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9 rare pictures of Sai Baba
Divine Blessings close up »»
Sai closeup photos
2005 »»
Inside the plane
Sai Classic - Pictorial »»
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Audio:mp3, Discourses,
verses, Bhajans, prayers download
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meat eating - Service - Sai Baba Avatar on Himself - Sai Baba's 46
Maxims - Sai Baba's ABC - Thirty-six Gems for you... »»
Food Prayers »»
1008 names of
Sai Baba
Gayatri: Explaintion »»
Q & A about Gayatri
The Three Sai Manthras »»
Prayers written By Baba »»
Prayer Resource
Who is Sai Baba - His Mission, Teachings,
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Blitz Interview
Avatar on Himself
Sai Saga
Important declaration »»
Shiva Shakthi
Sai Baba
Prophesies »»
Books By Sai Baba »»
Miracles of Sai Baba
Prema Sai
Letters from Sai Baba
The series of dialogues with Baba
Q & A about
Sri Sathya SaiBaba »»
Divine Service »»
Sai Human Values
Sarva dharma - Sai Baba Logo
Interview with Baba
Divine Food:
Sathwic food
Sai Baba-Light Meditation
Prof. Anil
Kumar's Sunday Satsang. Text /Audio downloads:
Anil Kumar's Sunday Satsang Text 1999 -2005:
Important talks Anil
Kumar |1|
Talks by Anil Kumar in
Anil Kumar Talks :
Health Management - Part: 1 2 3 »»
Travel Info:
Sai Baba’s address
India Info
Hotels-taxi-banks etc.
Flights to Puttaparthy
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Supernatural Acts Of Sai
Vibhuti Miracles
Sacred Divine Past
Sai Collection:
Spiritual Collection

Sai Door:
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Books Guide -Online Books:
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Man Of Miracles online
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Prayer Resource
Sai Saga
Easwaramma divine mother »»
All about Buddha
Story Of Hanuman
Sai Baba Prophesies
Sathya Sai Baba On
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External links :
Daily Darshan

Monthly e-Journal
Heart to Heart.
Index of past Prashanthi Bulletins...
Sai Radio:
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Shirdi Sai

Shirdi Sai Baba's life
story & miracles
Shirdi travel Info
100 Shirdi Sai sayings
Sathya Sai reveal facts about Shirdi Sai
Shirdi Sai
wallpapers »»
Shirdi Sai
E-Greeting Cards
Rare Shirdi
Books on Shirdi Sai Baba
The Saint of Shirdi: The
charisma of Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Shirdi Sai Baba Links »»
Sai news archive page -
following Sai News archive page >> .
Current Sai News
27th Sep Discourse MP3
28th Sep. Discourse Mp3
Sep Discourse Mp3 -
Oct Discourse Mp3
Sai Video clip - streaming video
of Ashadi Ekadashi play on

the Ten Commandments:
350kbs 100kbs 20kbs
August Sai News Update-
"...This morning, Bhagawan came for darshan at 7.50 am. and during
His Darshan round in the car, spoke to the Karnataka Youth co-ordinator
and the organiser..."
read more

5th August:
Latest Photos from Prasanthi Nilayam:
Images from -Vara Lakshmi
4th August Sai
News Update-
today morning the "Vara Lakshmi Vratham" started out with Lakhsmi
Puja in Puttaparthi. The traditional ritual of puja (pooja) was
performed to Goddess Lakshmi by Sai Baba devotees in huge numbers.
The pooja to Goddess lakshmi was incomparable and very auspicious
since it was preformed in the holy presence of Sathya Sai Baba.
Swami attended the puja and granted wonderful darshan & blessings to
all the devotees. read more
Latest Sai News from
Prasanthi Nilayam, Puttaparthi-
"...This evening, Bhagawan came for darshan at three o'clock, and
after spending a few minutes in the interview room, came outside and
sat onstage for an hour to the accompaniment of Vedic chants..."
Read more 

4th August- Mp3:
download the powerful Sai Maha Mantra
with text
Latest Sai
Vichaar: Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi
-Weekly newsletter- 3rd,August 2006 EXPERIENCE OF DEVOTEES: Nishit:
I am here sharing my experience with you all. My sister is a strong
devotee of Sai Baba and I also used to believe in him but was never
a very staunch follower. I wanted to go to Shirdi since long but
could never make it as I believe that he call us but can't go at our
own will. "
Read more 

2nd August: Video clip of The Sai Intl Symphony Orchestra -
The Sai International Symphony Orchestra again performs in Sai
Kulwant Hall, with a stunning array of beautiful classical works,
with appropriate and helpful introductions to each piece. The
musicians come from 22 countries. They start off with a bhajan that
was arranged by a member of the orchestra --can you recognize it? -
350kbs 100kbs 20kbs -

30th July: Filling The emptiness: Miracles -
"Actually His miracles that are really
wonderful are the ones He performs in the consciousness and lives of
His devotees. He changes you so gently and gradually that you do not
even realise that anything is happening until one morning you really
take a good look at yourself and see that you have changed..."
read more

27th July Sai News Update:
This evening, Bhagawan came for darshan just after 3 o'clock, and
alighting from the car, went into the interview room. After a few
minutes, He came out and walked up to..."
read more

July 11th to 22nd, 2006

26th July:
Ati Rudra Maha
Yajnam in the Divine Presence
July -
Letter from Puttaparthi -3

23rd July, Sainews in
brief :
Devotees present at Kulwant Hall today
enjoyed the wonderful and long darshan of Swami since there was a
program by devotees [singers] from Karnataka state, Swami was out on
the veranda between 3 p.m -5 30. p.m. giving us blissful darshan for
nearly 3 hours.
Pictures and details later.
What is life about..?
" Life is not about keeping score. It is not about how many
friends you have..."
Talks with Pedda
Reddy Garu, the caretaker of Planetarium and Sai Geeta:
Tell us about Sai Geeta's early days.
Sai Geeta was very close to Swami those days. Everyday her
duty would be to wait outside the Mandir in the morning and she
would be ready with a garland..."


22nd July update:
Today's Car Darshan Photos &
Inspire Me: "If i had my life to live over"
Also download:
wallpaper :
Sunday Special:
The incredible Power of Pure Love

21st July: Puttaparthi Update & Photos:
"..large number of devotees from Japan had assembled in Sai
Kulwant Hall as early as 2.20. Bhagawan came to Sai Kulwant Hall for
Darshan at 2.30 and went outside the Ashram in the car...."

Also download:
high resolution Sai Baba wall Paper
Sundaram -2006

from Puttaparthi
- Letter From
Puttaparthi -2
Letter from Puttaparthi -3


20th July: Sacred Past 25 :-
times with Shirdi Sai
Also download: high resolution
Shirdi Sai wall Paper & screensaver:
"Shirdi Sai
- Golden age"

20th July- Poem: "Om Sai
Ram Baba"
submitted by Sussana from Hungry

Also download: wallpaper of Sathya Sai
Baba "Sathguru"
Latest Sai
Vichaar: Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi
-Weekly newsletter- 20th July, 2006 " EXPERIENCE OF DEVOTEES:
Sumesh- Dear all Sai devotees, I would like to share a recent
experience in my life where Baba played a major role. I am working
in a company in Bangalore and have been posted to Singapore as
regional manager. But I faced lot of difficulties "
Read more 

19th July -Latest Prasanthi Bulletin :
"This morning also, the Sai Youth from
Australia were called by Swami and had the chance to sit in the
Bhajan Hall during Bhajans...." read

Swami's Profile: 18th July: "Just imagine how Swami
would write His profile" read more

Puttaparthi Update: 18th July:
International Conference Report & Images from Drama by Department of
Mathematics and Computer Science of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of
Higher Learning

Latest Photos- 17th July:
Images Cultural Programe by Balvikas - Canadian

Also see car
darshan photos from 17th July

Prasanthi update:
‘The Power of One’ – A Drama by the Students
of The Sathya Sai School, Toronto, Canada ...
Read more


16th July:
Ten things God won't ask:
1...God won't ask what kind of car you drove;
He'll ask how many people you drove who didn't.
Read more
| Also read :
Can money alone bring happiness & security?

Latest Photos & Sai news
12th July :
Sai Baba Darshan news &
Images from Cultural Program by Balvikas - Indonesia. "...Today
morning Swami came out to bless us all for
darshan at 8.20. a.m. ..."

Prashanthi bulletin - Guru Purnima special

Photos & Report: Guru
poornima 2006, News & Pictures from Prasanthi Nilayam:
"...Today morning swami came out for
darshans at 7.15 am. Kulwant hall was jam packed and devotees lined
up even outside. Television sets were put at different locations...."Read more
Also included Guru
Poornima edition high resolution wallpaper - "Sai Guru"
Latest Sai
Vichaar: Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi
-Weekly newsletter- 12th July, 2006 " EXPERIENCE OF DEVOTEES:
Radhakrishna - I like to share a wonderful and fascinating
experience of mine, which took place about two weeks back. On a
Saturday morning, I was a bit uneasy, as I thinking about my son,
and his career, how to settle him and so on. All of a sudden, my
house doorbell rang and I saw a Sadhu standing"
July 2006:
Some thoughts....
Something Bothering & Worrying You?
The Power of a
Four Agreements
May Prayers For You
|Ten things God won't ask

9th July SBOI Darshan News:
"... Swami called Maharashtra seva
coordinator who showed Swami some papers, probably about the work
being done in..." Read more 

8th July latest Sai Baba Darshan
News & Photos:
"Today morning swami came out for darshans at 8 am. Swami took
the full round and after reaching the verandah..."
Read more 

7th July Puttaparthi News & Photos:
In the morning shortly after 10 am swami drove through VIP's guest
house, hospital route to the site of indoor stadium. Swami did the
Bhoomi pooja today. Swami returned through normal route taking lot
of devotees by surprise who were unaware of the visit. Sai darshan
News - 7th, -4th - 3rd - 2nd July -
Read more 

6th July:
Images from Ashadi
Ekadashi 2006

6th July: Puttaparthi update & Photos -
Ashadi Ekadasi
celebrations at Prasanthi Nilayam
Sai Vichaar: Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi
-Weekly newsletter- 6th July, 2006 " DEVOTEES SAY: Mithun -
Let me start with thanking Baba for providing everything. I being
the worst child of Baba, He still loves me, He smiles at my
arrogance and ignorance, He always smiles at me and guides me as my
Read more 

Photo serial- Kodai Kanal With Sai 2006 : [Set
Set 02
Set 03
Set 04
Set 05
] [
Set 06
Set 07
Set 08
] [
Set 09
Set 10]
Set 11]
Set 12]
Set 13]
Set 14]
Set 15]

3rd July: Devotee's Experience:
"...I was a child of 5 years when Swami came into my family’s life.
remember the golden days..."
read more


1st July & 31st June- Sai Darshan News :
"’s darshan
was quite unusual since Swami took us all by surprise by coming
early at i.e. 7.35 a.m. The outgoing Sevadal members of Gujarat were
also taken by surprise, many rushing to their allocated special
seats in the front...." read more

latest- Sai Darshan News:
"... At around 8.40 Swami called in Pujya Sant Shri Rameshbhai Oza
the famous Gujarati Pravachan guru who delivers Bhagwat & other
read more
Sant Shri Rameshbhai Oza's visit - update

The wonderful Sai I've seen:
"...Mrs. Geeta Ram comes from a family which has been associated
with Swami for the last four generations. Her great
grandfather, Mr. Seshagiri Rao, came to Swami in 1943 and was the
temple priest of Prashanthi Nilayam for many years...."
read more
Sai news page -
following Sai News archive page >> .
Current Sai News

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Sai Radio:
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personal work and not affiliated to the official Sai Baba Organisation.
Our content is up to date and
always proper since Online source of our web content is primarily official Sai
Baba org. sites: -
"language is an impediment in dealing
with Me. All languages have a place in
the concourse of men ...but I speak and
listen to the language of the soul." -
Sai Baba (Sathya Sai Speaks Vol. II),
videos, avatarSai Baba
Miracles, Devotees' Experiences, Healings, Miracles around the World,
Photo Galleries, Avatar, Life History, Prophecies, Sai Trinity (Shirdi
Sai, Sathya Sai, Prema Sai Incarnations), Sai Baba's Voice,Sathyam
Sivam Sundaram
(The Life of Bgahavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba), Sai Baba Gita, Books by
Prayers, Mantras, Slokas,
Sai news Share your messages with Sai Devotees worldwide.