31 August,
2007: Bhagavan Distributes Robes to Office Bearers
Since 29 August, a banner
heralding the Conference of all the office bearers of Sri Sathya Sai
Organisations in India has been fluttering in the Mandir premises. Half a
dozen plasma TVs had been set up to aid the presentations to be made. But
somehow, the conference had not yet been held at the Mandir in Swami's
presence though the office bearers have met after the morning and evening
bhajans in the Conference Hall and have had many constructive sessions.
On 31 August, Swami came out on the wheel sofa, just like the previous day.
But He was not accepting letters from anyone. To any person who stretched out
a letter, Swami just signaled for them to hold on. He was a picture of
contentment just looking at everyone. He completed the ladies side and as He
was among the boys, there were many eager beavers trying to give letters.
Swami continued with the gentle signals and gentler smiles.
For once, let us trade places with Swami and occupy the wheel sofa! As we come
out every morning and every afternoon, there are thousands of people waiting
to relate their psychological problems, medical ailments, financial
difficulties, relationship mismatches and yes, some are present even to offer
their gratitude for favours received, to express their Love for Him. We are in
that position where, by just reading all the correspondence received daily, we
would have read almost every word that exists in a dictionary and that too not
of English alone, but many other languages too! And then, we are expected to
smile as we receive yet another letter!
But wait a minute, God is not
supposed to be affected by the fatigue and ennui that affect us
mere mortals right? Correct, but then God does not need to be
informed of everything like mere mortals right? He knows
everything. Well the problem arises if we make someone God for
some reasons and mortal for others! And as the famous episode
goes, Swami told the genial Prof. Anil Kumar, "So many want to
give letters to me." The professor replied, "Swami maybe they have
some emergency and so they want to give letters to you." Swami
quipped, "Once anyone comes to me, will they ever have an
emergency?" When we write to Him, it is only for our satisfaction
that He receives the correspondence and not out of His need to
stay informed and there is no theorem or axiom that says that
problems presented to Him on paper are faster resolved than those
presented via prayer!
Swami completed the
gents side too and then went into the Mandir portico. He took a
round there also granting darshan. Then He came out and sat on the
gents side of the stage. None had guessed that Swami had planned
something grand. He called the co-ordinators of the Office
Bearers' Meet and presented them with His precious robes. So many
devotees the world over send robes to Swami as offerings of their
Love and gratitude. Swami was now offering them back to His
devotees as a sign of His Love and Grace. What happened next was
truly special. Swami said that He would personally give robes to
all the 500 plus devotees who had gathered for the conference!
There was so much excitement and joy! |
Masterplan in the offing
Collecting letters from the State
...and distributing His robes to
All of them began coming
to Swami in an orderly line. Up front, Swami continued to present them with
robes. Many offered letters (!) to Swami which He now accepted. A few of them
broke down in gratefulness and made no secret of their dedication and Love for
Him. Swami sat thus distributing robes from 4:10pm when He sat outside, till
about 5:00pm. Midway through, the organisers felt that they were tiring Swami
and they even suggested that Swami could stop and just direct the
distribution. But Swami continued. He appeared tiring, but the smile never
faded. How does 50 minutes of continuously giving affect someone who has been
doing it for the last 80 years!
They kept coming on and on.....
....and He continued giving on and
After the distribution,
Swami went into the interview room. Bhajans began as scheduled and at about
5:35 p.m., Swami received Aarthi and left.
2 September 2007: Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust’s 35th Anniversary
2 September morning
saw all of Swami’s past students who are presently serving in
various capacities in His institutions assemble in the Prayer
Hall. There was an atmosphere of joy and every face was shining.
Swami came for darshan at 7.55 a.m. and came inside the bhajan
hall. He asked why were all seated inside when the programme was
outside. A teacher said, “Swami, the programme outside is in the
evening when elders will be speaking. Swami should now please
speak to us.” Swami then went to where the lamp was and gently lit
it. He also cut the cake placed next to it. He then came and
positioned Himself in the centre and asked, “What news?” looking
at the coordinator and beckoning him. There were some songs that
had been prepared and Swami listened to them. One could see that
He was very relaxed and enjoying the songs. One person from those
who had assembled would come at the beginning of each song and
give Swami a flower and a sheet of paper on which the songs were
Candle lighting and cake cutting
Swami received these and
went through the lyrics as they were sung or closed His eyes enjoying the song
and the full hearted singing. Swami asked it to be announced that there would
be a public meeting at 4 p.m. in the Sai Kulwant Hall in connection with the
Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust’s 35th anniversary in the Divine presence of
Bhagavan. The announcement was repeated in Telugu also by a member of the Book
Trust and Swami smiled when the announcement was completed. He asked, “Did you
not eat any breakfast? Such a soft voice!”
A view of the gathering of the
Pouring out their hearts in the form
of songs
Swami then asked what was
next. Two speakers were ready. Mr. Ruchir Desai, a lecturer at Brindavan
campus, came forward and gave a short talk. He expressed gratitude to Swami,
on behalf of everybody, and said, “Why is one grateful to the Sun? Is it
because it rises everyday bringing light and joy to the world? Or because of
it the bees and birds sing or we get the warmth ... these and many more. Then,
what to speak of the one who has put the sun in place - our Lord!” The speech
was very apt and at the end Swami rewarded him with a smile and a touch on the
head. It was next the turn of Mr. Satish Babu, a teacher from the Higher
Secondary School to speak. He spoke his heart out in Telugu and narrated
moving incidents.
Sri.Ruchir Desai makes the opening
Gratitude welling up from the bottom
of the heart......
One of these was about a
student who was sick to whom he gave a set of instructions like - be careful
about what you eat; do not go out and play, and such other directions. The
student agreed to follow all these instructions except the one in which he was
asked to pray to Swami.
“No, I will not
do that,” he said. The teacher, bewildered, asked, “Why?” And then
He said, “Because He will cure me instantly but He will Himself
suffer the illness.” Such pure thoughts can come even to such
small children only by the blessings of Swami, he said.
Another incident was about how one day he was told of a sick boy
and being busy, he went off for darshan forgetting to attend to
the boy. Waiting for the darshan, he suddenly remembered the
student and was torn between his desire for darshan and the call
of duty to attend to that boy, but convincing himself that it was
the Lord who was actually looking after everyone, he sent a prayer
to Swami to look after the small student. When he returned from
darshan the small boy came up to him and thanked him as he had
given him medicine on time and he was now fine, revealing that it
was indeed the Lord who is the Doer. Swami was once again touched
with his speech and blessed him with a Padanamaskar and
the divine touch.
...resulting in a tap on the top of
the head!
After this Swami reminded
the boys that there were two more songs and asked them to sing them. So they
sang “O maa, O maa” and “Why fear when I am here.”
Swami then asked how many boys were there and when the reply came as 155 boys,
He smiled and said “anthe na” (Is that all?).
Swami then asked Subramaniam a Phd Student what he was doing. Next He asked
Praveen, “Nuve kada America Poyindi?” (Was it not you who went to
“Yes Swami” was the reply.
Swami: What did you do?
Praveen: I did a course in hospital management, Swami.
Swami: What are you doing now?
P: Administration work in Bangalore Hospital. Swami, people are not able to
believe that we are doing free surgeries in our hospital.
Swami: We are not doing for them to believe...we are doing it for our
P: Swami, in our hospital we are able to do operations which even big
hospitals are not able to do, even hospitals like NIMHANS send patients to us.
Swami: They don’t send for that sake. They send because we are doing free
P: We do all kinds of complicated surgeries, Swami.
Swami: How many doctors are there?
P: 60 doctors, Swami. Doctors who are less qualified than Dr. Hegde (the
Director of Whitefield Hospital) himself are offered 5 crores outside; even
Dr. Hegde has got so many offers, but he rejected all of them saying he wants
to work only in Swami’s hospital.
Swami: Money has no value….
P: Yes Swami, money has no value.
Swami: Money has value but the people who take it lose their value.
P: Swami in our Hospital we perform 8 brain surgeries each day.
Swami: How many heart surgeries?
P: 6-8, Swami. Angioplasty, etc are 20 per day.
Swami: Those are small, who does them?
P: Dr.Das, Swami.
Swami: Oh, Orissa man.
P: He is also getting so many offers Swami. But he also tells people that he
is born only to do Swami’s service. In one of the fields of brain surgeries
called Aneurisms our hospital is world no 1. One of the boys doing Phd in our
Hospital also got an All India Gold Medal, Swami.
Swami: Very good.
P: People who study here and go out are taking care of patients very well,
Swami. From our Hospital one Mr. Keshava Murthy joined Apollo Hospital. They
were ready to pay him a huge amount, but he said to give that to poor
Swami: That is not Apollo hospital, it is appulu (debts)
hospital...If you get admitted there, you have to incur debt.
P: Many foreign doctors
are also interested to come and join here, Swami.
Swami: If they are good, give permission. If they are not good and spoil our
name, then keep them away.
P: Seeing that the facilities in our hospital are good, they want us to start
courses so that they can learn here and earn outside. Outside each MRI costs
10,000 Rs and X-Ray 500 Rs, and we do 20 MRIs per day, Swami.
Swami: Money earned like
that won’t stay.
P: Both our hospitals in Parthi are doing so much work, Swami. Swami is doing
what governments are not able to do.
Swami: Government does not do any work.
Student: Politicians just come for votes and promise that we will give gas
stove, TV, etc.
Swami: They give only ‘gas’ (everybody bursts into laughter)
P: Because of Swami’s water project so many people could benefit.
Swami: Yes, in Chennai, small children were drinking dirty water and spoiling
their health (Swami looked visibly moved). Now they are getting good drinking
In Redhills there is lot of wastage due to the mud there. We told Mr.
Karunanidhi to tell us when it is dry and that we would do desilting. We have
put polymer there in order to curb wastage. You may believe it or not every
Monday I sign cheques for distribution towards various projects. Mr. Kondal
Rao and Mr A Ramakrishna take good care and do these works without bothering
about rain and sun. That’s why I gave each of them one car. I gave Mr.
Chakravarthy also one car so that he can go round and see that everything is
P: Swami all our students are getting a good name outside.
Swami: Yes, before it was not like this but now they are good. They all came
with their wives and children in an aeroplane. They say that they get peace
only here.
When the conversation turned to the music college and it was mentioned that
“Swami our music college boys sing well”, Swami interrupted and said “They
sing well but are always scared as to when they may fall!” provoking laughter.
(It was a lovely pun reminding everyone that we need to not only ensure class
in our talents, singing or whatever, it is but also our behaviour).
Aravind of Super Hospital Bangalore asked, “Swami, please give us all a
message on this occasion.” Swami said, “Be happy with whatever work you are
doing, and don’t think that you are doing for some one else, only then you can
be happy. (Mamaivaamso jeeva loke jeeve boothasanathanaha.) Know that
it is one God who is present in everyone and within each of us."
Next when boys expressed their gratitude to Swami for having blessed them with
the opportunity to serve Him, Swami smiling said, “Meerandaru
cheyyagalaru. daani valla ne meeku ee avakasam icchanu… andariki istunaana?”
(I know that you are all capable of discharging your responsibilities. That is
why I gave you this opportunity. Do I give it to everyone?)
It was already about to be 10 o’clock and Swami now asked for the Aarathi. He
Himself lit the camphor, and blessed the basins of sweet prasadam which boys
showed to Him. When boys asked for group photos and paada namaskar, Swami
said, “I will bless you in the evening.”
In the afternoon, Swami came out at 4:00 pm. He had said in the morning that
4:30 onwards would be the Rahukaalam. All the students working in
various places in the Central Trust (CT) had assembled by 2:30 pm itself.
Swami went directly on stage and took His seat in the centre. Four respected
seniors working for Swami were part of the panel to discuss on the ‘Role of
Sai Institutions in Transforming Lives’.
They were: the All India President, Mr.V.Srinivasan; the Secretary of the
Central Trust, Mr. Chakravarthi; and the former Vice Chancellors, Mr. S.V.
Giri and Dr. G. Venkatraman. First, there was an introductory speech by Mr.
Rameshwar Prusty. He gave a brief outline of the formation and functioning of
the Central Trust.
Glancing through the evening
scheduled programme
Rameshwar Prusty delivers the
introductory talk
The All India President addresses
the assembly
"Swami is the Centre of the Central
Trust." - Mr. Chakravarthi
There were two speeches by
Mr. Sudheendran and Dr. T. Ravikumar. Sudheendran, with the aid of Vedic lore,
narrated experiences how Swami had come to be God for him and how he had
slowly but surely shaped and moulded him. The second speaker said that though
he had lost his mother at a very tender age, he never felt the lack of a
mother's love in his life. He narrated his experiences where Swami had shown
him that loving Him meant more to Him than anything else. Being deeply touched
by His love, he spoke with that conviction and his emotions slowly percolated
the fibre of every listener till all seemed to be in deep emotion of
gratitude. Then the four eminent elders spoke on the various ways in which
Swami was inspiring the Trust and every member with His Love and example.
After that, though it was 5:35pm, Swami rose to speak. And this is what He
Embodiments of Love,
Our students have sacred hearts, pure minds, selflessness and
innocence. A few of them may commit mistakes but they correct it on
their own. Therefore, students are our Central Trust. They do all the
work. The elders are there as elders alone and the students take care
of everything. Sometimes however, elders commit mistakes due to the
students. Students are not to be considered as small children. In
fact, I stood up not to talk to you but to describe the glory of their
selflessness. The work done by them is really wonderful and unique.
These students are the future support of the Central Trust (CT) too.
The CT fully depends on them. There are students working day in and
day out. One cannot single out who those are and specifically name
them. All work very hard. None can describe their abilities. So
students, you should put the CT on the proper path and show the ideal
to the world by being leaders. The CT will progress because of you;
the future depends on you.
Not only the money here
but all the Pani (work) too is yours. Outside everywhere
it is only money, money and money. Money comes and goes,
morality comes and grows. Your morality makes your status
high. So uphold the morality. Being human, we have our
imaginations and expectations. But these are all to be
considered as illusions. They are not permanent, but like
passing clouds. Do not submit to them and be victims of
your imagination. For the purpose of keeping up the
character, all other forces must be resisted and all other
things be cast aside. Dear students, your effulgence, your
future and your work must all be ideal and then alone will
the world emulate you. Science has advanced into "Trick
Knowledge" instead of Technology these days. Only the
feelings that arise from your heart are True and
Permanent. Discriminate between Truth and Untruth. All the
unnecessary things must be cast aside.
Spend all time in sacred duties. How
many students are there working in CT? (The answer came
that it is 155.) All come and sit in the front. (Swami
tells the boys behind Him to go in and get watches for
all.) Sanctify the time, utilize it properly and achieve a
good name. Not only the CT, other Trusts too depend on
you. But do not depend on any Trust. Have Self-Dependence.
Atmashakti must be the basis for that. Have
self-confidence and that will confer everything on you. |
Faith gives
you power. It is responsible for the flow of Love. No Faith - No Love.
Only out of Love can anything be achieved, big or small. Faith and
Love are the two eyes without which one is blinded. Truth is God. Love
is God. Live in Love. Truth and Love are the two feet on which I walk
on. I achieve everything with this confidence.
The British promised
drinking water to
Madras but faltered on it. I sanctioned it immediately.
You may not believe it, but every Monday, I sign cheques.
Mr. Chakravarthi knows about this. It is his job to
distribute it. Swami can do everything but some help is
needed. I have kept some as Trust members and through them
I send the cheques. For Madras, the Godavari water was not
So water from the Krishna was
diverted via Bhadrachalam and through taps has reached
every hut. Every child says there, "Sai Baba has given us
nectar!" But for that I never extended my hand even for a
naya (single) paisa. You all know that if Swami asks, so
many are ready to give. But I never desire for anything
from anyone. My Will is the Power.
"I never desire anything
from anybody"
Never worry about
money. It is virtues that are more important. Have Love and with that
anything can be attained. Never expect anything from anyone. Love will
supply everything like a current. Don’t
worry for anything. That Love will give everything. Never tread the
wrong path. Do not utter untruth. Don't resort to injustice. Don't be
intolerant. Sahana (Tolerance) is of utmost importance. Bharatiyas
have everything but only lack in Unity. Unity leads to Purity and then
to Divinity. When that Unity and Love exists, all desires are
automatically satiated.
Never feel bad that Swami is not talking to you or spending time with
you. My mind is always on you children. Without you I cannot exist.
When you exist, I exist, and when I exist, you exist. I and you are
one. With that feeling, do your work happily.
Then, out of supreme Love,
Swami personally gave each of the 155 students a beautiful wrist watch. It was
a wonderful sight to see the Mother blessing Her children in spite of the time
being so late and till about 6:15 Swami carried on distributing watches. He
also personally gave prasadam to many of the students. And to the four eminent
speakers who lit up the evening proceedings, Swami honoured them with shawls.
After that, Mr. Harishankar delivered the note of thanks. Swami then received
Aarthi and left.
Swami blesses Prof.Venkatraman with
a shawl
One of the students receives a
wristwatch from Swami
September 2007: Krishnajanmastami Celebrations
An overall view of the main stage on
Krishnashtami awaiting the Lord's presence
This morning was the
celebration of the birth of the charming and sweet Lord - Sri Krishna. The
music boys of the University were ready with a programme. There was also the
scheduled cow procession.
Little Krishna Geeta leading the
The "gopaalas" arrive with the cows
from Gokulam
Swami, coincidentally,
arrived exactly as the cow procession reached the Gopuram gate. Swami came in
the car and as He neared the marble block area, He stopped to look at His
devotees from the animal kingdom, so to say! He was dressed in bright yellow
and looked as sweet as ever. Leading the procession was Krishna Geeta, the new
baby elephant. She had been decorated and looked like a miniature of Sai Gita.
Swami said that He would get down near the animals. There was an anticipatory
smile as He got down. He first fed bananas to Krishna Geeta who wolfed down
everything very hungrily. First, she came straight to Swami and making a
customary salute, began to eat out of His hands. But soon the little elephant
was attracted to the trays laden with fruits! And her trunk went towards them
more. Swami just smiled lovingly seeing her eat joyfully.
Love at first sight
It's happiness all around!
God is such a
fulfilling and elevating goal in life - in fact the only goal
worth having. When we see God in all majesty, we are so overcome
and rush straight to Him. Still however, the veil seems to lie so
thick over us, that giving up the nourishment at His Divine Hands,
we hanker and clamour after the loads of "fruits" the world has to
offer for us! And the Lord just smiles. Animals have no
discrimination, but what about us?
Swami then went ahead and started to feed the cows that had
gathered. He didn't seem to mind the copious saliva from the cows
that fell on His Robe and Hands. He went on feeding bananas to
all. He also blessed the deer at the end. All the staff members at
the Sri Sathya Sai Gokulam came to Him and offered roses and
sought blessings. Swami blessed all and gave padanamaskar to some.
Going bananas for the Lord!
Then as He went towards
the stage, He once again blessed the elephant. Swami gently dipped His
delicate hands into a bowl of water and wiped His Hands dry. Aarthi was taken
and Swami went to the stage. There two boys brought white doves to Swami. Like
He always does to anybody who comes in contact with Him, He "released" the
doves to their "freedom". And just like anybody who has been "touched" by Him
does, the doves returned and sat in front of Him on the railings facing Him.
There were smiles everywhere and a burst of applause too.
He claps for the animals!
"Who wants to be free and fly
away?"- the doves seem to say
Swami called Mr. S.V. Giri
and told him to announce that the morning session was now over and that the
programme in the evening would begin at 4:00 p.m. That being done, Swami
received Aarthi and retired for the morning.
In the afternoon Swami
came in the car. The Institute Brass band had come dressed up as Gopalas. They
had a programme unscheduled originally but scheduled by His Grace! Swami
completed darshan rounds and sat on stage.
The "band" of Gopalas begin their
Crossing the Yamuna in spate with
Krishna on the head
The band programme began.
It was innovative in the sense that it aimed at depicting the birth and
childhood of Lord Krishna through small skits in the foreground as the band
played in the background. They played the piece, "The Tempest" to depict
Krishna's journey to Nanda Gokulam. Then it was two bhajans to show the
rejoicing at His birth and the subsequent ‘butter leelas’.
The little babe is received with lot
of Joy and celebration
The boyhood pranks of the little
Our dear Sai Krishna too
had some plans of His own. He told the boys to stop the programme. Then He
asked the drama scheduled to begin.
The drama was in Telugu
and was performed by Bal Vikas children from Andhra Pradesh. The story
revolved around a lad, Sri Hari, who is called Anna (big brother) by
all in the locality where he polishes the shoes of school children. The father
of one of the students condemns Hari and tells him that he better not
associate with his son. What follows next are scenes where Sri Hari teaches
profound lessons in humility and 'in'dependence as he reveals how Sathya Sai
Baba with the gift of a tricycle and the spiritual gifts of faith and self
confidence, has made him whatever he is today.
The proud father is disgusted with
"lowly" people
Humility always makes one bend low!
The play was interspersed
with dances to highlight the theme and these were very tastefully
choreographed. Swami blessed all the participants with Abhayahasta at the end
of the play and said that He was very happy.
Then came a bolt from the Saffron shall we say! Swami asked for the discourse
table to be brought. He then rose to speak and there was excited applause at
this unexpected shower of Love! He said:
“Sathya (Truth)
alone is responsible for the creation, sustenance and mergence of
the whole universe. It is all pervasive. It is the Shuddha Satwa
(Pure Principle). It is like the pure golden linga that Swami
often takes out during Sivarathri. (At this point, Swami waved His
hand and showed a golden linga for all to see and there is
applause.) All the forms here also are manifestations of that pure
principle itself. That came as Vishnu in the Krita Yuga, as Rama
in the Treta and as Krishna in the Dwapara. Seeta always had one
pointed attention on Rama. She kept seeing the one in all beings
and had Rama in her thoughts always. For her, except Rama there
was nothing else in the world. That oneness is the Suvarna (gold).
Gold has 24
carats and then alone is it Poornam (complete). It was during the
times of Morarji Desai that 14 carat gold too came into existence
and thus the gold value diluted. God has 16 aspects and then alone
it is the Poorna Tatwam. Others do not have these 16 aspects. In
Dwapara, none recognised Krishna's divinity. He was barely 7 when
he did the leelas with the gopikas. It was like playing with one's
mother but people criticize him telling that he went after women.
He is the ideal. Krishna was the ideal man in Dwapara while Seeta
was the ideal woman in Treta.
The lingam reflects the Lord in it
God incarnates
for the sake of devotees and to set man's mind right. In Dwapara,
Kuchela was a poor brahmin but was always immersed in the thoughts of
the Lord. His children kept asking him for food as they were hungry.
But he always kept his faith and sang out, “You are beyond all word
and description. You protected Pandavas, satisfied Kuchela and even
Kubera.” Krishna and Rama are the only two avatars accompanied by
women. No other avatar has been so. But God is always One and has no
Dasharatha is one who has ten senses. He had three wives, Kausalya,
Sumitra and Kaikeyi. The children were Rama, Bharata, Lakshmana and
Shatrughna with Rama's sister, Shanta. Dasharatha did not get a child
from Kausalya and so he married Sumitra. In those days one had to take
the permission of the other wife before remarrying. So when he asked
Kausalya, she said, ‘Go ahead by all means. It is necessary to have an
heir to the throne.’ And so he wedded Sumitra. Sumitra means a good
friend and she was a good friend to all. When there were no children,
with the permission of both the wives, he married Kaikeyi. She was
from Kashmir. She put a condition, ‘Since you are marrying me to get
an heir to the throne, promise me that my child alone will be the heir
to the throne.’ He promised her. There were no children again. And so
the Putrakaameshti yagna (Sacrifice to beget children) was done. The
pudding that emerged from that was distributed to the three wives.
Sumitra was heart broken. ‘Kausalya's child will have right over
the throne by the virtue of she being the senior most queen and
Kaikeyi's child too will have a right as she has elicited a
promise. What about mine?’ Lamenting thus, she went to the terrace
to dry her hair. Those days there were no electric fans or hair
dryers! As she was doing that, an eagle came and picked up her
share of the pudding. It carried it to the hills where Anjana Devi
was praying. She partook it and gave birth to Hanuman! Sumitra
then went to her co-sisters. They both then gave her a part of
their pudding. Thus the children were born. Lakshmana, born out of
Kausalya's part was always attracted to Rama and Shatrughna,
similarly, was attracted to Bharata.
Even when it was so, while passing through the forest once,
Lakshmana began to scold Rama as to why they alone had to suffer
for no fault of theirs? That was because of that place being the
home of many demons. Once they moved out of that place, Rama
lovingly explained that to him. That is why one must always keep
good company. The three of them settled in the beautiful forest.
The Sarayu River too was nearby. At that time Sita saw the golden
deer. After having renounced all the pleasures of Ayodhya, was she
the one to run after the deer? No. It was all part of a plan. It
also shows that if you go after Kama (desire), you will move away
from Rama (God). That is why, less luggage, more comfort makes
travel a pleasure.
faithfully guarded her till she taunted him and flung insults at him
at not going to Rama's aid. He drew a line and advising her not to
cross it, and then left. But Ravana in the guise of a begging
mendicant, kidnapped her.
In the war on
Lanka, Lakshmana fainted. Hanuman went and instead of a single plant,
got the whole mountain! As he was flying over Ayodhya, Bharata saw him
and wondered, "Who is this flying monkey?" When Hanuman came down and
related all details, even Sumitra and Lakshmana’s wife, Urmila, were
also present. The noble Sumitra said, "If Lakshmana has fallen, then
take my other son there. Rama will take care of everything I know. I
am so happy that my son is of service to Rama." That was their
Finally with the
killing of Indrajit, the war almost came to a close. Vibheeshana told
Rama that the secret to kill Ravana was to shoot at his thumb. The
fatal arrow brought a lot of joy to the monkeys. They all began to
jump up to have a glimpse of Mother Sita. Rama told them that they
must all fetch firewood. Sita had to undergo the trial by fire. The
Lord of the Fire himself came and testified to Rama that Sita was
pure. He said, "Oh Rama! You are all knowing. Do you not know about
the purity of Mother Sita?" Rama replied, "I never doubted her
chastity but I wanted to prove to the world what an ideal woman she
is." At this all the monkeys applauded. (The whole Kulwant hall also
applauded!) When Rama returned to Ayodhya, all the people sang
joyously - Rama Kodanda Rama. (At this point Swami sang the whole song
and there was a very energetic following of the bhajan. )
Rama, Krishna, Sai Rama, Sai Krishna - all are one and the same. Take
any name. The Ramayana is a very sacred story. What I narrated now is
true - all other versions have a lot of imagination too. Sing
After the discourse, bhajans
continued. Swami blessed prasadam for all. Then after a while, as He sat, He
took the lingam in His left hand. Then, He slowly put it into His mouth and
sipped water. After a short while, He turned to those seated near and said,
"It has gone back in." Then He went to the car and retired for the day.
6 September
2007: Pandari Bhajan Group from Nellore
Thousands of devotees from the
Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh had thronged the holy hamlet of Puttaparthi
to have darshan in the first week of September. After the Nalgonda district,
it was the turn of Nellore district devotees to arrive in strength at
Prashanthi Nilayam! First, the Pandari Bhajan group of the Nellore district
got a chance to perform in the Divine Presence after Swami decided to sit out
and watch them. After His evening darshan round in the car, Swami asked for
the group's performance, and the central part of Sai Kulwant Hall was quickly
cleared for the programme to commence at 4 p.m. Immediately, men dressed in
white and orange took centre stage. The songs were all so simple and in rustic
tongue. The dance steps too were very simple. But Swami sat watching it,
engrossed in their feelings. In between, He went into the interview room for a
short while, but returned soon to watch the Pandari bhajans again.
Bhagavan watching the dance
An amazing array of colour
After 45 minutes of vigorous and
enthusiastic dancing around the accompanists at the centre of a circle, Swami
blessed the group with clothes. He personally handed over white cloth pieces
to each member who performed. All were dripping in sweat after their spirited
effort but Swami's response ensured that every drop of sweat was "worth its
salt"! Swami then called out to the leader of the bhajan group. Well, being a
former leader of His own Pandari bhajan group, Swami knows the effort involved
in leading such a group! He materialised a chain for him.
The leader with the coveted chain
from the Lord...
...and now doubly blessed with a
photo of the incident
The beautiful moment came when a
few moments later, Swami called him again and gifted him with the photo of him
receiving the chain also. He was doubly delighted. Then Prof. Anil Kumar was
asked to speak briefly, and he announced the staging of a drama by the Nellore
devotees the next day. Bhajans began in the Bhajan Hall, with Bhagavan seated
there till Arati at 5:40 pm.
September 2007: Dance Drama "Archana" performed by Nellore Devotees
As announced the previous day, the Balvikas children from
Nellore staged a classical dance drama "Archana" on the evening of 7
September. The forty minute programme got underway at 4.10 pm when Bhagavan
came on stage. The protagonist, who had the same name as the drama, offers her
dance to Bhagavan, interacts with inspirational devotees of the Lord like
Thyagaraja and Pundarika and ultimately ends up free of a debilitating
disease. She learns many lessons from each of these exalted devotees of the
Lord. Thyagaraja teaches her that to chant His wonderful name and see Him
alone in all things animate and inanimate is the only way out of this world of
misery. Pundalika teaches her reverence of one's parents can lead one to God.
In the process, she is not only spiritually uplifted but also physically
Rama alone pervaded everything for
"Service to parents is service to
God."- Pundalika
The drama brought out a
subtle point that spiritual health is of paramount importance. When that is
all fine, physical and mental health follows like a shadow. The Lord and Lord
alone is the greatest panacea for all troubles. Swami blessed the little girl
who played the main role with a chain at the end of the programme which
uplifted her spiritually and otherwise also! Swami also came down to pose for
group photos with the children. He was so sweet as He directed the
photographers to three different angles to ensure that all the children were
covered. Prasadam was distributed, and Bhajans were in the Sai Kulwant Hall
itself. Swami asked for the singers to come out and seat themselves in the
hall. The bhajans went on for about twenty minutes and after that Swami
received Aarthi and left.
"Richly" rewarded for her
Swami insists on standing for the
group photo
11 September
2007: Indoor Stadium Badminton Match
In the afternoon, the indoor
stadium was lit up with several stars from the galaxy of Indian sportsmen. The
top players of the badminton fraternity had arrived in Puttaparthi to play a
series of friendly matches. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd ranked Indian players had
come along with the top Junior players and the top doubles pair in India.
(Anoop Shreedhar, Chetan Anand, Guru Sai Dutt, Sanave Thomas, Kashyap and
All the students had assembled in the indoor stadium by 1:00pm. The matches
started soon. It was a nice experience for Puttaparthi to witness the power
and speed of shuttle badminton. An international referee was also present. The
games were thrown open for all to see and the stadium was slowly filling up
with ladies and gents. There were two singles matches which were won by Anoop
Shreedhar and Chetan Anand respectively. Then there was a short break. Swami
was expected to the stadium at 4:00 pm and He was there promptly on time.
New energy seemed to be breathed in into the stadium as He came. He moved
along the lines of students who were seated on the floor and then came to the
lined up players. Pullela Gopichand was the first to bow down to him and he
was followed by all of the others. Everyone seemed eager to touch His feet and
He was smiling beautifully to all. Then He went to the place that had been
specially "cordoned" off for Him and the play began.
Pullela Gopichand bows to Swami
The stars in the galaxy of Indian
Gopichand teamed up with the
Sanave Thomas, India's no.1 doubles player against the No.2 and No.3. The
match began in right earnest and Swami was absorbed seeing the play. It was
such a cute sight to behold. Swami’s Head going to and fro depending on the
speed of the shuttlers just like a small innocent child would watch! He keenly
watched every move as the first set was taken by Gopichand's team. The second
set was taken by the other pair and so the final set became more thrilling.
The beauty of the doubles match was that it was much faster and reflexive
compared to the singles. The match was heavily encouraged. Somehow the
applause gets harder and the cheering louder when Swami is around! After the
third set was won again by Gopichand and Sanave in a closely fought encounter,
Swami called all the players.
They all went and knelt before Him. Swami created vibhuti for all of them and
gave it in their palms. Seeing that it was a little less, He materialised
vibhuti again and applied it too on one of the player's forehead. He saw the
gold chain around Gopichand's neck and reminisced as to how He had given it to
him. Gopichand smiled and touched His feet. Swami then posed for group photos
with all the players. He blessed both Anoop and Chetan for their finals. Then
He went to the car and returned to Mandir. Bhajans went on in Mandir till
about 6:05 pm. Swami then received Aarthi and left.
A hard-fought match
A grateful Indian badminton
15 September
2007: Ganesh Chaturthi
15 September dawned as the holy
day of Ganesh Chaturthi, a very important day all over India. The Lord in His
elephantine form is worshipped as the remover of all obstacles. And so a
festive atmosphere pervaded Prashanti Nilayam. It had been charged the
previous day evening by a series of significant events. Swami had come at 5:15
p.m. during the bhajans and had gone straight to the bhajan hall. After the
bhajans, He sat through the whole Aarthi and then waved His hand in
benediction as Loka Samasta… was going on.
He had enquired as to what songs would be sung the next day and
seemed to be lost in a kind of serene bliss. He left but before
that had said, "Vinayaka is here" as if Lord Ganesha was present
in the hall witnessing all that was going on. Then He had retired.
In the morning, Swami came out at about 9:15 a.m. Instead of the
ritual Veda chanting, the notes of the Ganesh Gayatri followed by
the Ganashtakam rent the air. Swami completed the darshan rounds
and then went into the interview room. After a short while, He
came out and then sat in the wheel sofa on stage. Songs continued.
There were three group songs and more than five individual songs.
Swami sat through listening to all of them. After about 45
minutes, He directed that prasadam could be brought and
distributed. |
Blessing the primary school children
There were two kinds
- a sweet and another, a packet containing oval toffees. He opened
the toffee packet and checked them! Then He beckoned to the
primary students sitting nearby and told them to start
distributing. He also called all the children holding cards and
began to view them.
In the meanwhile,
the songs concluded and Ganesh bhajans began. The bhajans had a
very enthusiastic following. Swami kept seeing all the cards and
He also gave every child who went near Him a sweet in His own
‘sweet’ manner. More than thirty children must have walked up the
steps to Him expectantly and then walk down those very steps with
satisfaction and a smile. After blessing all of them, Swami sat
enjoying the bhajans. Then He received Aarthi and left. The time
was about 10:50 am.
Near the Yajur Mandir, Swami blessed huge Ganesha statues that had
been specially procured and then each statue was sent to its
destination (the different schools, colleges and other
institutions) - one being kept near the Ganesh temple at the
entrance of Prashanti Nilayam.
In the evening,
Swami came out at about 4:45 pm. He went around in the car for the
darshan rounds and then at 5:00 pm, went into bhajan hall for
bhajans, retiring after Aarthi.
16 September
2007: Swami Blesses Physically Challenged People from West Godavri
The morning of 16 September, was
one that touched the hearts and made one and all feel the impact of His Pure
Love. Swami came out for darshan as bhajans began at about 9:15 a.m. There was
an assembly of devotees from West Godavari. Special mention must be made that
the devotees and doctors there had carried out a very noble venture of fitting
people who had lost their legs with artificial limbs that had literally, and
figuratively, made them stand on their own feet! They had been seated in the
marble blocks on chairs and Swami directly went amidst them. The wheeled sofa
was taken along the lines they were seated and Swami was continuously smiling
and blessing them. He first went from front to back, interacting with them and
enquiring of their welfare. These people truly were doubly "gifted" with a new
lease of life!
He then came to the front, where
the first row of these “gifted” people was seated and began speaking to them.
He enquired as to where they had come from. One of them took out a photo from
his pocket. It was a picture of how he was before. The legs were not present
even up to the knees. And he now stood before Swami, eyes filled with
gratitude and hands folded in surrender. Swami took the photo into His hands
and saw what was and is. Then encircling His palm, He created a green diamond
ring for the person.
The picture speaks about the
transformation in the patient
A ring for him....
He asked for cloth pieces to be
brought and personally gave it to them. He lovingly interacted with all of
them and it was such a touching experience for all concerned - the onlookers,
the recipients and for Swami too. He then went over to the ladies side half of
the marble block. He created another ring for a person there and put it on his
ring finger.
A conference call with them!!
Another ring gifted to another of
the "gifted" patients
As He sat watching all of them
getting prasadam and clothes, some of them got so overwhelmed, that they came
up to the front and fell at His feet. As He blessed them, He very
compassionately said, "I will come to you. You need
not make that effort." (Isn’t this a statement of profound
"Puttaparthi is your home. I am
always there for you"
Not able to contain the surge of
Love and Gratitude
Swami kept watching them all so
silently. He was sitting facing them in the front. It was a beautiful scene
and one wished that time would just freeze and preserve that feeling-filled
scene for eternity. A serene smile now danced on His face. He seemed to gaze
not only at them but somewhere deep within them too. After a while, He went on
stage. As He got there, He said that He would speak to all of them and so the
mikes were brought out. Given below is the full transcript of His discourse
(which did not have real time translation.) He said,
“Embodiments of
Today, it is a very joyous day. The body is made up of many
parts. Only when all the parts function properly we can perform our
duties. In any country, in any situation, to carry out any work, our
body is very important. So we should take care of our body. We are
being very careless with our body because of which we face many
difficulties and we become dependent on others. If we want to be
independent we have to take care of each and every part of our body
so that they function properly.
The doctors who have given you these artificial limbs are very
noble people. Without those doctors, you would not have received
these limbs. So, each one of you has to take care of your limbs.
Every human being is able to live because of these body parts. The
eye sees, the mind comprehends and it is expressed through speech
and the ear hears. But in all this there is only one principle and
that is divinity. Mamaivaamso jeeva loke jeeva bhutah sanaatanaha (The
One has become many). With so much of hope you came here and you
are so happy now. This is your home and I am yours. Please do not
have any hesitation as to how to come here, how to see Swami? Don't
have such hesitation. Come whenever you want. Speak to Swami and go
back happily. There is no difficulty.
You be brave. Shraddavan labhate gnaanam. (One who is steadfast
attains knowledge). That wisdom is not the one which we have. It is
the spiritual wisdom which comes from divinity. With this divine
wisdom we come to know that God is there in every one. You go on
saying this is my leg, my hand etc….when you are saying it is yours,
then who are you? You are THAT and that THAT is nothing but
divinity. Don't forget divinity and always remember God.
When you remember God and think of Him let there be any
difficulty you will win over them. When you have God’s power with
you, you will win over every thing. Even if you have all other
things like wealth, education, etc., if you don't have Gods grace,
then all else is a waste. So pray for God’s grace and do namasmarana
and I bless that you and all your family members may have a happy
and peaceful life.
The doctors who
have helped you for giving you these limbs are very noble ones. They
have taken many troubles to do this help for you. Now also they are
planning many other things. Implement all those plans. For all those
things I will also help you. I extend my full support to you. Loka
samastha sukhino bhavantu (May everybody in all the worlds be
happy). Only when all are fine will you also be fine. Do
not think that you are some where and they are some elsewhere.
Everyone is interconnected. For everyone there is only one leader.
And He is God. And He is the Atma swaroopa. So have self-confidence
and carry out all your functions and He will take care of all the
things. If you have confidence on God, you will develop love and
with that love you will gain truth and the combination of love and
truth leads you to righteousness. Love is within us and in the same
way God is also with in us. If you think of that
God you can come over all the difficulties.
I hope that these kinds of difficulties never trouble you again
in any birth. Many difficulties come and go. They are like passing
clouds. Don't brood over them. When you don't brood over them, they
will go away by themselves. See me now. Once I fell down and 4 bones
were broken. They said they want to bandage it. I did not allow them
to do it. I have been like that only and it will surely go.
Again in Kodaikanal I slipped. They told me to take the help of some
people. There is no need to take any help from any one. With
courage and patience you have to lead your life, God is there to
help us.
India has helped so many countries. Our country, our land, our
language - Keep that honour for your country. Even if there are some
difficulties in your family don't get troubled mentally. When you
think of God and leave everything to him all will go well.
Seeing you all here I am very happy. When you all are happy,
only then can I also be happy. When you are not happy, how can I be
happy? It is not possible. I bless that you all be happy and
blissful throughout your lives.
After the discourse, Swami
continued to speak but the mikes had been removed! Swami said that the mikes
were not good and He called Anil Kumar Sir to tell in brief all that He had
said. But with a torrential flow, the professor not only summarised the
discourse, but also captured the gratitude and feelings of all the assembled
devotees. Prof Anil kumar spoke about the grandeur of Swami’s trip to West
Godavari in 1984. He also appreciated the service activities done by these
districts and offered heartfelt gratitude on behalf of all the West Godavari
devotees. He also went on to recollect how Swami gave bliss to so many
people in this district by even addressing them late in the night. He also
shared in English to all assembled what Swami spoke in His discourse a few
minutes ago, especially regarding the importance of this human body and how
it should be used for divine purpose and not to waste in mundane activities.
After that, Swami asked for bhajans to be sung. After the students had sung
three bhajans, the devotees from West Godavari took over and their group
sang a few more bhajans with vigour and zeal. Swami then had prasadam
distributed and left, after receiving Aarthi, at about 11:00 am!
West Godavari gratitude flows
The recipient and the source of
all the Love
September, 2007 – Ganesha
Idols Immersion Day
Monday, 17 September, was the
day when Swami had said that all the Ganesha statues must be immersed. Much
work of preparations were undertaken by the students and staff of all the
institutions at Parthi. The Vidyagiri stadium had become home to the
students who had become artisans designing vehicles for Lord Ganesha's
journey. One could see the Harry Potter influence on school children as the
main chariot was shaped like that of the Tri-Wizard tournament cup! There
was also the Hogwarts shield as one of the palanquins. Apart from these,
there was a chariot that was aptly named "Ekadanta Express" and was shaped
like a train engine. A huge urn (sacred pot) was the theme of the Institute
chariot. There were flowery chariots and the Ganesha temple at Prashanti
Nilayam entrance had been beautifully replicated as the Central Trust
chariot. (The descriptions here are only a few of the numerous chariots and
palanquins that wended their way to the mandir.)
The roads had not only been washed by the heavy rains, they had clogged too!
Everything everywhere was wet but nothing seemed to dampen the spirits of
the students and staff as they walked in the procession singing bhajans and
chanting vedas in full gusto. Within an hour, the Mandir had a transformed
look. It looked like the divine forces had gathered on some ethereal
battlefield - battling to win the Lord's Grace and Love. Swami came out at
4:40pm. He preferred to come on the wheel sofa rather than the car. He went
around slowly looking at all the assembled chariots. The labour of Love
seemed to be paid back in full with the look of Love. The head priests of
each chariot went up to Swami with an idol of Ganesha and Swami blessed
them. Swami also blessed the prasadam at many chariots.
Whatever be the festival, the
"Hero" is always Swami!
A 'birds eye view' of the chariot
The whole exercise of making
these chariots is so spiritual. The central theme of the Bhagavad Gita is
Karma Phala Tyaaga (renouncing the fruit of action - action without
expectation.) This chariot making seems to embody that philosophy. Everybody
sweats and toils - days and nights - to get beautiful chariots ready for
Adding the final touches in the
final moments.
Temple of the Lord in the temple
of the Lord!
The glory and grandeur of the
chariots lasts only a few hours during the procession. Once the immersion
ceremony is over, the chariots are just forgotten. Nobody seems to cringe or
cry that such a mammoth effort is not being preserved. It is often missed
but a real powerful example of detachment and renunciation. And all the
effort is just to make Swami happy. It would indeed be an uplifting
experience if we make our lives into one big chariot making ceremony.
The first chariot arrives...
....with many following it close
Swami completed a full round
and then took His place on the stage. He said that it was getting late and
the idols should be taken for immersion. One by one in a disciplined manner,
each chariot was brought front and displayed before Swami. Swami would bless
the chariot and then they would be taken away.
The impressive array of the
The Central Trust chariot
Each group seemed to adopt its
own unique way of offering obeisances to Swami. Some of them fell fully
prostrate on the floor. There was a lion dance by one group, loud bhajans by
another and a U shaped formation by some others. But the love, devotion and
enthusiasm were all the common factors. By about 5:15 pm, all the chariots
were on their way to the immersion pond. Boys rushed in to fill the place
that had been kept vacant to accommodate the chariots.
The Hogwarts Cup chariot!!
The palanquin of the school
The chariot by the hospital staff
The undergraduates offer their
A "Himalayan" effort to get this
chariot ready!!
The Balloon chariot of the old
The Veda chanting went on. It
now seemed to be resounding as all the boys chanted with renewed vigour that
comes when God sits in your midst. Swami was very insistent that the boys
who had gone for the immersion should be back in the Mandir soon.
What could be
seen on His face was motherly concern and care. It had been
raining very heavily the last few days in the evening and Swami
wanted to be done with the immersion as soon as possible. He
blessed prasadam to be distributed. Seeing the sweet packets in
the hands of the students in the first row, He signaled them to
eat them and have fun! Then, saying that He would be back soon,
Swami left for Yajur Mandir. Bhajans began. Messages were sent
that Swami wanted all the boys back in Mandir soon.
A steady stream of
boys began trickling into the Kulwant Hall. As per His word,
Swami came out at about 6:00pm again and went into the bhajan
hall. He once again came out on the wheel sofa as if to confirm
whether all the boys had returned. He went around wearing a
beautiful and fulfilling smile. All present were indeed
fortunate to have God coming out to have their darshan
literally, for He wanted to ensure that all were safe and happy.
for all at the conclusion of the immersion ceremony |
There are so many things that
God need never do at all. He has no duties or responsibilities. He has
complete freedom. And yet, when out of sheer Love for all of us, He goes out
of His way to do things, one cannot help feeling touched. That same
sensation welled up in anyone who sat seeing Swami going around at 6:15pm.
Swami never tires of doing the same things over and over again - year after
year. Ever-fresh - that must be one of the foremost qualities of Love.
Then at about 6:20 pm, Swami received Aarthi and then retired.
September 23, 2007: Divine Distribution for the Needy and Cultural
programme, "Neti Yashoda Karnam Subamma", from devotees of Mahboobnagar
The whole of Andhra Pradesh
seems to be arriving district-wise to see Swami. The devotees from
Mahaboobnagar had arrived in huge numbers and Swami had permitted them to
put up a cultural programme entitled, "Neti Yashoda Karnam Subamma."
Swami came out for Darshan at 4:15pm on the wheel sofa. The stage had
already been set for the drama. He seemed totally uninterested in taking
letters as He allowed His gaze to move over the thousands who had gathered.
A gentle divine detachment spread over His face. At one corner of the gents
block were tricycles, sewing machines, mechanic kits and computers which
were to be given away to some identified needy people. He passed by them and
then went through the gents side. Then, as He was passing by the birthday
students, He went towards them. He blessed all the birthday boys by
accepting their letters, cloves and showering the holy grains (Akshata) on
them. After a very brief peep into the interview room, He came on to the
stage. He sat for a while and then suddenly He did something that made all
of us feel that the detachment He had displayed earlier was a Masterplan to
shower greater Love on all assembled.
Birthday blessings!
Off for a second round too!
He seemed dissatisfied with
the darshan He had granted! He said that He wanted to go down again. As He
descended from the centre path, He began another round in the reverse
direction this time. Everyone delighted at this special bonanza.
The birthday boys
got their second round of blessings and all those who had felt
only "partially" blessed must have felt fulfilled. Swami then
took a turn into the portico from the region where old students
sit and there were slight looks of disappointment on some of the
devotees' faces. Swami went through the portico towards the
interview room. And from there, He went to the ladies side! It
appeared that Swami was stalling the proceedings and also
granting precious closeness to all the devotees. What was He
waiting for?
Swami went around the ladies side and came to the gents side
again. Now He seemed very deeply interested in the service
offerings of the devotees. He looked at the tricycles etc. and
also spoke to the devotees there. He found out all the details
of how the distribution was being done. There was a monk in
orange with whom Swami spoke for quite some time.
Blessing the impending
After that, Swami
moved into the gents side and there was a burst of applause.
Disappointment that a few had felt earlier seemed to give way to
His-appointment. This time, Swami went through collecting
letters and blessing everyone. He once again came to the region
where the birthday boys were seated. They seemed to be at their
wits end! Swami was near them again and they had nothing else on
their person to get blessed! Really when it rains, it showers.
They sat with
folded hands as Swami passed by them. Swami was all smiles as He
neared the Vedam group again. There was a sudden onrush. The
Primary school students had arrived. Swami's face lit up even
more and it looked as though He was waiting for them to arrive.
He went through them and spoke to some of the kids before
settling on the stage once again.
Primary school arrives and He goes
to speak with them
Before the cultural programme,
representatives for each type of token of Love - tricycyle, computer,
mechanic kit and sewing machine - were called out and it was announced that
all of them would be later distributed with the blessings of Bhagawan. The
representative chosen to receive the tricycle was so excited that he came
straight to Swami on all fours. Swami tried to indicate to someone to help
him but they were all a bit slow and he was very fast in his enthusiasm to
get to Swami. He offered Him a rose and his salutations. Swami immediately
materialised a gold chain for him. One person came forward to help him up as
Swami put the chain around his neck.
Lighting the lamp to mark the
beginning of the programme
Overflow of Love from both sides
of the railings!
It was such a perfect display
of spontaneity from both sides - the natural attraction that exists between
the Lord and His devotees. The other representatives too came up one by one
and received blessings from Swami. A lady who came to receive the sewing
machine was so touched that she almost broke down in front of Swami.
Offering a rose, she accepted the sewing machine and went back to her place.
Then the programme
began. Swami seemed very interested in it, for it was on Karnam
Subamma. In the beginning was a small dance by the Sathya Sai
Vidya Vihar. Then the Bal Vikas children took over. The drama
began with a depiction in the Dwapara Yuga where Yashoda has
come to know that her little Krishna has to go to Mathura and
that his real mother is in fact Devaki. She is very sad and asks
whether she is not blessed to be his mother. Krishna says that
she is as much a mother for him as Devaki and also promises her
that He needs a mother just like that in the Kali Yuga when He
would come again.
The drama then
depicted the sweet story of Divine love between little Sathya
and Subamma. Subamma has no children of her own and so she takes
Sathya as her child. Everyday she searches for him to feed him.
But Swami always offers to His friends before eating Himself and
so she is forced to cook on a large scale always.
"I will need a mother like you
even in Kali Yuga"
witnesses the glory and grandeur of the Pandhari Bhajan group
and convinced of Swami's divinity, she even enters the
Harijanwada (where the "untouchables" live) with Swami. When
people tell her that being a brahmin she would lose her caste,
she says that only Swami is valuable for her. If she has Him
with her, she has nothing to lose in life and without Him
everything is lost.
That scene was so
poignant and pregnant with message. Swami let out His emotion as
He saw that scene. Some said that Swami was being touched by her
feelings. One senior devotee put it beautifully, "Swami is
overwhelmed because inspite of Him exhorting the same message
throughout His life, people do not seem to realise it and they
give up God for the world. He feels very sad for them in His
love." |
Little Sathya - big Impact on
Pandhari bhajan group
The drama concluded with Swami
raising Subbamma from the dead and granting her the greatest fortune of
Darshan and pouring Tulsi (Basil leaf) water into her mouth to signal her
merging in Him. As the final song was on, Swami called "Subbamma" and
created a green diamond ring for her. He then went down to pose for group
photos. He then began to distribute sarees for everyone. He saw the girl who
acted as little Sathya and called 'him' near. He made 'him' sit by His side
and told 'him' to pose to the cameras! After giving sarees to all, He asked
'him', "Will you wear shorts and shirt?" It was such a sweet question and
surely Swami must have been a little nostalgic of His Sathya days!
The Divine darshan in the final
moments for Subamma
Divine sparshan and a ring at the
final moments of the drama!
Swami then distributed white
cloth pieces to all the boys. He blessed all and then went into the
interview room for a short while. He came out and asked for Aarthi. He sat
for the full Aarthi and at the end of it blessed the children again with
both hands and then retired to Yajur Mandir.
"Big" Sathya fondles "little"
Picture perfect - photo finish
26 September,
2007 – Programme by Sai Youth of UP and Uttaranchal
Early in the afternoon, it
became known that Swami had blessed the Sathya Sai Youth of Uttar Pradesh
and Uttarakhand to put up a programme in front of Him in the evening. The
youth were galvanised and they quickly went about putting up the screen
which was to be their only prop. Swami came out for darshan at about 4:00pm.
He came in the car and there was a kind of traditional bugle and drums that
began playing a rhythm. Swami took a detour after the ladies side and came
near the interview room. From there, He came straight out.
When He came and sat in the marble portico, He noticed that the Primary
school block was empty. He wanted them also to be present in the Mandir so
that they would be able to witness the programme. He was actually about to
halt the vedam so that the programme could begin, but He halted Himself
instead and every now and then kept asking whether the children had come.
Very often, we hear that Swami spends almost all His time thinking of His
students. Here was an example for all to see. Swami, in fact, went into the
interview room to wait for the Primary children.
The relationship
between a student and Swami is so special for both of them and
the intimacy and connection becomes so special for all those who
are watching too. Swami does nothing without the students. Any
project He takes up, any trip He goes on, any program that He
witnesses - you name it - the students are an integral part of
it. Is Swami attached? No way. But it is a beautiful lesson on
how He expects His students to lead their lives. He too should
be a part of anything that they take up. Swami should be the
only constant in our changing lives. Whomsoever manages to do
that are alone truly His students, for hadn't He Himself said
once, "I know that you are a student of Sathya Sai College, but
you should also become a Sai Student."
Soon the students
from the Primary School arrived and so did Swami. He came out
and asked for the programme to begin immediately! The programme
was entitled "Mahasu Ki Mahima." Mahasu is another form of Lord
Shiva. The initial roses and cards were offered to Swami and
then the programme began.
The programme schedule presented
in an innovative fashion
It was a play based on the
culture of Jaunsar Bawar, a tribal area in the western part of Uttarakhand.
With Bhagawan's clarion call of Grama Seva, the Sai youth go to the Jaunsar
area with the VIP plan. VIP here stands for Village Integration Programme
and consists of the package - child care, women and men care, critical care,
youth care, educare, medicare, animal care, agricultural care, spiritual
care, social care and special care. While engaged in this seva, the youth
are impressed by the simplicity and value based traditions and customs of
the villagers.
Sai youth setting out for VIP work
Lord Mahasu promises deliverance
from Karmasur
The story of how the region
was freed from the terror of the demon Karmasur by Lord Mahasu was depicted.
Apart from this, the Palki Nritya (the dance with a palanquin of Lord
Shiva), the Harul Nritya (a traditional dance performed on festivals
conveying many teachings like Love for God and fear of sin) and the Pandav
Nritya (dance by the five Pandava brothers and Draupadi as part of the
simple depiction of the Mahabharata) were also part of the evening
programme. After the programme concluded, the performers made a kind of
formation and were singing aloud a song.
The Pandav Nritya performed
Harul Nritya in progress
Swami called the State President and materialised a green diamond ring for
him. He then called the children in the front line and materialised Vibhuti
for them. The participants were overjoyed at this sign of Grace.
A green diamond ring for the state
Vibhooti for all the kids
Swami then told that He would
distribute cloth pieces to all. He personally gave cloth pieces to each and
every participant. It was a comic sight to see "Draupadi" receiving shirt
and pant pieces! After 15 minutes of distribution, Swami topped the cake of
Grace with His special icing. He told everyone to sit neatly around and that
He would come down for a group photo! He went down and insisted that He
would stand so that He would be clearly seen in the picture. After that He
came on stage and asked them, "You know bhajans? Sing then!" There were
three or four bhajans. As Swami signaled for Aarthi, the group photo taken
was given to Him and He in turn gave it to "Draupadi" who was thrilled. He
then received Aarthi and left.
Gents clothing for "Draupadi"!
The final act of ultimate