
inside where an elegant dining place had been arranged for Him. He ate
very little. He said, “I am not hungry. But since you offer to me, I
accept." And ate just one or two spoonfuls of the offering. Then He went
into the multimedia room where a short documentary on the Book Trust was
aired. Swami sat watching the whole thing with rapt attention.
Blessing the offerings.
Swami enters the
multimedia room where a short documentary was aired.
After the 8 minutes, Swami said that it was good.
He granted padanamaskar and showered His blessings after accepting letters
from all the boys working for the Book Trust. He then went around all the
other rooms and even to the balcony. As He went around the balcony, all
the devotees who had assembled below delighted at this unexpected shower
of Grace. Then visiting the other rooms, Swami wended His way back to the
lift through rows of people. He also had a look at the latest books and
CDs and DVDs. Then He received Aarthi and went into the lift. Huge crowds
had gathered below to have a glimpse of Him. Swami then went back to
Mandir. There the Varalakshmi Pooja had almost concluded. Swami went
around once and then receiving Aarthi, retired into Yajur Mandir.
Browsing through the
latest books....
The unexpected visit to
the balcony where blessings to devotees followed.
In the evening, there were two speakers scheduled.
The first was Prof G. Venkataraman. He spoke on the Institutions Swami
established that people do not seem to notice so much - the Mandir and
Sanathana Sarathi. Speaking on the work done by the Book Trust in
bringing out Sanatana Sarathi, the erudite speaker brilliantly wove the
story of the way the Book Trust began in Puttaparthi. In the early days,
Prof Kasturi would knock on Swami's door every month for new articles for
Sanatana Sarathi! He then spoke of the new age media to spread Swami's
message viz. the internet and digital radio.
Swami blesses
Prof.G.Venkatraman before his speech.
The Professor speaks on
Swami's "institutions"
The next speaker was the new Telugu lecturer in
the Institute -Sri Veerabhadraiah. He spoke with such vigour that all were
floored. He spoke very wittily and the next hour passed so swiftly. In
course of his speech when he spoke of how Swami had blessed him once when
he was playing the Veena, Swami immediately told him, "Play Veena for me
here." Everyone was awe struck at the Lord's spontaneity. The speaker was
delighted beyond measure and that delight manifested in added enthusiasm
and fiery words. He told Swami that he would be ready soon.
Swami blesses the
lecturer, Sri.Veerabharaiah.
After his speech, Swami asked for bhajans to be
sung outside itself. But just before they could begin, Swami called out to
the two American brothers studying in the higher secondary school. He
asked them to chant the Rudram. They chanted the first part of it
with perfect intonations and synchronisation. Swami seemed very pleased.
He materialised Vibhuti for both of them and personally packed it in paper
packets and put it in their pockets. Bhajans were full of gusto and spirit
as Swami was seated right there for all to see. After the bhajans, Swami
The two American
brothers chant Rudram at His bidding.
Swami blesses them with
Vibhuti after the chanting.
25 August – Dances Drama “Krishna Kripa"
by Bal Vikas Students of Kerala
The Saturday evening saw the Sai Kulwant Hall
rapidly filling up. Devotees by the thousands had arrived from Kerala with
a much larger tide being expected the next day on the eve of Onam. Swami
once again discarded the car to come amongst the devotees. Necks craned
everywhere to have a darshan of Him in His full majesty. Ah! The devotees
must be truly happy at this unexpected sign of Grace whereby He comes out
without the car. Though we all have heard of the phrase, "Knock and the
door shall be opened to you", we never realized that it held true for car
doors too! And so it was, as Swami went through the hungering devotees,
all felt satiated. Swami continued taking a round even in the inner
portico. Then after a short break into the interview room, He came and sat
on the stage.
Birthday blessings for
the fortunate boys.
Portico blessings to
the teachers.
The programme was a dance drama entitled "Krishna
Kripa" by the Balvikas students of Calicut and Malappuram districts in
Kerala. It was saturated with dances by little children. It began when
little Krishna and a tiny dancer came up to Swami to offer roses. Swami
lovingly patted them on their cheeks and blessed them after accepting
their roses.
Krishna with Sai
Radha is not to be left
far behind!!
There was a
colourful opening sequence after which the drama began. Sudama, the
childhood playmate of Sri Krishna was a spiritual millionaire and so his
material poverty hardly touched him. But when his wife pleads on behalf
of their children to request the Lord to intercede, He sets forth to
Mathura with a handful of beaten rice as a gift from his wife. His
entire journey is saturated with thoughts of the Lord and he
reminiscences incidents from their childhood when he had hidden from
Krishna the grams that Gurumata had given them for the evening.
"Don't worry. Father
will return soon with food."
"Oh my child! I will
tell you the story of Krishna."
As he
reaches the palace, Krishna comes running out and embraces His beloved
friend. He washes his feet and is overjoyed at the "poor" offering of
the beaten rice which is rich in Love. Days pass and finally it is time
for the friends to pass.
The bosom friends
Sudama is treated
with respect worthy of a king.
leaves with a heavy heart totally forgetting the purpose for which he
had come in the first place. On his return, he is greeted by his wife
and children who are rolling in prosperity. The Lord had blessed them.
Interwoven into the play were more dances in the traditional Kuchipudi
and Bharatanatyam styles. The synchronisation and grace of the children
were beautiful. As the drama neared completion, God called Sudama and
blessed him with gold even in his real life apart from the dramatic
life! Swami materialised a beautiful chain and put it around his neck.
Sudama's family is
enriched - spiritually and hence materialistically.
Sudama is made richer
by a gold chain from the Lord!
After the
40 minutes drama concluded, there was great applause and Swami stood up
from the chair and walked down to pose for group photos. He specially
called the teacher who had trained the children too to come for the
group photo. Then, blessing all of them with padanamaskar,
Swami went back on stage. Bhajans began along with Prasadam
distribution. After five bhajans, Swami asked for Aarthi. A print of the
group photo was given to Swami and He gave it to one of the actors.
Accepting Aarthi, Swami retired for the day.
26 August: A Medley of Music Programmes
One day
before before Onam saw a huge onrush of devotees from Kerala. The
evening had been slotted for music programmes which Swami had approved.
Continuing the flow of Grace, Swami came out without the car. Once
again, the Darshans have become relaxing yet charging. It is not that
they are not so when Swami comes in the car; but when the car carries
the Lord, there seems to be a lot of strain to have a glimpse of the
Lord. Now, the thirsting eyes can drink to their fulfillment.
Swami went into the interview room. The governor of Nagaland, His
excellency Sri K.Sankaranarayanan had come to pay his respects to Swami.
Swami spoke to him lovingly for a few minutes and after that, came out
and sat on stage. He also went around the portico blessing the people
who were seated there. He blessed all the students from Kerala who were
seated in front with cards carrying the traditional Kerala symbols like
the Pookalam and the Kathakali mask.
Swami blesses the
Onam card......
....and another card.
There were
balvikas students also sitting in the front. Swami seemed very happy
that they were seated there for singing bhajans. Then, turning the chair
so that He could face the musicians as they performed, Swami asked for
the programme to begin. The first performance was by a playback singer
from Kerala, Smt. Ambili. She sang some popular songs like Bho
Shambho, Kurum Undrumullai and Satyam Shivam Sundaram.
She was accompanied on the drums by master percussionist
Shivamani's brother. Swami gave all the performers padanamaskar and
blessings after the 25 minutes programme. In the meantime, Swami could
not help seeing the little children seated in a very disciplined manner
for singing bhajans. He kept looking at them and smiling at them.
The next
was a programme by Prof. Ranganatha Sharma - an excellent Carnatic
singer. He sang many of Tyagaraja's krithis. In between the programme
Swami went into the interview room. The singer continued with the same
fervour. After about ten minutes, Swami came out again and sat for the
remainder of the songs. Swami kept seeing the cards that the students
had made. In a very mischievous manner, He told them to face the cards
the other way. They seemed surprised and did not understand why Swami
was saying so. Well Swami too didn't seem to have any specific reason!
When we say that nothing is impossible for God, why do we assume that it
is impossible for Him to do something that really is not significant.
Smt.Ambili sings
devotional songs.
Sharma sings Tyagaraja krithis.
After the
professor, there was a little surprise packet. Swami called the new
Telugu lecturer in the Institute - Sri Veerabhadraiah - and asked him
to perform on the Veena! As he was getting ready, Swami distributed
white safari pieces to all the performers and to the ladies He gave silk
sarees. Then the Veena recital began with the popular bhajan,
Ganesha Sharanam. Thyagaraja krithis seem to be everyone's
favourite. (That’s what happens when someone or something becomes dear
to God. They automatically become dear to the whole world.) He also
played a few other bhajans. Swami blessed him and the Music College
students who accompanied him with white cloth pieces and Padanamaskar.
Then Swami asked the children to begin singing bhajans. As the bhajans
went on Swami observed a little blind boy playing the harmonium in full
gusto. Swami had in fact blessed this same boy with a gold chain during
the Visu celebrations earlier in the year. Swami called him up to the
front and looked at him with such compassion and then pulled his cheeks.
He blessed him, renewed his already soaring spirits and then sent him
back to his seat. The boy now began to pump at the harmonium with
redoubled energy.
delights everyone with the Veena.
Special blessings for
a special child as Swami pulls his cheeks.
Thus the
bhajans went on for a while. Until about 5:50 pm, Swami signaled for
Aarthi and then left.
27 August – Onam Celebrations
morning the devotional hordes from God's own land had arrived at the
haven of peace. On Onam day, the Keralites believe that their king Bali
comes out of His abode to grant them Darshan and joy. All awaited the
arrival of Swami. At 8:30am, Swami came out without the car. There was a
huge procession consisting of a band, children holding lighted earthen
lamps in their hands and a contingent of Veda chanting children.
Bringing up the rear of the procession was our dear Swami. There was the
traditional Panchavadyam being played by students from the
Institute. Swami crossed the ladies side and then moved across the gents
side. When He came to the front, He saw the huge 'floor'al decoration
which consisted of multicoloured flowers. He slowly moved along the
students of the Primary school and then turned to the portico.
then it happened. Mr.G.K. Raman, a long standing devotee of Swami,
collapsed in his place. Mr. Raman was the Trust convener in Tamil
Nadu and the director of Sundaram finance. He had suffered a
massive heart attack and the heart had stopped as he glimpsed
Swami. Swami immediately enquired as to what had happened and came
close to where he lay prostrate on the floor. He was told what had
happened. Mr. Raman had arrived to the mandir in the morning
looking very tired. He had not had a proper sleep in the night.
When asked as to why he should not take some rest in the morning,
He said, "I must have Swami's darshan. Then I will go. Swami will
come at 8:30. Till then I will sit." It was in these circumstances
that he collapsed when Swami came.
Doctors - the best in their fields from the SSSIHMS - came there
immediately. They tried very hard, pumping at his heart and
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Swami sat watching the whole seen
quite steadily. The Veda chanting continued, the mandir was agog
with devotees and yet the portico was in a state of freeze. The
next ten minutes saw the doctors try everything they could. The
pulse would return weakly and at one point, Mr. Raman also weakly
moved the eyelids possibly saw Swami. Swami then asked for a glass
of water to be brought. He gave it to Mr. Raman's son to offer
for his father. Then Swami went into the interview room.
File photo of Swami
with G.K.Raman and his wife
While the
body was shifted to the General Hospital, Swami asked the students to
start bhajans. It was during the bhajans that Swami was 'informed' that
he had passed away. Truly blessed indeed is Mr. Raman that on the holy
Onam day, as the Vedas were being chanted, he breathed his last in the
presence of Swami. And it happened so quickly. The statements he made
before that moment seem specially significant. As it is said, a person's
death is an indicator of the kind of life he lived. Blessed indeed was
Mr. Raman that he had such a holy end. The pious soul must have found
fulfillment at the feet of its Master.
Death is such an awe-inspiring phenomenon. It is a powerful reminder of
the temporary nature of everything that we see around. In its wake, the
problems that seem to torment us, differences that we promote, negative
feelings that we harbour - all just melt away into relative
insignificance. The importance of just thinking of the Lord and doing
His work alone hits very hard into our innermost being. All else but the
Love of God, that we achieve in life, are just absolutely worthless. The
lonely journey becomes a beautiful sojourn of solitude only if our lives
have been saturated with love for God and service to Him.
After the bhajans, Swami received Aarthi and left. The discourse and
speeches that were scheduled were cancelled. Swami might not have
spoken, but this Onam day, He conveyed to all who were "listening", a
wonderful example of the kind of noble life one must lead.
In the
evening, Swami came out without the car once again. He completed the
full darshan round. As He neared the front part of the hall, He went up
the stage directly from the centre path to the stage. He went for a
quick round around the portico and then into the interview room. Coming
out, He asked for the Veda chanting to cease and the programme to begin.
The drama scheduled today was "Tyagaraja" by the students of Sri Sathya
Sai Vidya Vihar, Aluva.
Reading a prayer as
He passes by the Vedam group.
The children from
Vidya Vihar offer their Pranaams.
The drama
was full of songs from the great saint's life. It showed how as a child,
Tyagaraja submitted to his Guru. From then on his entire life becomes a
song for the Lord - a divine symphony. When the king offers him
treasures to sing his glory, Tyagaraja responds that he is already in
the employment of The Emperor. Though living in dire poverty, he enjoyed
the spiritual affluence that very few can boast of. His house is visited
by the Lord when material poverty gets out of hand and there is not a
morsel to eat. There he gets a darshan of his beloved Lord Rama. Having
lived a life of fulfillment in the Love of Rama, Tyagaraja finally
merges back into his Lord.
Made for each other -
Thyagaraja and Rama.
"My bliss is in the
treasure of Rama's name. "
the drama, Swami was enthralled whenever a krithi came up. It seemed as
though He was listening to the saint singing live. He kept beat for
every song and as each song started Swami would tell the Kerala
Organisation president something about Tyagaraja - the travail he was
going through, his love for God, his sense of contentment with the
Lord's name alone.
Tyagaraja and the
Kerala poet enthrall the audience.
The Ultimate gift to
the pure soul.
After the
drama, Swami walked down to pose for group photos with all children. He
spoke to all of them. He asked many of them their names. They all
requested Swami to visit their school in Kerala. Swami was so happy with
them, that He asked for bhajans to be started and went into the
interview room. He came out with sarees and white cloth pieces and
personally distributed them to the children. Then He blessed the
prasadam and ensured that each child received it while bhajans were
going on. At the end of bhajans, the group photo was given to Swami and
as He displayed the photo for all to see, there was a loud round of
claps. At about 5:35 pm, he received Aarthi and sat till the last word
was sung. Then He blessed all and retired for the day.
Everyone seems to be
a Tyagaraja for Sai Rama's feet!
Swami showers His
benediction on all actors.
Source: - Heart2Heart Team