July 2, 2007 – USA Programme: ‘Journey to
Sai through SAI – Service, Adoration and Illumination.’
It was an evening to remember. At least
for the American devotees it was an evening that made them go
through the sweetness of all emotions - there were tears and
smiles, fears and sighs! All the US devotees in blue scarves were
seated from early in the afternoon. There was no sign of Swami
coming till almost 4:15 pm. At 4:30pm when Bhagavan came out,
fears converted to relief and there was a burst of joy on their
faces. Swami completed His Darshan rounds and came straight out to
the dais. As a member of the group recollects:

“The ‘Journey to Sai through SAI’ did
not begin at the N3 or the N4 buildings. Rather, the train ride of
July 2nd was a mere segment in the itinerary of this journey which
commenced about a year ago in the Southeast region of USA (this
region consists of the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North
Carolina, South Carolina and St. Thomas Virgin Islands). With an
aim of bringing the entire region together as one big united Sai
family, a few key individuals conceived the idea of organizing the
first ever pilgrimage to Prashanti Nilayam. During the early
stages of this journey, a conscious effort was made by the
pilgrims to further identify the reasons for embarking on this
pilgrimage. It was concluded that the real pilgrimage was towards
the Sai consciousness, both at the individual and the group
levels. Though a very important milestone, the outward journey to
Prashanti Nilayam was only a complement to the real journey
towards Sai consciousness which the pilgrims felt can only be
achieved by means of Service, Adoration and Illumination. Thus,
inspired by Bhagavan, an apt theme for this pilgrimage was adopted
by the pilgrims as ‘Journey to Sai through SAI – Service,
Adoration and Illumination’.
“Subsequently, as part of the
journey towards the Sai consciousness at a group level,
several activities involving Service, Adoration and
Illumination, were designed. For service, the Sai brothers
and sisters in this region, intensified their attendance and
commitment to existing service activities and took up new
projects at the local level. Medical camps, which were joint
endeavors, were also organized and these service projects
entailed participation from pilgrims all across the region.
Towards adoration, the Sai centers
took up group chanting activities and special bhajan
sessions in addition to encouraging an increased
participation in the weekly Sai center devotional singing.
Towards Illumination, the Sai centers across the region took
up activities such as special satsanghs and increased the
participation in the periodic study circles."
Swami leafs
through all the activities done and the schedule
"In some sessions, devotees shared
their knowledge and the wisdom gathered from their
experiences with Bhagavan. Other groups delved into His
teachings, while some groups took up collective book reading
(such as Tapovanam). Bhagavan blessed all these efforts by
fostering unity and camaraderie in the entire Southeast
region both at the regional and local levels. Thus, after
kindling the fire of sadhana for over a year, the pilgrims
finally arrived at the auspicious abode of Lord Sai on June
24, 2007.”
This kind of preparation is
something that only Swami can know. For all those who had
assembled, it was another programme. But Swami had decided
to make it very special. Bhagavan came to the front of the
veranda, the program was announced, and children and members
of the group approached Swami, one by one offering red roses
and other tokens of Love. The announcer also cleverly
invited Bhagavan to visit the USA, Swami chuckled out loud
at this invitation.
Then the programme began with great
devotion and fervour. The mammoth group sang out in one
voice and the power of their unison was evident. The whole
audience too joined in the programme by clapping in rhythm
to the songs. The songs were comprised of an eclectic
selection of English, Spanish, Hindi, and Native American
melodies. Most of the songs sung were medleys and had a
blend of western music and bhajans. Swami's countenance was
radiant and many smiles sparkled over His face. The
programme lasted approximately 40 minutes.
Swami decides to make the evening
special |
The medley
songs begin...........
continue in the Divine presence.
the programme concluded, Swami went into the interview room and
came out with sarees and white cloth pieces. There was glee
everywhere at this unexpected gesture. Swami descended from the
stage to the block where the US devotees were seated. He sat in
front of the ladies and started the distribution.
supervises the saree distribution personally.
Thrill and
smiles for all.............
Swami sat watching, the devotees were thrilled. The ladies
received sarees while the gents had white cloth pieces. He
lavished His love on the group, calling two women to help
distribute the beautiful red raw silk saris with blue border to
the ladies and summoning a few other women to also help. He then
went around these devotees and blessed everyone. After coming back
on stage, He summoned a lady who had not been given a saree and
presented one especially to her. He blessed all the gents with
white cloth pieces. He ensured that there was a smile on every
face. Thus blessing all, Swami received Aarthi and left.
Ensuring that
everyone received the sarees
blessings for the group
July 5, 2007 – USA Group Interview
more could the group have asked for? But the all-giving Swami
wanted to give them more: a group Interview! From an initial 320
devotees, the group was merely a 70 or so during the last group
darshan on the afternoon of July 5th. As usual, Swami waited until
the last possible minute to grant their wish and called the group
for an interview. Once the group was seated, Swami lovingly asked
the ladies in the group “What do you want?” “We want You, Swami
…only You,” some women called out. Swami smiled.
“Where is God?” He asked the group. Various responses came forth -
“with us”, “in us”, etc. Swami smiled and nodded!
a while, with the love and compassion of a thousand mothers, He
looked around and said, “Many people have gone from the
group….there will be disappointed….you must make them understand
that God is in you, with you, in front of you, around you….tell
them….My Blessings are with them always!”
Someone asked, “Swami what message can we take back with us to the
USA ?” Swami repeated, “God is in you. He is not separate. I am
with you, in you, around you!” The man added, “Swami, I know that
I am God, but I do not feel it”. Swami replied, “That is your
imagination. You are thinking with your head, not your heart. You
are not the body, you are not the mind. You are the atma. The one
you think you are is the body. The one that others think you are
is the mind. The one you really are is the atma.”
a couple of moments, Swami looked at one of the Spanish women, and
asked “How is your leg?” He continued “Pain, in your leg?” In
fact, this woman had severe pain in her hip and had recently
undergone hip surgery. “OK, Swami,” she replied. Swami later gave
her vibhuti and told her to rub it on her hip and her pain will be
is your name?” He asked a lucky lady in the group. “Gabriella”,
she answered. “Husband?” He asked. “Swami, David is my husband,”
she said. Swami asked Gabriella and David to come up and sit
beside Him. Swami looked at her and asked, “What do you want?” “I
just want You, Swami”, she answered. He asked her again “What do
you want?” She said, “Just You, Swami. I want Your love”. “You
have My love”, Swami confirmed.
asking them several personal questions, Swami raised His hand and
started waving it around in the air. Through the fingers of His
hands the group could see a chain materializing. Swami pulled out
a beautiful chain, with a huge pendant encrusted with stones. At
first, the chain was short, but Swami pulled it and it got longer,
though the thickness remained the same. As the devotees peered at
it, Swami saw them looking, smiled and held it up and said to all
of them, “Can you see?” He looked at the woman and said softly,
“Sai Geetha on both sides… It has everything there for you.” He
told David to put it on her neck. Then He put His hand on each of
their heads, and said a mantra. What appeared to be unfolding in
the mandir was a divine marriage being performed by the Lord of
the Universe, Himself! “Are you happy?” Swami asked them, smiling
lovingly. “Yes, Swami. Padnamaskar?” They asked. “Yes,” He said.
“Both together,” He indicated, and then both husband and wife took
padnamaskar together. Swami then gave each of them vibhuti packets
and said, “Keep it for yourself, don’t share it”. He then asked
the couple to return to their seats.
Next Swami indicated for the men to come
one by one to take padnamaskar. When each person approached Swami,
He would sometimes ask them personal questions and enquire about
their profession. He waited patiently for each person to offer
pranams. To the young boys, Swami would sometimes smile and say,
“Come on, boy!” He would also ask them their names, how old they
were, and what standard they were in. After the men were done,
Swami asked the women to come up one at a time, sometimes talking
to them about personal matters, and giving them vibhuti packets.
When all the women were done, Swami blessed a couple of large
bowls full of prasadam (strawberry flavored wafers) which were
then distributed by a couple of volunteers on the men and women’s
then turned to the crowd and said “Are you happy?”, “Yes, Swami,
Yes!”, “We love You”, “Thank You, Swami”, the devotees called out!
Swami held up His hands, smiled and said “Very happy.”
the pilgrims from the Southeast region of USA , it was perhaps the
culmination of prayers of life times. The lord had blessed them
beyond their imagination and filled them with boundless bliss.
July 8, 2007 – SSSIHL
Programme: ''Sa Vidya Ya Vimuktaye'' and Devotional Songs from
Anantapur campus.
God is concerned, the unexpected always happens. The beauty and
reality of this statement was portrayed on Sunday, July 8, 2007 as
Swami made it a very special day for everyone present. Swami says,
"Love my uncertainty." Well most of the time, we don't like
uncertainty. But that is the Lord. He makes us evolve from
avoiding uncertainty to accepting it and finally to loving it!
As per the latest trend, the boys from the Prashanti Nilayam
campus of the Institute had prepared a programme, ''Sa Vidya
Ya Vimuktaye''. Students from the Anantapur campus of the
Institute also had arrived ready with a programme to be presented
to their dear Lord. Swami came out for darshan at about 3:30pm but
after completing the darshan rounds, went straight into the
interview room to speak with devotees. The Bhajan hall had been
occupied by the students so they could don their costumes for the
programme, and after the interviews had concluded at 4:50pm ,
Swami went into the bhajan hall and in a few minutes, the bhajans
What nobody expected was that just as
His students had prepared a drama for Him as a Sunday special,
He too had prepared a ‘drama’ for them as His Sunday special!
As the bhajans concluded, Swami called the vice chancellor and
a small interaction took place. The next minute, there was a
rush. Swami was going outside on stage! He had told the VC
that the boy’s programme must be performed! There was a lot of
energy in the air as instead of the customary "winding up",
everyone hurried for the unscheduled "setting up".
So at 5:35 pm , the programme began. The boys offered a card
with the proceedings and their heartfelt messages to Swami.
The programme highlighted the role of Education in life. It
began with a masterly lecture by a top scientist on how man
had learnt to swim better than a fish, fly better than a bird
and do everything better than any other animal. He is stumped
when a rustic gets up and asks, "Has it taught him to live
like a man?" |
Swami blesses
the programme to begin
next day, this incident pops up in the discussion between this
scientist and his colleagues. Their discussion on how man has
begun to use education as a whip for grabbing power and exploiting
everything was beautifully depicted by a mime where men are moving
around in circles turning the wheel of success and fortune with
tireless effort. Man doesn't realise a great law of the universe
is that we can not always receive. For example, viruses keep
taking nourishment from the host till the host dies out. Finally
the viruses too die out with the host. Is man any better than a
virus? If you want more the only way to achieve it is by giving
more. A small skit was performed to highlight this ethic.
"Has education
taught man to be like a man?"
Gurukula system of education.
tells His children, both in hell and heaven, "I have arranged a
feast for you all. The only condition is that you must not bend
your elbows while eating. If you do so the feast will vanish."
While the people in hell struggle selfishly to feed themselves and
remain hungry, the people in heaven feed one another and there is
joy everywhere. Be selfish, keep grabbing and earth becomes hell.
Give and it will come back to you. Give and there will be heaven
on earth. This is the way life must be lead and this message is to
be taught by the education system. But where is this message to be
found in today's education system?
Then came the depiction of Eashwar Chandra Vidyasagar's life.
Truly educated that he was, he humbly carries the handbag of a
western gentleman who calls him a "coolie". When the gentleman
realizes his folly, he begs pardon of Vidyasagar but the humble
soul that he was he tells everyone that he is nobody special. All
his life he just wanted to make his two mothers happy - mother and
motherland. When he asked his mother what ornaments she wanted,
she said, "I want three jewels only. A school for all the children
here, wells to yield sweet water for the people and a medical care
unit for safeguarding the health of everyone." Vidyasagar says he
did just that and nothing else. At this juncture, Swami must have
become very nostalgic, for He was totally immersed in the scene
being depicted. Emotion welled up in His sweet face as if He was
right there experiencing the initial pain and the subsequent
relief of the people.
While people in
hell wondered how to eat........
The people in
heaven fed each other!!
sight of the Lord in emotion is one of such profound beauty and
significance. It goes deep into one’s heart as if questioning our
indifferent attitude to the pain and suffering all around. When we
see people suffering, begging or in agony, we feel that they must
be acting to elicit sympathy. Here the Lord feels the pain of the
suffering even if it is only acting in a dramatic depiction. Oh!
If only a fraction of that tenderness of heart becomes ours, our
life would have found meaning.
Man uses
education as a means to grab power.
teaches a lesson in humility and help.
The presentation concluded with the
analogy of the student being the seed and the education system
being the soil where the seed would germinate. If protected by
the fence of discipline and weeded of bad qualities, nourished
with the fertilizer of secular knowledge and watered with
love, the plant would become a tree providing shade to one and
all. But for any garden, a gardener is a must.
The students expressed they were all very fortunate to have
Swami as their divine gardener. They then did something that
surprised everyone - something that only the students could
have thought of. They took a sapling in a pot to Swami and
said, "Swami here we are your saplings. Nourish us with your
Then Swami did
something that surprised them also - something that only Swami
could have thought of. He put His hand into the soil. He mixed
it as if pouring His love to nourish the sapling and said,
"Yes, Yes." He then posed for a group photo with all His
children. The time was almost 6:20pm . |
Singing out
their hearts to Him.
The most
coveted family photograph.
the evening was not over yet. Swami looked at the Anantapur
sisters and told them to start their programme. There were audible
gasps and excited whispers on the sisters' side. There was a sweet
smile on His face. Oh! Everybody was enraptured by the day's
Swami blesses
the Anantapur sisters also
Singing their
hearts out........
girls sang their hearts out. The songs were mostly in Telugu. "Chhoda
Chakkani Chinnodanta", sung in the folk style brought smiles on
the faces of all those who understood Telugu as the glories of the
cute boy Sathya were sung out. Five songs were performed and then
Swami directed that prasadam be distributed. It was 6:50 pm when
Swami received Aarthi and left.
At the end of
the day, all are happy.
Swami receives
July 11, 2007 – Drama from Medak
region: “Amma”
More than 4000 devotees from Medak had arrived at Puttaparthi
to have darshan of their dear Lord and also offer their
gratitude for the sweet water He had given them on July 11.
Prashanti Nilayam has been buzzing with these people and one
could see them everywhere - in the mandir, canteens,
accommodation blocks and roadways of the Nilayam.
The Kulwant hall was filled with people in orange scarves and
their fervour could be felt from the fact that they were the
first ones to flock to the hall when the gates opened for
The stage had been set for a musical drama - "AMMA" to be
followed by a rally. Swami arrived at 3:30pm and as He passed
by the set stage and banners, He viewed them. Necks craned to
have a glimpse of Swami as He passed by. The expression on
every face was one of anticipation - "Will Swami see me?" |
The Mandir was
teeming with devotees from Medak
came on stage and sat on the sofa. After a few minutes, He told
the Veda chanting to be stopped and the programme to begin. Two
tiny tots came walking up to the stage and just seeing them a
lovely smiled blossomed on His face. He accepted the rose and
programme schedule that they offered and rewarded them by pulling
their cheeks, much to the joy of everyone around. Swami then
formally declared the programme open by lighting the lamp which,
in a very innovative and traditional manner, had been placed on a
Poorna Kumbham.
Tiny tots offer
salutations to Swami.
Lighting the
lamp to mark the beginning of the programme.
programme began with rich and colourful dances. These were
performed by both the little girls and boys. The main story of the
drama was that of a young disillusioned lad, Ramu, who thinks that
he can repay the debt to his mother by paying her money for all
that she had done for him. He is a typical modern youth who feels
that earning money with his sweat and blood is the greatest
contribution he can make. On the other hand, there is Venkanna - a
simple rustic lad with a pure heart and love for his mother.
The Girls'
dance had a lot of grace..........
The dance by
boys had energy.
struggles for his mother.....
...while Ramu
seems to be struggling with his mother!
spends his day singing glories of the Lord. Venkanna gets the
shock of his life when his mother contracts a medical problem
which requires huge hospital fees. The Lord's saving Grace
descends on him in the form of the Sri Sathya Sai Hospital where
his mother is treated. Meanwhile, Venkanna meets Ramu's mother and
tells her that he would take care of her and that she should
consider him as her son. Ramu's boss, a former student of SSSIHL,
comes to know of what Ramu has done. He makes Ramu realise his
mistake and also demonstrates to him how much his mother loves
him. Ramu realises his mistake, Venkanna's mother is cured and
it’s a happy conclusion. The conclusion dances were grand and
synchronized too. Swami was very pleased with the theme and He
walked down to pose with the group for pictures.
Venkanna brings
joy to Ramu's mother.
"Nothing is
greater than pleasing one's mother Ramu!"
Grace and
grandeur in a single show.
The concluding
dance piece
The final
The Grand
then went into the interview room and arranged white cloth pieces
for distributing to the boys. He had a beautiful saree which he
gave to the boy who acted as the mother in the drama. Then He gave
cloth pieces to all the participants starting with this boy. It
was a double blessing for this boy who played the lead role of the
‘mother’ in the drama. Once the distribution was over, the rally
began. It was really a huge one in terms of numbers.
A saree for
Ramu's "mother".
Cloth pieces
for all other participants.
girls' band followed by a large Veda chanting contingent of ladies
holding Poorna Kumbham were the first to arrive. This was
followed by a contingent of women carrying lamps on the Poorna
Kumbhams. Lambadi dancers, children performing a Sarva Dharma
dance and representations of the various services done in the
villages were also presented.
The rally
The ladies
Vedic contingent.
The lambadis
arrive with their dance.
Sarva Dharma
dances too were part of the rally.
began the gents contingents. Veda chanting, various dances,
children costumed as Hanuman, Rama, Sita and Lakshmana were also
part of the procession. The grand finale was brought up by a huge
representation of the water supply project in Medak. As the
vehicle was brought forward there was a loud applause and that
brought a smile on Swami's face. Then there was a plethora of
Padanamaskar taking as people came by the dozens and fell at
His feet. Even the little kid who had come in the beginning to
offer the flower, came up to Swami and offered His namaskar. Sri
Ramana Rao, a respected elder in Prasanthi Nilayam, in his own
inimitable style came up to Swami and said, "Swami everyone are so
happy. It is all your Grace."
"Yopam Pushpam
Youthful dances
all the way.
Swami's Hanuman
The Medak
project presented to Swami in gratitude.
then blessed all the ladies in-charge with sarees and
padanamaskar. As Swami was leaving, the photographer gave Him
copies of the group photos that had just been taken. Swami had a
look at them and handed them to Smt. Geeta Reddy who was co-ordinating
the programme. It was almost close to 6:00pm when Swami received
Aarthi and left.
"Swami, you
have conferred so much joy on all."
"I shall confer
more"- He seems to say!
July 12, 2007 – Musical
Programme from Medak region
second part of the Medak programme was a Musical one. Once again,
everybody had assembled in the Kulwant hall by 2:00 pm itself.
Swami came out for Darshan at 3:30 pm. There was excitement in
Swami's face as He came out on to the stage. The first indication
from Swami was asking about the whereabouts of the little boy who
had offered the flower to him on the previous day! Then He also
sent word for the little girl.
were soon located - blissfully asleep in their parents' arms!
After combing, straightening of dresses, wiping the faces of sweat
and application of vibhuti, the tiny tots were sent ahead - as
prepared as possible. Swami's face beamed with joy on just seeing
the innocent little ones. Fortunate indeed are those kids for they
gave so much joy to the Lord. What greater thing can one aspire
for in life than to make the Lord happy? And the mere sight of
purity and innocence is enough to achieve that feat. That should
be a reminder for all of us.
Swami circled His palms and there was a chain for the one who had
chained Him with his innocence and love. Pulling his cheeks, Swami
lovingly put the chain around his neck. Then like an encore, Swami
materialised another chain for the little girl too. The hall
clapped like mad at this spontaneous outpouring of Divine Love.
Who has chained
Of course the
kids have chained HIM - with their Love.
was on this joyful note that the programme began. The programme
consisted of songs in Hindi, Telugu and Kannada. They were
rendered by both the men and women. Throughout the programme, the
little boy sat right in the front and Swami showed His interest in
him throughout the programme. Each and every move the boy made
elicited a smile from Swami. In the middle of the programme, the
boy adopted the lotus posture. Swami immediately noticed that and
remarked, "Choodu, chinna pillavaadu padmaasanam pettakunnadu!"
(‘Look, the little one has adopted the lotus posture!’)
The lady
singers get ready.
The Music
programme begins
Songs in Hindi,
Telugu and Kannada decorated the evening.
Swami blesses
Paadukaas for a devotee.
After about 45 minutes of songs, the programme
concluded. Swami immediately asked, "Mana Pillalu?" (Our
boys?) The students came streaming out of the bhajan hall. Then
there were bhajans with Aalap and Meera songs by the
boys. They sang wonderfully well and the whole hall clapped in
unison and rhythm to the bhajans and songs. At about 5:40pm Swami
received Aarthi. But before that, He blessed all the birthday boys
and also sent prasadam for all that had gathered.
Birthday boys
get their share of blessings too.
"Om Jai
Jagadish Hare"
July 15, 2007 – Programme by Music
College Students
Another Sunday had dawned and the students of the
Institute - the Mirpuri College of Music this time- were ready
with another programme to present before their Lord. Swami came
out at about 3:35 pm. He alighted from the car and went straight
out on stage. There was thunderous applause as Swami got up and
walked slowly to the stage. He sat for a while listening to the
Vedas being chanted. Then with a gentle wave of His hand He halted
the Vedic chants and allowed the programme to begin.
The card is
blessed and so is the programme!!
The programme
in progress.
Three students came up to Swami with a card
carrying the details of the Carnatic programme to follow and also
their prayers for Swami to bless them with an opportunity to
present the same. Swami smilingly blessed them and then the
programme began. There were a lot of Tyagaraja krithis and songs
of other maestros too. Then there was a Sitar recital in the
lilting notes of Raag Hamsadhwani. It was in the Madhyalay Gat and
it lead to a "three tablas" jugalbandi. In one of the songs, there
was also a jugalbandi between the mridangam and the tabla which
was appreciated a lot by the audience. In this manner the
programme went on for about 45 minutes. Swami was so happy with
the student who played the mridangam that He called Him forward
and with a wave of His hand materialised a gold chain for him.
After that He also graciously agreed to grant group photos to all
the performers. After the photos, Swami went in and there were
A gold chain
for the boy who played the Mridangam.
The Master and
the performers.
July 19, 2007 – Programme by
Canadian Youth
the evening of July 19, the devotees and youth from Canada were
prepared with a programme entitled "The Sacred Bridge." Swami
completed His darshan rounds and immediately came out on the dais.
To the sweet surprise of everyone around, He went down in the
wheel chair to bless all the devotees and participants specially.
He took an entire round and there were youth dressed as Devas
chanting the Vedas. As Swami came back to the dais after blessing
all, an innovative welcome card was taken to Him.
The lord first
wanted to first bless everyone...
and then allow
the 'devas' to perform
programme then began. God calls for a meeting of all in His
creation - all except man- to discuss where to hide the greatest
secret. After a lot of discussion it is agreed to plant the secret
in man's heart. When the animals and birds tell God that it would
be very difficult for man to discover it, God replies that with
His name, the secret will stand revealed.
episode from the Ramayana where the bridge to Lanka is built only
by the power of Rama's name was then presented. Hanuman was
exemplified as the ideal to be followed and the children stated
that they too have started building bridges of the sacred name in
their own lives. They exhorted to everyone present to contribute
in building this mighty bridge.
Lord Rama
offers worship to 'Rameshwar'...
The 'devas'
with the Divine
Though the programme was short, it was sweet. Swami liked it and
He posed for group photos with different sections of the group.
The ladies were very insistent for a group photo. Swami asked them
what they wanted. "Group photos" was the unspoken answer. The
mischief in Swami was aroused. Swami told them to sit in a group.
Then He called the photographers and told them to take pictures of
the group! After that, chuckling to Himself, Swami left. He also
asked for prasadam to be distributed to the participants and then
there were bhajans. After that, Swami received Aarthi and left.
July 20, 2007 – Inauguration of
‘Prema Jyothi’
Swami had agreed to inaugurate the “Prema
Jyoti” exhibition on the morning of July 20. The whole exhibition
had been set up in the PoornaChandra Auditorium. The Light of Love
is a grand spectacle celebrating the Pure Love of Bhagavan
presenting through various stunning pictures, TV loops, audio and
video clips apart from the internet media.
Swami came into the PC auditorium at 8:10am on the wheelchair. As
He came on the stage, He admired the huge wall that enclosed the
exhibition, the wall that formed a formidable entrance to the
exhibition. As Swami came down the stage, the boys from the studio
offered jasmine flowers on His feet. He picked up a jasmine flower
and putting it to His nose said, "There is no smell!" Then He put
the flower into the hands of another boy and moved on. At the
entrance, a jasmine garland had been tied across instead of the
traditional ribbon. A pair of scissors were handed to Swami and He
gently cut the garland to mark the formal inauguration of the
exhibition. As soon as He entered, a huge panel with a painting of
Swami during the Uravakonda days greeted Him. There He was given
the switch and as He pressed it, the panel lit up and so did the
electric lamps that adorned the panel. Then Swami lit the two
brass lamps that had been placed right in the beginning.
An innovative
opening to an eye-opening exhibition
Prema lighting
the 'Prema Jyothi'
The whole exhibition had been divided into
seven sections and there was at each section a student of Swami
who is currently working in the organisation to "guide" Swami
around. The first section titled, "Prema Jyoti" captured the
effulgence of Pure Love. It contained rare pictures of Swami in
the black and white times- Swami's visits to Venkatagiri, visits
to many homes and places where He addressed gatherings. It also
described many leelas of Swami. Swami spent time at each and every
panel listening to the explanation being given. In this section
there was also a video loop of Swami's wonderful materialisations
at Kashi and the sands of Dwaraka. Swami watched that too.
The second section sought to delve into the radiance of Divine
Compassion by bringing to the fore Swami's super specialty
hospitals. Again, Swami was taken through a guided tour by another
student as Swami listened with rapt attention. It was indeed a
lesson in humility and concentration to see Swami lap up every
word spoken with interest. At the end of that section was a video
loop on patients' recollections at the hospital. Many of the
patients were moved to tears at the Love that they received in the
hospital. Swami too was touched seeing those pictures. Love is
such a beautiful thing - it moves the hearts of both- those who
give it and those who receive it.
Swami keenly
seeing panels depicting His early years
Stories of
patients treated in His hospitals moved the lord
The third section displayed how Swami's pure
love exhibited itself as selfless concern by providing drinking
water. Another student took up the mantle here and Swami was
'absorbing' every 'droplet' of information that was being 'poured'
on Him! This was really a wonderful thing because on a previous
occasion Swami had seen all the panels in this section and yet He
went through all of them again. The section covered Swami’s water
projects in Anantapur, Medak, Mahaboobanagar, Chennai and in the
Godavari districts. The video loop at the end was on the Godavari
projects. It was an abridged version of the Godavari documentary
that Swami had already seen earlier. So when a scene where ladies
are singing a song in His praise came, He said, "Those ladies
danced too."
The fourth section projected Swami as the
Divine Potter, moulding students as a Sadguru. Swami spent the
most time in this section. There were pictures of the opening of
all the colleges and Swami's University, the interest He took in
all the trivial details of it's functioning also and the various
events like the Sports Meet, Convocation drama etc. where Swami
becomes the Sadguru for His children. The section also powerfully
drove home Swami's concept of Educare and showed how that is the
only panacea for the many ills of today's world.
The sadguru
sees how He has so beautifully
shaped every student
'His love is
the ultimate protection' - the exhibition's last
and most important theme
Adorning the central position in the exhibition hall was an
exquisitely carved statue of the Vishwa Viraata Swaroopa. This
beautiful statue could be viewed from all 360 degrees and it was
an exhibition in itself. It carried the Bhagavad Gita being
delivered, the scene from the Shanti Parva of the Mahabharata
where the grandsire Bheeshma preached to the Pandavas and also the
different Avatars of Lord Vishnu. This statue has been gifted by
Swami to be placed in the exhibition to enhance it's grandeur.
"Heart 2 Heart"
with the Lord
The masterpiece
He Himself sent for the exhibition
The next sections were on Swami's service
activities, Swami's glory and Swami's Love manifesting as the
ultimate protection to everyone respectively. Swami was all ears
to the next three boys who guided Him through. There were video
loops on the mobile hospital that Swami has started and also on
the grandeur of the 80th birthday celebrations. It was almost 9:30
when Swami completed seeing the entire exhibition. At the end,
Swami said, "All the arrangements, both inside and outside are
very good. The boys have done a very good job. Venkataraman has
been a very inspiring leader to all of them." Swami also expressed
His wish that the exhibition be viewed by all the students and
also the youth who would be arriving shortly from the world over.
He blessed all the people who had worked for the exhibition - the
artists, the designing team and even the carpenters and
electricians. Leaving everyone in that great bliss and joy of
having spent such glorious moments with Him, Swami went to receive
the Aarthi in the bhajan hall. It was 9:40 pm when He left.
July 21, 2007 – Swami’s Visits His
New Elephant
On the morning of July 21, at about 8:10am
Swami came out for darshan. As He neared the mandir gate, He took
a turn and drove out to the Gopuram gate. Swami headed towards the
planetarium and surprise of surprises (!), there was a tiny female
elephant waiting to welcome Him! The little one was about 4 feet
high and had a trunk that was about 3 feet. She had arrived from
the Bihar-Nepal border area.
As Swami came and got down from the car,
Sri. Adi Kesavalu and his family, who had helped in getting the
elephant, offered their salutations. Swami went to the elephant
and she too rushed to Swami. Swami, remembering his dear Sai
Geetha, began patting her calling, "Geetha....Geetha". She put her
trunk on Swami's feet and began to massage it. Pictures were taken
by the dozen. As the flashes went firing, the elephant turned to a
photographer nearby and began pushing at his feet! Once clear of
everything, she went back to Swami's feet. Swami was so happy and
someone nearby mentioned to Him, "Swami she is doing Paadaseva."
Swami continued to feed her and she ate merrily. He enquired as to
what her favourite foods were.
Audi Kesavalu's
family offer their salutations.
She immediately
takes refuge at His feet
"Raagi balls, cow grass and sugarcane, "
came the reply. Swami immediately asked for sugarcane and gave it
to her. She began to merrily crunch and chomp at it! She ate quite
excitedly and Swami seemed to be amused by it. The sugarcane
sticks were broken into small pieces so that she could eat them
easily. Swami was so content in just watching her eat. Swami asked
what her name was. They said that it was Laksmi but Swami must
give her a new name. Swami said that He would do so in due course.
Meanwhile, the family members of Sri Adi Kesavalu came closer to
Swami. There was a little girl who seemed to be mentally
challenged. She came to Swami and said, "Swami Kaapadu " (meaning
Swami save me). Swami also echoed her words, "Kaapadu.....Kaapadu"
and the held her lovingly by the chin. The look in eyes were so
full of compassion. This girl is definitely redeemed for she has
been the recipient of That Look.
sugarcane to the sweet "little" one.
"Swami Kaapadu"-
Why fear when I am here.
When some old devotees had asked Swami
as to when He would give them liberation, Swami had said that
on some days, and those days are really special ones for, He
will be in a very granting mood. On those days, on whomsoever
His eyes fall upon, will be liberated. So it is our duty to
just wait patiently! Today the way Swami looked at that girl,
so full of motherly Love, Compassion and Empathy, we can just
rejoice for her.
As Swami was leaving, everyone present
was bowing to Him. A little baby was brought to Him and
suddenly there was a surge of Love from Swami. He fondly
patted the baby on its cheeks and all of those who witnessed
the scene were very touched. After filling everyone with joy,
Swami left for the Mandir where bhajans were on. |
Swami fondles
the human baby too!
July 23,
2007 – Annapraasa Ceremony of the New Baby Elephant
July 23rd morning Swami was to visit
the new elephant to perform the Annapraasa ceremony
(where the child is fed rice for the first time!). The calf
had been tied because, young that she was, she was very
energetic! Swami had sent ornaments so that she could be
decked up for the ceremony. It was so tough for the mahout to
keep her quiet. Once when he bent down to apply Kumkum
to her feet, she began to take in his head as though it was a
t about 9:15am Swami arrived at the
planetarium where the calf was waiting. Swami came out of the
car and the little one went near Him. There was a beautiful
smile playing on His face as He saw her. He sprinkled
Akshata (sacred grains) on her in blessing and
benediction. She was then garlanded with jasmine. There was
special sweetened rice for her in silver vessels. As she was
fed the first rice, like any baby, the first reaction was to
reject it. |
The energetic
calf was a sight to see!!
A The
mahout suggested to Swami that maybe she didn't like sweet things.
Swami immediately took a sugarcane stick and gave it to her and
she crunched merrily on it! (That seemed to be a silent answer to
the mahout's observation!)
Excitement at
His arrival.
Swami showers
Akshata grains on the little one.
then fed her with more sugarcane, bananas and apples. The apples
had been nicely sliced and were not whole as they would be when
Swami fed Sai Geetha. The calf seemed to go bananas over bananas!
In fact, after a little while, she began to explore the basins
with her tiny 3 feet trunk and gulp down any bananas that she
could 'lay her trunk' upon. Swami just sat watching her eat so
hungrily. As He kept watching her from top to toe, he noticed a
hole in the upper part of her right ear. He enquired about it and
was told that it had been made to put an identification tag at
birth. The calf had arrived from Bihar, almost near the Indo-Nepal
border. Swami didn't seem to like that concept of tagging babies!
He was told that it had been removed.
She seems to
prefer sugarcane to sweetened rice
She ate with
great gusto...
The elephant continued to blissfully gulp
down sugarcane and bananas. After a while, she slowly moved her
trunk and placed it on Swami's feet! (One was reminded of Swami
Vivekananda's quote, "Feed a man and then teach him spirituality"
and it seemed to apply for elephants as well!) Swami was then
asked to name the calf.
"I will tell...I will tell", was the reply. A
bowl of water was given for Swami to wash His hands after which
Swami received Aarthi and left. Before leaving, He blessed all the
caretakers and the other helpers taking care of the elephant.
Pranaams at His
Divine Lotus Feet.
Swami leaves
after blessing the caretakers also.
In the evening there was a programme
scheduled by Sumeet Tappoo - a direct disciple of Shri Anup Jalota
since the age of three. Swami arrived at 3:40 pm but after
completing the darshan rounds, Swami went into the interview room.
He came out again at 4:40pm and sat in the portico. The singer for
the evening offered a rose to Swami after which he sat down to
begin his recital. In a typical Anup Jalota manner, he began with
Hari Om chant with shlokas. That was followed by excellent
renderings of bhajans. The wonderful aspect of his singing was
that it involved all the people and they too could identify with
the songs. When he started singing “Maili Chaadar Oodhke Kaise”
Swami began to keep beat and everyone seemed to be enjoying it. He
sang for more than 40 minutes. One could easily see shades of his
Guruji Sri.Anup Jalota in him. After the concert Swami
blessed all of them profusely and even granted them group photos.
Then He received Aarthi and the days programme concluded.
Sumeet Tapoo
regales Swami and the audience.
The group
July 24, 2007 – Talk by Sri
Rituraj and Concert by Sri Hariharan
the morning of July 24, the hall was filled by devotees from
Maharashtra who had come for the Aashaadi ekadasi celebrations. In
the morning, was a talk by Sri Rituraj Maharaj. From the age of
ten, Sri. Ritu Raj Ji Maharaj has been giving discourses on
Upanishads, Ramayana, Bhagawad Katha and Bhagawad Geeta in his
travels across North India. He was sponsored through UNICEF as
"Bal Rajdoot" (Child Ambassador) to Holland and his lectures were
lauded. He has been associated with the Sri Sathya Sai Seva
Organisation for the last four years. He sat on a carpet on the
main stage next to Swami and discoursed in Hindi. The Hindi was
flowing and so were his feelings for Bhagawan. He spoke on the
great good fortune of having Swami in our lives. He displayed
mastery over the Bhagawatam and the Bhagawat Gita too. Swami was
very appreciative of his talk. Every time he said, "Swami...",
Swami would look at him directly in the eye and nod to what he
said. It was an enchanting talk after which Swami blessed him and
gave him Padanamaskar.
Rituraj Maharaj
enthralls the audience....
....and Swami
enthralls him!!
was followed by an enthralling dance drama presentation by the
celebrated Bharatanatyam Dancer Shri Deepak Mazumdar and his most
distinguished disciple Shri. Pavitra Bhat. Shri Deepak Mazumdar is
an awardee of the Yuva Kala Vipanchee and the Kala
Ratna (Mumbai) awards. He is also the recipient of a Gold
Medal from our Bhagawan for the masterly display of his art
at Puttaparthi in the year 1970. The theme of the dance today was
the leelas of Lord Krishna as a child at Gokul. All the songs were
Purandaradasa's compositions and they were in Kannada. When
Purandaradasa composed his songs, he was so immersed in them that
he visualised himself as mother Yasoda and Lord krishna appeared
in his spiritual sight, and then, they relived those beautiful
times in Brindavan. Through an aesthetic and expressive display,
the dancers made Krishna 's leelas come alive before the audience.
The whole presentation lasted for about 40 minutes. After the
presentation, Swami called both the dancers and spoke to them for
a while. He posed for photos with them. After that He called
Rituraj Maharaj too and granted him the privilege of a photograph
with Him. Then Swami received Aarthi and left.
beckons to his dear Krishna.
Playing with
Krishna at Gokul.
Sweet Sai
Krishna remembers His mischief in Dwapara.
The dancers are
suitably rewarded for their effort.
the evening, there was a great sense of anticipation as there was
a scheduled programme by the Padmashree awardee, Hariharan of the
"Colonial Cousins" fame. Hariharan is well trained, both in
Carnatic and Hindustani music and has had great success in his
'fusion' experiments. Though he started his career as a Ghazal
singer, he found a grander following in fusion music with his
albums in 1996. Since then he is much sought after in the light
music world as well.
awardee hariharan fully immersed in singing the Lord's
arrived to the hall at about 4:25pm . He completed the darshan
rounds and came to the dias. As Hariharan walked upto Swami, there
was loud applause. He seems to be having devotees of his own! (and
why not - after all as Swami says, talent is God.) He offered his
salutations to Swami and began the concert sitting on the carpet
that had been put. It was a nice experience to see the versatility
that Hariharan embodies in his music. He sang ghazals, Carnatic
songs, Hindustani songs and even light music. The music lovers
were ecstatic and the non-lovers soon were converted into lovers!
Hariharan then sang the famous "Krishna Nee Begane Baaro". When he
started, Swami had a smile on His face and kept rhythm though the
song has a slightly complicated beat. Then came the high pitched
part in English (the one that Lezz has sung in the album 'Colonial
Cousins'). Swami seemed startled at the change, but Hariharan did
it so effortlessly. He kept shifting between the highs and lows
with great ease. After the concert, Swami called him and blessed
him. He also went in and got a saree for his mother who has been a
long standing devotee. As Swami went into the interview room, the
crowds became a little restless. Swami was inside for quite some
A saree for his
Swami concedes
to Hariharan's request for a group photograph
the meanwhile, Hariharan began to sing some bhajans. Starting with
"Janani Maa", he sang 3-4 bhajans. The whole hall was now singing
bhajans and that was very thoughtful on Hariharan's part to do
what he did. When Swami came out with the saree, Hariharan
hurriedly called his mother on to the stage and she came up to
Swami and received the saree. Then Hariharan requested Swami for a
photo alongside Him and Swami graciously agreed. Hariharan seemed
to be bathed in sweat and Swami seemed so fresh. Both smiled and a
beautiful moment was captured in digital format! Then Hariharan
gave Aarthi to Swami.
July 25, 2007- Ashadi Ekadashi
The tastefully
decorated Mandir.
brought to Puttaparthi.
Nostalgic memories of the golden days
of the past were brought to life with elated emotion and
spiritual fervour in a jam-packed Sai Kulwant Hall on the
auspicious morning of Ashadi Ekadashi in the immediate Divine
Presence of Bhagavan Baba in Prasanthi Nilayam on July 25
morning. An aesthetically decorated Sai Kulwant Hall bore a
festive look with the backdrop on the dais adorning images of
spiritual giants from the Maratha state and hoardings with
Divine Teachings and buntings were seen hanging, while flowers
were strewn all around the dais and at the main entrance.
Reminiscing the past, rallying behind
the great traditions set by two of the greatest spiritual
masters from the state, Sant Tukaram and Sant Jnaneshwar, Sai
fraternity from the two states of Maharashtra and Goa thronged
to Prasanthi Nilayam, rekindling those golden memoirs, to be
in the Divine Presence of their Vittal Rukumai in physical
frame, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. |
The Varakaris
arrive at Puttaparthi.
Ashadi Ekadashi is the festival that marks
the beginning of the Chaturmasa and that ends with Kaarthik
Ekadashi. It is celebrated during the months of June - July (Ashad
Shukla Paksha). People consider the two eleventh days, “Ekadashi”,
of every month to be of special significance. The eleventh day
(bright) of Ashad is known as the great Ekadashi or Maha Ekadashi.
This is the day on which people go walking in huge processions to
Pandharpur, the abode of Lord Vitthal singing the abhangas
(chanting hymns) of Sant Tukaram and Sant Jnaneshwar to have the
darshan of their Lord Vitthal. The Vaarkari sampada is a time
honoured cult and an important landmark in the colourful history
in the state of Maharashtra. Large numbers of devotees from the
city of Mumbai and other parts of Maharashtra and from the state
of Goa come every year to celebrate this festival at the Divine
Lotus Feet of Bhagavan at Prasanthi Nilayam.
The palanquin
carrying the Paadukas of Bhagawan.
The all file
their way towards Prashanti Nilayam.
The morning programme on the 25th
commenced with Bhagavan lighting the lamp shortly after His
arrival in Sai Kulwant Hall at around 8:10 a.m. Then, it was the
turn of the Vaarkaris, symbolising the traditional procession to
the Abode of Lord Vittala at Pandarpur, who set started their
journey on foot from Dharmavaram on 22 nd July, doing service to
the poor and downtrodden all along their journey, while spreading
His Divine Teachings, before arriving at Prasanthi Nilayam
carrying a palanquin with Padukas of Bhagavan.
The programme got underway with Swami
arriving and lighting the lamp to mark the beginning of the
festivities. There was an emotional touch as two tiny-tots took
the entire audience to a flashback into the morning programme, in
the previous edition of the festivity in 2006. Referring to Sai
Geetha, Bhagavan’s pet elephant, the pachyderm who lived a life
par-excellence, the children described her as a true devotee
without animal traits. Equating Sai Geetha with the elephant God
Ganesha, the children broke into a beautiful dance sequence in
adoration to Lord Ganesha to the tunes of the famous song
Ekadantaya Vakratunda… Indeed a fitting tribute to Sai Geetha and
a wonderful beginning with adoration to Remover of all Obstacles.
"Let the
festivities begin"
A tribute to
Sai Gita.
The programme then began. Designed along
the lines of the very popular " Kaun Banega Crorepati"
game show, it was called, "Master the mind, be a Mastermind." It
was a quiz programme on the various aspects and facets of the
mind. Very interestingly, the prizes to be won were not money but
units of Love. They had been sponsored by a fictitious (yet very
real for all practical purposes) Sathya Sai 'Mutual' Fund of Love
- a fund to which anyone with heart full of love can register, a
scheme with absolutely no risks! It was typical Mumbai creativity
at work. The sets that had been created were massive and very well
"Welcome to the
game show- Mastermind!"
1st question-
Name the 1st step to success.
The questions asked were all based on how
to control the mind and nuances in mastering it. Aptly titled
‘Master the Mind, Be a Master Mind’, this masterly presentation
was intertwined with musical offerings projecting man’s eternal
quest - “Who am I?” as the central theme. The lingering question
allied with an array of relative questions from the Quiz Master to
the participants obtained guidance from the rich experience of Bal
Vikas students, who were cashing on all that they had learnt at
the Divine Lotus Feet to help the contestants to find the right
answer. The expert guest panel comprising four illustrious greats
of the nations, namely, Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda,
Muthuswami Iyer and Rabindranath Tagore delivered their words of
wisdom on different topics related to the Mind, helping the
contestants to understand the vagaries of the Mind to reach the
ultimate goal. It was indeed an innovative style of posing the
much debated question, “Who am I?” and the much sought after
answer “I am I”.
Wisdom of
A visual
helpline to the rescue of the participant.
The Quiz Master was seen summarizing the
progress with an assessment of the good lessons learnt on the day.
And the Quiz Master won special Divine Acclaim when Bhagavan chose
to specially speak to him at the end of the programme before
materialising a chain for him. It was also nice that Swami gave
the pictures of Himself with him immediately. The programme
concluded with Swami granting group photos. Swami walked down all
the way and stood with the group. As the pictures were being
taken, Swami enquired as to whether the whole group had been
covered by the photographers! It was such overflowing Love that
Swami displayed, unmindful of His standing for so long. Then there
was Aarthi to bring the morning programme to a close.
Chain for the
quiz master.
Swami walks
down to pose for the photograph with all the children.
The afternoon session too was to be a long
and spiritual one. Bharat, the land that is acclaimed as the land
of Avatars is equally rich with the presence of great masters of
spiritual acclaim preaching words of Wisdom to the masses. Often
Prasanthi gets introduced to these great lives in the form of
dramas and presentations held in the Divine Presence as an
offering during many of the festivities. The highlight of the
afternoon session was a dance drama on Jhule lal who lived during
the 10th century, the chosen God of the Sindhi community. It was
performed by the Bal Vikas children from Thane District of
Swami lights
the traditional Sindhi lamp.
A section of
all the Sindhi devotees who had gathered
The waters of
the rivers at Sind.....
....flow and
make the land prosperous and happy.
Put to suffering at the hands of a
tyrannical ruler, Mirkhshah, and his fanatical followers, the
Hindus in the Sindh Province prayed to the Water God for
protection, and yielding to their prayers came a prophesy stating
that their saviour would come at the end of eight months in a town
called Nassarpur. Born as Uderolal, under miraculous
circumstances, Jhule lal had to face the wrath of the tyrannical
ruler who under pressure from fanatic Muslim leaders tried to
persecute him. The altercation between the king and Jhule Lal and
the subsequent sermon about Jhule Lal’s Divine nature and the
wrath the ruler had to face at the hands of nature were portrayed
in changing scenes of rapid pace. Lost and defeated, a humiliated
Mirkhashah sought Divine Mercy upon him. He was forgiven by the
merciful Lord who instructed him to treat Hindus and Muslims
alike. After Jhule Lal’s passing away, when there was an
altercation between Muslims and Hindus about the construction of a
proper monument, there came a voice from the heavens:
Baby Uderolal
is born.
heart melted at suffering of any kind.
“Behold, make my shrine acceptable to both
Hindus and Muslims; let it’s one part be like a temple and the
other part be like a Dargah (shrine). I belong to all of you.”
At a time when communal harmony is at
stake and world is reeling under violence over fanatic passion,
the message of Jhule Lal is of absolute significance for one and
all to receive and embrace in practice and precept. The punch line
was delivered with a bottom-line towards the end of the Programme:
Muslims believe that everything is God's and the Hindus believe
that everything is God; the difference is an apostrophe s ('s) and
that ’s is nothing, but SAI. The day one realises
this SAI principle, the world will be One with unity and religious
harmony. A wonderful presentation on the inspiring life of the
Lord of Sindh on the day of his 1000th birth anniversary at the
very Lotus Feet of God walking on earth.
Prayers to
Jhulelal for redmption from Mirkshah's condition.
Jhulelal makes
the Mirkshah realise his follies.
Immensely pleased with the presentation, Bhagavan gave away
watches to all the participants before distributing Prasadam to
the huge congregation of devotees. Bhagavan materialised a chain
for a little boy who acted as a disciple of Uderolal and chose to
speak to the boy specially calling him on the dais. Bhagavan
retired to Yajur Mandiram after receiving Mangala Arathi at 5:30
p.m. after a short stint of Bhajans by Maharashtra Choir.
favourite disciple is Swami's favourite too!
The temple with
half Muslim and half Hindu architecture in the background of
the final group formation.
July 26, 2007 – World Youth
Conference Begins
The morning of July 26 saw the
inauguration of the ‘Sri Sathya Sai World Youth Conference: Ideal
Sai Youth - Messengers of Sai Love’. The event was an extremely
grand affair, of such scale that only Bhagavan’s meticulous
organisation could have achieved. The day’s proceedings began with
the delegates taking out a grand procession from the Sri Sathya
Sai Hill View Stadium to the Mandir Where Bhagavan was eagerly
awaiting them. The procession was a wonderful spectacle to witness
- an endless army of young and bright men and women in white
donning orange scarves, marching forth towards the Lord. It was
led by the Vedam group and the Sri Sathya Sai University,
Prashanti Nilayam Campus Brass Band.
Swami's youth
army gathers in the hill view stadium
The Institute
brass band leading all the nations!
An aerial view
of the procession.
The ladies
brass band from Anantapur.
Following them were representatives of the
various countries, each carrying their respective National Flag
coming forth to pay their obeisance to Bhagavan. There were over
six thousand participants from 86 countries across the world,
including Sai Youth from the state of Karnataka, India and the
students of the Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School and
University. As the youth streamed into the hall, Swami was sitting
in the veranda watching them. Many members of the youth were so
overwhelmed that they began to prostrate on the ground as they
neared Swami. Once the men came in, the women also streamed into
the mandir. The hall seemed charged with the energy of Bhagavan
and the youth whom Dr. Goldstein, in his keynote address, hailed
as the ‘Leaders of Tomorrow’.
The flag
bearers enter into the Presence.
A tribute to
Swami from the youth of many nations.
Dr. Goldstein compared Humanity to a
procession where the older guard must move on and the young must
move in. For this, he repeatedly stressed, the youth must be ready
(spiritually and not merely physically) and the older generation
must be willing.
Dr. Goldstein was followed by Sri. Shitu
Chudasama of U.K., the International Co-ordinator of Sai Youth and
Sathya Sai Education. He said that our epics are full of stories
of exemplary youth, worth emulation. But the most ideal model for
all is Bhagavan, who as young Sathya, showed mankind how an ideal
young person must act. According to him the term ‘youth’ did not
refer to a particular age group of individuals, but to the
qualities of Purity, Sacredness and Courage. The youngsters of
today must cultivate these virtues in order to be effective
leaders in tomorrow’s world. At the end of his inspiring talk
Bhagavan showed His Love and appreciation by materialising for him
a beautiful gold chain.
Address by
Dr.Michael Goldstein
Swami gifts
Shitu Chudasama with a gold chain.
But the best was yet to come. Applause filled
the hall when Bhagavan arose to give to all present His Divine
message. Given below in bullet form is the discourse that He
- Man is the pinnacle of Creation. That is why the scriptures
declare: Jantunaam Narajanaman Durlabham, which essentially
means that human birth is a rare blessing.
- Man being a part of Creation, is composed of the very same
five elements that make up the Universe. However, man is
special, because he has something beyond the five elements
namely, the power of Spiritual Discrimination.
- Today, the
slogan is Knowledge is wealth. But how far can worldly
wealth take a person? Not very far, because even as
worldly knowledge is rapidly advancing, Spiritual
Discrimination is diminishing rapidly at the same time.
- Is this good? Not at all, since man, having lost his
power of Spiritual Discrimination, is not able to see
clearly the difference between good and bad. And when
discrimination is lost, the practice of human values also
declines sharply.
- Discrimination is therefore very important for man
because worldly knowledge without Spiritual Discrimination
amounts to nothing! When man loses the capacity to
appreciate the vital need for human values, he becomes a
- Man today is busy multiplying his
wealth. But what about Spiritual Discrimination? Is he doing
anything at all to improve it? None at all!
- Man is not spending even one minute to
ask: “Why should I seek more wealth? Is more wealth good for
me?” Instead, he is busy accumulating more and more wealth, all
to no purpose.
- The mind is the root cause of all these aberrations. The mind
mirrors human personality and behaviour.
- The mind is very powerful and capable of enormous
self-deception. When the mind drags man deep into the trap of
illusion, man loses the capacity to go the basics.
- (Holding the handkerchief): What is this? This is a piece of
cloth. Where does cloth come from? From yarn. Where does yarn
come from? From cotton. In this way, if we enquire deeply, we
can go the root, to the basics.
- These days, man is no longer
bothered about enquiring about his true roots and his true
nature. As a result, man becomes deluded and develops false
notions about his identity. The degradation of the
environment is one result of wrong thinking and the absence
of real discrimination.
- Who are you? You are not one person but three: The one you
think you are, the one others think you are, and the one you
really are!
- In the Gita, the Lord says:
Mamaivamso jeevalokhe sarvabutha sanathanaha, meaning
essentially, “I pervade the entire Universe being immanent
in every entity, animate and inanimate.” |
- Divinity is your real root! Divinity
is latent in man but what is the use? Man is doing nothing to
make it patent or evident through his actions!
- Many seekers today say they are searching for God. But do you
realise that you yourself are God?! Why then search for God?
- Man is unable to understand that he is verily the Spark of the
Divine because his Spiritual Discrimination has become blunted.
- Spiritual Discrimination becomes blunted when man develops
strong body consciousness, that is to say when man identifies
himself with the body.
- Is it correct to identify yourself
with your body? No, because the body lasts only till death;
thereafter, it is returned to the elements. You are not just
the body but something much more than the body! You are
verily the embodiment of God and therefore eternal,
- People often say: “This kerchief is mine; this is my leg”
and so on. What is the identity of this entity referred to
via the words ‘my’ or ‘mine’?
- The ‘my’ and ‘mine’ are to not be
associated with ego or the lower self but your Real Self or
the Higher Self. Ego is represented by ‘i’ while the Real
Self is represented by ‘I’.
- Man is not the small ‘i’ but the
big ‘I’! However, he wrongly identifies himself with the
small ‘i’ because his Discrimination has become blunted.
- When Discrimination diminishes, ego asserts itself. But
when Discrimination grows, ego diminishes. Thus, development
of Buddhi goes hand in hand with the elimination of
- Everything in the Universe is God. In fact, there is only
God and nothing except God. This table is God, this object
is God, this stand is God.
- When we lose the power of
Discrimination, we forget the immanence of God in everything in
the Universe and become overwhelmed by the apparent diversity.
- There is no doubt an empirical diversity in the physical
Universe. However, man must see beyond the apparent diversity
and go to the roots. If he does so, he will see nothing but
Unity, Purity and Divinity. If, however, his discrimination
becomes blunted, he would see only the diversity that is
superficial, and from this illusory perception, many problems
- People say the world is full of problems. All problems arise
from the process of Reflection, Reaction, Resound.
- Reflection, Reaction and Resound originate from man making the
wrong identification. Man is not ‘i’ but ‘I’.
- When man makes the wrong
identification of his nature, he becomes a prey to the senses,
which then rapidly cause his downfall.
- Man must therefore not allow his senses to dominate his
personality. Instead, he must ensure that the senses and the
Mind follow his Heart, the seat of God within.
- There is a simple way of setting things right. First, have
firm faith in God.
- Strong faith in God promotes Selfless Love.
- Where there is Selfless Love, there is Peace.
- Where there is Peace, there is Truth.
- And where there is Truth, there is
- You do not have to go here and there in search of God. You are
yourself God! All you have to do is recognise that.
- Modern education encourages you to explore the outside world,
in the process totally ignoring the infinite world within.
Educare, on the other hand, takes you deep inside and helps you
to bring forth what is latent within.-
- People have all kinds of notions
about Sadhana. In simple words, Sadhana makes patent what is
already latent within.
- Many would tell you that are engaged in Sadhana. What is
it that they do? They meditate, do Japam, and so on. All
this is symbolism, not of much use except as a starting
point. When overstressed, such drills become very
artificial. Real Sadhana is that which helps to uncover your
true nature as a Spark of the Divine.
- The artificiality of modern life has a lot to do with the
excessive stress on Science. Science is below the senses
whereas Spirituality is beyond the senses. When life is
governed wholly by the sense-Mind combination, Buddhi
becomes blunted. And when Buddhi is blunted, problems
inevitably follow.
- To develop Buddhi, start with unshakeable Faith. If you do
that, the road to God would automatically open up.
- Man today is busy wasting Time! Don’t do that! Do not
waste Time for Time waste is life waste!
- Use every moment of your life to realise and recognise
your true nature.
- If you make Truth the goal of your
life, all problems would melt away!
- Man falls when he becomes weak. Man becomes weak when he
forgets human values. Man forgets basic values when he wrongly
identifies himself with the lower self or ‘i’, which is wrong!
- Love is all important in life but with wrong identification,
Love becomes fragmented. Such fragmented love ceases to be pure,
and is tainted by desire, attachment and so on.
- Love is One and not many! The fragmentation of love, so very
common, is due solely to man being bound by body consciousness;
it is due to wrong identification. All this happens because of
the absence of Spiritual Discrimination.
- Making the wrong identification, man allows ego to dominate
and Love to be fragmented. That is the root cause of all
troubles the world is facing today.
- Avoid wrong identification and identify yourself with your
true nature ‘I’. This would then help you to discover Peace,
Love and Truth.
- Live always in Love. With the help of Pure Love, it is easy to
experience God. No problem at all!
- There is nothing beyond Pure and Divine Love.
- Do not become a slave to ego and deny yourself the bliss
offered by Pure Love. Do not fall for the false allure of
fragmented love, desire and attachment.
- Divine Love is vast, like an infinite ocean. It is something
that must be experienced rather than just talked about.
Towards the end of the discourse, Swami said that He was very
eager to speak to all present on the easiest way to attain the
Lord and Love. He said that He would be with all the devotees and
youth in the Kulwant Hall at 4:00pm to speak to them. People
around Swami told Him about the basketball match between India and
Sri Lanka that had been scheduled for the evening. Swami got it
announced that He had nothing to do whatsoever with the match and
that He would like to speak to all. Everyone were thrilled at the
prospects of receiving the nectarine words of Swami and that too
He had promised 'the easiest way to attain pure love'. After that,
Swami received Aarthi and left. However, during the youth session
that followed, it was announced that all must assemble at the
indoor stadium by 2:30pm.
the evening of July 26, all the Sai youth from world over had
gathered in the indoor stadium by 2:30pm. There was a lot of music
and excitement. A friendship match in basketball was to be held
between India and Sri Lanka. The teams arrived at about 3:30pm and
there were cheers from an appreciative audience. Swami came to the
stadium at 4:15pm. As He entered the stadium, there was loud
applause and the master of ceremonies welcomed Swami. Swami slowly
went around the students and youth in the wheelchair sofa and then
sat to watch the match. Seeing the players standing on the court,
Swami went around the players too. Many of them fell at His feet
seeking His blessing.
Swami blesses
the players.
flowers and blessing a basketball.
the beginning there was a dance by a professional team from
Bangalore. The dance was a combination of graceful steps, aerobics
and acrobatics. After that, the players came on court in their
match dresses and the game got underway. For the first few
minutes, there was no scoring at all. Swami was watching with rapt
attention. After about two minutes, the Lankans made the first
basket. Swami was overwhelmed. He clapped and seemed so happy.
Watching Him exult so much for a small thing like putting a basket
was really surprising. But that was not just an initial reaction.
Throughout the game, whenever a basket was made, Swami celebrated
- irrespective of the team that made it.
at its best.
The aerobic
dance at the basketball court
There is such a beautiful
significance to Swami's celebration of the baskets. It looks
like God celebrates whenever anybody reaches their aim,
their goal. It does not matter who does it. For God, the
game of basketball, like life, is not about a wining side
and a losing side, but about individuals reaching their
Goal. And so each time a player succeeded in putting the
ball through the loop, He celebrated. He also was very
appreciative of anyone who helped and participated in
helping a player reach the goal too.
Though it does not matter as to who
puts the basket, how he does it is of paramount importance.
Whenever a foul was committed, Swami didn't like it. In
fact, while He appreciated the efforts of the ''offence'' to
put baskets, He didn't like the concept of defending and
preventing others from reaching their 'goal'. From a worldly
point though it might appear as Swami was being innocent, a
small change in our perspective and great wisdom lies hidden
in His reactions.
At the end of the first half India
was leading by 2 points. In the break, the dancers came on
again. All the youth who were seated in the audience started
making Mexican waves. Swami was surprised by it. The match
resumed. The second half was more closely contested. Swami
sat watching it very patiently.
Action packed
India wins a
free throw and its a basket!
It was indeed
very compassionate and loving of Swami to do what He did by
attending the match in the stadium. After having announced
that He would like to speak to everyone and that He had
nothing to do with the match, He changed all His plans only
for the sake of His children.
He, not only
cancelled His 4 pm discourse, He also arrived at that time
to the stadium. It was such a beautiful lesson in humility
and compassion. God knows everything - yet He acts as though
He knows nothing. Man, on the other hand, knows nothing and
yet acts as though he knows everything.
The match concluded with India winning by 6 points. Once the
match finished, Swami rose to leave. He asked for the
wheelchair to be taken amidst the boys. As He moved amongst
them, He blessed all with Abhayahasta and His
smiles. At the car, Aarthi was performed and at about 5:45pm
Swami left.
July 27, 2007 – Second Day of the
Youth Conference
On the morning of July 27, there were
three speakers scheduled to speak in Swami's presence as part of
the proceedings of the youth conference. Swami arrived and went
around granting darshan. Then He sat on the ladies side of the
dais and blessed the proceedings to begin. There was first a talk
by Mr. Shashank Shah, a research scholar of the Sri Sathya Sai
University . He made a beautiful speech, narrating experiences and
filling everyone’s hearts with Swami's Love. The second speaker
was Ms. Alma Berra from Argentina. She recapitulated her
experiences with Swami at Prashanti Nilayam and at her place too.
Sri Shashank
Shah, student, Sri Satya Sai University
Ms. Alma Berra,
The third speaker was Mr. Jeremy Hoffer.
He spoke very inspiringly to the youth to get up, dust away their
mats and dive into action. He concluded with the Telugu song, "Sai
Maata Biddalam". It was with amazing diction and clarity that he
sang that song. One could notice tears in the eyes of some of the
students sitting in the first rows and they said, "Oh! He sang so
well." Swami too was very touched. In fact, Swami was speaking
with Michael Goldstein, when suddenly the song attracted His
attention. From then on He remained riveted on the speaker. He
rewarded Mr. Jeremy with a beautiful gold chain at the end of his
Mr. Jeremy
Hoffer , USA
materialises a chain for the speaker
The speeches were
followed by an international music programme. After that, Swami
had Prasadam distributed, received Aarthi and left for Yajur
The afternoon session was again the story of three speakers. The
first was Mr. Ivan Bavcevic from Croatia. He spoke powerfully on
the concept of surrender. He said that each day we must feel
that we haven't surrendered enough the previous day. Swami
blessed him with a ring after his speech. The next speaker was
the well-qualified Dr. Shaun Shetty who said, “My greatest
qualification is that I have come to Swami”. The final speaker
for the session was Ms. Chetana Raju, who in her spirited speech
quoted extensively from the Upanishads, Swami and other
religious texts and contributed to spiritual uplift and
understanding of all who had assembled. The session came to an
end after that when Swami received Aarthi and left.
July 28, 2007 – Valedictory
Function of Youth Conference
The last day of
the youth conference had three youthful speakers - two from the
gents and one lady, in the morning session. The first talk was
by a Russian youth, Mr. Dimitry Udovikin. He had a translator by
his side and he spoke on how Swami's teachings were so
practical. The second speaker was Ms. Rita Chudasama. The
highlight of her speech was the trials and tribulations that she
had to undergo before delivering her baby boy - Achintya (named
by Swami) - and the magnificent manner in which everything
turned out to be fine only because Swami had said in an
interview, "That child is my responsibility. Don't have any
fear." Everyone present was touched by her speech.
Udovikin with the translator.
Ms. Rita
Chudasama narrates her experience.
The third
speaker was Sri. Sanjay Mahalingam, a research scholar in the
Sathya Sai University. He spoke very powerfully on how the only
aim of human life was to attain God. All other pursuits are at
best mere distractions. He said that the mind and senses, when
under control, lead to liberation, while if one gets enslaved to
them, then that becomes a sure shot path to ultimate ruin. The
final talk of the session was delivered by Ms. Phyllis Krystal.
She was wheeled upto the dais and she spoke softly yet with
conviction. She made all the youth go through the motions of a
simple meditation technique that she had been inspired by Swami
to learn and practise. After her talk, the clock read 10:45 am.
Swami received Aarthi and the left.
Sri Sanjay
Mahalingam delivering his fiery address
Ms. Phyllis
Krystal soothes everyone with practical meditation
The evening of
28 July saw the concluding session of the Youth Conference.
Swami completed the darshan rounds and took His seat on the
dais. The proceedings began and the first to speak was Mr.
Shitu Chudasama.
The Ideal
Sai Youth has the head of Shankara, the heart of Buddha and
the hands of Janaka, said Mr. Shitu Chudasama expressing
grateful thanks to Bhagavan for the wonderful opportunity
the Youth have been blessed to have during the three day
conference in Prasanthi Nilayam.
the proceedings of the valedictory function for the three
day conference Mr. Shitu Chudasama summarised the collective
wisdom shared by eminent speakers during the three day
Dr. Narendranath Reddy, a practising endocrinologist from
the United States, Director of Sri Sathya Sai World
Foundation and President of Sri Sathya Sai Society of
America, while profusely thanking Bhagavan for all the
guidance and in-depth detail involvement right from the
conception of the idea six months before the scheduled
conference through to the successful completion of the same
urged the Youth quoting the famous Jesus aphorism, “Many are
called, Few are chosen.
You are the blessed and fortunate
one’s who have been chosen”. Calling the entire event a
unique exposure of Unity in Diversity, he thanked all who
associated and helped during the run-up to the conference
and during the conference to make the same a grand success.
Dr. Michael Goldstein, Chairman, Sri Sathya Sai World
Foundation in his short but inspiring rhetoric exclaimed to
the Youth:
Narendranath Reddy, Director, Sathya Sai World Foundation
"It is essential that we enquire, what
is the purpose of being here in His Divine Presence? What is
the purpose of being? Is human life nature’s accident or is it
God’s plan? From time to time, from age to age mankind is bent
upon self-destruction… The Lord comes…He comes as Avatar…He is
here now as Kaliyuga Avatar Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba….He
is the embodiment of Divine Love and Divine Truth…the Same
Divine Love and Truth that is ever present and always
accessible, deep in sacred spiritual heart of every man and
every woman…every single individual…ever there…waiting for the
realisation of our true being…"
Nothing can be a coincidence in the
divine presence. Dr.Goldstein concluded his talk with the
statement, “Swami, these youth have gathered here. Fill them
with joy just as you please." A smile came on to Swami's face
and He seemed so radiant. It was as if He had decided to make
all happy on this day.
It was then that the moment all had
been waiting for arrived. Amidst the silence, there was a
sweet smile dancing on Swami's face. He very gently beckoned
for the mike and table. It appeared as though even Swami had
been waiting for this opportunity to speak. He rose to a grand
applause. At the very outset, He materialised a beautiful
silver Lingam about 5 inches in size. He declared, "It is only
with this Sathya that there is Sathya. If you hold on to
Sathya, even you can do what I have done." Given below in
bullet form are salient points in the discourse: |
Swami with the
silver Lingam
*) You think that you are human. As you think so you become. You
are all God. Keep that in mind always.
*) Love all equally. All are Divine. Do not concentrate your
love on a few individuals. Nowadays we see boys loving boys and
girls loving girls. This is not pure Love. Pure Love can be got
from God and God alone.
*) Always be conscious. If you forget yourself, it amounts to
forgetting God. That’s why the ABC of life is Always Be Careful.
*) Keep pondering "Am I forgetting who I
am?" I am not these hands, not the body, not the mind, not the
intellect. I am I. Bhagavan is Bhagavan. Have this realization.
All those present in this gathering are God. This is the cosmic
form of God.
*) I am present in each one of you. Your
hearts are fruits of Love that must be shared with everybody.
Never hate or harm anyone.
*) You may think that mind is the
cause for all sorrows. But it is the mind that is the cause
for all joys too. If you are able to consider the mind as
Divine, then alone can you attain permanent bliss.
*) The mind changes based on two
factors - food and friends. Keep both of them pure. How do
you know if it is pure and good? Good company and good food
must lead to detachment.
*) This body has been gifted to you
only for the purpose of realising your true nature. So
whenever any bad thoughts arise, keep telling yourself,
"They are not mine. They are not my property. Only Love is
my sole property. Only good thoughts belong to me."
*) All of you have pure thoughts. It
is only once in a while that pollution enters. It must be
your Sadhana to ensure that no pollution takes place.
*) "Swami is in me. I am Swami."
This thought must be enshrined in you. It must not be done
mechanically. You must feel it. |
*) Do you want liberation? Hold your
mind steady for 11 seconds. That is enough. The problem is that
you are not able to keep the mind steady even for 11 seconds.
You are wasting a lot of time, money and energy on Sadhana of
many kinds. There is no need to do that. All that will give you
only rheumatic and arthritic pains! 11 seconds of steady
mindedness is more than enough for liberation. You will get
pains only if the 11 seconds limit is transgressed.
*) Any free time you get, think of Swami. I promise you that I
will come and give you darshan. Not only that, I will talk to
you too. Keep that faith firm and proceed. You will definitely
be blessed with that experience. All of you want to see and talk
to Swami right? Just do as I say. 11 seconds are enough. Keep
the mind one pointed for 11 seconds - You will get that Darshan.
*) Have meals at regular intervals. Non-veg food must be
strictly avoided. That leads to cancers. Many people assembled
here have their mouths watering at the thoughts of cheese.
Cheese makes you weak. Don't take thick milk also. Dilute it 50%
with water.
*) Bliss cannot be obtained from hotels
or shops. It is attained only by reducing worldly attachments.
Less luggage, more comfort. The body also will remain healthy
that way.
*) Worry is very bad for your
health. Do not entertain worry. If at all worry comes, have
the confidence, "This too will pass."
*) Love for God should be constant
and permanent.
*) People think that Swami is in pain. I am as I was. I am
healthy. My weight has always been the same. The doctors
tell me that I should give them just 5 minutes and they will
treat me. I told them, "If it is for spiritual uplift, I
shall give them 5 hours also. But for the body, I will not
yield even 5 minutes."
*) Keep smiling always and there
will be no problems. Doctors cannot cure me. It is only the
devotees who can cure me with their Love. Your Love makes me
feel painless. |
displays the Lingam for all to see.
*) So many have assembled here and Swami
feels so happy looking at all of you. I love you and you love
me. That makes me most happy. Your Love is the medicine for me
and My love is the medicine for you. It is indeed your fortune
that Swami feels so happy looking at you.
*) Listen to what I say. You will definitely see God and
experience Him.
Any eye that was not moist after that
discourse must have been dried up due to all the tears flowing out
already! Everyone was so happy and the whole atmosphere seemed to
be surcharged with Bliss.
The Grand finale was an enthralling music concert by musicians
from 6 nations - Germany, Russia, Poland, Latvia, Italy and Czech
Republic. Swami sat enjoying the music and the youth sang in all
fervour and devotion, charged up by the discourse.
The six nation
Music concert......
| the
Grand Finale
July 29 - Guru Poornima
29 was the sacred day of Guru Poornima - a silent reminder to man
of his foremost duties towards his Guru. There was a huge crowd
that had gathered at Parthi. In fact the ladies darshan lines
extended till the shopping complex! Slowly people were squeezing
themselves into the mandir. People sat so closely to one another
that one could practically realize the Oneness of creation! The
hall, the lanes and by lanes in Prashanti Nilayam were all jam
packed. Any sheltered area, such as the corridors of the
residential blocks, had been populated by people who had spent the
whole night there. There was an air of devotion and a thrill of
anticipation among all.
Section of the
gents crowd
A section of
the ladies crowd.
add to all this, was the presence of the new baby elephant. There
was also a procession of students chanting Vedas and singing
bhajans to escort Swami. Swami came out of the Yajur Mandir and
oh! how beautiful He looked! Dressed in yellow with a smile
dancing on His face - truly our dear Guru always seems to be in
Poornima (full moon phase). Swami blessed the little elephant calf
and also named her Sathya Geetha. Swami climbed into the
Lamborghini car (where the driver takes a back seat - literally
and figuratively!) and then blessed the procession to proceed.
The elephant
calf to lead the procession.
The Veda group
also was part of the procession
noticed that there were some people holding ceremonial umbrellas
and walking right in front of the car. The next statement was so
lovely, "No need for the umbrellas. The devotees will not be able
to see me." Glorious indeed is Swami's Love. He never seems to get
angry or hurt. He lives for us and loves us. Everyday of His life,
He has been consuming His time, energy, love and even His tiny 5
feet frame for our sake. He never seems to tire of loving us. Why
should He love us anyway? What have we given Him? We only receive.
That’s why He says that His Love is without reason or season.
But how do we love Him back? All of
us depend on Him. Nothing special in depending on Him for
everything, and mistaking that as a sign of our Love for
Him, because whether we accept it or not, all of us depend
on Him for everything. The question is whether He can depend
on us. When our going gets tough, we look up to Him and see
Him saying, "No matter what happens. I am with you. I love
you." Can we confidently say that if the roles were reversed
too, it would be the same case? Let us start loving God this
Guru Poornima.
But on the devotee’s request,
finally, He let the umbrellas continue in the procession.
His heart melts so fast. He lets everybody to get their
chance and be happy. The procession moved on with little
Sathya Geeta, brightly caparisoned for the occasion, at the
lead. The people were thrilled at the beautiful darshan. The
huge crowds were on their feet to look at Swami on this
special day. Swami too didn't disappoint them. He moved so
slowly and ensured that all received His blessings.
Swami alighted near the interview room and took His seat on
the dais. The first thing He did was to beckon to
Sathya Geeta. She was led to Swami and He fed her
bananas. After eating more than a dozen, she was blessed by
Bhagavan again and then taken back to her place.
darshan on Guru Poornima
Swami feeds her
"Call her as
Sathya Gita."
the morning programme, Swami had blessed the Malladi brothers -
Sri Rama Prasad and Ravi Kumar - to perform. Bhagavan sat through
the entire forty minute session during which they sang some
compositions on Bhagavan’s Avatarhood and Mission followed by the
famous Pancharatna Kriti of Saint Thyagaraja, Endaro
Mahanubhavulu Andariki Vandanamul, a gem of a rare
composition, describing the greatness of the devotees through the
ages, paying tribute and salutations to the great men living in
all ages. The rendering was done impeccably and everyone voiced
their appreciation by applause. After their performance, Swami
told them that He wanted them to perform in the evening too. Then,
He called a few students from the Institute who were holding cards
and blessed them. What followed next was an entire convoy of
Primary School kids with various cards to show Him. Swami blessed
them all - about 25 students must have been there! Then He
received Aarthi, and blessed the prasadam to be given and left.
Before getting back onto the car, He cut a massive cake that had
been made specially for the occasion. A soul-filling morning
programme came to a close.
"Guru- Happy
Poornima"- reads a card by these little ones
All the Primary
school boys with cards were specially blessed.
The massive
cake that was made specially for the occasion which Swami
later blessed.
For the afternoon session, the youth from Mexico and other Latin
American countries were ready with a music and dance programme.
Swami came and sat on the dais. Another sweet surprise that He
sprung on all of us was that He was once again dressed in yellow!
Bright yellow to clear away the blues! Two girls and two boys
dressed in richly coloured costumes, came on stage and offered
flowers to Swami. The programme then began. It started with a
musical in the Mexican language. The next was a kind of tap dance
performed on a board and as the song went on, the gentleman did a
lively dance keeping rhythm with his feet. In the meanwhile, Sri
Deve Gowda, former Prime Minister of India, also came.
The tap dance.
Sri.Deve Gowda,
former prime minister of India also watches.
began a display of the creation of the universe with the 5
elements according to their tradition. The dresses were really so
colourful and bright, and the ‘elements’ were really in their
elements! Different dances ensued. A huge cloth was used as a
canopy or the source from which all the creation emerged. Even the
girls did some smooth flowing dances in smooth flowing dresses.
The huge cloth
Free flowing
dances from Mexico.
final one was a pineapple dance which is generally performed
during the Mexican equivalent of Sankaranthi. Again it was a very
colourful spectacle. After they had finished with their
performance, Swami, much to their delight, told them to come near
for group photos. Every member had a smile on their face as Swami
posed happily with them. When our feathered friends went up to
Him, He must have been reminded of His days on Garuda - so many
feathers all around!
From the 5
elements arises creation....
....that gives
rise to everything else.
not only was He immersed in feathers, He was also immersed in joy
and His smiles said it all. Then the international choir sang a
few songs. Swami then made a request to the conductor of the
choir. He said that He wanted to listen to the Malladi brothers
and so requested them to stop. Again, His humility was so
touching. If everything we are arranging is for His happiness
alone, why should He request. But that is where we have to be
alert and learn from Him.
The pineapple
dance begins....
.....celebrating the wonderful harvest obtained.
Swami with all
the feathered friends!!
A very
colourful spectacle indeed.
Malladi brothers took over from where they had left off in the
morning. They delighted the audience and Swami with more Tyagaraja
kirtanas. Swami almost turned towards them and sat listening. The
wonderful part came when Swami joined them in singing the
swaras of a particular song. That was a sight to be seen -
Swami going through the vocal gymnastics that the trained artistes
were performing. Swami behaves so human that when He reveals His
Divinity once in a while, we are all so surprised. This feature of
Swami singing along with them continued even for some of the other
songs too. All our hearts prayed that He clears the veil of
illusion that hides our Sadguru behind the frame of our Swami. May
we always see His divinity - not only on Guru Poornima, but
Swami with the
Malladi brothers.
Swami blesses
the family of the artistes too.
programme concluded and Swami was so happy. He materialised two
rings simultaneously and gifted them to the Malladi brothers. Then
He also posed with them for group photos. After that, He got
shawls and draped it around them. Group photos for all the
performers together followed. Then as Swami received Aarthi and
left, the pictures of the Malladi brothers were given to Him. He
smiled and presented them to the brothers who were delighted and
they bowed down again to Him. Thus concluded a glorious Guru
month has been like a river literally - beginning as a small
stream and growing with activities as the days passed by. The last
week was a real spiritual feast. There were programmes both in the
mornings and in the evenings on every single day and Swami was
fully engrossed in the proceedings. May our lives too be this way
where like rivers we grow in our magnitude and intensity in our
Love for Him and like this month, let us culminate as the
Poornima.(Fullness of Pure Love - the Prema Jyoti).
- Heart2Heart Team