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Sai Darshan news 3rd April
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Sai Darshan news 3rd April
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Today Evening Swami came at 3:30 p.m. After
taking a complete darshan round Swami got down near interview room &
directly went inside IR on His mobile chair. Swami stayed in interview
room for fifteen minutes and at 3:45 came inside bhajan mandir. Swami
talked to some former students, at the present, they work for Swami i.e.
they are staff as it’s popularly called here in ashram. Swami was asking
them whether they would like to come to Kodaikanal or not, He asked this
question to almost all of them. Apparently, Swami is selecting the “team”
of devotees, staff, students etc. that is going to accompany Him on His
trip. Swami brought smiles on everyone’s face! Swami was laughing and
making fun with them. At 4:15 p.m. Swami told the boys to call for His
car, after few minutes the car was ready! Without further delay Swami
drove out somewhere and came back at appx. 4:35 p.m. After coming back
Swami called Mr. Rammoorthy an old time devotee of our beloved Sri Sathya
Sai Baba Bhagavan, Mr. Rammoorthy’s family has been serving Swami for two
generation – currently he is in charge of south Indian canteen. In the
morning Swami had called Mr. Ramamoorthy and his wife to His new residence
- Yajur Mandiram. Swami had talked to them and also conferred a gift of
sari (Indian ladies clothing) to Mrs. Ramamoorthy (which she was wearing
in the afternoon). Next, Swami came inside bhajan hall and sat there for a
short time and went back again to the interview room. At 5:20 p.m. Swami
came out, this time Swami came walking from interview room to bhajan hall
and sat on His throne inside the bhajan mandir till 5:45. After the
Bhajans conclusion Aarti was given and Swami went back to his residence.
Even though, no body knows, Swamis definitive travel program or
destination, with the exception of Swami Himself. Still, there is always
some amount of speculation and buzz. Moreover, there are few devotees who
have already left for Kodaikanal; perhaps to seek out a decent
accommodation at affordable price. The most likely date of Swami’s travel
is 8th April. However, don’t count on it, since it is only a guess!
© Source:
saibabaofindia group
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SBOI Recommended Darshan links:
Sai Darshan news 2nd April:
"...Swami entered the bhajan
mandir from the far left door. At that time only the music college
boys were sitting inside
the bhajan mandir..."
Read more 
Sai Darshan news 1st April:
Today morning Swami came at 8.55...
Read more
Sai Darshan news 31st march:
"...Many devotees sitting inside the bhajan mandir were bit saddened
since Swami didn’t come inside the bhajan mandir but devotees
sitting in Sai Kulwant hall did get an extended darshan of our
beloved Swami...."
Read more
Sai Darshan news 30th march:
"....Swami blessed all present with a divine discourse in His sweet
nectar like voice. Nearly an hour long divine discourse..."
Read more 
Also read:
Bulletin 29th-30th March
Aries, Taurus, Gemini...
What awaits
you this Ugadi -Year 2006
Sai Darshan news 29th march:
"...Festival or an ordinary Wednesday, King of Kings, Bhagavan Sri
Sathya Sai Baba’s court is always full of activities and
festivities. Today Secondary school presented a drama...".... -
...Prof. Anil Kumar made 2 announcements about tomorrow’s Ugadi
Read more
Sai Darshan news 28th march: "..Swami's new house is shinning bright since it
is decorated with colourful light bulbs. Preparations are on for the
lunch on 30th i.e. Thursday..."Read more
© Source:
saibabaofindia group
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their personal experience with Swami i.e. miraculous, spiritual and of Sai
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