Photos from Prasanthi Nilayam:
Dance Program by Students - 3rd
Oct 2006, Images

3rd October 2006-
Morning Darshan:
On this auspicious day of Ekadashi, Swami out of his immense compassion and
graciousness, allowed the UK Grama Seva boys to distribute the special
Vijaya Dashmi edition of the Heart Valve Bank newsletter, `Heart to Heart'.
The boys handed out these newsletters, which was regarded as Swami's
prashadam, to people as they entered the Sai Kulwant Hall. Swami arrived at
7.40am, which was earlier than usual and immediately went to the veranda. He
spoke to Sri Ajit Popat (Puppet), who offered a Thank-You card from the UK
boys to express their gratitude to Swami for allowing them to participate in
this year's Grama Seva. Swami then made His way into the interview room.
Bhajans started at 9.05am this morning
October 2nd, 2006 Day 7 - Dasara Photos 2nd
Oct. Morning Darshan:
More darshan news from 3rd Oct.
October 3, 2006
This morning, Bhagawan came for darshan at
around 7.40 am. Cutting across the ladies' side, Swami alighted near the
interview room. The priests who conducted the Dasara Yagnam were asked to
come to the Bhajan Hall. Bhagawan interacted with them for quite a while,
the session concluding with Vedic chanting by the priests at a very high
pitch. Bhagawan retired to His residence after morning Bhajans as usual.
In the evening, after evening darshan at 3 pm, Swami went into the
interview room. He came for a round of the verandah after time, and coming
into the Bhajan Hall through the rear door, interacted with the students
there who were getting ready with costumes for their dance programme. Then
He returned to the interview room and called some devotees for interviews.
Finally, at 5.05 pm, Swami came onstage asking the students to present their
dance programme, which was similar to the one they performed during the Ati
Rudra Maha Yagnam. After their dance items, including one in Yakshagana
style depicting the Ramayana, Swami graciously came down from the stage and
had group photos with the dancers. Accepting Arati, Bhagawan retired to His
residence at 5.45 pm.
October 2, 2006
Vijayadasami marked the concluding day of the Veda
Sapthaha Jnana Yagna as well
as the Grama Seva programme this year. Bhagawan came to the Sai Kulwant Hall
at 8.50 am. Sai Gita, His elephant, was waiting at the gate for leading the
procession of pundits to the Poornahuti of the Yagnam. Swami came directly
to the Mandir cutting across the ladies' side. Alighting from His car, He
came in the chair down the central ramp of the stage and went up to Sai
Gita, feeding her with apples for nearly 10 minutes. Then Bhagawan returned
to the stage and blessed some 'Birthday boys' and some more students with
Durga puja articles. The priests of the Yagnam arrived in the Bhajan Hall,
and Swami went there to speak to them.
The girl students of the Anantapur campus were to do the Grama Seva today,
distributing food prasadam and clothes to the Ashram inmates. When Bhagawan
went inside, they got up and chanting Vedam and bhajans, circumambulated the
Mandir and went in a procession to the Poornachandra. Bhagawan sent word for
the rest of the students to the Poornachandra, and they too left. Swami
arrived at the Poornachanra shortly before 9.30 am, and came onstage after a
few minutes. The pundits had made all the preparations for the final
oblations to the Yagna kunda or sacrificial pit - the Poornahuti. Swami
asked to be taken near the Yagna kunda, and the priests started the final
offerings after getting the items blessed by Bhagawan. By ten o'clock, the
Arati to Bhagawan at the Western end of the stage was also completed. Then
the priests sat around Bhagawan onstage and chanted the Rudram in their
grand style. As they concluded, the holy water to be sprinkled on all was
brought for Bhagawan's blessings. Swami Himself spinkled the water on the
priests, and then asked them to continue the sprinkling (Prokshanam) for the
rest of the gathering. As the priests started the Prokshanam, Swami retired
for the morning.
A shamiana had been erected near the Ganesh and Subramania temples, ready
for the Bhoomi puja for a Shiva temple to house the Sayeeshwara lingam
worshipped during the Ati Rudra Maha Yagnam. Bhagawan did not conduct the
Bhoomi puja today.
In the evening, Bhagawan came onstage from the interview room at around 4.40
pm and asked Dr. M. Hanumanthappa, former Vice-Chancellor of the Sri Sathya
Sai Institute of Higher Learning, to speak. Like yesterday, Bhagawan asked
the speaker to continue when he asked for permission to stop after 40
minutes. So, the narration of experiences by Dr. Hanumanthappa continued
till 5.40 pm. After the speech, Bhagawan asked for Bhajans to commence.
After 20 minutes of spirited Bhajans in the Kulwant Hall, Bhagawan accepted
Arati and retired for the day.
More darshan news from 2nd Oct.
2nd October 2006
Today was Vijaya Dashmi, which marks the end of the nine day festival of
Navratri and the completion of the Veda Purusha Sapta Gnaan Yagnam. The Sai
Kulwant Hall was echoing with holy Vedam chants and the Nadaswaram music. Swami came out from His
divine abode at 8.50am for darshan. As Swami's car approached the centre of
the Sai Kulwant Hall, Sai Geeta was also waiting there to get a glimpse of
her Lord. Sai Geeta was adorned beautifully for this special occasion. Upon
blessing her from the car, Swami's car headed towards the veranda. To the
delight of all those present in Sai Kulwant Hall, Swami allowed the students
to take him back to Sai Geeta in His chair! What followed was
extraordinary…Sai Geeta washed Swami's divine Lotus Feet three times by
taking water in her trunk and showering Swami's feet. What wonderful grace
she received today. Swami then made his way to the Poornachandra Hall to
perform the `Purnahuti' ritual (closing ceremony of the Veda Purusha Sapta
Gnaan Yagnam). It was truly a feast for the eyes to watch our beloved Lord of
Lords offer water and rice into the yagnam. Imagine…here is a situation
where Swami is both the Giver and the Receiver! Swami was taken to the
Nataraja idol in the hall where aarti was performed. Swami personally
blessed the priests who conducted the yagnam by sprinkling water on them
all. The priests then began to bless all those present in the Poornachandra
Hall with this water as well. Swami returned to His divine abode, whilst
prashadam was distributed to one and all by Swami's army of students.
Afternoon Darshan:
Swami came into the Sai Kulwant Hall just after 4.00pm. Being a National
holiday, the Sai Kulwant Hall was full to the brim as devotees had arrived
from all over India to witness the celebration of Vijiya Dashmi. As Swami
gave darshan, the brilliance on His face shone like a thousand suns and His
benevolence and compassion could be felt by one and all. To the great
fortune of the Gram Seva Truck Drivers and local Police, Swami slowed down
the car to give them superb darshan. Fortunately, the UK Grama Seva boys
were sitting next to this group, so they also benefited from this wonderful
Swami then instructed Sri Hanumanthapa to address the gathering and speak
about his personal experiences. During the talk, Swami offered water to the
speaker to clear his throat on several occasions…what immense compassion!
Whilst the talk continued, Swami called a number of his students, spoke with
each individually and even materialised gifts for a few of them. The talk
ended at 5,45pm, which was followed by beautiful energetic bhajans. Swami
took Aarti and left for His divine
abode at 6.15pm.
submitted: to
SBOI-Group by Sai Kingdom (UK) Grama Seva Group
2006 – 2nd October 2006
October 1, 2006
Om Sairam to dearest Sai
Family,Wishing all the noble souls a very happy dasara, Hope this day will
pave way to destruction of evil qualities and light the lamp of
enlightenment. Puttaparthi is witnessing huge crowd as the Holy festival of
Dasara is approaching and many locals have thronged to Puttaparthi to
celebrate the festival in the immediate presence of our Lord.
This afternoon marked another beautiful day as Swamy blessed all of us with
His divine darshan and also divine Discourse. This afternoon as the car was
parked at the verandah Swamy went into the interview room and after 15
minutes He came on the stage. Today Swamy preferred to be wheeled and as He
came on the stage He was shifted to a much better chair that was already
placed on the dias.
This afternoon there were 2 speakers blessed by Swamy to address the
gathering the first one was Mr.Sanjay Mahalingam, Ex student of Swamy and
presently doing his Phd on the teachings of Sri Adi Sankaracharya. He spoke
elaborately on Detatchment. He reminded that Detatchment is the best
Sadhana. He narrated a conversation with Swamy where one ex student of Swamy
(Swamy’s institution) complained to Swamy that He was not able to control
his mind and Swamy replied.. “Is that so? Tell me where is your mind and I
will control it”? Brother Lingam, continued, we should have total control
over mind and move forward in our spiritual journey..

After about 30 minutes of his talk, He bowed to Swamy for giving him the
opportunity and when he went back to Swamy to take His blessings, He was
asked to continue his talk and brother Lingam enthusiastically obliged and
narrated few epics from Bhagwatgita.
There was another Speaker blessed this afternoon, Mr.Ravi (?), who is a
alumini of Swamy’s college. He narrated very interesting miracles, one of
which is worth mentioning. It so happened in the year 1966, Mr.Ravi’s
father, fell sick and he went to the doctor, the doctor said he has cancer
and needs to be operated. He was operated and after few months when he went
to the hospital for another checkup the doctor found the cancer was still
there and recommended another operation which was performed and after few
months, when he went for another round of check up, the same thing happened
and he was operated again… and this went on not twice, thrice or 5 times… He
was operated 25 times!!!!
After being operated 25 times for the same disease, his body was getting
weaker and weaker and Mr.Ravi’s sister, who was in her final year of her
doctor course, went to the doctor to enquire the situation of her father.
She was shocked when the doctor said, he will live hardly for a month, you
better take him home so that he can die peacefully amidst you.
Mr.Ravi, who was barely 9 years old was crying to know this and he had lost
his mother when he was just 4 years and he would be a orphan in a few days
according to the doctor. Mr.Ravi’s sister was very dull when she went to the
college the next day, one of her classmates, who was Swamy’s devotee asked
what was wrong with her and when she said her sad story, she asked her to
come for Swamy’s darshan (Who was in brindavan then). They both went to
Swamy’s darshan and nothing happened.
Later, the sister, told her father about Swamy and she asked him to go for
Swamy’s darshan. Her father, said, I have prayed to all Gods and I don’t
want a NEW God again (referring to Swamy).
When his father went to the office the next day, his boss said, there is a
gentleman from a foreign country, and he wants to see Sai Baba, and you
being a Local man (bangalore), pls take him. As it was the boss’s command,
the father had to oblige and they both went to darshan and it was end of
darshan and Swamy was going into His abode by the time they reached there.
The father was bit upset and thought, even God has shut the door on his face
so saying they sat down in the ashram premises.. Suddenly, in minutes, there
appears Swamy infront of him and says.. YOU HAVE BEEN OPERATED 25 TIMES..
YOUR CANCER HAS BEEN CANCELLED…. This gentle man was stunned and Mr.Ravi
went to say that,”My father whose days were counted in 1968 went on to live
till he was 89 years old and he died due to old age(not due to cancer) and
just 2 years ago. His father left his room one monrning saying that he is
going to darshan and just when he came down he fell on the ground his head
facing the mandir and left his body and in no time there arrived two people
with stretcher and ambulance.. It seems the ambulance was brought there to
park and Mr.Ravi said an interesting point here.. Swamy take care of our
welFARE and also FAREwel…. How true!!!!
This story is so touching and only Swamy can do that and what we need to
have is UNSHAKEN faith…
Later it was our beloved Swamy’s turn to take on the stage… As the discourse
tableand mike was brought and as Prof.Anil Kumar was ready taking his
position…. Swamy looked at all of us for a minute or so and slightly rose
from His seat… as we all joined our hands for Him… the sweet nectarine voice
was heard saying……
Embodiments of Love,
Students have got lot of education in science and technology and the
subjects they are talking is not followed by any one but I appreciate that
very much
Chakkera kante teepi sweeter than sugar
Dari saramu kantenu rutyamau tastier than curd
Pempekkina tene kanna ati rutyamu more tastier than honey
Notanu palka palkaga When uttered from your mouth
Amrutha me anipinchunu kana (gives the taste of Divine Nectar)
Manasa. Nityamu Smariyimpumu Rama Namamu (o mind always chat Rama’sName)
Embodiements of love
There is no village in India without a Rama’s temple. You will find at least
one Rama devotee in every village. So Rama’s name has been contemplated
since time unknown. When some one gets up from their seat they say RAMA…so
Rama’s name is very reputed in India. .not only in India, even in China
Rama’s name is famous. The whole world is full of Rama’s name. We have to
have the desire to chant Rama’s name.
Dasaratha had no children but had 3 wives. He was hoping to have ateast one
son from on of his three wives. While doing penance, God appeared before him
and gave him a container consisteing of Payasam (rice pudding) and asked to
distribute the same amongst his wives.
Dasaratha distributed the same in equal quantities to three of them. Sage
Vasishta blessed them and said may you be blessed with children very soon.
Sumitra was not interested to partake. When Dasaratha married Queen Kaikayee
(one of the three wives) he promised her father that the son born to them
will be made the king. And Kausalya being the first wife was also entitled
to claim her son to be the king. Both the queens had a reason to be
confident of their son to be the king except Sumitra.
She was crying with the container next to her and as she was thinking about
this a eagle takes aways the container. She immediately runs to Kaikeya and
Sumitra and told what happened. And both of them offered a share to
A son was born to Kausalya and the boy had so radiance and charm that
Vasishta was mesmirised by the boy’s charm and named him as Rama
Later on Swamy went on to narrate incidents of Ramayana and how Sita was
rescued from the demon king Ravana.
Swamy continued to say that Rama had no doubts what so ever on Sita inspite
of her being kidnapped by Ravana and to let the world know her sanctity, He
asked her to get into fire and prove her honesty.
India is a landof such noble women.Women would never speak to men on the
streets.Its all because of the effect of kaliyuga. One day Arjuna said, “I
saw one farmer bringing plough from his field to his home. When someone
asked why don’t you leave them in the field, the farmer replied no..no..
some one may steal it.. That’s the signal to the start of Kaliyuga. The
houses were not locked in ancient times. There were no men women
conversations on the streets.
There is no sacredness now a days. Only Dharma will protect you. There fore
men and women should uphold their Dharma.The mind should be control. Don’t
have PICHI ALOCHANALU (mad thoughts).
Always think of God when you have bad thoughts. Its only God’s grace that
will make you sacred. With these sacred thoughts, you will be a TRUE human
being. So keep your hearts with pure and sacred thoughts…
So saying Swamy sat on His thorne and sang one of my favourite bhajans,…
Rama Rama.. Rama Sita.. Srimadravikula mandu Janinchi
Sita Devini Preethi Varinchi
Premana Ahalya Sapamu Teerchi
Priya Bhaktulanu Rakshinchina Sri Raghu
Rama Rama Rama Sita
Munduga Hanumanthuni Deevinchi
Chendina kinukuto Valini Drunchi
Cherina Vanara Veerulanu Brochina
The whole gathering was resounding with Rama’s name….
Swamy continued His discourse, “Inspite of all the science and technology
you can never have peace of mind.. Only God’s name will confer bliss. So
Happiness is union with God..One can experience Happiness only with GOD”
Later the students sang a beautiful song Rama Kathanu Vinarayya….
from All time Hit Telugu Movie…Lava Kusha …
Tomorrow 2nd October is the last day of the Yagna and at 9:30 am the purna
huti (final rituals of the Yagna ) will be conducted at Poorna Chandra
Auditorium in the immediate presence of our beloved Swamy..
With Lots and lots of Love....
Satish naik
Submitted By
member Satish naik
darshan News from today 1st Oct.
This morning Bhagawan sat onstage
for a while after His darshan round at 8.50 am. Then He Blessed the Prasadam and the students
circled the Mandir, leaving for Grama Seva. Bhagawan went into the interview
room and emerged some time later in His chair. After going down the length
of the Mandir Verandah, Swami turned and went towards the ladies' side.
Taking a full round of the ladies' side and returning via the ramp at the
centre of the stage, Swami went back to the interview room. At around 10
o'clock He proceeded to the Yagnam stage at the Poornachandra. Aarathi was
offered at His behest and He returned to His abode at around 10.30 am.
Today's Grama Seva touched villages in Puttaparthi, Kothacheruvu and
Bukkapatnam mandals.
In the evening, Bhagawan came to the Sai Kulwant Hall at around 3.45 pm and
went into the interview room after His darshan round. At 4.15, He walked
onstage and sat there to the applause of the packed Sai Kulwant Hall. In a
few minutes, He called up a Research Scholar, Sanjay Mahalingam, and asked
him to speak. Sanjay spoke on the nature of Vairagya, and on 'Rama Tatwa' as
Bhagawan had instructed him. After 20 minutes, he asked Swami's permission
to conclude, but Swami asked him to continue! So, he spoke for another 20
minutes on the nature of Sthitaprajnas or those with steady minds. Next,
Swami asked Dr. Ravi Kumar, lecturer in Chemistry at Brindavan, to speak. He
spoke movingly about the deep devotion his father had, and about all that
Bhagawan had done for them. At the end of these two speeches, Bhagawan
delivered His Divine Message at 5.25 pm.
Swami's Discourse mainly dwelt on the Rama story, and the ideals of
behaviour enshrined therein. He concluded at 6.15 with the bhajan 'Rama Rama
Rama Sita' and thereafter asked the students to sing - they sang the first
few stanzas of the Rama Katha till Swami asked for the Arati at 6.30 and
retired to His residence. source: -Prasanthi Bulletin-
30, 2006
Ayudha Puja commenced this morning
with Bhagawan's darshan at 8.20. After a full darshan round, Swami came
onstage and sat for 15 minutes. Then, He moved towards the garage on the
Eastern side of the Mandir, where four of His cars were kept ready for His
Click here to see Pictures of Swami
blessing the cars etc.
Baba from today click here The students' Bhajan group started bhajans there, and the village
band added to the festive mood. The puja was done for the cars with breaking
of coconuts. The Golden chariot (in which Bhagawan had given darshan during
the Paduka festival in 1997-98) was also brought out and worshipped.
Bhagawan then came to the Mandir Verandah and saw off the students who went
around the Mandir and proceeded for Grama Seva. Bhagawan then went into the
interview room. At around 10 o'clock, He went to the Poornachandra. After a
few minutes onstage, at around 10.15, He asked for the Arati, and then
returned to His abode.
More villages in Puttaparthy Mandal were covered in today's Grama Seva.
In the evening, Swami came out at 3.20 pm, and directly went out on a drive
to the Indoor Stadium construction site. When He returned after half an
hour, He alighted near the interview room, walked down the Verandah talking
to some elders on the way, Blessed Prof. Anil Kumar by calling up some
family members and granting them padanamaskar, sat onstage for fifteen
minutes listening to the Vedic chants, Blessed the 'Birthday boys' and then
went to the interview room. At 4.55 He came into the Bhajan Hall and asked
for Bhajans to begin. Accepting Arati at 5.35 pm, Bhagawan retired for the
click on the golden Chariot & Sai Baba image (left) to see large size.
Also Read & See Photos: 30th Sep. 06
Todays morning & evening darshan report
& Grama Seva report sent to SBOI by UK group. The group consists of
19 youths from across the U.K. lead by Sri Ajit Popat (Puppet) .
An interesting sidelight
during the Veda Purusha Sapthaha Jnana Yagna is the evening puja conducted
in the Poornachandra Auditorium after the proceedings in the Sai Kulwant
Hall conclude. This puja, conducted in the Western end of the stage area,
concludes with chanting of excerpts from the Vedas, Upanishads, various
branches of learning like poetry, grammar and astrology, and the narration
of episodes from the Ramayana, Bhagavatha and Devi Bhagavatham. The evening
puja will conclude tomorrow, since the Yagna comes to an end with Poornahuti
on Monday morning. - source: Prasanthi Bulletin-
September 29, 2006
my humble pranams at the lotus feet of our beloved Lord,
A warm Sairam to all. This afternoon was another memorable day in the land
of our Lord with few surprises, materializations and also bonus bhajans by
This afternoon, the Kulwanth Hall, the holy place, where devotees from all
walks of life and from all corners of the world, assemble to see our sweet
Lord, was full by 3pm. As all the devotees were eagerly looking towards the
car parked before Swamy’s house, Mr.Chakravarthi, Secretary of Sathya Sai
Central Trust, comes out from Swamy’s residence and walks briskly towards
Kulwanth Hall. After few minutes He takes over the stage ready for an
announcement. As all of us were eagerly waiting with ears wide open
wondering what the news would be… a good news or a sad news…. As he came
from Swamy’s residence there would be a definite message from Swamy…
“Om Sairam.. with blessings of Swamy and His consent, Swamy has blessed two
speakers this afternoon to address the august assembly Mr.Gokak, the present
Vice-Chancellor of Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning and very familiar
speaker for years now, Mr.Venkatraman, eminent scientist and a long time
devotee of Swamy”.
All of us were surprised with a big Question mark on our faces, as why Swamy
didn’t come out (ofcourse He explained that in the discourse). It is very
rare for any programme to start while Swamy is still in His Abode.
Mr.Gokak explained the importance of Navrathri and threw some light on
Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswathi and just after 5 mins of his talk, Swamy’s car
enters Kulwanth hall. Swamy stopped by ladies side and accepted letters from
2 ladies and also spoke to them for a while. Swamy took a full round and the
car was parked at the usual place just next to interview room and the door
slowly opens giving a full view of the blissful form of Swamy; as the chair
slowly lands on the ground. The boys slowly removed the foot guard under
Swamy’s feet (they do that when Swamy prefers to walk).One of the boys got
up to help Swamy and Swamy signals him to take his seat.. Mr.Gokak was still
continuing his talk and Swamy still in the wheel chair. After the talk
Mr.Gokak went to Swamy and took His blessings and Mr.Venkatraman followed
him. Prof. Venkatraman spoke on the value of eduction and reminded the
students as how lucky they are to learn education from the source Himself.
He also remembered
a visit by Swamy to two villages which coincidentally, is scheduled in
tomorrow’s grama seva programme. Swamy had said that those two villages are
His two eyes. He showered lots of love and blessings during His visit to
these villages. Swamy was still seated in the wheel chair and the car parked
behind Him. Prof.Venkatraman continued, considering the distance between me
and Swamy, I would take some courage and request Swamy to bless the august
assembly with His divine discourse even though Swamy’s discourse is never
preplanned. Swamy responded with His Sweet smile making our hearts jump in
joy as we were going to hear the golden words from Swamy 3 days in a row,
Hatrick as we call in the game of cricket.
Prof.Venkatraman went to Swamy (who was still near the car) took blessings
and later Swamy rose from His chair and walked the few steps to reach His
thorne placed in the center of the dias. One boy was holding His right hand
and Swamy walked bit slowly.
Swamy signaled the boys to start Veda chanting and the primary school kids
were in the driver’s seat with their characteristc full throat chanting.
After about 5 mins Swamy signaled to stop.It was 4:45pm by then and what
next??… Swamy signaled for the discourse table … the moment of the day
atlast came and hall was pindrop silence.Swamy slowly rose from His thorne
and as Prof.Anil Kumar was ready for his interpretation, and as we all were
eagerly awaiting the first word fromSwamy… will it be a verse or Prema
Excerpts from the discourse:
It was the second one… Prema Swaroopulara… reading the audience pulse… Swamy
started to explain why He came late for darshan… “This afternoon, as I came
late.. Many people had their own conclutions, doubts (Apohalu) I have to
satisfy every body.. there were few devotees waiting for me at My residence,
I spend time with them and made them happy and here Iam to make all of you
happy (applauds)..What ever I do is for My devotees. There is nothing I do
which is personal. Even the food I take and the water I sip is for the sake
of My devotees (loud applauds again). Today’s world is experiencing many
troubles and worries and also there is so much pollution all over. Even Iam
affected by this pollution!!
All your worldly knowledge is of no use. You say I have a MA degree, MBA
degree but what are you giving to the society? What seva are you doing?.
People should think of EDUCARE… today there is no EDUCATION there is
AGITATION.. Because of there there is unrest in the world.There is no peace
its all pieces.. pieces.. Even a millionaire come to Me and says.. Swamy I
have every thing… But no Peace. .. Where from this peace comes.. its within
Students you should know why you are here. Many are not doing what they are
supposed to do here. Enhance devotion within you.Read only good books. Dont
read CHEAP novels and become CHEAP...instead become CHIEF.
God’s incarnation mysterious. When Krishna asked Narada, How is the world?
Narada replied Krishna, People cry when some one dies and rejoice when some
body is born. Is this world not a strange one?
Swamy continued His talk till 5:40 almost one hour talk… He sang Govinda
Krishan Jai bhajan with full strength and also repeated all the stanzas
twice… and just as we thought He is finished… He picked up another bhajan
Vahe Guru Vahe Guruji Bolo…. He sang about three lines of the bhajan and
suddenly His voice was sounding bit weak. Swamy stopped there and continued
to speak… Iam speaking all the time, in My house and also here so my voice
has become weak and to add to that because of this pollution, water and the
food are polluted and so my voice has become much more weaker.
Swamy later asked the boys seated in the front… “What do you want?” the boys
replied in one voice Swamy!!! Swamy with His sweet smile replied.. Iam
always there for you… Take me…. (there were loud applauds and some even
cried).Swamy later continued and what He said, just made me cry…. Iam there
any time for you. You just have to tell me when. ... What a remarkable
statement.. Swamy only YOU... and ONLY YOU can tell this from the BOTTOM OF
Swamy suddenly materialized a golden chain to a boy sitting in the audience
amidst roaring applause. The chain was smaller and Swamy opened the link and
put it around the boys neck.. thus ended a hour long Divine Leela full of
Atma Gnana.
So ended another memorable day in Puttaparthi.
With Tons of Sai Love from Puttaparthi
Satish Naik
September 28, 2006
Bhagawan came to Sai Kulwant Hall at 9.30 this
Once He reached the Mandir verandah, He asked for Prasadam to be
distributed, so the students got busy with the apple vessels once again.
Next, Swami gestured for the students to go around the Mandir and proceed
with the Grama Seva programme. That was done, and the Vedam group students
left for the Poornachandra auditorium where the Yagna was underway from
early in the morning. Bhagawan also came to the Poornachandra by 10.10 am.
After sitting for sometime onstage observing the proceedings, Swami said
that He would 'go and come' and left. Once again, at 10.30, He came onstage
in His chair, sat for a minute or two, and then asked for the Arati. The
priests conducted their concluding rituals with Arati to Bhagawan to the
chants of the Mantrapushpam at the western end of the stage and Swami
retired to His residence.
Today's Grama Seva was to villages in the Bukkapatnam and Kothacheruvu
Evening darshan was at around 4 pm. Bhagawan went into the interview room
and came onstage at 4.15 pm. This evening there were two speakers, Sri Ajit
Popat from the UK,
followed by Sri V. Srinivasan, All India President of Sai
Organisations. Both of them stressed the need to practise Bhagawan's
teachings in our daily life. At 5.30, Bhagawan rose and gave His 40 minute
Divine Message in which He exhorted all of us not to be swayed by modern
bookish learning, but to give importance to Wisdom. Following Bhagawan's Discourse, which He concluded with 'Hari Bhajan Bina', bhajans were sung for
15 minutes with apples being distributed to all, finishing with Arati at
6.20 pm.
Sai Darshan: 27th
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Om sairam to
the Sai Family, Hope this email finds all of you in good health and happiness by the grace
of our beloved Lord. The
Dasara celebrations
are in full swing combined with the Grama Seva by Swamy’ students. The Grama
Seva started Yesterday 26th September after the Divine darshan and guidance.
About 50 trucks (407s as we call in India) were readied and all the trucks
were connected with a wireless radio set with a control room in the ashram
to monitor the happenings and ofcourse, Swamy taking keen interest and
concern for minutest things for this stupendous DOOR DELIVERY seva which is
unique and only ONE of its kind any where in the world.
Yesterday, morning the seva started with students going to the streets of
Puttaparthi town. There was bit confusion especially in Chitravathi road, as
people were rushing towards the trucks stretching their hands less for food,
more for sarees.
In the afternoon of 26th September Swamy drove towards the new indoor
stadium construction site to monitor the developments. The 120 days project
is shaping pretty well and there are 40 days more to finish the stadium
which is estimated to cost 11 crores rupees which will have tennis court,
shettle, badminton, basket ball and also running tracks with a seating
capacity of 5000 people. There are also reports that the first match will be
played by the Indian tennis starts, Mahesh Bhupathi, Leandor Paes and not to
forget the teen sensation Sania Mirza.
On the way to ashram, 100s of devotees were waiting along the road side to
see Swamy as there is a good chance for all of us to see Swamy when He comes
outside. He seemed to be very expressive and was looking towards His left
side more. I ran with His car from the stadium site till Ganesh Gate a 2 km
distance, having a great darshan and few eye-to-eye contacts and one Abhaya
Swamy’s car was now near the Planatorium and our Sai Geetha who now-a-days
is living in a temporary house behind Planatorium came on the road and when
she saw Swamy, ran upto the car and the car almost came to an hault as she
said NO for the car to move forward. If the driver’s window was open, she
would have snatched the ignition key with her long trunk. Swamy who was
sitting on the far side, had to pacify her and let the car move forward.. As
all this was going on, we devotees had a great chance to witness this DIVINE
ROMANCE…. which we have seen many times during darshans but its very special
when you witness this from so close.
As the car moved forward, the devotees started their jogging. There was one
more boy running with me and he seemed more desperate than me and with a
letter. The security boys were equally desperate to avoid him from getting
closer to Swamy’s car but he didn’t give up. There were tears in his eyes
and any one seeing him would just melt like ice and our compassionate Swamy
is no exception.I too prayed Swamy to answer his request and atlast the boy
was noticed by Swamy as the car approached the arch just before the general
hospital and exactly before the general hospital gate, Swamy signaled the
driver to stop the car and as the window glass rolled down, the boy with
tears and loud cry handed over the letter to Swamy.
There were tears in
every one’s eyes,how comapassionate you are Swamy!!!!.. NO SEASON FOR LOVE…
days we thought we can hand over the letter only in darshan halls but Swamy
always has His bag of suprises, and this is one of them….. That’s why you
are loved by millions Swamy…
This morning (27th September) Swamy’s van with goodies came to my village
(brahmanapalli thanda), (the photos will be posted later).In
the afternoon, Swamy came to Kulwanth hall around 4pm as thousands were
gathered. Swamy made a full round towards the gents side and later Swamy
walked to the interview as He was helped by two boys.
At around 4:30 Swamy came back on the dias and asked
the former vice chancellor of Swamy’s university to address the audience and
it was 5pm by the time he finished his talk and just as we thought, the
bhajans will commence, Swamy signals the boys to bring His discourse table….
Another Surprise!!!!!! Sweet surprise and there were no words to
express our happiness.. Swamy slowly raised from His chair as the two boys
hold His BODY….. Swamy adjusts the two tiny mikes…. Adjusts His voice and
the world’s sweetest voice with much more sweeter smile is heard…….
Swamy’s discourse was mainly based on giving up bodily attraction and
realizing the Atma…. Swamy said, we shouldn’ have narrow mind… have a broad
mind. We shouldn’t have a physical heart, which needs a surgery one day or
other.. have a heart full of love… you will be true human…
Boys, you think Swamy’s words are very simple.. BUT… IT’S THE ESSENCE OF ALL
THE VEDAS AND SHASTRAS…Every human being should be humble…have good
thoughts… Be DESIRELESS… then only you are a true human.. With out desire is
MANAVA.. (Human). Too MANY DESIRES ARE VERY DANGEROUS… less luggage more
comfort.. Never have any unnecessary desires.. you will be wasting time that
way.. one who waste times is not Human at all.. TIME IS GOD. don’t waste
time.. you say SO HAM…Know the reality…..
Commenting on News papers Swamy said “Today all the news papers are full of
nuisance.. today you don’t feel like reading the newspapers”.
for what are the festivals celebrated. Its is to know God.. today even
muslims are celebrating festival (Holy month of Ramzan has started) Mathamu
lanniyu cheri Manchine Bodinche All the religions teach good. No religion
teaches bad. When the Mathi (mind) is fault, the Mathamu religion is also
Students, don’t waste time.. time is precious and sacred. Make use of time
and experience the happiness. Human being is full of bliss. Remain happy
always. Never be indifferent to others. Happiness is union with God. Always
KEEP SMILING.. In any circumstances don’t stop smiling. Even during you r
Iam always smiling and happy. The more enthusiastic you are the inner
divinity will manifest. For all the things happiness is very important.. why
do you worry? Its God who takes care of you.. If you study well… you will be
successful. Work for upliftment of country. Dasara festival is celebrated to
fill happiness amongst you.
You are NARA….(human) understand your true qualities.. have good company,
and you will have detatachment and ultimately you will have mukti. Be in
good company. Say good bye to bad company. Be happy always. Always say
Namaskar to every one.Its not a mistake to do namaskar. Do namaskar even to
your enemy. Say how are you Brother? Then he will also say, How are you
brother? Never run away from your enemy if you come across him. Where there
is love, there is peace. Once there is peace there is Dharma. Then comes
truth. Truth is one not two. Speak truth. Follow dharma and remain in
Peace.Love is God, God is love, Live in Love.
Embodiments of Love, I always address you as embodiments of love,.. because
Iam full of love.. LOVE IS MY PROPERTY….I distribute that LOVE to every
one.. I have no trace of selfishness. IAM SELF LESS… I never critise others,
neither Do I hate any body.
Later Swamy sang Prema mudita manase kaho bhajan, after singing the first
line, Swamy pushed the mikes down, signaling that He is going to sit and
continue the bhajan. Thus came to an end of another 1 hour discourse, Full
of ATMA GNANA… from GOD Himself…
Swamy later commanded to distribute apples as prasad to every one. About 9
bhajans were sung before the arathi was given to Swamy at 6pm. Swamy got up
from His chair and walked to the car. As the car was facing east Prasanthi,
all the devotees had a good view of Swamy, as the wheel chair took Swamy
into the car.. Thus ended another memorable day in my Prasanthi Diary.Thank
you Swamy for this divine boon.. You are so Sweet….Jai Sai Ram
Satish Naik

The first
day of the Veda Purusha Sapthaha
Yagna during the Dasara celebrations at Prasanthi Nilayam coincided with the start of the 'Grama Seva' (village
service) programme, now an annual feature in which Swami's staff and
students participate. Amidst Vedic chants and nadaswaram recital our loving
Lord came to Sai Kulwant hall at 7:55 am. Thereafter He sat outside for a
few minutes quenching the thirst for Darshan of all those gathered.
Swami then proceeded to the Bhajan hall and blessed the Ritwiks performing
the Yagnam and the Vedam group. At 8:55 am Swami permitted the Ritwiks to
take the 'Poornakumbham' to the Poorna Chandra auditorium where the Veda
Purusha Saptha Jnana Yagna is being performed. Bhagawan then graciously
permitted the staff and students of the Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary
School along with those of the Prasanthi Nilayam and Brindavan campuses of
the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning to circumambulate the Mandir
and proceed to the Poorna Chandra Auditorium.
The stage was set at Poorna Chandra for the Yagnam to start and Bhagawan
came in at 9:10 am to overlook the proceedings. He observed the conducting
of the Yagnam till 9:45am. Thereafter, He proceeded to Yajur Mandir, His
Following this, Swami's boys proceeded to the vans that were lined up along
the South Indian canteen. The Convoy then left for the day's Seva of
distributing Swami's prasadam and clothes some of the villages around
Puttaparthi. The Seva activities wound up for the day at around 1 pm.
In the evening, Bhagawan came out just before
3.00 pm, and after entering the Sai
Kulwanth Hall in His car, turned left towards the Gopuram gate, visited the
Indoor stadium construction site and returned in around 30 minutes. The car
circled around the block where the Primary School and Anantapur students
were seated, and came to the Mandir verandah. Bhagawan alighted and came to
the Bhajan Hall, speaking to some elders on the way. There, He sat for a few
minutes talking to former Vice-Chancellor Sri S. V. Giri. At the end of His
conversation, Swami called up the Head of the Physics Department who helps
with the Mandir PA system, and asked him something. Bhagawan was enquiring
about a lady devotee. Word was sent to the ladies' side for her, and Swami
went into the interview room. When Bhagawan came back to the Bhajan Hall
after half an hour, He spoke to her and remarked that He notes everyone,
wherever they might be sitting!
At 4.30 pm, Swami asked for Bhajans to begin. Students with vessels of
apples came up to Him for getting the Prasadam blessed. Swami took
an apple from each vessel and threw them to two
of His students seated nearby. As the distribution and Bhajans went on, He
called up some more students with prasadam vessels, asking the Principal of
the Anantapur campus to distribute the apples on the ladies' side of the
Bhajan Hall. So, Prasadam was distributed to all inside the bhajan hall
also. After half an hour of enthusiastic Bhajans, Bhagawan accepted Arati at
5 pm and retired for the day.
September 25, 2006
This evening, clothes were
distributed to Swami's students who are to embark on the 'Grama Seva'
(village service) programme tomorrow. Sarees were distributed to the girl
students, and white safari cloth to the
PG students among the boys. Bhajans began at 5.20 pm and Bhagawan returned
to His residence after Arati at around 6 pm. T-shirts and caps with the
'Grama Seva 2006' theme, emblazoned with the motto "Manav Seva is Madhav
Seva" - Service to Man is Service to
God - were sent to the respective Hostels and distributed to the students there. - source: Prasanthi Bulletin
24th, 2006:
Today morning the customary aarthi to Swami was given exactly at
9.30 after the aarthi Swami retired back to His residence. The evening
darshan ended at 5.30 p.m. that is, after the bhajan & aarthi.
Sevadal members are working real hard to give
prasanthi Nilayam and Swami's residence a festive look of Navaratri &
Dasara. Also traditonal decorations thoranams with mango leaves & other
green leaves near the main gate and Swami's residence gate are looking
beautiful. Puttaparthi is once again going to be packed with devotees
from around the world.
September 23rd, 2006:
Today being the first day of the Devi
Navaratri, the Kalasha Sthapana for worship in the Prasanthi mandir marked
the beginning of the festivities. Bhajans which began at 9 o'ciock were
still continuing when Bhagawan arrived at 9.40am. After sitting for half an
hour of Bhajans, Bhagawan accepted Arati and returned to His abode. While He
was getting into His car, the priest brought the Kalasha for His blessings,
the Navarathri celebrations got formally underway.
In the evening, Swami went into the interview room at 4.30 pm after His
darshan rounds. At five o'clock, He
called some devotees for interviews which went on till twenty minutes into
the five o'clock Bhajans. Then He sat
for half an hour more of Bhajans, accepted Arati and retired for the day.
September 22, 2006
Today morning
Sri Sathya Sai Baba drove (8:30 am) outside mandir complex, and visited the
ongoing construction site of stadium buliding. Swami came back to mandir at
appx. 9:00 am. In the evening The bhajnas were quite late, that is, at 5.15
p.m , Swami was sitting on His throne inside the Bhajan mandir and
disscusing with music students about the up coming program of Dasara etc.
Swami was inside the bhajan hall for more than an hour. From time to time
Swami looked at the watch inside the mandir, finally at 5.15 p.m. the
bhajans started. After the customry evening Aarthi Swami walked towards His
waiting car near the interview room. Swami’s car drove back to His residence
while Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu was still being chanted inside the Sai
Kulwant hall. Swami alighted near the enterance of His residence and walked
inside. The blissful day of darshan ended thus. Navaratri programmes at
prasanthi mandir will start soon.
September 21, 2006
This evening, the X class students
presented a drama, "God is Love, Live in Love". The drama showed, through
the life of an office worker called Ramesh Sahani, how the mantra "Start the
day with Love, Fill the day with Love, Spend the day with Love and End the
day with Love" can be practised.

Bhagawan came for evening darshan at 3.45 pm. After alighting from His car
near the interview room, Swami came to the Bhajan Hall where the students
were waiting in their costumes. He called up some of them and asked them
what their names were in the drama, who were the main characters and so on.
He also spoke to the teacher in-charge, and then went to the interview room.
At 4.15, Swami came out and asked for the students to take their positions
on and behind the stage area for the drama - that is, the central part of
Sai Kulwant Hall, delineated with a backdrop declaring the title of the
drama. Swami came onstage and the 45 minute programme began at 4.20.
Bhagawan was very happy with the performance. He walked down from the stage,
posed for photographs with the students and asked for Prasadam to to
distributed. For the next 20 minutes Swami called up boys one by one and
spoke a few words with them. Finally, He created vibhuti, and placing it on
His palm, blew it towards all the boys! All were overjoyed and the audience
Swami then asked them to sing their last song once again, with the words
"God is Love, Live in Love". After that, He took Arati and returned to His
residence leaving behind some very happy children.

September 20, 2006
This evening, two Ministers came to see Bhagawan, so the drama by the school
children was postponed to tomorrow. The first was Sri Ashok Chavan of
Maharashtra, and later arrived Sri Narendra Modi, Chief Minister of Gujarat.
Swami came for
darshan at 3.30, and walked onstage after alighting from His
car after a full darshan round. Once again, like yesterday, Swami collected
letters from students seated in the front, calling them
up and
speaking a few words to them. After sitting onstage for more than 20
minutes, Bhagawan walked towards the interview room, speaking to Sri Ashok
Chavan on the way. Sri Modi arrived when Swami was in the interview room.
After interviews for both the Ministers, one after the other, Swami came to
the Bhajan Hall at 5.15 when Bhajans were underway, and returned to His
abode after Arati at 5.35 pm.
Prasanthi Bulletin
Evening darshan: The CM of Gujarat Mr. Modi was
here in Puttaparthi to receive blessings from Sai Baba. He left the Ashram
complex before the evening bhajans ended. At around 5.15 P.M Swami also came
out of the interview room and walked towards the bhajna mandir, there Swami
enjoyed the bhajans until 5.35 p.m. at around 5.40 p.m. Swami drove back to
His residence. At this moment lots of perperations are going on for a
program tommorow 21st Sep, the rehearsal for the program was going on today
evening inside the Sai Kulwant hall. - SBOI
19th Sep 2006
morning Swami came quite late to bless
us all for darshan, Baba's car came out at appx 9.10 a.m. and after the
bhajan Swami went back to His abode. "In the evening,
Swa mi came for darshan at 3.50 pm. For the last few days, He has been
talking to two senior Professors about the Grama Seva arrangements as soon
as He alights near the interview room door, and today also He did the same.
Next in line was Mr. Chiranjeevi Rao with the arrangements for the Dasara
Yagnam, and then Dr. Gopinath of the General Hospital with his updates!
After interacting with all of them, Swami went inside the interview room.
At 4.10 pm, Swami came out
again, walking up to the railing around the stage area, talking to various elders
seated on the way. X class students of the Higher Secondary School were
holding a card with the details of a drama they were preparing, and Swami
called them up and talked to them. Then it was the turn of many students
with letters.
The sky was overcast as Swami walked towards the Eastern side of the stage,
taking letters on the way. There were some brief showers too. Bhagawan spoke
to the Senior Hostel Warden after Blessing many "Birthday boys". Then He
turned and walked back to the interview room. Bhajans were as usual at five
o'clock." -
Prasanthi Bulletin-
Swami sat
inside the Bhajan mandir and listened to the bhajans
after the Arathi Swami walked up to His parked car and drove back to yajur
mandir. After alighting SWAMI walked taking
slow steps towards His enterance, head bent Swami walked without looking
towar ds
were standing beside Swami watching every single move of Baba with their
attentive eyes. Attendent holds Swami's arm to support Him in walking.
Swami walks nearly 7-10 meters from His parked car to the inside of His
At 5.45 P.M. Swami retired to
His abode and devotees sitting inside Sai Kulwant usually walk towards the
Ganesha gate to salute Ganesha and recive His blessings. It was raining the
entire bhajan session today but at 5.40 the rain stopped; giving devotees a
chance to visit the bakery and all the other stalls/kiosks for refreshments.
One of the new addtion is fresh juice shop, it is quite popular with
devotees and it is part of Eswaramma womens welfare project.
MP sevadal has left Puttparthi 2 days ago and they have been relived by
Maharastra sevadal. The construction work at new stadium is in full swing
even late in the evening one can see the ongoing work.
The Puttaparthi weather these days is quite pleasent due to late monsoons.
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