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Based on experiences at Chennai, Indore and Delhi, it was decided that the Exhibition shall be held in an open ground under an Industrial tent covering an area of 13000 sq. ft. Accordingly, hectic preparations were made in terms of getting the tent erected, creating general awareness of the Exhibition in the local electronic / press media, and arrangement of Seva Dal to explain to all visitors who would visit the Exhibition. The Exhibition would be open for all 11 days from 9.00 AM to 9. PM. The tent was ready by the 1st of January, and all exhibition panels as received from Delhi were arranged as per the instructions provided from Prashanthi Nilayam.
The Exhibition was inaugurated by Smt. Jayaben Thakkar, Honourable
Member of Parliament, from Baroda on the morning of 3rd January 2008 at
9.30 AM. Shri Ma
Smt. Thakkar spent two full hours going round the entire
Exhibition. She was very impressed with Bhagawan's Life, Message, and His stupendous
Work. This is what she had to say "Everyone is in search of Love and Peace. This can
be found only through Selfless Love. Bhagawan Baba has not only provided the path
for Selfless Love but has also actually walked this Path and shown everyone how it
can be done. When we integrate all our efforts of Body, mind and money in these acts
of Selfless Seva and Love, all our impurities disappear. Bhagawan Baba has explained
what is each human being's Swadharma i.e. Ones own Righteous Path by teaching and
practicing the same in His own way. Bhagawan has taught us the language of Love and
with this Love if one carries out
One of the Distinguished guests, His Holiness Goswami Shri Vagishkumar Shri, Kankroli (Baroda), of the Vaishnav sect, from the Bethak Mandir, Baroda was equally impressed by the Exhibition. This is what he had to say after going round the entire Exhibition. "I have experienced both the key elements i.e. the "Prem" and the "Jyothi" at the Exhibition. I am very much amazed at the various incidents in Bhagawan's Life and am very much convinced that Shri Sathya Sai Baba is truly an Avatar as proclaimed by Lord Krishna in the Bhagwad Gita. This is not just an Exhibition for one's eyes to see, but it is the opening of ones consciousness to the spiritual world. "Love" is the only solution to today's problems. The incidents of Lingodhbhavam and other miracles only show that He is God."
With Bhagawan's Grace, there was a steady stream of people visiting the Exhibition. All throughout the day, people continued to come to the Exhibition. All visitors enjoyed the Exhibition panels with several of them expressing their Joy watching Bhagawan's photographs and the panels displaying Sai Work. Several of the visitors wanted more information such as (a) whether Bhagawan will come to Baroda and when? (b) how will someone be able to go to Puttaparthi and avail the benefits of the Super specialty hospitals etc. (c) How can they participate in Sai activities in their respective areas. Satisfactory answers were given by Sevadal. Information booklets were distributed to all visitors along with Prasadam.
Feedback counters were placed at the end of the Exhibition for all visitors to record their views on what they felt about the Exhibition. Bookstall providing Sai literature was also organized so that visitors could purchase Sai Literature while exiting from the Exhibition.
All visitors were provided with Prasadam at the exit.
In all, 2207 visitors visited the Exhibition on the first day. We pray to Bhagawan to generate the required awareness and motivate all citizens of Baroda to visit the Exhibition in the days to come.
of the Exhibition opened at 9.00 AM with all Sevadal reciting three Omkar, the Veda
Shlokas and the Sai Gayatri. Thereafter, all Sevadal occupied their respective
places near the panels and were ready to make the required explanations. From the
first day itself, for each of the seven sections, a leader was nominated who would
ensure that his team is available for this Seva and would provide the desired
guidance in providing the explanations. The Baroda Samithi had even organized a
Visitors started coming in slowly on the second day. This thereafter picked up during the afternoon and by evening, the crowds started coming in. Several of the visitors spent a lot of time over each panel and even made notes. Some of the others promised to make a second visit, after being fully impressed by the first visit and wanting to know about the Sathya Sai Avatar in greater detail. The general feedback of the visitors was that they found the exhibition to be truly magnificent in every respect. A counter for Global Sai harmony was also set up so that those interested in buying World space units could do so at the spot. Amongst the visitors, two important personalities visited the
Exhibition on the second "I have known
about Sathya Sai Baba for many years and I wish to have His Darshan. I am delighted
to see this Exhibition, specially the Heathcare projects, water projects and Gram
Seva. Gram Seva is Prabhu Seva. I know that the Sai Organization has got many
projects but I would like to propose to the Organization that you take over the
"Midday Meal Scheme" of the Government for school children, where we really need a
good NGO The second dignitary was the well known spiritual guru of Baroda Shri Pinakin Guruji. Shri Pinakin Guruji spent close to 2 hours going through every panel. Several of his devotees also accompanied him at the Exhibition. Shri Pinakin Guruji expressed his views about the Exhibition as follows: "The Exhibition is a small sample of the Lord's creation. The Creator is interested in maintaining His Creation, and how this is being done has been expressed in camera and exhibited in these panels. The exhibition is the reflection of the great work done by God himself" In all 1986 visitors visited the Exhibition on the second day taking the total of visitors to 4193 in the first two days. We pray to Bhagawan to generate the required awareness and motivate all citizens of Baroda to visit the Exhibition in the days to come.
Prema Jyoti Exhibition -
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