Sairam Dear members of our SAI family
its a Saturday today the 3rd of June, on a cold and cloudy day,here at
Brindavan, whitefield.
After a month of festivities on weekends beginning with MOTHER ESWARAMMA day,
Buddha poornima day, Kerala youth sadhana and finally Yuva vandana by
Karnataka youth, finally we don't have any special celebrations on this
weekend.....[ Ofcourse any darshan of our Swami is very special indeed] but
on festival days the crowd is huge but today as we reach the ashram at 7am as
usual there is an air of excitement in the atmosphere but today there are no
special decorations, the Saraswathi idol is garlanded with roses and the token
lines are allowed inside, no banners below the clock in Sai Ramesh hall the
Krishna idol is decorated with flowers .
The hall is soon getting filled slowly. The front portion in the gents side is
reserved for the students as vacations have come to an end and most of them
come and occupy their places hurriedly at around 7:30am trying to get a good
seat. Soon they begin chanting the SAI GAYATHRI.... Saiiswaraya vidmahe satya
devaiya dhee mahe tannah sarvah prachodayaat aom..... till about 8:10 am when
the lights are switched on and chanting of OM>OM>>OM>>> begins followed by
Balavinayaka ...... bhajan Swami soon comes on stage and is seated on his
Today's bhajans are sung by boy students as otherwise, here usually we hear
ladies sing alternately but today only the boys get to sing.
Swami is enjoying the bhajans and in between reads a few letters he may have
collected on his way from Trayee to the darshan hall.
There is not much rush today as compared to the last one month on weekends and
we manage to get a fairly good darshan. The bhajans continue for about half an
hour when we see Swami signal something and a student rushes on stage with a
rose, Swami accepts it and lovingly puts it back in the students pocket and
Aarti.......Aum jai jagdish hare...Swami Satya Sai Hare .... begins......
swami stands up blesses us all and slowly walks back towards his
abode.......OM Shanti.. Shanti.... Shantihi ......soon the stage lights are
switched off but we can still feel his presence amongst us..... isn't it
let us hope and pray to Swami to Bless us all by giving us Good darshan in
Darshan at
Brindavan- Sai Baba Of IndiaAlso read:
Blossoms: "...Swami came out in the morning at 7.55 am. Even as He walked
and stood in the front He asked for the youth members who had sung yesterday.
Swami had told them that He would give them an interview. "When do you want?"
They had replied "any time Swami" but even in their wildest dreams, they did
not expect the boon so soon...."
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