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Sai Darshan news 1st April
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latest link :-
& highlights of Sai Baba's Ugadi discourse:
"...Swami also talked about anger, a disease that
all of us suffer from. He said that "Anger is necessary for man but you
should not express anger on an unnecessary matter..."
Read more
Today evening Swami came at 3:15 P.M. an hour earlier than
yesterday (also, in the morning darshan Swami came
early i.e. at around 8. 00 Am. & took a round on His mobile chair)
as usual after arriving in Sai Kulwant Hall Swami took His full darshan
round in the car and got down near the interview room. Immediately after,
Swami went inside the interview room. After some time Swami came out on
His mobile chair & took a round of upper verandah and talked to many
devotees sitting there. Swami entered the bhajan mandir from the far left
door. At that time only the music college boys were sitting inside the
bhajan mandir. Swami spent almost one hour with them. Today evening Swami
spent a great deal of time with these boys. Perhaps, planning for
Kodaikanal journey? At 4:30 p.m. Swami went back to interview room. Then
Seva dal on duty near bhajan mandir allowed the waiting “bhajan lines”
devotees to go inside the bhajan hall. Many of the devotees queued up for
bhajan mandir lines had given up of having close darshan of Swami inside
the bhajan mandir because now that Swami had spent almost one hour inside
the bhajan mandir and gone back to Interview room, chances of His coming
back were quite slim. The bhajan started at five p.m. Swami walked into
mandir after five minutes and sat on His throne, a pleasant surprise
indeed. Bhajans ended at 5:35. P.M. after the sacred Aarti Swami left for
His " Yajur Mandiram " Swami's New residence.
latest Photographs:
Images &
Report of Ugadi
Celebrations in Prasanthi Nilayam
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We kindly request all our readers to send in
their personal experience with Swami i.e. miraculous, spiritual and of Sai
Darshan. You
can send your mail to
Source: saibabaofindia
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SBOI Recommended Darshan links:
3rd April -
Sai Darshan news
"....At 4:15 p.m. Swami told
the boys to call for His car, after few minutes the car was ready!
Without further delay Swami drove out somewhere and came back at
appx. 4:35 p.m....
Read more 
Sai Darshan news 1st April:
Today morning Swami came at 8.55...
Read more
Sai Darshan news 31st march:
"...Many devotees sitting inside the bhajan mandir were bit saddened
since Swami didn’t come inside the bhajan mandir but devotees
sitting in Sai Kulwant hall did get an extended darshan of our
beloved Swami...."
Read more
Sai Darshan news 30th march:
"....Swami blessed all present with a divine discourse in His sweet
nectar like voice. Nearly an hour long divine discourse..."
Read more 
Also read:
Bulletin 29th-30th March
Aries, Taurus, Gemini...
What awaits
you this Ugadi -Year 2006
Sai Darshan news 29th march:
"...Festival or an ordinary Wednesday, King of Kings, Bhagavan Sri
Sathya Sai Baba’s court is always full of activities and
festivities. Today Secondary school presented a drama...".... -
...Prof. Anil Kumar made 2 announcements about tomorrow’s Ugadi
Read more
Sai Darshan news 28th march: "..Swami's new house is shinning bright since it
is decorated with colourful light bulbs. Preparations are on for the
lunch on 30th i.e. Thursday..."Read more
Sai Darshan news 27th march: "...Swami sat on the dais so
everyone in Kulwant Hall could feast their eyes with divine darshan
for quite sometime..."Read more "
Sai Darshan news 24th march: ".....Swami
got down near interview room and proceeded directly to the bhajan
mandir (Bhajan Hall) . Swami spent at least 15 minutes with ...."Read more "
Also read:
Bulletin 23rd-24th March
Sai Darshan news 23rd march: "...Swami created 2 rings and gave one to (MBA boy student) Ganesh,
he is by all accounts a very good dancer. Another ring was gifted to
Read more "
Also, enclosed in
23rd march darshan news:Reminiscence
of Prof. (Mrs.) Jayalakshmi Gopinath
Sai Darshan news 22nd march:
Evening- Swami came at 4:00 p.m. also today Swami spent good deal of
time with music college boys inside the bhajan mandir; Swami was in
bhajan hall for more than 1 hour. Bhajans went on till 5:35.
after that Swami took Arati, and retired to His abode.
Sai Darshan news 21st march: Today Morning Swami didn’t come for darshan
to Kulwant Hall however, Swami did come (appx. 9:00 a.m.) out and
went straight to His new residence. Consequently, very few devotees
on the ladies side had his darshan. In the evening Swami came later
than His usual darshan routine at 5.20 p.m....
read more 
Sai Darshan news 20th march: "....Swami was
in bhajan mandir for more than 1hour: 30 minutes. Devotees sitting
inside the bhajan mandir enjoyed superb divine darshan indeed..."read more 
Sai Darshan news 19th march:
long, a little boy came walking inside the bhajan mandir, with
folded hands; to everyone’s surprise, it was the same student...."read more

Source: saibabaofindia
Sai & you :
"Sai can reach each falling tears. He sees
the heart that needs a cheer. He knows the path that's hard and dear.
Don't ever give up coz He is near...
"read more 
Sai Darshan news 18th march:
"....The boys followed
Swami’s order and walked towards Interview room with their musical
After a short while, Swami got up,..."
read more

© Source:
saibabaofindia group
Sai Darshan news 17th march:
"...The students also
showed some pictures to Swami, they spent almost half an hour with
read more
© Source:
saibabaofindia group
17th march Latest
images of Sai Baba from the drama
bhakta kavi prajapati - Prasanthi Nilayam
Images of Holi Celebrations in
Prasanthi Nilayam
16th march Sai darshan news from
."..Swami called a boy
and started talking to him. Swami started by inquiring, how are you?
The boy got up from 3rd line & went close to Swami...."read more
[ Also free download of "Sai
Heart" ]
© Source:
saibabaofindia group
Sai Darshan account 15th March - HOLI special:
It was a colourful holy in Prasanthi Nilayam.. even though there
were no colours sprayed on others like it happens all over India.
read more
with Holi photos
© Source:
saibabaofindia group
Darshan news 14th March:
"Swami really surprised the devotees by coming bit earlier (2:45
p.m.) than His usual darshan time, Kulwant hall was half empty"....read more
© Source:
saibabaofindia group
Darshan news 13th March:
Swami blessed us all with His darshan, both, in the morning and
evening. today morning Swami came at around 7 .20 a.m. in the
evening Swami came
at 3:30 p.m
...read more
© Source:
saibabaofindia group
Darshan news 12th March:
Swami came out at appx. 7:15 a.m. in the morning. The Veda chanting
filled the morning atmosphere of Sai Kulwant hall with spiritual
“fragrance”, the Veda chanting continued till 8:50. a.m. At 8:40 Swami
called a (lucky) boy student from 1st line & created a gold chain...read
© Source:
saibabaofindia group
Darshan news 11th March:
Evening : Swami came at 3:55 p.m....read more
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Loving Sai Ram and
greetings from Prashanti Nilayam. In a few days from now, we here,
as many elsewhere, would be celebrating the festival of Sri Rama
Navami, the anniversary of the advent of the Rama Avatar. The Rama
Avatar is the first of the Great Avatars, in which God in human form
spent a considerable amount of time on earth, teaching invaluable
lessons to us humans.
The epic story of
Rama or the Ramayana as it is called, was first recorded by Sage
Valmiki. Since then, several versions of the Ramayana have appeared
in many languages. In that sense, much is already supposed to be
known about Rama, His life and His Message. Nevertheless, in His own
inimitable way, Swami has added wonderful nuances to the traditional
story of Rama, that give us insight never before available. In this
letter, we would like to recall three examples of such
Our first recall is
courtesy late Prof. Sampath, who spent many years at Swami’s Lotus
Feet, part of it as the Third Vice Chancellor of Swami’s Institute.
Once during that period, Swami took Prof Sampath with Him to
Kodaikanal. As sometimes happens, that year, the festival of Rama
Navami occurred during Swami’s stay in Kodai. Typically on that
morning, Swami not only recalls aspects of Rama’s life but also
materialises some object that featured in Rama’s life. One year it
was the amazingly big ring of Rama, another year it was the huge
diamond that Sita gave to Hanuman as proof of his meeting with Sita,
and so on.
This particular
year, after Swami had spoken to the students, Prof Sampath recalled
a famous Tamil song that describes how when the young princes, Rama
and Lakshmana were walking on the streets of Mithila along with Sage
Viswamitra, Sita who was standing in a balcony in the palace, saw
Rama and wondered: “Who is this person, and what is His name?” The
moment Prof Sampath made a reference to this famous song, Swami
sternly admonished Prof Sampath saying, “Don’ talk rubbish. Nothing
like that happened.” “No Swami, there is a version of the Ramayana
which describes such a scene and there is this song there. It is
actually a famous song and many leading musicians have in fact
recorded this song.” Swami then said, “All that is nonsense. Was
this poet in Mithila when Rama and Lakshmana walked the streets? How
does he know? Take it from Me, nothing like that happened. Lord Rama
was the very Embodiment of Supreme Consciousness while Mother Sita
was the very Embodiment of Divine Energy. They took human forms to
enact a sacred drama in order to teach special lessons to humanity.
Such unwanted poetic and romantic fiction tends to give wrong ideas
to people, and this sort of thing must certainly not be said before
My students!” That message was certainly loud and clear. On a later
occasion, in a different context, Swami told late Mr. V. K.
Narasimhan (for many years the editor of Sanathana Sarathi)
that poets and writers often inject their own romantic aberrations
while describing the story of the Lord, thereby both distorting as
well as polluting it.
Our next recall is
from a Discourse that Swami once gave to students during a Summer
Course. Now Ravana the principal villain of Ramayana is normally
portrayed as an evil man who coveted another man’s wife. In factual
terms, this is certainly correct. But Swami told students that the
inner significance of this so-called abduction was something much
deeper. Ravana’s abduction of Sita is symbolic of man imagining that
Nature is there for his benefit and is available for him to exploit
as he pleases. In this respect, Ravana personified modern man who
thinks that Nature belong to him and exists for him to exploit.
Ravana failed to see Nature as his Divine Mother and paid the price
for it. Modern man too would pay a heavy price one day, if he keeps
on going the way he is doing at present. Swami added, “Mother Nature
is very kind and generous, and She will give you anything you want,
provided you pray to Her for that. If instead She is ill treated,
She would be patient up to a point but beyond that, She would be
aroused; and when that happens, be warned that hell would break
loose!” The warning is there loud and clear, but is anyone
On now to the third
example of the way Swami makes us read between the lines. One day in
Trayee, Swami said to students, “You all know the scene where
Sugriva brings the bundle of jewels that fell from the sky and
places it before Rama. Rama looks at the jewels and, turning to His
brother asks, ‘Lakshmana, can you identify these jewels? Do they
belong to Sita?’” Swami then continued, “Now why did Rama ask
Lakshmana to do identify the jewels? After all, Sita was His wife
and if anything, Rama should have known more about Stia’s jewels
rather than Lakshmana. Why then did Rama ask Lakshmana that
This is the sort of
question that readers of Ramayana or the people who listen to
discourses on the Ramayana seldom ask. So when Swami put this
question, everyone blinked – no surprise in that. After a while,
Swami said: “Everything that God does has a meaning. When God
incarnates, He always does so with a Complete Master Plan. This
question asked by Rama was a part of that Master Plan. At the time
when Sita was abducted, Rama, Lakshmana and Sita were all of the
same physical age – in their late twenties. They were all young and
they lived alone in the forest. Often Rama would go into the forest,
leaving Lakshmana behind to guard Sita. So pure was Lakshmana that
he regarded Sita not as a young woman, not as his sister-in-law but
verily as his mother. Thus, when Rama asked the question about the
jewels, Lakshmana gave the famous reply: ‘Brother, I do not know
what jewels mother wore. I have never looked her in the face; so I
do not know. But having always worshipped her feet, I can recognise
this item which is the toe ring she wore on one of the fingers in
her foot.’”
Swami continued:
“Rama knew how bad things would be in the Kali Age. Hence, two
Yugas earlier, He made Lakshmana, give a reply that would set an
ideal for the young men of today. This is the way the Lord operates.
What Lakshmana was saying was really a piece of advice for today’s
young men, and that includes you students!”
As we celebrate
Rama Navami, let us carefully recall the various incidents in the
life of Rama Avatar and try to understand, appreciate and assimilate
their deeper meaning. This, we submit, would be the best way of
celebrating the festival. If we look carefully, we would find that
Rama as the individual set a benchmark concerning the manner in
which all individuals must adhere to Sathya and Dharma.
In addition, Rama as the Ruler gave mankind its first taste of an
Ideal Society or Utopia, traditionally referred to as Rama Rajya.
Swami says that the
individual and Society are tightly interlinked; if the individual is
the microcosm, then Society is the macrocosm. If all individuals
adhere to Dharma, then Society as a whole would be Dharmic;
in turn, the individual would enjoy all the security that he is now
desperate for, but is not able to get.
Ramayana is all
about Dharma. If the individual pays “tax” by leading a
Dharmic life, then he will get the “social benefit” of Rama
Rajya. No tax, no security!
That is what we think.
Do you agree? Why don’t you write and tell us what you feel?