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1. What are the six basic principles on which Baba's philosophy of
life and education are based?
The six basic principles of Baba's philosophy of life and education
are SATHYA (truth); DHARMA (Righteousness) SHANTHI (peace); PREMA
(love), AHIMSA (Non-violence) and THYAGA (Sacrifice).
2. What is the meaning of Human value?
That which gives value to man is the realisation of the fact that he
has to seek and find the place from where he had come. Man alone has
this capacity.
3. What is 3 - H.V.?
3-HV stands for head, heart and hand. V = values.
4. Who is an integrated personality?
One who has the head of Aadi Shankara, the heart of Buddha and the
hands of Janaka.
5. Of the six human values. Love is said to run as an undercurrent.
When love enters one's thought and word it becomes truth. When love
is expressed in right action it is Dharma. Love in feeling is peace.
Love in understanding is Ahimsa or non-violence and Love in selfless
service is Thyaaga.
6. What are the ideals of Sri Sathya Sai Education?
The ideals of Sri Sathya Sai education are knowledge, skill, balance,
insight and identification and service. The pursuit of Truth yields
secular and spiritual knowledge. Dharma or right action is the result
of acquiring three skills - self help skills, ethical skills and
social skills. The pursuit of peace will result in equanimity -
balance between thought and action. It is through love one develops
insight and through non-violence identification. Love here means
Truth by intuition, nonviolence should imply the essence of the
saying "mamaathma Sarvaboothaantharathma".(I am present as Aathma in
every living being) and sacrifice is selfless loving.
7. How many types of knowledge are there?
Superficial knowledge; bookish knowledge; general knowledge,
discriminatory knowledge; practical knowledge.
8. What is the difference between individual discrimination and
fundamental discrimination?
Individual discrimination is related to selfish interest. Fundamental
discrimination is related to doing good to one and all.
9. What are the three Ps of life?
Purity, Patience, Perseverance.
10. What are the four Fs of life ? What do they stand for?
Follow the Master; Face the devil; Fight to the end; Finish the game.
They stand for Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha (Righteousness,
prosperity and fulfillment through service and liberation).
11. What are the five Ds that students have to cultivate to achieve
anything in life?
Dedication, Devotion, Discipline, Discrimination and Determination.
12. What are the fourteen undesirable qualities that man has to give
The 8 types of pride and 6 evils: Pride of strength, birth,
scholarship, wealth, penance, beauty, youth, authority; evils of
desire, anger, greed, infatuation, arrogance, jealousy.
13. What are the true flowers (qualities) of worship?
Non-violence, compassion, sense control, forbearance, peace, penance,
meditation and truth.
14. What are the five evils that students have to avoid?
Seeing evil, hearing evil, speaking evil, thinking evil, doing evil.
15. What are the four sins that human tongue is liable to commit?
To tell lies, to talk too much, to engage in slander, to carry tales.
16. What are the four components of 'ceiling on desires'?
Do not waste food: Food is God
Do not waste Money: Money is God
Do not waste Time: Time is God
Do not waste energy: Energy is the gift of God.
17. Who are our real kinsmen?
Let truth be your father
Let love be your mother
Let wisdom be your son
Let peace be your daughter
Let devotion be your brother
Let yogis be your friends.
18. Fill up the blanks:
(a) Study in order to....
(b)Truth is more fundamental than....
(c) Spirit of love is ....
(d) Science is.....
(e) Body is a ..... Mind is a .... Don't follow...
Don't follow .... follow your....
a) Study in order to be steady.
b) Truth is more fundamental than the Atom
c) Spirit of love is spirituality
d) Science is split of love
e) Body is a water bubble
Mind is a Mad Monkey
Don't follow the Body. Don't follow the Mind.
Follow your conscience.
19. Give the meaning of the following: Man; Nara; Human; Maanava;
Moksha; Samaadhi; History; Hindu.
Man: M = Maya A = Aathma N = Nirvana. When Maya is removed, Aathma is
revealed and then Nirvana is attained.
Nara: Na - without or (Not) Ra - Destructible One who is without
Human(ness) or being humane:
Highest value of mankind
Understanding mankind
Mind full of duty
Name Divine.
Maanava: Maa + Na + Va - One who is free from ignorance.
Maa + nava - One who is not new.
Moksha: Moha Kshaya (Moha - delusion, kshaya - destruction).
Samadhi: Sama + dhi - Equal mindedness (In this state there is no
experience of pain or pleasure, loss or gain. heat or cold, praise or
blame. It is the nature of the SELF ever unaffected by duality).
History: His story.
H for humility
I for Individuality
N for Nationality
D for Devotion
U for Unity.
20. What is the five lettered Mantra that Swami gave on Shivarathri?
21. Arrange the following in proper sequence: (a) Head, Food, God.
(b) World, Self, God. (c) God, Father, Mother. (d) Unity, Purity,
Charity, Divinity.
a) Food - Head - God
b) God - World - Self
c) Mother - Father - God
d) Charity - Unity - Purity - Divinity.
22. What are the two things that one has to forget and remember?
Forget the harm done to you by others; forget the good done by you to
Remember the good done by others to you remember the bad done by you
to others.
23. Who is the richest man in the world?
One who has few desires is the richest man.
24. What kind of man will not be troubled by Kali Yuga (Kali age)?
One whose heart is filled with compassion One whose lips always speak
truth One whose body is made use of to help others.
25. What are the real ornaments for an individual?
Charity is the ornament that should adorn the hand. Truth is the
ornament for the faculty of speech and listening to scriptural texts
is the ornament for the ears.
26. What are the four Purushaarthas (objectives) that students have
to pursue?
Maithri (friendship); Karuna (compassion) Muditha (sense of
appreciation) Upeksha (to be away from undesirable people and action).
27. Swami gives unique meanings to some words. Give such meaning for
the following: (a) Maithri (b) Foreigners (c) Forest (d) Interview.
Maithri is spelt as My Three standing for purity of Mind, Word and
Foreigners are far - nears
Forest is for rest
Interview - to enter view.
28. In what context does Swami make use of the following analogies:
(a) Lock and key (b) Garland of flowers (c) Seed and tree (d)
Registered letter (e) Postman (f) Mariner's compass (g) current,
wire, bulb, light (h) Car.
a) Lock and Key: To explain the truth that human mind is the cause of
bondage and liberation, Swami uses this simile.
b) Garland of flowers: is cited as an example to explain Brahma
Sutra. Just as different kinds of flowers are strung in a thread
which is invisible, so also the invisible Divine principle is present
in all the beings of creation. c) Seed, Tree: This simile is used to
explain the meaning of the Mahaavaakya, THATHVAMASI and the Vedic
The seed looking at the tree from which it has come says "I AM THAT".
Just as the manifold parts like branches, leaves, flowers, seeds etc
have come out of a single tree the entire creation has emerged out of
d) Registered letter: When you receive a registered letter, it
becomes yours only when you sign it and take it; otherwise it is sent
back to the sender of the letter. Similarly when you are abused by
others, keep calm; do not reply or retort. (The abuser will cool down
after some time.) Then the abuses will go back to the abuser.
e) God is a postman. His duty is only to deliver letters addressed to
you. He is not concerned with the contents of the letters, be it good
or bad. So also God is not responsible for your joys and sorrows.
They are the results of your own actions.
f) The needle of the Mariner's compass always points to the North,
wherever we may keep it. Similarly devotees must always turn their
vision towards God in Joy or sorrow.
g) Current is Truth; Wire is Dharma; bulb is Peace; and Light is
Love. All the four values are inter-dependent and integrated.
h) Car is very much like a human body. Its four wheels are four
Purushaarthas; (the four goals of human life). The air which fills
the tyres of the wheels is faith. Steering wheel is the Mind. Switch
is the intellect. Brakes are sense control. The driver is the Jeeva.
The owner who rides in the car is Aathma. According to His directions
the vehicle should be run.
29. Swami uses certain analogies to explain the importance of keeping
good company and avoiding bad company. Give three examples.
Coal in the proximity of fire is transformed into fire. It is
divested of its blackness and becomes bright and red like fire. In
the company of fire, a piece of iron shines like fire. In the company
of moisture and water it becomes rusty, and dirty. Dust goes up
higher and higher in the company of air; in the company of water it
goes down lower and lower. So also the company of good and Godly
elevates man and the company of wicked and vicious persons drags him
down and makes him wicked and devoid of virtues.
30. Explain these: (a) Life is a limited company (b) In your heart
there should be only one sofa (c) Mind is like a cat (d) Hurry,
Worry, Curry.
a) Life is a limited company: Body is indispensable to live. To live
happily and peacefully, one has to be aware of the capacity of every
organ of the body and its functions.
Eyes are given to see but only to a limited extent. Human eyes are
not designed to see light beyond a certain limit of brightness. For
example we cannot see the Sun with our eyes without getting the eyes
damaged. So also there is a limit for the human ear to hear the
sounds. The same thing holds good to the other organs of the body
like nose, skin, etc. Beyond a certain limit they cannot function
properly; trying to exceed the limits amounts to misuse or abuse of
organs, in which case there will be no joy but only sorrow. Similarly
there is a limit set to one's pulse, heart-beat, blood pressure etc.
If any of the functions exceed their limits or fall below the limits
set, there is surely an ailment or disease. Hence the body or human
life is said to be a limited company. Above all, these organs should
not be used for seeing evil, hearing evil, talking evil and doing
b) In one's heart there should be only one seat, not more than one
and that should be for God.
c) The human mind is compared to a cat. A cat catches hold of its
kitten with its mouth and carries it to a safe place in order to
guard it from danger. The same cat uses its mouth to pounce upon a
rat and catches it only to kill it. So also the mind could be a
benefactor if it is engaged in good and Godly thoughts while it can
bring about disaster if indulged in wicked thoughts.
d) Swami says that three principal causes for cardiac ailments are
hurry, worry and curry. It is the hurry and worry that create mental
tension and raise the blood pressure while the improper food upsets
the blood circulation and cholesterol levels. The physicians not only
prescribe medicines for cardiac ailments but insist on dietary
31. What is the translation that Swami has rendered for (a)
Paropakaaraya Phunyaaya, papaaya para peedanam (b) Sahanavavathu
sahanau bhunakthu saha veeryam karavavahai. Thejasvinaa
vadheethamasthu maa vidh vishavaahai. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.
a) Help ever, hurt never.
b) Together together we shall steadily grow,
Together together we shall feed and foster, fortune and friendship,
full vigor and virtue,
Together together the knowledge we have gained, together together we
shall share as friends.
Together we shall acclaim and spread the message of PEACE".
32. Explain with reference to context:
(a) "Look here, you may give them food, but mind you, you will have
to starve".
(b) "Hey! you are a wonderful boy, you will help thousands, you are a
great power".
(c) "Let each one be given clothes he selects and what remains is
good enough for me".
(d) "The lingams are all here".
(e) "I shall give you the feet of Sai Baba, my previous body".
(f) "Bhavaani gave a sword into the hands of the emperor Shivaaji
commissioning him to venture forth and uphold Hinduism. This
Shivashakthi is giving these Pandiths the sword of courage
commissioning them to revive Dharma in the world,"
(g) "Your neck shall wear a Japamaala, a rosary which I shall myself
put around when you come to me after the sentence is over,"
(h) "Look at the mutual service that bird and beast are rendering to
each other."
(i) 'Poor things!' They are sorry I kept them aside. Alright. I shall
take them also to Anantapur with me.'
(j) "This is my trade mark."
a) These words were spoken by Mother Eashvaramma. At the tender age
of four Baba used to persuade His sisters to hand out grain or food
to beggars. The elders were naturally irritated by the procession of
beggars that come every day. In order to put an end to this act of
charity of Baba, Mother Eashvaramma caught hold of Sathya's hand and
with a finger raised in warning said these words.
b) These words were spoken by Mehaboob Khan, a teacher who taught
English in the school. He treated Sathya with a unique affection. He
used to give Sathya often, some items of food or snacks specially
prepared for him. He would ask Sathya to sit beside him and stroking
his hair he said these words. One of the rare souls who recognised
early the latent divinity in Sathya.
c) These words were spoken by Baba. Kondamaraju, the grandfather used
to bring various types of dyed cloth to get shirts stitched for the
festivals. The grandfather would ask Sathya to select a cloth that he
liked best. In that context Sathya said these words.
d) When the site for construction of the first Mandir had been
selected, people were digging at a particular spot indicated by Baba.
While Guni Venkanna was digging, a large number of stone bases of
Shiva Lingams were found. There was not a single Shiva Linga in that
place, and people were wondering why Shiva Lingams were not there.
Then Baba told them, pointing a finger at his stomach: "the Lingams
are all here". These words were spoken by Baba.
e) These words were spoken by Baba. At Madras where He had sanctified
a temple at Guindy in His 22nd year, the devotee who had built the
temple, washed and worshipped Baba's feet and prayed to him to give
an impression of His feet on sandal paste, on a piece of silken
cloth. Then Baba said, "I shall give the feet of Sai Baba, my
previous body".
f) These words were spoken by Baba on the occasion of the
inauguration of Vidhvan Maha Sabha on 20th October 1965 during
Dasara, thereby declaring that his mission is to revive Vedic studies.
g) These words were addressed to Kalpagiri, a murderer and a criminal
who escaped from the hands of police, and was wandering in the robes
of a recluse, (a monk). He came to Prashanthi Nilayam, after visiting
all the pilgrim centres in the South. Then Baba gave him an interview
and advised him to surrender to the police assuring him that he will
not be hanged. Baba also gave him money and Vibhutti Prasadam, and
said these words.
h) When Baba visited Africa, He took a number of devotees, students
and Africans to see the river Nile. There they found a host of
crocodiles on the shore basking in the sun. There, Baba pointing out
to the plover birds, hopping about the crocodile area, some birds
even dared to perch inside the horrible teeth trap of the crocodiles,
Baba said that the plovers have no fear of being swallowed by the
crocodiles because they are eating off particles of flesh stuck in
between the teeth, thereby easing them of their tooth-ache.
i) These words were spoken by Baba, when Mr. Hislop was also there in
his room at Dharma Kshethra. Baba had ordered 100 saris to be brought
in order to distribute them to women workers engaged in the Anantapur
college building work. Baba selected 96 saris and kept the remaining
four on a table. An hour later when Baba returned. He found droplets
of water inside the packets. Hislop was wondering how it could
happen, then Baba said these words: "This is to prove that every
artifact has a human feeling." He also narrated the episode of
Govardhana Hill.
j) This sentence was spoken by Baba as an answer to the question put
by Sri Eruch B. Fanibunda. Mr. Fanibunda noticed the letters T.P.S.
on some medallions created by Baba. He was curious to know the
meaning of the letters and asked Baba what they stand for. Swami
said: "T means Thaara or Star of heaven, born in human form. The
letters PS stand for Pathri Sai, Parthi Sai and Prema Sai. All the
three Sais have the letters TPS as their trade mark."
33. Why does Baba address us as Bangaaru?
There is an inner significance attached to Baba, addressing us
as "BANGAARUU". It indicates Baba's plan to transmute the unpurified
gold ore that we are into pure shining gold. Just as raw gold ore is
washed in certain chemical solutions, heated, melted, re-heated and
beaten - finally shining with all its glitter, so too Baba heaps on
us several tests in the form of troubles and problems only to chasten
us, remove the gross and the dross in us and make us pure - in
thought word and deed. All that we have to do is to patiently endure
the tests with full faith in God.
34. Illustrate with suitable incidents the following Namaavalis: (a)
Sujnana maarga dharshakaaya namah (one who shows the path of
attaining right knowledge) (b) Mukti pradayahamah (One who enables
and make it possible for his devotee to attain liberation).
a) There is the incident of the visit of a certain Dhigambara Swami
who was instigated to challenge the Divine boy of Puttaparthi when
Baba was young. Some people in Puttaparthi who did not like Baba
invited the Dhigambara Swami, an aged man. a lame person, who had
taken to the vow of silence and was completely nude to Puttaparthi.
His disciples brought him in a palanquin to the Karanam's house. Baba
came out with a big towel in his hand. He spoke to the aged Swami
with love and compassion (yet firm) "Why this nude exhibition? Why
this silence? Why should you make people carry you from place to
place? All these indicate that you have taken to the Saadhu's garb
only to eke out your living. Only those who are not worried about the
needs of the body deserve to be called a Saadhu. First cover yourself
with the towel and turn from now on to a true Saadhu. Go to a forest,
and meditate in a cave. Do not fear. I shall see that you are fed and
freed from the fear of animals." These comforting
and encouraging words of Baba opened the eyes of the aged Saadhu. He
was full of gratitude to Baba because Baba had revealed to him the
way of attaining the state of a true Saadhu and the right knowledge.
b) 1) This description of Baba means one who grants or confers
liberation from human bondage. Baba's ways of conferring grace is
unique and varied. It depends on the devotee's experiences and
Sadhana in this life and the past life.
Seshagiri Rao was a Pujari or priest in the Mandir or Shrine at
Prashanthi Nilayam. He was a pious man having full faith in Baba.
Once he had been ailing for months and was almost on death bed. He
was ready to welcome death and to be released from the body. Just
then Baba entered and sternly said "How can you leave without my
issuing a ticket, go and attend to your duty". Of course Seshagiri
obeyed the Divine command. Yet after some time once again he became
ill and suffered a lot. His suffering was such that his kith and kin
were very anxious to take him away from the Nilayam. But Baba once
again came, fed him with his own hands and said to his relatives, "I
only made him suffer, so that his Karma may be wiped out in this
birth itself". Baba left the place saying "you can go now". Thus
Seshagiri Rao was freed from the cycle of birth and death.
2) One girl hardly of six years replied to Baba's question "What do
you want", "I desire to merge in you", Baba tried to dissuade her
from such a pleading. Yet the girl insisted. Needless to say the
girl's wish was fulfilled. It was Baba Himself who had induced her to
request Him to grant her only desire - the only desire that man
should pray for.
3) Once a blind boy was brought by his parents to Baba. They
requested him to bless the boy with vision. Baba replied "I can grant
vision but this boy has to take another birth as a blind boy to reap
the consequence of his cruel act of blinding a boy in the previous
life. Let him live like this and let him wipe out his Karma in this
birth itself.
35. Complete this song of Baba:
'Love is my....
.... is my....
..... is my food.
My life is my message
.... is my nature
No.... for love
No.... for love
No.... No......'
"Love is My form
Truth is My breath
Bliss is My food
My life is My message
Expansion is My nature
No season for love
No reason for love
No birth No death."