
Bhajans being continuously sung by devotees and the main hall is
filled with the vibrations of swamy's name, "SAIRAM SAIRAM"
I went inside around 3.00 pm. The following bhajan is played when i
entered inside the hall:
" Akhanda Jyoti Jaalaavo Sai Man Mandir Me "
Bhajans continued and everyone eagerly waiting for swamy.
Lights turned on and swamy arrived in the midst of the following
bhajan at around 4.10 pm.
" Mandir me tum ram sai;
Masjid me allah ho akbar;
Gurudwaara me tu guru nanak;
Man Mandir me SAI SAI.
Bolo ram ek hi naam.
Sab mil bolo SAIRAM "
Swamy remained standing until this bhajan is completed, enjoying it
to the fullest and then remained seated.
After around 4 bhajans later, swamy asked two people to give
speeches. One of them is Krishnamurthy, from tamilnadu who had been
swamy's devotee for around 40 years and i dont remember the other
person's name. [from bangalore]
Both are around 60 years old devotees and delivered some wonderful
speeches. The Essence of these speeches has been focused on the
purpose of life and what should be one's duty towards life, the jist
of which is penned down in the following points:
1. "Guru Stita Sarvah Jagat.
Sarvah Jagah stita Guru."
The Guru is pervading the entire universe and the entire universe is
pervading the Guru. On behalf of all the people who have gathered
here and the people who are not here i offer my humble pranams at
the lotus feet of bhagawan baba.
Whenever God descends onto the earth he assumes 4 roles:
a) DIVINE MOTHER, who takes care of their children with love
providing them with their needs at the right time and guiding them;
[we r blessed to have a sadguru in the form of sai between all of us
b) DIVINE FATHER, who guided one to perform his karma satisfactorily
and provide him aided support when needed.
c) DIVINE PRECEPTOR, to teach us what is dharma and what is the
purpose of life and how to attain the real fulfillment in life.
d) GOD himself.
Oh my dear respected elders, brothers, sisters and friends, let us
pray to bhagawan sai for givng this wonderful oppurtunity to serve
him and realize him by standing, playing, singing, talking being in
the presence of his divine power.
2. There are only two avatars which have been realized by the people
of the world as purna avatars. One of them is Lord Krishna and other
one is satya sai.Both of them are the avatars of LOVE.
Four main similarities are observed between these two avatars:
a) RUPA MADHURI: These avatars are capable of attracting the people
with their RUPA. [ Physical Body Structure ]
[ "Kasturi Tilakam
Lalaata Phalake
Vakshasthale Kausthubham
Naasaagre Navamouktikam,
Karatale Venum
Kare Kankanam
Sarvaange HariChandanancha Kalayam
Kanthecha Mukthavali
Gopastree Pariveshthito
Vijayate Gopala Chudaamani
Vijayate Gopala Chudaamani " ]
b) GEETA MADHURI: Swamy with his poems and songs has explained the
essence of one's purpose for the life.When you listen to these poems
you experience an everlasting experience which refers to as geeta
c) LEELA MADHURI: These are infinite and the essence of it relavant
to most of the people present here.
d) PREMA MADHURI: Swamy is Prema avatara. the embodiment of divine
love. Krishna is also considered the same.
Oh my dear sai friends, we are blessed to have such a divine sadguru
between us and with us who is guiding us each and every moment.
3. We are infinitesimal particles before such a great power. We have
to understand the purpose of life.We have to be equally grateful to
SOCIETY, GOD and OURSELVES. We should not neglect any of these three
things.One who remains in the midst of these three and perform his
duties to the required extent, attains the culmination.
Small example was quoted here:
Just imagine you are in an examination hall and writing your first
year exams. suddenly the invigilator caught you copying and tells
you " U ARE DEBARRED";You can rewrite the exam once again to clear
it.But imagine you are writing your final year exams and caught.
then you have no other option of repeating the entire year once
again.Even here you are given a chance for an year or two or even
upto 4 years. But that is not the case with the Life you are given
with. You are not debarred and the meaning of repeating refers to
repitition of whole cycle of birth and death once again from the
beginning if you fail here.
So my dear friends, we have to utilize our life for the purpose of
what it is meant for and fulfil it to the extent it is intended
for.Swamy is here to help us attain this stage, but we have to be
sincere in our efforts and not deviate towards anything else.
Whatever we attain in our lives in this birth is bound to return
back once you leave this world. you are not carrying anything with
you. What you have brought into this world that you are worried of
losing.When we devote everything to god and start realizing that
whatever we do is for god himself we will not be attached to
anything and hence you will enjoy the bliss and real happiness.
4. " Chakora Pakshi has one and only one vision. to wait for moon
light. Lotus flower thought it is grown up in water has one and only
vision to blossom itself without getting attached to water."
[Explained in Kannada] meaning "Our lord also has one and only one
desire, it is nothing but the welfare of the world. "
We as the devotees of the lord should be also attached to one and
only one purpose to chant the name of the lord.
5. Speaker explained a small incident to describe the humbleness of a
lord towards his children.
Once a person named srinivasan, who is the president of all India
Satya Sai Seva Samithi was visiting puttaparty, swamy took the
entire responsibility of arranging things for him for each and every
need of him. When srinivasan came to parthi and saw these he felt
very happy. swamy and he sat in the jhula and srinivasan said to
swamy like this:
" Swamy enta shrama teesukunnaru" [in telugu] meaning : " Swamy how
much effort you have taken"
Swamy replied: " SHRAMA KAADU BANGAARU, IDI PREMA [ in telugu] "
meaning " This is not effort my child. this is LOVE"
See how humble bhagwan is to his devotees. we can give many examples
for this. take the example of kuchela who was gifted with the wealth
of world for just offering to lord handful of grains earned by his
wife. Such is the humbleness of our lord.
He concluded the speech with the following four sentences, listening
to which my eyes filled with tears.
What a wonderful opportunity we have got to be with our divine
bhagawan sri sathya sai baba. My dear friends let us use the
knowledge and wealth which we have for the right purpose and satisfy
our lives.
After the speeches, Om jai jagadeesa hare started and swamy left at
Om Sri sai ram.
© Source: SBOI
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