FIFTH DAY - 7th January 2008
Every day of the Exhibition is marked with beautiful floral decorations of the
shrine. The ladies Seva dal of Baroda daily commence their work on floral
decorations at 6.00 AM in the morning so that they could complete the same by 8.45
AM before the exhibition is opened for the public. The floral decorations were
planned one day in advance so that the flowers could be sourced, cleaned, and
thereafter appropriately trimmed. The floral decorations were made at the main
shrine and in front of all photographs of Bhagawan. 
All panels were organized in a back to back manner such that the backside of the
panels is not exposed. Wherever, there are such cases, these were covered with
beautiful photographs of Bhagawan of the size of 6 x 4 ft. All visitors were very
much fascinated by these beautiful photographs as it gave them a distinct feeling
that they were having Darshan of our Beloved Sai right in front of them. Several
visitors prayed with folded hands near these photographs and for those few minutes
were in silent communion with the Divine.
All VIPs who came to the Exhibition were specially taken care of. A senior Sai
devotee accompanied such VIPs and explained the panels in detail. After going
through all the panels, they were taken to a special VIP room, wherein they were
made comfortable and offered tea / snacks. VIPs were thereafter interviewed on
video. Typical interview
questions relate to (a) their reactions after seeing the
Exhibition, (b) what they liked the most, and (c) their message to the general
public. All VIPs also recorded their review comments on the Exhibition. All VIPs
were given a gift pack containing Sai literature, photograph and Prasadam. The
following VIPs visited the Exhibition on the
fifth day:
Shri S Shankaran, Senior Divisional Safety Officer, Western Railway, Baroda said
"This is a wonderfully organized exhibition. The Grace and Blessings of Baba have
been beautifully depicted. The organizers have also made elaborate arrangements to
spread the message of Bhagawan"
Shri D. M Verma, Divisional Operating Manager, said "It is an extraordinary
exhibition. It provided spiritual knowledge. It also portrayed that Sathya Sai Baba
has taken care of the people of interior villages.
Dr. Mukesh R Shah - Eminent Dentist had the following comments to offer. "It is a
very good exhibition wherein the photographs are excellent and messages are very
clear. The message is given in very simple language. This exhibition is a must for
all schools and college students "
Mr. J. R Khedkar, an eminent Chartered Accountant of the city was overwhelmed with
the Exhibition. This is what he said "I am reminded of the shloka in Bhagawad Gita
which says "Sambhavami Yuge Yuge" and the confirmation of the Avatar. This
exhibition is well managed and is bein
g done with Love and Devotion.
In all 2496 visitors visited the Exhibition on the fifth day taking the total of
visitors to 14942 in the first five days.
We pray to Bhagawan to generate the required awareness and motivate all citizens of
Baroda to visit the Exhibition in the days to come.
SIXTH DAY - 8th January 2008
The sixth day of the Exhibition began at 9.00 AM in the morning.
The entrance to the Exhibition was beautifully decorated welcoming all to visit the
Exhibition. On the main road, festoons and gate were erected informing all about the
Prem Jyothi exhibition nearby. This gate informed everyone about the dates / time
and venue of the Exhibition and the organizers. Most people driving on that road
have stopped, turned, and visited the Exhibition.
At the entrance of the Exhibition ground, an entrance gate was erected, which was
aptly named as the "Prem Dwar". This gate provided the direction to all on how they
could get into the Exhibition venue. The gate was designed based on the Chaitanya
Jyothi museum at Prashanthi Nilayam.

All visitors would enter the exhibition through the main gate. Sevadal with folded
hands and "Sairam" on their lips welcomed the visitor inside the shrine. The Gate
had the Sarva Dharma symbol on the sides of the dome and the lotus symbol with the
Divine light at the top. Once visitors enter through this gate, they were able to
see the beautiful shrine area.
On the side of this main entrance, a beautiful Rangoli decoration was done by the
ladies Seva Dal.
Being a working day, the visitors came in ones and twos in the morning and
afternoon. However as the evening progressed, several people came in with their
families and friends. School children from the Shri Sathya Sai School, Surat visited
the Exhibition.
Amongst the VIP's who visited the Exhibition were Shri K C P Patnaik, IRS
(Commissioner of Income Tax) who said "It has been a wonderful experience to watch
the exhibition. It is truly a labour of Love".
Shri V.S Dole, DGM, Union Bank of India, Baroda said "It was an excellent
experience. It touched the heart and is a good lesson to everyone. There cannot be
an Exhibition better than this for informing all about the activities of Baba. All
have taken pains to make the Exhibition fruitful"
In all 2852 visitors visited the Exhibition on the sixth day taking the total of
visitors to 17794 in the first six days.
We pray to Bhagawan to generate the required awareness and motivate all citizens of
Baroda to visit the Exhibition in the days to come.
Prema Jyoti Exhibition -
Baroda :
brochure/Leaflet in Gujarati & English language >>