24th September 2006.

With the Divine Grace of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the Heart Valve
Bank (HVB) Gram Seva Group arrived early at 9am on 24th September 2006.
The group consisted of 19 youths from across the U.K. lead by Sri Ajit
Popat (Puppet)
Afternoon Darshan:
The group eagerly awaited the arrival of Baba for first afternoon darshan.
For many of the youth who had previously attended the Grama Seva function,
it seemed like returning back home. Swami arrived at 3pm for Darshan and
did the complete round in His silver car. Swami graciously gave darshan
with a lovely smile to one and all present in Sai Kulwant Hall.
As soon as Swami’s car approached the portico, He signalled to couple of
people to come to the car, this also included the UK Grama Seva group
leader Sri Ajit Popat (Puppet).Swami spent most of the time in the
interview room, coming out only for a couple of brief moments.
Just before 5pm Swami emerged from the Interview room and entered the
Mandir to listen to lovely devotion songs (bhajans) sung by the Students.
Swami took aarti and entered the His divine abode just after 5:30pm
Sai Kingdom (UK) Grama Seva Group 2006 25th
September 2006
Morning Darshan.
On this auspicious Monday morning the group met to pray together in one of
the rooms in the ashram, which was temporary converted into a prayer room.
The early morning session started 5.10am with 21 Omkaars followed by the
Suprabhatam. The group leader gave a beautiful on talk on various
spiritual topics and read the thought of the day.
Swami came out to give darshan at 7.50am this morning. His car moved
amongst the sisters and brothers who were eagerly awaiting Swami’s
darshan. All who had the chance to see Swami in the car witnessed a smile
on Swami’s face. Soon after, Swami entered the interview room and came out
later to bless gifts, which were to be distributed to the sisters from the
Anantapur Campus.
Afternoon Darshan
Due to Dashera celebrations starting tomorrow, the crowds in Prashanti
Nilayam seemed to be increasing quite considerably. Our dear Swami has
been very kind to all those who have come to Prashanti by granting them
the blessing of darshan from his car. Swami entered Sai Kulwant hall at
3:40pm and then continued into the interview room. Swami signalled to the
boys from inside the interview room to distribute gifts to some of the
students present in Sai Kulwant hall.
The lovely devotional songs (bhajans) began at 5.20pm, which continued
till 5:40pm; Swami took aarti and returned back to His divine abode.
Sai Kingdom (UK) Grama Seva Group 2006 26th
September 2006

Morning Darshan:
Today, the holy and auspicious celebrations of Dassera began by
commencementt of the Veda Saptha Purusha Yagna. It
also marked the start of Grama Seva 2006. The Sai Kulwant hall was buzzing
with the auspicious sounds of Nadaswaram and Veda chanting. This continued
as our beloved Lord arrived for darshan. The way in which Sai Kulwant Hall
had been adorned was a treat for all our eyes, and this added to the joy
of all the devotees present.
At 7:50am. Swami came out to give darshan in His car to all the sisters
and brothers assembled in Sai Kulwant Hall. The Vedic chanting continued
with Ganesh Atharva Shirsham, Sri Suktam, Durga Suktam and Medha Suktam.
At 8:50am, Swami signalled to the Vedam boys to commence the Vedic
chanting whilst encircling the Mandir. The UK Grama Seva group were
extremely fortunate to participate in these proceedings. Upon completion
of the "pradakshina" around the Mandir everyone made their way quickly
into the Poornachandra Hall.
The atmosphere within the Poornachandra hall was permeated with divine
vedic chanting by lots of priests who had arrived especially to perform
the yagnam. They were accompanied by students, who were also chanting
Vedas in unison. As soon as Swami entered the stage, the priests began to
light the holy fire for the Yagnam. Swami blessed the burning flames as
the Yagnam commenced. As the chanting of Sri Suktam, Durga Suktam and the
Rudram continue, Swami watched the proceedings very intently.
Thereafter, Swami gave instructions to commence the Grama Seva. This in
itself is a huge task, undertaken solely by Swami’s students. This year
was no exception. The sisters from Anantapur Campus had began preparing
the food consisting of Pulihora Rice and Ladoo, at 10:00pm the night
before and this continued until the early hours of the morning. This will
be routine until Gram Seva finishes. This year 700 students had taken part
in the distribution of the sarees, dhotis and food packets.
The UK Grama Seva group were privileged and blessed to carry out the Seva
at the Super Specialty hospital. As their vehicles left the Prashanti
gates, chants of "Jai Bolo, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba ki Jai" could be
heard. The Seva work began with Vedic chanting along the roads within the
hospital quarters. The hospital consisted of 400 households, who were
given Swami’s prasadam.
Afternoon Darshan
Swami came at 3:30pm and went straight outside through the Ram Darbaar.
Having returned a while later, Swami was about to go into the interview
room, when He called Sri Ajit Popat (Puppet) and asked him "Where are your
friends", to which Mr Popat (Puppet) pointed to the UK Grama Seva Boys who
were sitting in the Sai Kulwant hall. Swami smiled and replied ‘Very
happy’. Swami also told Sri Ajit Popat (Puppet) that the village where
Grama seva will be taking place tomorrow, the roads are not good. This was
later confirmed by the Grama Seva leader. Swami also gave instructions to
distribute prashadam in the form of apples. Bhajans started at 4.30pm and
Swami took aarti and left for the divine abode around 5pm.
Sai Kingdom (UK) Grama Seva Group 2006 27th
September 2006
Morning Darshan
Today Swami blessed all the sisters and brothers assembled in Sai Kulwant
Hall with His darshan at 8:45am. He also spoke to Sri Ajit Popat (Puppet)
on the Veranda for almost 5 minutes.
A few minutes later, Swami signalled to the Vedam & Grama Seva boys to
begin the ‘Pradakshina’ (circling of the mandir) and head towards the
Poornachandra hall to continue with the Yagnam. As the Grama Seva boys
completed their round, they were surprised to see Swami standing at the
edge of the Verandah. The boys were blessed with darshan of the smiling
Lord. Swami stood there patiently until the last boy completed his
pradakshina. Swami remained in the interview room
until 11.00am and then proceeded to the Poornachandra Hall where he stayed
for a further 20 minutes.
The UK group were accompanied by Swami’s students to a village called
Bedapalli Tanda, which was situated about 8km from Puttaparthi. The
village consisted of approximately 150 houses.
The boys were warmly welcomed by many smiling faces as they entered the
village. The villagers were also extremely happy to receive Swami’s love
in the form of food & clothing. As the prashadam was distributed, the
people in the village reciprocated Swami’s love and expressed their
gratitude to Baba by doing pranams and saying "Sai Ram".
Many young children ran behind the distribution trucks and cars in the
hope of receiving a ladoo or two! The UK team later joined another team to
help with the Seva to the upper part of Bedapalli Tanda village.
It was truly a wonderful sight to witness such selfless service, which can
only flow from Swami’s students.
Afternoon Darshan
Swami arrived in His car at 4pm. After giving wonderful darshan to all the
assembled brothers and sisters, He entered the interview room.
As Swami came out of the interview room, all the primary school children
started singing Vedam (Ganesha Atharva Shirsham) and it was indeed
wonderful to hear such young children create such divine vibrations.
Swami walked towards the chair placed for Him on the Portico and slowly
sat down. This gesture received a thunderous applause, such is the
kindness of our Divine mother. Swami also blessed a few of the birthday
Swami then asked Professor S. V. Giri (former vice chancellor) to give a
talk, which lasted for 35 minutes. His talk touched on some personal
experiences and explanations around the nine day festival of Navaratri.
Thereafter, our Dear Lord Sai surprised all those gathered by standing up
to give His divine discourse! Swami spoke of many aspects of Sadhana
including the Nine Steps of Devotion. Swami also reminded us of the power
of ‘Soham’, which refers to ‘I’ am ‘I’"Aham Brahmasmi" I am Brahman.
In addition, Swami asked everyone present what festival is this? The
audience responded by shouting out "Dashera". Swami spoke of the
importance of doing Namasmaran and avoiding bad company and that there is
only love in Bhagawan, for Love is His Property. Swami ended his divine
discourse 50 mins later with the bhajan ‘Prema Mudhit Manse Kaho Ram Ram
Ram’. This was followed by bhajans sung by the students and the
distribution of prashadam to all those present. Swami took aarti and
returned to His divine abode at 6.45pm.
Sai Kingdom (UK) Grama Seva Group 2006 28th
September 2006
Morning Darshan
On this holy auspicious day of Brahaspati Vaar, dedicated to the Guru
(Thursday), the Nadaswaram music began at 8am to welcome the arrival of
To the delight of all the devotees, Swami came out to give the darshan at
9:25am. Swami was in a wonderful mood, this was displayed by the fact that
He stopped his car a number of times to take letters from devotees and
also stopped in the darshan line to speak to few devotees.

Swami also spoke to various people on the Veranda whilst blessing the
prasadam, which was to be distributed immediately afterwards. The Vedam
boys received instructions from Swami to commence the walk to the Yagna in
the Poornachandra Hall in the usual manner, by encircling the Mandir. Our
Dear Sai stood in the middle whilst all the students and the UK Grama Seva
boys also walked around the mandir.
The Grama Seva trucks and cars began the journey at 10:30 shouting "Bolo
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba ji ki JAI!" The joy of traveling in the
vehicles whilst singing devotional songs was the most beautiful feeling
one can have! As we drove past the villages on our way to Mahilasamundram,
all the children stood on the main roads with gleaming faces, shouting Sai
Ram Sai Ram as they waved to all the boys.
Mahilasamundram village has approximately 400-500 houses with a population
in the region of 2000. The villagers prepared our welcome with so much
love. The entrance of every house was washed and decorated with colourful
rangoli (decorative flower paintings).
All the Grama Seva boys reciprocated their love towards the villagers for
the welcome by working very hard in the hot heat with selfless love. It
was a most heart warming scene to look at! We are extremely grateful to
Swami for allowing us to witness and be part of the wonderful experience
Jai Sai Ram!
Afternoon Darshan
Swami came out for darshan at 4pm and allowed both the sisters and
brothers to receive His darshan.
The UK Grama Seva group were fortunate to receive eye contact from Swami
as his car passed by for darshan. Swami was looking as fresh and radiant
as ever. Swami took letters from few devotees and proceeded towards the
veranda. Swami went into the interview room at 4:15pm
To the surprise and happiness of all present, Swami came out of the
interview room 10 minutes later and sat down in the chair on the portico.
Immediately Swami instructed the Vedam boys to chant the Sri Suktam.
Within few minutes Swami stopped the Vedam chanting in order for Sri Anil
Kumar to announce the speakers for the day.
Sri Ajit Popat (Puppet), the Managing Trustee of the Heart Valve Bank, was
the first speaker. Sri Ajit Popat (Puppet) spoke for more than 30 minutes
in his usual impact full manner.
The theme for his talk was three fold Knowledge without Action, Action
without Love and Life with Swami’s grace. He spoke of His immense
gratitude towards Swami for allowing him and the UK Grama Seva boys to
participate in this year’s activities. He also said "Grama Seva is Ram
Seva" and narrated his experience while performing the Grama Seva. Swami
was enjoying the talk immensely and also smiled at various points during
the talk. As Sri Ajit Popat (Puppet) completed his talk, Swami also
briefly clapped in His sweet divine manner.
The second speaker of the day was Sri V. Srinivas. Sri Srinivas spoke
regarding the Navaratri festival. He explained in detail the different
ways the festival is celebrated throughout India. He mentioned the
significance of the Vijaya Dashmi day (the 10th day), the victory of good
over evil and that victory is GOD. He mentioned that this day is very
auspicious to start something new. Sri Srinivas concluded his talk by
requesting Swami to bless the audience with His divine discourse.
Swami immediately answered his prayers by standing up to begin His
discourse. The Sai Kulwant Hall was filled with a thunderous applause.
Swami spoke in detail about Education and Intellect. At one point, Swami
mentioned the importance of Purity and that He himself does not consume
polluted water, food or air. In fact, Swami made a very beautiful
statement. The air that Swami breathes is a reflection of the prayers of
all His devotees. He continued by saying Swami has no problems. Not even
in dreams. He is full of joy. However, He feels bad only when His devotees
are waiting for darshan. Swami said Be happy as Happiness is union with
The Pandvas did not worry as they had Krishna with them; Swami said you
have Sai Baba. At this point everyone clapped. If you keep your parents
happy Sai Baba will be happy.
Swami continued His Divine Discourse for 40 minutes. Swami ended His
Discourse with the bhajan ‘Hari Bhajan Bina Sukh Shanti Nahi’ Swami
indicated for the prashadam to be distributed and the Students sung lovely
devotional songs. Swami took aarti and returned to His Divine Abode.
Sai Kingdom (UK) Grama Seva Group 2006 29th
September 2006
Morning Darshan
Everyday is a festival day in Prashanti Nilayam (The Supreme Abode of
Peace), and today was no exception. The usual Ashram routines of
Suprabhatam and Nagar Sankritan continued as it has been for decades;
however the Dasera festivities added to the holiness of the place.
Our Dear Lord Sai blessed the eagerly awaiting devotees by giving His
Divine Darshan at 8:15am. Swami’s face was radiating with extreme
brilliance as He gave Darshan to all. Swami’s joyous mood was pleasing to
all (especially) those who managed to give a letter or speak to Him. Swami
fulfilled the wishes of all by sitting on the portico immediately after
darshan. Swami remained on the Chair for 15 minutes and stood up to walk
back to the interview room, this action of Swami pleased all (loud claps!)
The UK Grama Seva group were given instructions to visit a village called
Pedaballi Tada (colony), which is located 25km from Puttaparthy.
Swami’s message of Love can be seen to be reaching out to the world, as
the villagers were waiting with broad smiles for the arrival of the Grama
Seva groups. The one unique quality of all India villagers is their
hospitality and love towards all visitors. They regard visitors as GOD! At
this village the residents offered the group beds to sit on whilst the
boys were awaiting for more food stock. It is only Swami’s Love that can
bring the humanity together.
Sai Kingdom (UK) Grama Seva Group 2006 –
30th September 2006 |
Morning Darshan:

Today is Durga Ashtami (the 8th day of the Navaratri function).
throughout India people do Aayudha Puja (Worshiping of Vehicles and
instruments). Swami also carries out this ceremony every year.
Swami arrived for darshan at 8:20am, Vedams were chanted for the
of the Veda Purusha Himself! Swami did the full round of darshan and
blessed everyone on this auspicious day. Swami's car stopped at the
edge of the veranda, at which point Baba walked to the portico.
then headed towards East Prashanti where all of Swami's vehicles had
been parked, including the Golden Chariot.
Our dear Sai first approached the convertible red mini and blessed
vehicle with His divine touch. Puja was performed to the toy-looking
by breaking the coconut in front of it. Swami then proceeded to all
other cars. One of the UK Grama Seva brothers was fortunate to
the proceeding at very close proximity as he'd been given the unique
privilege of taking photographs.
Swami then returned to the veranda where He blessed the Grama Seva
Prashadam and gave instructions for Raam Seva to begin.
All the Vedam and Grama Seva boys followed the normal routine of
circling the Mandir, whilst Swami sat in his chair and looked at
boy as he went pass.

As Dr. Gokak mentioned in his talk yesterday, the two villages Swami
visited are His eyes. With this thought the UK Grama Seva Group
a village called Cherolapalli. This village is about 12 km from
Puttaparthi. This village is regarded as one of the poorest in the
The trip to this village was a real eye-opener. The villagers lived
small confined spaces with very bare essentials. They livelihood was
based upon subsistence farming and breeding live stock. One
lady villager stated that `We are happy with Swami's prashadam
alone, there was no need for the clothing". It became evident very
quickly that Swami's love was enough to sustain them through their
difficult times.
It was heart breaking to witness villagers living in such
One brother asked a villager…'Where are the shops in your
village?', and he immediately replied…'Sir, where is the money
to buy anything here?'
Even the toughest man would shed a tear, seeing such plight of these
poor villagers. Swami is there only hope.
Afternoon Darshan:
Swami came out for darshan at 3.30pm this afternoon and immediately
through the Raam Darbar gates. Swami returned at 4.10pm, giving
on the ladies side and then proceeding to the veranda. To the
delight of
all present in the Sai Kulwant Hall, Swami walked across the veranda
towards the East Prashanti side and spoke to a few devotees. Swami
called a few lady devotees, one of which had a new born baby who was
extremely fortunate to be blessed by the Lord of Lords. Swami also
showered His blessings on the baby by materialising a gold chain and
allowing the baby to be placed at is divine Lotus feet. Swami then
on the portico listening to Vedam, whilst he blessed each birthday
student in turn.
Swami then slowly made His way to the interview room until 5pm and
thereafter attended bhajans in the Mandir. Swami took aarti and
to his supreme abode at 5.30pm.
Sai Kingdom (UK) Grama Seva Group 2006 – 1st October 2006

Morning Darshan
Swami arrived at 8.45am. Today was the day the Maharashtra Sevadals
were leaving Prashanti. Swami's car stopped to take a bundle of
letters from them and blessed them by rolling down His window and
giving them His Abhayhasta (blessing with raised hands).
Swami made his way to the Veranda and walked to the portico chair.
Swami stopped the Vedams and asked just the Primary school children
to continue reciting by themselves. Thereafter, Swami stood up and
walked into the interview room. At which point, the Vedam and Grama
Seva boys left for Gram Seva
Today, Gram Seva was conducted at Kodapaganipalli village, where the
boys received an enthusiastic welcome. The villagers had decorated
the streets with colourful rangolis (ground patterns) and welcome
messages. Gram Seva began as usual by chanting Vedam and Bhajans
around the village. The local children and energetic musicians also
accompanied the boys.
The feeling amongst the UK Gram Seva boys was tinged with sadness,
as it was their last day for Gram Seva. However, the boys were full
of gratitude to Swami for allowing them to participate in this
unique service activity. A particularly touching incident was when
one elderly lady, who upon receiving the saree prashadam, was
overcome with memories of when her eyesight was restored at Swami's
Super Speciality Hospital .
Click here for photos
Afternoon Darshan
Swami emerged from His residence at 3.40pm and gave darshan to the
large crowds that had gathered on this auspicious ninth day of
Swami called Brother Sanjay Mahalingam and asked him to address the
gathering and to specifically talk about Rama Tatva (Essence of
Rama). He started his talk by speaking about Vairagya (detachment)
and Devotion, making some poignant observations by using various
anecdotes from Swami's Chinna Katha. He then moved on to the subject
of the impermanence of the material world and the importance of
seeking that which is real. He finally spoke about surrender, before
requesting Swami's permission to conclude his talk. Swami then asked
him to continue and he resumed by reciting shlokas from the second
chapter of the Bhagwat Gita discussing the qualities of an
enlightened man.
Swami then called Dr Ravi Kumar to the dias, who spoke about the
importance of developing faith before divinity can be experienced.
He gave a personal account of how Swami cancelled his father's
cancer due to his strong faith in God. He developed the theme of
having unshakable faith in God who will then take care of his
welfare (and farewell!).
Swami then blessed the audience with His divine discourse. He began
with a Telegu poem describing the sweetness in the name of Rama.
Swami then spoke extensively on the Rama Katha. He concluded with
how the values extolled in the Rama Katha have diminished today. He
gave examples of men and women interacting in public, which marked
the arrival of the Kaliyug. Finally, he reiterated the eternal truth
that Happiness is Union with God. Swami ended the discourse with a
melodious Rama bhajan in Telegu.
Thereafter, Swami signalled the student to sing bhajans. After the
first bhajan, Swami stood up and took Aarti before returning to Hi
residence at 6.40pm
Jai Sai Ram!
Submitted to SBOI-Group
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