l Acts Of God-Sai Bab

Supernatural Acts Of God-Sai Baba
We all caught our breaths, as Swami created a most powerful object. It had
a round black onyx base and on it was a silver map of India. Surrounding
the map were 18 jewels that glistened in the dark, from some mysterious
inner light. He said that on the map were inscribed 100 Sanskrit verses
giving the history of the Avatar from birth to the time when it leaves the
body. He said, "All great works of the Avatar and all leaders chosen from
my students are recorded here". He took it around for all to see and
touch. Spiritually it was very powerful and esthetically very beautiful.
The writing was too small to decipher. When asked, He answered, "I will
not reveal the future. Everything will be revealed in due time. Why do you
hanker after this object when you have its creator? You have Me and I have
you. You are all sacred souls and have roles in the mission. No force can
delay this mission even by one instant. I will appear in many
manifestations of my form. Wherever you are, there I will be". He was not
just speaking to the students, but to all of us... fortunate souls whom He
has gathered in. It continues to be a great wonder to me, that not only is
Swami still quite easily accessible, but there are so very few who have
committed to become His devotees and live His teachings. Swami said His
devotees are one in a hundred thousand. He said that one among ten, you
can find one truly good person; one among ten such has some deep feelings
for god; one among such ten will yearn for a direct experience; and one
out of such ten will be ready to let go totally, to renounce, and
surrender completely to God. "That is My devotee, and He is very dear to
me", Swami said.
Al Drucker
From the book: Love in Action, Proceedings of the Meeting of Sai
Organisations of Europe, Hamburg, 12-15 May, 1989
copyrights 2004: Lay out & design Indian map graphic model