The term birthday has greater connotations of profundity when it is used with
reference to a sublime spiritual persona. And when this spiritual persona in
reference is incidentally Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we need to take a refreshed
look at the term birthday. For Him who has made the characteristic and profound
declarations about His coming on to planet earth, it is obvious that the most apt
term to be used to commemorate His coming is ‘Divine Advent’.
The Birthday of Bhagawan is always a very special occasion in any calendar year in
Prasanthi Nilayam. But with each passing year, the Birthday festival is growing in
grandeur, splendour, magnificence and majesty. People from all parts of the globe
swarm like bees to this spiritual capital to witness the grand birthday festivity.
This year, the festivities had begun as early as 10th November with Bhagavata
Saptaham and Sahasra Poorna Chandra Shanti Mahotsavam. Devotees who were present in
Prasanthi Nilayam during these days would have experienced the Divinity of Bhagawan
in full measure. One can say that the
rain god was at Bhagawan’s beck and call. On
the 16th of November (2nd day of Sahasra Poorna Chandra Shanti Mahotsavam Yajna),
there was heavy rain, but on the 17th there was not even a drop of rain. Similarly,
on the 22nd, there was heavy downpour, the roads were flooded, and there was slush
everywhere. On the 23rd, there was not even a trace of rain. On the contrary, the
sun had come out shining brightly. It was as if the Sun god was offering his
obeisance to Bhagawan. Yes, the Birthday of Bhagawan is a moment to cherish for the
gods of the highest heavens. After the Birthday function, when this report is being
made, there is a possibility of rain lurking in the sky.
But, albeit all these anticlimaxes, Prasanthi Nilayam was
basking in glory for her rare privilege of housing the Avatar of the age and as the
Day approached, the day that was etched in the history of time in bold and gold, it
was joy of anticipation every where.
Ushering into the day all have been waiting for, Prasanthi had the hustle and bustle
in the wee hours when every single devotee wished to occupy a slot in the Sai
Kulwant Hall, the venue of the Birthday celebrations. Much before the eastern sunny
rays splashed over the spiritual township, the throng of devotees were up from bed
with just one thing in mind and thousands of hearts blossomed into ecstatic joy of
anticipation of beholding the sight of the Avatar yet again coming out granting the
rarest of the boons, a birthday Darshan!
to enlarge
A beautiful arch with the lettering 83rd Birthday of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
was seen richly decorated with flowers and other paraphernalia of decorations. The
dais too was a treat to the eye with magnificent flower decorations. Video cameras
were stationed at important points to catch all the live action. Pressmen had
cramped every available space in the exclusive gallery allotted to them with their
scribble pads. Lens men too had taken their positions in their allotted places.

Welcoming the Lord in white was a pageantry comprising the University Brass Brand,
both Men and Women in their gleaming uniforms, the Bagpipers from the Primary, both
by Boys and Girls, and the Vedam Group with Poornakumbham. This glittering cavalcade
forming the pageantry welcoming Bhagawan stole the show when the Lord in white came
out of His Divine Abode just after 9:35 a.m. Bhagawan who came in His special chair
moved through the throng of devotees for a complete round while Sri Rudra Prasna was
heard reaching its crescendo in the background.
Click to
As Bhagawan came to the dais, the brass band, both the boys’ and girls’ played Happy
Birthday song with the audience keeping beat to the song. After this sonorous tunes
were played by the brass band of boys and girls followed by the primary school
bands. Then Bhagawan went to the portico of the Mandir to cut cakes lovingly brought
by students of various educational institutions, staff of hospitals and the
institutions in the Mandir. After a while, Bhagawan again came to the dais and
signalled to the students to start Bhajans. Even songs like “Sri Raghavam
Dasarathmaja Aprameyam ...”, “Namo Sathya Sai Baba ...”, “Manishini Madhavuni Chese
Mahine Swargamuga Marche Sathya Sai Bhagawan Ki Enta Premayo, Enta Premayo …” This
song has a profound meaning, which is worth mentioning in this context: “The love of
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba for humanity is incomparable and indescribable that He
is transforming humans into divine and earth into heaven …” After these songs and
Bhajans, Arati was offered to Bhagawan at 10.55 a.m.
What entailed on this auspicious morning was very clear. It was His Divine Darshan
that was foremost in the agenda of every devotee the benevolent Lord was magnanimous
to bestow the boon, as He chose to sit on the dais for a long time, in resplendent
white. The Karnataka Governor His Excellency Rameshwar Thakur was present on the
dais paying obeisance to Bhagawan while Sunil Gavaskar was seen presenting a cricket
memorabilia, a bat signed by the members of the 1983 World Cup Winning Team. ...and
a miniscule of the world was present to behold the sight of the Lord walking on
earth on His chosen date with destiny..
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Birthday celebrations 23 Nov. 2008
Also read
below eye witness account submitted to sboi group
Om Sairam dearest Sai Family,
Wishing a very happy birthday to all the Swamis all over the
world and what a day it was at the Abode of our Beloved Lord.
Its been 83 years that Puttaparthi has been witnessing such an
auspicious morning.
After a glorious ending to the Sahasra Poorna Chandra Darshana
Shanthi Yagna, all devotees were looking forward to the most
auspicious festival of our Sai Family.. The Birthday of our
Lord, that Lord who neither has a beginning nor an end that
Lord, who is beyond time and space, thousands and thousands
gathered in Prasanthi Nilayam to celebrate the birthday of our
beloved Lord.
Swami always says, Everyday is My birthday. .but to please our
hearts He celebrates this day and again to remind us that we are
here in Human form, for a definite reason
The streets were busy as early as 3am.All the devotees who were
staying outside the ashram were lining up at 3am gents to the
left of Ganesh Gate and ladies to the right. The ladies line
went as far as Swami's primary school and gents lines touched
the Hanuman temple.
In side the Ganesha gate was entirely different scene. The
Kulwanth hall was jam packed and space next to Ganesha was full
and not to forget the lines on the hill top behind Ganesha..
The Kulwanth hall was beautifully decorated to commemorate the
83 years of Advent of our Beloved Lord. The band lead by
students from Anantapur Campus were waiting by Swami's Abode and
Swami out of immense grace, blessed all of us with His special
Birthday Divine Darshan at 9:45am. The girls from Anantapur
campus entered the hall first, followed by primary school girls
and boys, the Veda chanting group followed Prasanthi Nilayam
students band..
Two eyes were not enough to see our beloved Lord, clad in Pure
white robe, having the smile of a innocent child, seated on a
bit bigger Mobile Throne to give better darshan to His loving
devotees, smiling at every one, wiping His lips with His
handkerchief now and then, entered Sai Kulwanth Hall amidst Veda
chants, nada swaram while four different bands played their
It was a long wait for all the devotees seated in Kulwanth hall
and with just one look of our beloved Lord, we got back all our
energy and forgot all the body pains..
Swami took a full round going past the gents lines also. The
path way next to Sai Kulwanth hall was full and the East
Prasanthi balcony as usual had maximum capacity to see our
Beloved Lord..
Swami then got on to the dais and listened to all bands and later
signaled the students to take their seats. Smiling blissfully at
every one, Swami then asked for bhajans.. Students sang
beautiful bhajans with numbers like, Manishini madhavuniga
cheya, madiney Swargamuga mara, Manavudai Avatarinchina Sathya
Sai Bhagawanuniki Entha Prema yo Swamiki entha premayo, Needu
Sannidi maaku pennidi..
Swami immersed in the ocean of bliss closing His eyes, while
these beautiful renderings were going on..
After about 8 bhajans Arathi was given to Swami.. Swami stayed
for the whole arathi on the dais, smiling at every one.. and
later left to His Abode in the Mobile throne thus ending a
beautiful birthday morning..

Outside the Ganesha Gate, the situation was very pitiable.. Many
devotees, who had come from far flung areas, to wish our Lord on
His birthday, felt very sad that they couldn't see our beloved
Lord on His birthday.. The gates which usually open at 4am were
not opened till 9:30am and one could understand the mental and
physical trauma those devotees would have undergone after being
waiting to get in since 3am.
I pray to Bhagawan that this situation may not arise here after
and no Sai Brother and sister should feel discarded or rejected.
Let every one have blissful darshans and reach greater spiritual
heights. I saw many devotees women in particular in tears for
not letting them in.
Earlier on 22nd November the 27th convocation of Sri Sathya
University was celebrated in a grand way in the immediate
presence of the DIVINE CHANCELLOR, Sri Sathya Sai Baba. The
Chief guest for the occasion was our own Sri.Venkatraman, former
Vice Chancellor of Sathya Sai University a house hold name in
the Sai Family, who was instrumental in bringing Swami into our
house through Radio Sai .
Sri Venkatraman called Swami's university as Kaliyuga Gurukulam.
In a speech prepared before hand, he shared the love and
affection Swami showered on His students..
It so happened one fine day in Brindavan, that Swami came to see
His students. There was a huge construction of Boys hostel going
on in those days. A student went to Swami and gave a letter to
Swami. Swami after sitting on His chair opened the letter and
read. Looking at the boy, Swami asked can I ask your warden to
read this letter aloud, to which boy said, Your wish Swami..
The boy in the letter expressed unhappiness on building a hostel
far away from Swami's residence.. Immediately, chief engineer
late Sri Joga Rao was asked to come. Joga Rao said, but Swami it
is just on the other side of your house, but boys, in one voice
said, â€but Swami there is a wall in between. This touched
Swami's heart and immediately asked to change the plans and that
is why we see boys€™ hostel in Brindavan, right next to Swami's
Swami once visited a Volley ball match played in the college
ground. Looking at the boy who was serving the ball, Swami said,
see as soon as the boy serves the ball, the boys undergo lot of
pain and struggle to make sure that the ball doesn't€™t touch the
ground. in the same way, when I serve you with all the Atma Gnana
and it is your duty to take it to the people with full
Prof. Venkatraman continued to say that many times, Swami takes
upon Himself some dangers which the students would undergo.
Giving the example of the 1999 Sports meet incident he said,
Swami was coming to the stadium in the specially designed
chariot. Before getting down, Swami had a fall which was
immediately taken care of..
On January 14 (Luckily I was also present on that day when Swami
shared this incident in His divine discourse), Swami revealed
the secret behind the incident (fall). As soon as Swami entered
the stadium, He saw two lorries (trucks) and students were about
to do some stunts on it.. Swami sensed a big danger to one of
the students who was in the scene which would result in spinal
break down. Do save the child, Swami took that on Him. Swami was
actually bleeding profusely but the Divine master made sure
that no one would notice the bleeding from His robe on to His
Sri Venkatraman, shared such heart touching incidents with the
august gathering before Swami delivered His divine discourse
Clad in a maroon red robe, Swami delivered His divine discourse
seated on His chair..
Swami started with a beautiful poem..
Khanda khandantara Khyati narjinchina Mahaneeyulanu kanna matru
(this land of Bharat is the mother land of various people who
are renowned all over the world.
This land of Bharath has shown scolarly excellence in the field
of art and science.
Being born in such a holy land, to safeguard its spiritual
riches, it is the responsibility of you boys and girls..
In this Holy Bharath, Forbearance is our strength. Of all the
noble acts, adherence to truth is the highest form of penance,
This is the land which considerers self respect more than Life.
Only in this land of Bharath you will find women like Savitri
who have fought with God of death Yama and brought back her dead
husband Sathya vantha to life..
Do you find such women today? Indians have forgotten their
strength. The plight of Indians is like an elephant who doesn't
know her strength. Just one whip of elephant tail can throw away
a person 9 feet away..
It is said that Sathya vada, Dharmam Chara..but now it is
Sathyam Vadha (truth is killed) and Dharmam Chera (Dharma has
been jailed). When you are born as humans you should be
truthful. For Humans Dharma and Sathya are two eyes..
Swami went on to say that For every one Self confidence is very
important. One should be fearless always. Self confidence is the
foundation, Self satisfaction is the wall, self sacrifice is the
roof and self realization is life..
Talking about India Swami said, India is the only place where
people are not worried about any attacks. In America , Germany
and other countries, they can’t eat well or sleep well. There
is fear of bombs always in those countries. But in India , there
is no fear of bombs. India will never have any such attacks.
Many students after completing their education go to foreign
countries. They come back with spoilt character. There is
nothing which is not present in India . This country has
provided everything and there is no need to go elsewhere. Many
people call Swami to come to their countries. Some even say, we
will provide you special planes for You. I DON'T WANT ANY
Swami made it clear that He has no enemies. Every one loves Him.
Many people may have some misunderstandings about Me but it is
only their IMAGINATION.. I have no enemies.. I love all. I am
always smiling. Many people think how can I keep smiling? I
don’t like castoroil faces.. When you all are happy, I will be
Swami made it clear that VERY SOON the whole world will be
united. There won't be any differences what so ever. It is the
political parties which create differences. Ours is only one
Party and that is LOVE LOVE LOVE..
Iam always blissful.. I some times use harsh words to correct
you but you all know my heart is BUTTER.. so saying our sweet
Lord ended His hour long divine discourse, nicely translated by
our Prof.Anil Kumar..
With pranams at the Lotus feet of our beloved Lord..
Muddenahalli's share of Divine Love
Yet another twilight blessed by His Divine charisma
After a blessed morning with sumptuous darshan of the Lord in white, the focus of
attention was on to the evening session. The surging rush that had filled the entire
Prasanthi in the morning was still not budging and one could see long queues waiting
to get into the Sai Kulwant Hall despite a drizzle early in the evening. …And Sai
Kulwant Hall was filled to capacity as the long wait continued. But, God’s delay is
not God’s denial…and came the Lord and delivered a wonderful Divine Discourse…
“Today I have decided to have a separate campus affiliated to Sri Sathya Sai
University in Muddenahalli. Bhagawan’s Will is bound to happen. The work will start
from tomorrow”, declared Bhagawan in His 83rd Birthday Message on the evening of
23rd November 2008.
Bhagawan arrived at Sai Kulwant Hall at 5.40 p.m. to the chants of Sri Rudra Prasna
and wafting music played over the public address system. After Bhagawan came to the
dais, Prof. Anil Kumar introduced the speakers for the evening session. He began his
short speech hailing victory, victory to Sai, who has seen one thousand moons. Today
we think it is the Birthday of Bhagawan, how can we celebrate the birthday of the
One who has no birth. Your Birthday is the day when the Vedas originated, said Prof.
Anil Kumar. He then introduced the two distinguished speakers for the evening
session, Sri V. Srinivasan, past President of Confederation of Indian Industries,
Chairman of W.S. Industries, Member of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust and the All
India President of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations and Sri Ajit Popat, financial
consultant and Trustee of Heart Valve Bank.
Sri V. Srinivasan began his speech by offering his humble Pranams at the Lotus Feet
of Bhagawan. He also offered his greetings on the auspicious occasion of the 83rd
Birthday of Bhagawan. Sri Srinivasan said that today is the defining moment in the
chronicles of time because today the universe, the galaxies, planets, sun, moon,
asteroids, all are fortunate to have 1,008 Darshan of Sri Sathya Sai Avatar. Blessed
are we, how fortunate we are, Koti, Koti Pranams for His benevolent Darshan. Since
the beginning of the month activities were galore at Prasanthi Nilayam – Grama Seva,
Akhanda Bhajan, Bhagavata Saptaham, Sahasra Poorna Chandra Darshan Shanti
Mahotsavam. We were enthralled to have the Darshan of Bhagawan in the golden
chariot. This morning Bhagawan gave Darshan in His pristine white robe. The sight
was esoteric, enlightening … words cannot describe such a sight.
Referring to Bhagawan’s Discourse on the occasion of 27th Convocation of the
University, the learned speaker said that Bhagawan has declared that in 28 years
time, India would be the vanguard of all the countries of the world. All would be
one. There would be absolute unity. Bhagawan has brought hope to the loveless world.
What is the message that Bhagawan wants to convey when He sends His students for
Grama Seva. He brings hope to those people whom society has forgotten. There is one
Person who loves and cares for them.
The erudite speaker said that today after the morning function, Bhagawan told him
and others to construct permanent houses in Orissa to those who are rendered
homeless by the recent floods. Bhagawan is love personified. The message of
yesterday’s drama is love. Bhagawan reaches out to the people of the villages. The
speaker as All India President had many such experiences when he visited different
parts of the country. Bhagawan would be ahead of him touching their hearts with His
love. Sri Srinivasan said that he had been experiencing Bhagawan’s love for the last
40 years. Bhagawan’s love is spontaneous. Bhagawan said that He hates none. He loves
all. It is our duty is see goodness in all people. Sri Srinivasan ended his speech
by saying that let us resolve to have unshakeable faith in Bhagawan. We should have
direct relationship with Bhagawan.
Sri Ajit Popat began his speech by offering his salutations to Bhagawan – Namaste
Prema Rupaya Namaste Paramatmane, Namaste Shirdi Nathaya, Namaste Sathya Sayine. Sri
Popat began his forceful speech by saying that Bhagawan is beyond one’s
comprehension. Yatho Vacho Nivarthanthe Aprapya Manasa Saha (whence the words along
with the mind rebound in futility without comprehending Divinity). He punctuated his
speech with many slokas (verses). Brahmanandam, Parama Sukhadam, Kevalam
Jnanamurtim, Dwandwateetam, Gagana Sadrisham, Tattwamasyadi Lakshyam, Ekam, Nityam,
Vimalam, Achalam, Sarvadhee Sakshibhutam (He is the embodiment of divine bliss,
wisdom absolute, beyond the pair of opposites, expansive and pervasive like the sky,
the goal indicated by the Mahavakya Tattwamasi, one without a second, eternal, pure,
unchanging, witness of all functions of the intellect). It is only Swami speaking
through me, I am only a puppet. Swami has told Naham Pashu, Aham Brahmasmi. Do we
need to be told that we have to behave like humans? Sri Popat in his inimitable
style said that the ABC of life is Always be compassionate, charitable. Man at the
time of birth cries Koham, people now instead of saying Soham say ‘phonum’.
Everybody talks on mobile continuously. The speaker said that one should get up from
bed at Brahamamurtam and do Sadhana. He said that one should be energetic, efficient
and enterprising. If we want to be with the master, we should be efficient. He
quoted Bhagawan’s saying Follow the master, face the devil, fight till the end and
finish the game. He said that one should be aware, pure and persistent. Never give
up. The speaker said that we have to make conscious effort to reduce the feeling of
‘I’. He said that Bhagawan does not want us to have intellectual devotion.
Bhagawan once told him to speak in Sai Sruti, Kodaikanal. After his long speech for
one hour, Bhagawan asked him as to how much he practises. Then he told Bhagawan that
he has his best intentions to translate them into action. Then Bhagawan asked him to
what extent. When he replied 100%, Bhagawan was happy. Sri Popat said that there is
no compromise in spirituality. There are two types of devotion: Intellectual
devotion and Constant Integrated Awareness. He said with due respect to Vibhishana,
let us not aspire to become Vibhishana, but Hanuman.
When Sri Popat told Bhagawan that he needs Bhagawan’s presence 24 hours a day,
Bhagawan corrected him saying not 24 hours, but every breath, every second. Once
Bhagawan told Sri Popat that the Rishis in the Himalayas do penance for years
together for having one Darshan of the Lord, but you are fortunate see Him
frequently. Every Darshan of the Lord is precious and important. That understanding
is the dawn of golden age in us. The intensity of our devotion should be like a
weary traveller in the midst of a desert at 12 noon. Our devotion should be as
intense as his thirst for water. Sri Popat prayed on behalf of millions of devotees
in U.K. and Europe to visit Sai Kutir in U.K. He concluded his speech by saying let
us love all for the sake of the master, Bhagawan and serve all in His name.
After Sri Popat’s speech, Bhagawan gave His Birthday message to the delight of
thousands gathered in the Hall.
Bhagawan began His speech with a
Sanskrit verse: All the names and forms are but the manifestations of the Supreme
Being who is Existence‑Knowledge‑Bliss Absolute and non‑dual. He is the embodiment
of Sathyam, Sivam, Sundaram (Truth, Goodness, Beauty). He is Sathya Sai Maheswaram.
All the names and forms are but the manifestations of the Supreme Being who is
Existence‑Knowledge‑Bliss Absolute and non‑dual. He is the embodiment of Sathyam,
Sivam, Sundaram (Truth, Goodness, Beauty). (Sanskrit verse)
Embodiments of Love!
The country of Bharat is most sacred. In this sacred land of Bharat, tolerance is
the noble quality that we should cultivate. Just as an elephant is unable to realise
its innate strength, so are the Bharatiyas today. The elephant meekly submits itself
to the commands of a mahout who is ignorant and illiterate. In spite of its great
strength, it cannot demonstrate its strength. Similarly, the Bharatiyas today are
unable to demonstrate their strength in spite of possessing rich culture,
righteousness and justice on their side. The Vedas declare, Na karmana na prajaya
dhanena thyagenaike amrutatthwamanasuh (immortality is not attained through action,
progeny or wealth, it is attained only by sacrifice). The greatest drawback in this
country is lack of unity among people. We have everything in this country. We have
noble qualities. We are righteous. But, there is no unity among people. With the
result, all other positive factors become ineffectual. Hence, we have to cultivate
unity among people. We all belong to one species, that is of human beings. Being
humans, we are, unfortunately, exhibiting inhuman and animal qualities. Hence, first
and foremost we have to recognise our innate human nature today. We have to treat
others’ suffering as our own. We have to treat others’ difficulties as our own. We
have to be amicable with one and all. We must develop faith in the maxim
Ekatmaswarupas (embodiments of one Divine self). We must develop a sense of
discrimination between good and bad and take good only, leaving the bad in all human
beings. The same principle has to be followed in society also. We have to do good
even to those who harm us:
There is nothing great in helping those who have helped you. He is a noble one who
helps even those who have harmed him.
(Telugu poem)
We must always entertain good thoughts about people. “See good, do good and be good
– that is the way to God”. “Yad bhavam tad bhavathi” (as is the feeling, so is the
result). If our thoughts are good, we will always engage ourselves in Satkarmas
(good deeds). If you eat a mango, can you get the belch of a cucumber? No.
Similarly, if you entertain good thoughts always, you will see good only everywhere.
When you indulge in bad thoughts, you will see bad only everywhere. TOP
There is a Sathya Sai college in Muddenahalli near Bangalore. Several boys coming
from poor families in the villages around are studying in this college. A number of
philanthropists extended help to the college in different ways. Some built
classrooms, others a Bhajan hall, etc. However, this institution is not affiliated
to any University. Once the boys finish their education here, they have to go to
places like Bangalore to pursue a degree course. When I thought of their plight, I
got a good idea. Here in Puttaparthi, our college and University are housed in
spacious and beautiful buildings. Supposing we establish a campus in Muddenahalli,
the boys there will also be happy. Is it not? Hence, I have decided to establish a
college campus of Sri Sathya Sai University in Muddenahalli too. Mine is Divine Will
that is irrevocable and immutable. Now that I have decided, I will initiate the
process from tomorrow. Since the boys studying in Muddenahalli college come from
rural background and are very poor, they are unable to go for higher education in
cities and towns. They therefore discontinue their studies and take to farming
activity. Of course, that is also necessary. Secular education helps to make a
comfortable living. Hence, education is of top priority. Once they finish their
education, they can get into any occupation including agriculture. I have therefore
decided to provide University education to the boys in Muddenahalli. I am of the
view that side by side with the academic subjects, there must be provision for
teaching epics and sacred texts like the Ramayana, the Bhagavata and the Bhagavad
Gita. The boys must be given good training and allowed to spread the message of
these epics in the villages around. All secular education is useless without a
spiritual base.
There are millions of educated people in the world. But, what is their contribution
to society? Nothing. They don’t even care for society. They are crazy about the
luxurious life in towns and cities. They indulge in bad practices like gambling and
club life. The children too are taking to bad ways, observing their parents. Hence,
it is My view that the children should be taught to tread the right path. The elders
will follow them later on observing them. Keeping this in My mind, I have decided to
establish a University campus in Muddenahalli. Perhaps it will cost about two to
three crores of rupees. I do not mind this expenditure. It is My resolve that this
is needed.
The boys in Prasanthi Nilayam are excellent. They are pure gold. It is possible that
one or two may stray from the right path, but, very soon they adjust themselves to
the academic environment and follow the mainstream. Yesterday, the boys staged a
play. It conveys a great message. The theme of the play was two brothers quarrelling
for their share of property in a small village. They are counselled saying, “Dear
brothers, if you quarrel with each other like this, how can our village prosper? You
must be united and must lead an amicable life”, and, finally, they are corrected.
The boys should therefore be encouraged to take up such village development
programmes. Students, no doubt, are good today. But, the elders spoil them by their
bad behaviour. It is the elders who divert them to bad ways. However, the students
quickly realise their mistakes and retrace their steps. I know of boys who advise
their parents addicted to alcohol to desist from such bad ways saying, “Dear father,
you should not indulge in these bad habits. By doing so, you will only be
encouraging us also to take to drinking. This is not good.” If elders take to
drinking, smoking and gambling, the children follow suit. They get spoiled. Hence,
if the children must lead a virtuous life, the elders must lead an ideal life first.
I have therefore decided to establish a University campus in Muddenahalli to teach
boys to lead an ideal life with clean habits. The boys there cannot afford to go to
a city for University education. Nor can their parents afford the expenditure.
Hence, I have decided to establish a University campus with all the equipment and
facilities like classrooms for all the courses and a good hostel. It will be ready
for opening within a year. It is My Divine will.
A number of people like Anil Kumar, Ajit Popat, etc., have spoken a lot extolling
Me. I am not happy about such praises. I have no desire that people should extol Me.
I am neither elated nor depressed by such acts. I am beyond praise or ridicule,
respect or disrespect, anger or happiness. I have only one attribute throughout – My
love. I love even those who hate Me. I love even those who indulge in bad propaganda
against Me. I do not consider anyone as enemy. All are Mine. I am looking after you
all, like a mother. Mine is not one mother’s love. It is the love of a thousand
mothers. Sai’s love is a thousand mothers’ love. It is only due to that love, I
ignore all your faults and move forward. Whenever someone commits a mistake, I call
him and correct him in a raised voice. But, I don’t show anger against him. I have
no anger against anybody. In fact, I have no anger at all. People who are unable to
understand My true nature think otherwise. Whatever people may think and say, I have
only one attribute, that is love. Mine is a right royal road, not shortcuts. People
do not understand Me properly. Once they recognise My true nature, they themselves
will repent. That repentance is expiation for their misunderstanding. However, there
is no change in my attitude towards them. What I wish is “Samastalokah Sukhino
Bhavantu” (May all the beings of all the worlds be happy!). All should be hale and
healthy and lead happy and prosperous lives with mutual love and understanding. You
must acquire wealth, but you should not misuse wealth. Then only I will be happy. I
will extend any help to such people. I have not stretched My hand before anyone till
date for any kind of help. If there is anyone in this vast concourse of devotees in
this hall whom I had approached for money, he or she may rise and point out to Me.
There is none, surely. Whatever I need in My Avataric Mission comes from within
only. “Money comes and goes, morality comes and grows”. It is My endeavour that
morality should be developed. All villages must be developed. For this purpose,
education in rural areas is an important tool. Simultaneously, faith in God must
also be developed. People with self-confidence can achieve anything. Bhakta Ramadas
wanted to build a magnificent temple for Rama in Bhadrachalam. He, therefore
utilised all the tax money collected from people for the purpose. As a result, he
was imprisoned by Emperor Tanisha on charges of misuse of state money and was put to
great torture. Unable to bear the physical torture, he prayed to his dear Lord Rama
and even used harsh words thus:
That crest jewel which adorns You cost me ten thousand gold coins. Unmindful of my
travails, You are flaunting the jewellery as if it is Your ancestral property!
(Telugu song)
The very next moment he realised his folly and repented and begged Rama for pardon.
Similarly, several people may think and talk in several ways about Swami. But, very
soon they will realise and repent for their indiscreet acts. “Loko bhinna ruchihi”
(Different people have different opinions). People indulge in loose talk out of
their delusion. But, I have no illusions. Whatever people may say, I talk to them
and greet them with love. I don’t punish them for their indiscreet talk or
behaviour. They themselves must realise their fault and repent for it. If they
denigrate Me now, they will themselves face trouble later. Hence, people must think
twice before indulging in any loose talk. Unfortunately, none has been able to
realise My true nature. They pretend to have understood My mind, but none could
comprehend it in the least. They look to the outward manifestations only. They talk
of My programmes and activities in the outside world only. They are unable to
realise My divine love at all, which flows from the depths of My heart. However, I
am confident that people will realise it one day. I always wish and work for the
welfare of the entire world. All should live in peace. Even if we don’t have any
other property, we can lead a happy life if only the property of love is with us.
And, that love should be supported by self-confidence.
God is the only source and sustenance for the entire universe. Everything else is an
illusion. Sorrows and difficulties, loss and gain, diseases and sickness – treat
them all as the Divine will. Then everything will turn out to be good for you. You
say, “This is my body”. But, who are you? You say “my body”, but you are not “I am
the body”. Similarly, you say “my mind”, but you are not “I am the mind”. Thus,
“you” are different from your body, mind, etc. When someone enquires your name, do
not say “I am Rama” or “I am Krishna”, say “I am I”. Whatever name you say, it is
only the name given to you by your parents. It is not your real name. In fact,
nothing belongs to you in this world. “I” is your only property. That is the reason
why we say “I”, “I”, “I” for everything.
You are God verily, if only you get rid of “I” the ego and “Mine”, the attachment.
Then, you are really yourself (your real SELF)! When you say “my house, my people”
etc., attachment grows. This body attachment breeds ego. Hence, once you rise above
“I” and ‘mine’ and lead a contented life, you will derive great happiness. May you
all lead a happy, loving and long life! May you all be united!
Let us all move together, let us all grow together,
Let us all stay united and grow in intelligence together,
Let us live together with friendship and harmony. (Telugu poem)
We cannot do any work with one finger. When all the five fingers of the hand join
together, we can do any work. Similarly, if people are divided, no work can be
executed. A small story: Once the five fingers of a hand argued among themselves as
to which finger was great. The middle finger argued with ego, “I am taller than all
of you. There are two ‘body guards’ on either side of me. Hence, I am great.” The
index finger said, “You can do any work if only I show you to do that work.
Otherwise, you cannot. Hence, I only am great.” The small finger intervened and
said, “Though I am small in size, I stand in the front as the commander-in-chief to
punish any individual or teach him a lesson. Therefore, I am great.” Thereupon, the
ring finger laughed and said, “People wear diamond and gem-studded rings on the ring
finger only. Hence, I am the monarch of all.” Finally, after hearing all these
arguments, the thumb laughed aloud and wound up the discussion with that suggestion,
“None of you can undertake any work without me. Therefore, let us all get together
to work.”
Let all the astikas, nastikas, astika – nastikas and nastika – astikas come
together. That is what we need today. What Bharat needs today is unity. We have
everything - love, truth, righteousness and justice, but not unity. It is only due
to lack of unity that we are leading a life of diversity and divergent ideas. All
should be united and should lead a happy life with a feeling of camaraderie and
fraternity. Unfortunately, today there is a feeling of difference even between a
father and a son in the house. The wife and husband, the brothers and sisters, all
quarrel among themselves. How can there be peace and happiness in the family? There
may be differences of opinion, but they should not last for long. They just come and
go like the passing clouds. Why then should people fight among themselves? You
should not mind these differences.
I have not approached anyone for anything though I am undertaking huge social
service projects. I had undertaken a project for supplying drinking water to a crore
of people living in Chennai. Every house has been provided with drinking water. Not
only that, water has been arranged for irrigation purposes also. The people living
in the upland areas of East and West Godavari districts in Andhra Pradesh were
suffering for want of safe drinking water. I therefore arranged for execution of a
drinking water supply project for the benefit of all those people. Along with the
supply of drinking water, arrangements were also made to provide water purifying
systems en route. Thus, I always wish to do some good to every individual. Now, I
propose to establish a University campus in Muddenahalli for the benefit of students
studying in Sri Sathya Sai College there. I had watched with My own eyes the
difficulties the students were undergoing there due to lack of facilities for higher
education and I was moved. I therefore assured them that I would provide the
necessary facilities. Is there anyone here from Muddenahalli? (Swami invited Sri
Narayana Rao to the stage and introduced him to the audience). “This man is the
Principal of the Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School, Muddenahalli. He is highly
educated and is running the school well. Whenever I visit Muddenahalli he would
pray, “Swami when will You shower Your grace on us?” (with the kind permission of
Swami, Sri Narayana Rao spoke for a few minutes offering his grateful thanks to
Swami.) Thereafter, Swami concluded His divine discourse saying, “The joy that I
gave you today, share it with all! Be happy!.
Bhagawan concluded His discourse with the song, “Rama Rama Rama Sita …”