THIRD DAY - 5th January 2008
The Premjyothi Exhibition had a steady stream of visitors on the third day as well.
awareness creation work had been done by the Baroda Seva Dal to let all people know
in the city and the nearby villages that such an Exhibition has been set up in
Baroda. In fact, teams of Seva Dal and youth members had visited the SAI Gram
villages one / two weeks before the scheduled date of the Exhibition and had held
meetings with the villagers briefing them about the Exhibition. This was done also
for all nearby villages surrounding the Sai Gram villages. Consequently, village
folk started coming to see the Exhibition from the 2nd & 3rd day itself.

Lady volunteers of Baroda had taken up the onerous task of maintaining the main
Shrine and decorating the same with flowers. The decorations were all done early
morning each day before the opening of the Exhibition at 9.00 AM in the morning. The
shrine area also had a plasma TV, which continuously displayed the video of Bhagawan
inaugurating the PremJyothi Exhibition at Prashanthi Nilayam during Guru Poornima
2007. This way all visitors could pray at the
shrine, watch the video of Bhagawan taking a round of the Exhibition Himself, and
thereafter start viewing the panels one by one. The shrine area was located right at
the entrance.
Dr. R.P Patel, an ardent and very senior devotee of Bhagawan
Baba visited the Exhibition on the third day. Dr. R.P Patel is a well reputed in
Homeopathy circles throughout the world and has written many books / articles on
Homeopathy. He has established the Homeopathy Research Institute in Baroda and has a
significant practice in Kottayam. Over the last few years, he has also been
contributing significantly to the Avatar's Work and Mission. As Dr. R.P Patel viewed
the initial panels on Bhagawan's Life, he reminisced about those wonderful olden
days of the sixties when the crowds were less and Bhagawan was easily approachable.
He was very impressed by the Exhibition and wished the very best.
The school children of the Shri Sathya Sai Vidya Niketan, Navsari came to Baroda to
visit the Exhibition. The children were very enthusiastic, and very eager to know
about Bhagawan and His Work. The students formed small groups and went through the
entire Exhibition in a disciplined manner. Most of them asked several questions to
the Seva dal and satisfied their curiosity about Bhagawan. One can see students
listening to the explanations being provided by the Seva Dal in the photographs
All visitors were provided with Prasadam at the exit.

In all, 2781 visitors visited the Exhibition on the third day. We pray to Bhagawan
to generate the required awareness and motivate all citizens of Baroda to visit the
Exhibition in the days to come.
FOURTH DAY - 6th January 2008
The fourth day of the Exhibition was a Sunday and as expected, the eager citizens of
Baroda flocked to the Exhibition to take advantage of the weekend and have Darshan o
f the Lord. Right from early
morning, people started coming in large numbers and this only increased as the day progressed. By mid morning itself,
one could see long queues outside the Exhibition gate. During peak evening hours,
the crowds swelled and long queues were formed to ensure that there is no
overcrowding inside the Exhibition premises. It
was indeed a wonderful sight to see so many people from Baroda city wanting to have Darshan of our Beloved Bhagawan.
Despite the crowds, the Seva Dal patiently explained all the panels to all the
visitors with a smiling face - A portrayal of the Divine Love that formed the core
of Bhagawan's
message. Wheelchairs were also arranged to ensure that the
elderly do not have any problems going through such a big exhibition. The Sevadal
escorted the elderly through all the sections and ensured that they had no problems.
The Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithi, Baroda also hosted a State level review meeting of
all Sai Youth activities and the VIP programme.
Shri Manohar Trikannad, State President, Gujarat chaired the meeting. The holding of
the meeting in Baroda also helped all the youths coming from various parts of the
state to visit the Exhibition. Around 100 active youth leaders from various
districts of Gujarat could benefit from the Exhibition.
The Ahmedabad Samithi also organized a special bus for the villagers of the Sai
Gram villages in their district. Around 105 such villagers
could therefore travel to Baroda and reap the benefits of seeing the Exhibition. For
several of them, this was akin to visiting Puttaparthi itself!
Being a Sunday, several dignitaries visited the
Exhibition. This included politicians, eminent doctors and government officers.
Amongst these was Shri Shabdasharan Brahmbatt,
Ex - Mayor, Baroda. This is what he had to say about the Exhibition. "It is an
unbelievable experience!!. The work done by the Organization led by Bhagawan Sri
Sathya Sai Baba, is possible only by the Divine Grace and Strength. This work is
indeed worth emulating. This is the need for the society today and these modern
times. Baba's work, fully integrated, with spirituality, is
indeed worth studying and adopting the same everywhere else.
Shri Ramesh C Prajapati, an emininet engineer, past Lions district governor and
also a local politician said "It is amazing!!.
Only God can think of such beautiful Seva …….."
Shri Nilesh Bhavsar, member, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Baroda was more eloquent on his
conviction about how Bhagawan Baba will bring India back as the future spiritua
l Guru of the World. He said "Our Country is the Guru of the
entire world. If we see today's politics, we would have several worries about the
future of the country. However, after having the Darshan of Baba and an Exhibition
of His works, I am convinced that it is only because of these Divine and Holy people that our country will again rise to the
position of the Spiritual Guru for the entire world. It is only by Baba's message
and Work that this country will become the Beacon for the entire world by 2011 and
all countries will accept this p
osition" He further added on how Baba has given due
importance to personality development. He said that every person has to have the
following four attributes a) Education b) Culture c) Health d) Self reliance. These
are developed only by such organizations such as the Shri Sathya Sai Seva
Organization. This is not just talk about integrated development, but it is actually
happening for all in Baba's institutions.
Being a Sunday, one did expect a larger than normal turnout at the Exhibition.
However, the actual numbers crossed everyone's expectati
ons. In all 5472 visitors visited the Exhibition on the
fourth day taking the total of visitors to 12446 in the first four days. The huge
turnout has made everyone realize that it is
Bhagawan who is inspiring all to come to the Exhibition.
We pray to Bhagawan to generate the required awareness and motivate all citizens of
Baroda to visit the Exhibition in the days to come.
Prema Jyoti Exhibition -
Baroda :
brochure/Leaflet in Gujarati & English language >>